Accumulate Wealth in Life

Chapter 860: Strange Mom and Dad (56) 3 in 1

Strange Mom and Dad (56)

"The hotel has been booked. Lewen" entered the city, Gao Han turned his face and said to Lin Yutong: "But it can't be compared with the hotel in Beijing, and the conditions are even more incomparable with the home. It can only be done. "

This is also certain.

Lin Yutong responded, but kept looking at the streets on both sides. The modern city has long since lost its shadow, and even a trace of it has disappeared. This is a good thing, but Lin Yutong felt a little disappointed.

When he arrived at the hotel, Lin Yutong gave Han Xin and Gao Han a holiday temporarily. "You guys also go around. We won't go far, just take a look around the city."

Gao Han still wanted to speak, but Han Xin grabbed it and nodded to Lin Yutong, "Call us in time if you need something."

After watching the two leave, Lin Yutong and the fourth master went to the room. Gao Han said that the hotel is not good, that is only relative. Now this condition is the general small county, the environment of the hotel is also quite good.

Take a shower, order food, and take a nap after eating.

In Qin Bei's summer, people can't stand the heat at noon. After four o'clock, the heat subsides immediately. The two lingered in the hotel until 4:30, and then they went out in refreshing sportswear, like two students traveling.

I didn't drive or take a taxi, so I searched according to memory, but there was no trace of the past.

"Go back." The fourth master took her to stop the taxi, "It's a good thing that there are no old traces."

Lin Yutong smiled, "That's right! If there are memorial halls everywhere, this city should not be built at all."

But in the end, I didn't do rentals anymore, but along the road, I saw something special to eat, so I went to buy some and try it. It was already 8 o'clock in the evening when I arrived at the hotel.

I thought it would last for a few days, but now I don't. I drove an off-road vehicle the next day, planning to find a location where I could shoot. This place is really not that easy to find. Now every village is connected to a highway, and the doorsteps are all cement roads. Although I still live in a cave, but now the decoration in this cave is very modern, and even many caves do not even have a kang, they are all beds. People in good condition are decorated like a small villa.

After going out for several days in a row, I found a suitable place in Yangguai Village, which is close to Yanhe.

"Please manually open the cave, I will give you a detailed drawing and description of the design inside the cave." Lin Yutong said to the crew props master sent by Song Yuejin, "Not only should pay attention to details in these places, but also the road surface. No matter how you do it, you have to find a big road and a small road suitable for shooting." Don't be like some TV dramas, Yan An in the 1930s and 1940s used a brand-new military truck, and the truck was still driving on the wide asphalt road. superior. The Eighth Road | Army in the car was wearing a brand-new gray military uniform, and the white cloth socks that were exposed on the feet of black cloth shoes were snow-white. Not to mention the circumstances at the time, I couldn't afford to wear these things. Even if I could wear it, the color could not be correct. At least the white cloth was also a home-made cloth. In the Loess Plateau of Qinbei, such socks are so dirty that you can't watch them within two hours. From the beginning to the end of the TV series, whether it is the protagonist or the supporting role, the socks are always as white as new. If this is a thorn, the houses on both sides of the road that fall backwards with the truck in the shot are even more difficult to describe. A water heater is installed on the roof, and there are advertisements written in white ash on the walls, such as fertilizer advertisements, pesticide advertisements, and motorcycle advertisements. Whether the audience is a fool or an idiot, can they use snacks?

The corner of his mouth twitched in charge of the props, "If you follow your request, the cost will increase, and I guess it won't look too good. The picture is not beautiful!"

Am I for beauty? I have to shoot this for beauty.

Lin Yutong only said: "Do as I say. It's me who pays the money, and it's also my money that loses money. What are you afraid of?"

How can this guy even talk.

Boo! You have money, you are self-willed, you are an uncle, and you can do whatever you want. Just don't throw the last black cauldron on me.

I made my intentions clear, and stated again and again that if I failed to pass the filming in the future, I would have to rework. After the other party reassured him again and again, Lin Yutong let go.

