Accumulate Wealth in Life

Chapter 877: Strange Mom and Dad (73)

Strange Mom and Dad (73)

With Lin Bo's voice, it was because everyone in the room was outsiders, and it was a bit embarrassing to be called Lin Yutong. Listening to him babbling and crying for more than half an hour, Lin Yutong didn't know where to start with his comforting words, so he managed to interject while he was choking: "Then... Dad... Where's my mom?"

"Ah?" The other side was stunned for a while, as if he just remembered, "Oh! Your mother is here." Before Lin Yutong could speak, he heard Lin Bo's voice coming right after him. " Wife...Tongtong mother..."

Zhu Zhu pushed Limbo away and answered the phone, "You can think of me."

Lin Yutong heard it clearly here, guessing that the phone was in Zhu Zhu's hands, and hurriedly shouted: "Mom..."

"Damn girl!" Zhu Zhu was furious on the phone, "Hurry up and come back to me, the whole family will follow you. The plane has already taken off, just wait."

Before Lin Yutong could speak, the phone was hung up without a single extra sentence.

"Why don't you ask if the child is hurt?" Lin Bo complained to Zhu Zhu, "The child is frightened, and you are still sullen. Are you such a mother?"

So what did you say for a long time? Just know that you are scared of yourself!

Lin Yutong hung up the phone and felt relieved. If one could cry and the other could scold, it proved that there was nothing serious about the two of them.

She is calling here, and the fourth master over there may be trying to relieve the embarrassment of being a son-in-law listening to the crying of the old father-in-law, and has already spoken to Han Xin who has nothing to say, "... No matter who asks, it is the same sentence. If we are saved, we don't know the conflict between those people!"

Han Xin didn't know the truth, so he nodded and replied, "It's thanks to the sixth master." He also contacted his boss after he came out to know the relationship between the sixth master and Lin Bo, although he was not an outsider, "But it should be good. Thank you people."

Fourth Master nodded, no one needs to explain this. Just as he was about to speak, the phone in Han Xin's hand rang, "Hurry up and pick it up." The fourth master urged, I was afraid that there was news from Lao Liu.

Han Xin didn't go out either, and answered the phone directly in the room.

Lin Yutong didn't speak, listening to Han Xin on the phone, 'Mmmm ahhh' for a long time, until she drank two glasses of water, the call over there was not over, she put down the glass, raised her head and asked, "How is it? Uncle come over?" The family urged him to go back, and it was inappropriate not to say hello to Lao Liu before leaving.

Han Xin's expression was not relaxed, "The woman named Hong sister ran away!"

Ran! ?

The sixth child knows the ability of this woman, and the people who are sent out to hunt and kill are all good at it. How could you tell her to run away?

"She pretended to be caught, but she still had a small explosive bag wrapped around her arm. Everyone who followed..." Han Xin frowned, "I can't stay here for a long time, wait for the sixth master to come, hurry up." Han Xin said , then raised his hand to look at the time again, looking a little anxious.

Just as he was talking, footsteps sounded outside the door, and someone vaguely heard someone calling Liu Ye. It's the sixth.

"Aren't you scared?" Lao Liuyi came in and looked at Lin Yutong first. Seeing that there was no injury, he asked again. Without waiting for Lin Yutong to answer, he turned his head and ordered outside, "Call Doctor Bai to come over and check first." After speaking, he sat on the sofa opposite Lin Yutong and the fourth master, "I won't let you guys eat anymore, your parents are probably in a hurry. When this is done, I'll contact your dad..."

Lin Yutong nodded in agreement, and the fourth master talked to the old sixth, "Uncle Liu didn't even think about going back to China?"

It's not that I don't want to go back, it's that I don't want to go back.

Lao Liu suddenly fell silent, followed by a wry smile, as if he didn't want to talk more.

Lin Yutong was thinking about how to change the subject when a middle-aged man in a white coat walked in with a medicine box in his hand.

"This is Doctor Bai." Liu Liu introduced, "Follow me all the time, and my medical skills are good."

