Accumulate Wealth in Life

Chapter 873: Strange Mom and Dad (69)

Strange Mom and Dad (69)

Of course Datou was muttering in his heart, and the pain in his arm made him more and more awake. Is this really just a coincidence? He didn't care about the pain for a while, but felt a little happy in his heart.

That's right! Just happy. He was thankful that the other party hadn't shot him in the chest.

If it wasn't a coincidence, looking at the strength of the wound, the opponent was a sharpshooter. The brothers over there are all his subordinates, but I have never found anyone with such good marksmanship. Then who can move the hand.

At this moment, an almost seductive face flashed in his mind.

If this woman is really a demon, what can I do now? Now I can only sing this play as if I don't know what to do. Otherwise, the other party can really take his own life.

He asked the question aloud as he said before, and then quietly waited for the other party's reply.

Sister Hong tightened the gun and narrowed her eyes. The scar on the side urged: "You should hurry up, didn't you see that eldest brother was injured?"

Of course I saw it.

Sister Hong snorted coldly in her heart, but she had a worried and anxious look on her face, "This is negotiated. It's just a skin injury, don't be nervous."

"Can I not be nervous?" Scar looked at his hands in annoyance, and managed to grab the opportunity to shoot from someone else's hands, but he didn't expect his hands to be accidentally scalded. Otherwise it wouldn't have been shot by this woman. If this is a little bit biased, the boss can be taken in.

"It won't go wrong." Sister Hong glanced at Scar, "I can't trust anyone except you. You can't shoot, so I'm even more worried about being someone else. Except we have no selfishness towards the boss, who else is there? No little Jiujiu? After all, everything else can be fake, but this shot is all real."

Scar accidentally glanced at Sister Hong, and then looked at the big head in the distance, it didn't look like she was hit in the key. He speaks loudly and loudly, and he doesn't need anyone to help him when he stands there. Thinking about it, this woman really didn't dare to move her thoughts, after all, so many people were watching. If you really want to shoot the boss, these brothers below can devour her alive. Although not everyone really wants revenge for the big head, who can have an idea about the seat above. I thought about this, but in the end, I was more careful, endured the pain and took the magazine from the gun on my body, looked at the magazine again, and nodded after confirming that it was empty, "This way I can feel at ease. The rest is up to you."

The corners of Sister Hong's mouth twitched, "I call the shots? Is it appropriate?"

"Appropriate." No matter how you hit the empty bag, it's fine. It's just a pain, for these men, it's not much more uncomfortable than a mosquito bite.

Sister Hong looked left and right, and then threw a flare, the red light illuminated the dark night sky.

Lin Yutong looked up, but before he could look back, the gunshots suddenly sounded. She hid in the bunker in an instant, not daring to show her face at all. The screams of the hostages were mixed with the dull screams of pain, coupled with the **** smell from the tip of the nose from time to time, she realized that something didn't seem right.

Just as she was fascinated, she suddenly felt a sound behind her. She turned her head to move, but immediately heard the voice of the sixth child, "It's me!"

He came out of the woods with a dwarf, and he was relieved to see that Lin Yutong was not in any serious trouble, "I'm afraid we won't be able to leave now. These guys are fighting infighting."

really! Similar to what he had just guessed, the big head was calculated by his own people.

She nodded to Lao Liu, and then quickly looked around, Lao Liu seemed to understand what Lin Yutong was looking at, and whispered: "The dark whistle has been killed, and those who were shot inside are the blank bullets. ." The guards and secret posts hidden in the dark arranged by the big head were all killed. Real guns and live ammunition!

Just say it. Those people who are close to the big head still have time to cry out in pain, they should be fine, and they know that they are fine. But the **** smell that his nose smelled couldn't be faked. It must have moved for real. I just don't know if the big head has found it now.

"What should we do?" She thought quickly, but she still asked the sixth child first.

Lao Liu sat beside Lin Yutong, leaning against the big tree behind him, "Watch the changes."

Lin Yutong was also a little unsure of his thoughts at this time, let alone how he planned. It's true that apart from the means that can't be revealed to others that can't be known, there's nothing else to do except wait and see how things change.

She also sat down next to Lao Liu, leaned against the tree, and said in a low voice, "These people are not as polite as the big ones, and they probably won't ask me to stay with you. Uncle Liu, leave me alone for a while. You The more it has nothing to do with me, the safer I am."

Of course the old man understands this.

He looked around, "They can't stay in this place anymore. They will definitely take you and the hostages to a nearby town. Inside and outside of Langdong Town, I have arranged for a lot of people to come here last year. For the trip. It can be used for a while now. As long as you enter the town, you don't have to worry about it. In the previous period, they won't do anything to you as a cash cow. You don't want to stand out for others. , remember! These people are the most unruly."

Lin Yutong responded one by one, and before he could elaborate, the gunshots stopped.