These days they live in folk inns, which are all self-built farmhouses, which are quite comfortable. In the morning and evening, the two went for a walk by the Yanhe River together. The Yanhe of today is not the Yanhe of the past. In the past, everyone used to swim and wash clothes, and the water from the Yanhe River was used for irrigation. The water was so clear at that time! Not anymore, no more turbidity, and the water level has dropped. Especially after the dam is built, it is not so convenient to have close contact with the river water.

Less than ten days later, the two returned to Beijing. When Yan An was in the house, the fourth master was always silent. A few days after returning to Beijing, Lin Yutong found out that he was preparing a tree planting project in the name of Jiang He.

When he saw Lin Yutong flipping through the plan, he said, "Everything has changed, that is, the mountains and beams have never changed..." They were all bare.

This is probably the only place where he is touched.

But afforestation is not so simple, it seems like a good thing, but there are many things involved. It is easy to communicate with the local government, but occupying land and planting trees may affect the interests of others. This is the same as demolition. If it is said to be demolished, there will be a lot of houses in that area the next day, in order to pay compensation. So she suggested, "Should we go further north...and plant trees in the desert..."

The fourth master laughed and revealed the second plan, "It was already in the plan. Step by step!"

This alone is enough to live a lifetime.

Lin Yutong's heart was sour and soft, "I also work hard to earn money..." If you can use this wealth to create an oasis in the desert, this life will be considered a waste of work.

The two of them have a goal. What is the money for? It is to spend. How to spend is valuable, this is what the two are concerned about.

The research center at Siye Farm has been established, and the first thing to study is the plants suitable for living in the desert.

Lin Yutong went to the military training base for a few days, and told Director Song about what he had seen in Yan'an.

Liu Shan had made two phone calls, but Lin Yutong did not express any opinion on "Nongle". She could hear it, and the other side was a little anxious. With the revision of Caifeng's "Weekend Farmhouse", the click rate increased instantly. I heard that I was discussing cooperation with the TV station, and it should be able to sell for a good price.

After resting at home for two days, I cooked butanol at home for two days of morning sickness. When Limbaugh came back in the evening, he informed her: "I will see an American partner tomorrow, and you should follow."

"What to talk about?" Lin Yutong put down the tablet in his hand, "What project do you want to collaborate on?"

"A wild survival show." Limbaugh slumped on the chair. "They are a live online platform in the United States. They want to organize a competition including artists and stars who like wild survival from all over the world, and broadcast the whole process. Facing the world."

Lin Yutong was a little stunned, "Facing the world?"

"Well!" Lin Bo frowned, "I hope to cooperate with them, keep up with the live broadcast, and also hope to get the exclusive copyright in our country."

"Real survival in the wild?" Lin Yutong asked with a frown.

"Real!" Limbo sighed, "In this respect, foreign countries are ahead of us. But it seems like this large-scale, all-star lineup, but it has never been. It's a live broadcast again, I think It's still profitable. Maybe take the opportunity to shape a few international superstars... Let's try to talk for a round first."

The negotiation is relatively smooth, and it can be seen that the other party is still very sincere. As they say, "Your country has so many people and so many netizens. The popularity it can drive is immeasurable."

But it's not enough to negotiate, and then we have to see how to operate. It has gathered stars from all over the world. It is not very clear what is going on abroad, but in China, how many people can be selected for physical strength alone?

"Athletes, retired athletes, this is the first choice." Limbo quickly gave a range, "Of course, some martial arts stars and even martial arts are also fine."

But even if there are personnel, the security issue is a big problem. Really want to have three long and two short, these are all things. Therefore, if Heiner came forward to organize, the premise is that there must be a reliable logistics support group.

In the evening, Lin Yutong was still holding the computer to check this information. Fourth Master brought the juice to her, glanced at the computer casually, and suddenly asked, "Are you going to shoot this?"

What am I going to do?

Just as she was about to answer this, she understood a little, and looked up at him directly, "What do you mean? Do you want to go with the filming team to see?"