Dr. Bai was wearing a stethoscope, but he stretched out his hand to take a pulse. It turned out that he was also a Chinese medicine practitioner.

"You're frightened." The sixth said in a low voice, "Let's calm the mind..."

"Shut up." Doctor Bai snorted angrily, obviously not afraid of the sixth child, "Is the medicine also taken indiscriminately?" After speaking, his fingers on his wrist tightened, and he glanced at Lin Yutong with interest, "She Does it sound like you're scared?" His hand was pulled from Lin Yutong's wrist, "Apart from being a little excited, nothing else. Very healthy!"

Born under the red flag, grew up in New China, and grew up in a prosperous living environment. At most, he has seen a lot of petty theft and vixen scolding the streets. How can he not be afraid when he sees such a battle?

This is not normal!

"This should be the daughter of your living bandit." Doctor Bai pouted at Lao Liu and muttered. He quickly took the pulse of the fourth master, then withdrew his hand, snorted and left without saying a word, his footsteps were a little hurried.

"Let's go now!" Lao Liu shouted at the other side's back. If he didn't say anything, it proves that there is no serious problem, and this can be explained to the old man. If I really want to hurt Bozi's daughter-in-law, where should I put my face, and I'll come out for nothing?

Doctor Bai doesn't care what the old sixth is doing. He's been tired of spending the past two days in the ghost place. He just stepped down and turned his face and asked angrily, "Don't go? You're going to save the dying guy over there?"

The old man waved his hands again and again, this guy is taking choking medicine! Virtue!

"Who is dying?" Lin Yutong asked Lao Liudao in a low voice after waiting for Doctor Bai to leave angrily.

"Big head!" Lao Liu took a sip of his tea and answered very simply.

Lin Yutong frowned, didn't he plan to leave any alive? Why kill and save instead? She looked at the fourth master, a little puzzled.

"Get out!" The fourth master said affirmatively, and Lin Yutong looked at the sixth.

Lao Liu nodded, "In addition, the old saying is good, how can there be a thousand days to prevent thieves? I can't afford to spend it with her! Let her nemesis be a way of life, and she won't want to live in peace."

Lin Yutong understood his plan a little. Originally planned to cut the grass without leaving the roots, but I didn't expect to tell Sister Hong to run away. Then the damned big head might as well save it and tell them to continue to bite. The key is this, the sixth can get out of it. Originally, he killed the two parties, but as long as the big head is alive, this is the two parties fighting against each other, and it has nothing to do with Lao Liu. Don't be targeted by various forces. In the future, even if Datou wakes up, he can blame the sneak attack on Sister Hong, and the sixth child will appear again as a savior. Even if Datou has doubts, he needs no one under him, no guns, no land. The site, everything is under the control of Lao Liu, can he turn the sky over? Coupled with the witnesses, I am afraid not to stay. Including that one eye!

She knew it, but she didn't ask a word. The performance this time is out of the ordinary. Fortunately, Han Xin and Lao Liu are the only two people I have met, and they are not very talkative.

"Where are the hostages?" Lin Yutong changed the subject and asked the others, "Are there casualties?"

"It doesn't matter if there are two minor injuries." Lao Liuhan didn't care, "I have handed them over to the police who notified in advance, and the embassy will come forward..."

Go the official way!

Just as he was talking, there was a great roar from far and near, and it was the plane coming.

In a blink of an eye, Lin Yuan's special plane was already circling overhead.

The topic will stop here, and it will be long in Japan. Lao Liu personally sent the two of them on the plane, and the plane didn't stop for a while, and immediately returned the same way.

More than an hour later, the plane landed at the airport of Caiyun City, Southwest Province. There was a special plane waiting on the apron. After driving for half an hour, we entered a manor. This should be a hotel-style manor with a villa in the water. Great view and privacy. The car went around for five or six minutes, and finally stopped in front of the small white building on the second floor hidden in the jungle. As soon as they got out of the car, the door of the villa opened, and Limbo and Zhu Zhu strode out from the inside.