The big head's voice rang again, "You... who are you?"

A woman's voice came from the jungle, "We? Of course, the people who save people." She came out of the shadows, wearing a tight-fitting dress that couldn't see the color clearly, and a hat on her head with a low brim.

As the person got closer and closer, Lin Yutong squinted to see that the woman was wearing a mask on her face, making it impossible to see her appearance at all.

But the men in black who appeared from all directions with her did not hide it, and walked out in a big way.

"Help!" Jenny's sharp and high-pitched voice suddenly sounded, especially in such an atmosphere.

The woman glanced in Jenny's direction, lightly supported the headset hanging on her ear, and looked at Lin Yutong's invisible position.

Lin Yutong glanced at the surveillance cameras around him, thinking that his every move was within his line of sight. Fortunately, I didn't do anything extra just now.

Sister Hong nodded obscurely at the big head, as if she didn't notice the obscure eyes of the big head at all, and only shouted to Lin Yutong: "Sixth Master, Miss Lin, the two of you have a good fate, we can all meet."

Lin Yutong and Lao Liu looked at each other and quickly separated from each other.

Lao Liu stood up first, then walked out with a smile, clapping his hands intermittently, as if applauding the two of them.

"What do you mean, Master Liu?" Sister Hong put her hand on the gun case on her waist, and didn't even mean to take it down. It was only at this time that Lin Yutong discovered that this woman was wearing gloves. Has been cautious enough not to reveal any information recognizable on the body. It's just that this voice, even if I don't know it, has been faked. If you really can't even see people's faces clearly, it's a bit embarrassing.

Lao Liu looked like he wasn't interested in this woman, so he didn't care at all. Just looking at the big head, there is a hint of condemnation and regret in his eyes, "I didn't come for nothing this time, I saw a good show today."

The big head is really hard to say, this is tricky in front of such a big guy, it should be like playing a house with a child. But it is such a child who plays the house, and is also played off by himself. He can't turn his face with Sister Hong now, because he doesn't know if this woman has secretly arranged someone, and if there are several snipers targeting him, waiting to kill him when he breaks through this layer of window paper. Isn't there a saying called "Leave the green hills without worrying about no firewood"? The only thing I can think about now is to save my life. And Liu Ye is actually the best helper right now, "Liu Ye..." He called out, the corners of his mouth moved, his eyes were a little anxious, but he didn't know how to go on.

Lao Liu waved his hand and only looked at the scar that was tied to one side. Just looking at Scar's face is neither nervous nor anxious, and seeing himself with a bit of joy, it is not difficult to know that this guy's appearance in such a posture is a drama in itself. It's just that it's really worrying to use people for the big head. With the heart of Scar, can you beat this nine-tailed fox? Looking at the expression on Scar's face that he didn't even hide, it was obvious that he was being played around.

"Liu Ye!" Scar shouted at Lao Liu.

Lao Liu walked over and looked at the rope on his body, but his focus was on his hand, "What's wrong with the hand?"

"Forget it. It's scalded." Scar said loudly.

Big head narrowed his eyes and looked at Sister Hong. How can the good end of the scar burn the hand. Then the shot that was fired at him just now was definitely not Scar's handwriting. The only bit of luck in his heart disappeared with Scar's answer.

Lao Liu, as if he really didn't understand, said in surprise, "They tortured you? What did they use to burn you?"

This is to say that Scar asked as a prisoner of 'another band of bandits'.

Scar was embarrassed for a moment, and looked at Datou, who was already lazy to take care of this simple-minded person with developed limbs. He looked at Sister Hong again, with such an obvious look, it was almost obvious that we were acting, how could Sister Hong pay attention to him? So she skipped the topic and said directly: "The name of the sixth master is like thunder." She pointed to the big head, "Today is just a grievance between us, I just can't see him well, it has nothing to do with you, sixth master. .I think you will follow the rules."

The grievances of the two parties, as bystanders, have no position to participate.

This is the rule.

Lao Liu nodded, "I wanted to invite Miss Lin to be my guest just now..." This explained why he appeared by Lin Yutong's side for the first time, and the two had some contact and conversation. "It's just that Miss Lin doesn't seem to have any plans to leave with me..."

"The difference between the wolf's den and the tiger's den..." Lin Yutong walked over and said directly, "As for whether to go to the wolf's den or the tiger's den, the decision should be mine..." As she said that, her hand turned slightly on her finger. The inconspicuous silver ring, the ring is shaking slightly at this time, which shows that the fourth master is getting closer and closer...

The author has something to say: I have been traveling to hospitals in major cities for the past few days, registering to find a doctor, even though I know that this is just useless work, but I still have illusions in my heart, thinking that even if I give me an extra month, three months, and half a year ... The code word is still on the train, and I will try to update it tomorrow. The specific point is hard to say now. Sometimes it's not very convenient to be outside. Sorry!

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