"Damn girl!" Zhu Zhu raised her hand, but before she could hit Lin Yutong, she was stopped by Lin Bo, "Come in!" Lin Bo separated the mother and daughter, pulling the daughter with one hand and the other with the other. The performance was not bad this time. The prospective son-in-law, went directly inside. There were five or six people in the hall wearing white coats alone. Lin Yutongzhi glanced at him and said hello to Lin Yuan who was sitting on the sofa, "Uncle..."

"Check your body first." Lin Yuan said with a solemn face, and what he said was beyond doubt.

Lin Bo grabbed Lin Yutong's hand and shoved it straight into the doctor's hand, "Look at me quickly... My daughter's pretty face, don't leave any scars."

The sixth asked someone to check, Limbaugh should know this. After looking for so many doctors, it was because of the blood on the face that was bruised by the branches! Besides, this girl has the same face as her father, who are you praising?

Everyone who heard it in the living room could not help but slander. Lin Yutong was a little embarrassed. He was checked again and again. It was finally over. After he came out, Zhu Zhu had already set up the meal. stuffed into the room. After washing, this is considered to be alive. When they came out, the fourth master and Lin Yuan and Lin Bo were already talking in the living room, "...There are no thieves, so there is no way to attract outside ghosts. The sixth uncle will handle the external matters, but for the other people who will be locked up first, we should The investigation is still to be investigated." For example, Dong Dong, Dong Cheng's prodigal son, this arrangement of actors is too coincidental. I really let it go, and I will be bullied by my own family in the future.

Lin Yutong didn't go there, and he had to be talked about by Lin Yuan in the past. Seeing that Zhu Zhu was calling Su Yuan and the old man of the Lin family, she quietly returned to the room. The phone on the dresser kept ringing. All of them were called by relatives and friends to say hello, and some reporters from the media had heard the news and planned to interview one or two. Lin Yutong didn't answer a single one, changed a phone and sent a text message to the person in need to report that they were safe, and the rest didn't answer at all.

The external statement was still shocking, and she couldn't show her face until the hostages came back. Otherwise how to explain?

Lying in bed, I planned to check the wind direction on the Internet, but I fell asleep as soon as I hit the pillow. Who would have thought that this sleep is one day and one night, and then it is the third morning when I wake up.

After a hot breakfast, he was immediately revived with blood, "Have the hostages returned to China?"

"How can it be so fast?" Zhu Zhu cut a plate of local mangoes over, "Try it."

Lin Yutong put a fork in his mouth, remembering that he had not seen Lin Bo and the fourth master, and hurriedly asked, "Where's my dad?"

"Go out with Xiaofeng to do some errands." Zhu Zhu said, and looked at her daughter's face with the light, "Put some medicine on your face. If the branch is injured, don't look at the small wound, it is also necessary if you are not careful. Scar. Didn't the doctor leave the medicine yesterday?"

Lin Yutong responded vaguely, and then remembered that 'Xiaofeng' was referring to the fourth master, "Why are you going?" She pressed on, thinking that the two of them were busy with the company and returned to the capital.

"Go...explain the situation!" Zhu Zhu pouted, "The military is alarmed, can they not investigate?"

This is true!

"Then when will I go?" She got up and wiped her hands, ready to change clothes and go out.

"Don't go!" Zhu Zhu pressed Lin Yutong back on the chair, "You're frightened, why don't you go anywhere?"

Is this bad?

Zhu Zhu snorted coldly, "This person is really impossible to say. Cross the river and demolish the bridge!" After speaking, she glared at Lin Yutong, "You too! Who are you saving?"

"What's wrong? Who said anything?" Lin Yutong was not surprised. So many people wrote IOUs at that time, and it was safe now. Who would accept the account?

"You go online and have a look!"

The author has something to say: This chapter is only about 3,500, a little more than one chapter. I originally planned to do more, but the old man vomited a little blood today, and if there are new changes in his condition, I will be busy and delay time. So much first. Get a little more tomorrow. This part won't be very long, and I will make time every day to prepare the next part of the story, that's it. See you tomorrow!

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