"...Going around, it's just one-third of this acre. If you go to the United States, the United Kingdom, or Russia, they're all big cities. What's the big difference between being in China?" The fourth master stretched out his hand to massage her shoulders. I want to go and see for myself, but the back-and-forth arrangement takes time. It just so happens that they have a team, and everything is arranged in advance. We are not going to the competition, but just follow the film crew to go around. Logistics support and medical security can keep up, There is no danger..." He said seriously, looking at Lin Yutong with a pitiful look in his eyes.

Too! Lin Yutong was regarded as soft-hearted by him. She never liked taking risks, and she did not dare to ask him to take risks. But as he said, he has lived for several lifetimes, and wants to take the opportunity to go outside to see what happened. That is to say, there are conditions now. In the unconditional world, wouldn't it be circled in place and unable to move?

"But what about the company?" Lin Yutong looked at him, "There is about a month of rest between each shooting. Survival in the wild for three or four days each time, but the time required to go back and forth adds up to a week. That's fine!"

Seeing that she didn't say anything about safety, Fourth Master immediately felt relieved, "Who told the boss to sit in the office all day? Even in a remote place, there is always a satellite signal. Video conference. It's like a conference call." He squatted down and looked at Lin Yutong, "Let's go outside together?"

Like a kid who wants novelty toys.

Lin Yutong admired him. He really admired the five-body cast. No matter how old he was, his enthusiasm never diminished.

So Lin Yutong had to pester Lin Bo to get his consent.

"Don't look at the arrangement, but some places are really not what you think. Sleeping on a desert island and wilderness, would you like to?" Limbo patted his daughter away, "Don't make trouble! If you really want to go, your mother can't beat me back. ?"

"For such a big cooperation, if I don't watch it, you have to watch it." Lin Yutong didn't give in an inch, "I don't worry about my mother and me when you go out. Either I go, or give up this cooperation?"

"Then give up the cooperation." Limbo said directly without even stammering, "You don't even know what danger is... Even in the city, you were bitten by a stray dog ​​and died. What's more It's a field where few people go. Don't go! Just stay at home."

Lin Yutong is really out of treatment, so I can't make any sense here.

Going back to Zhu Zhu directly, "...I just want to take advantage of my youth, and I just have such an opportunity...I just go and see...I don't go to dangerous places, and I don't do dangerous things..."

"Apart from me and your father, there is no safe place." Zhu Zhu rolled her eyes at her, "Daughter, you will know when you become a mother, as long as the child is not in front of you, there is nothing to worry about when you are a parent. I'd be apprehensive even if you go out and drive by yourself, not to mention that you're so far away... If something really happens, we won't be able to reach out and hook it..."

The heart of the person who said this is sour!

Lin Yutong lowered his eyelids in disappointment, this is probably not possible. She couldn't be stubborn, and it was because she was a mother that she understood Zhu Zhu's heart better. She really can't be fooling around.

I turned around and said to the fourth master, "It's really impossible to postpone it for two years. After two years, let's go quietly. Even if it's troublesome."

That's all there is to it.

After hanging up Lin Yutong's phone, the fourth master called the secretary to come in, "How about the things I asked you to inquire about before?"

The secretary froze for a moment, "Are you talking about the flight instructor?"

Fourth Master nodded, "Didn't find a suitable one?"

"Yes!" The secretary shook his head, "Retired pilots are easy to find, but flight instructors generally have full-time positions, so I haven't found a suitable one for a while."

"Then you should contact the retired pilot first." Fourth Master explained, and then urged, "Be careful of confidentiality..."

"Don't tell Xiao Lin to know." The secretary replied with a smile, and went out neatly. His own boss probably didn't realize that he already had a bit of a fearful temperament in him. He didn't dare to touch anything that people were unhappy about. If you want to do something outrageous, it must be kept secret. It was like going to sea with the Jin family before, learning to skydive, and now learning to fly a plane.

Lin Yutong really didn't know that the fourth master had done so many things in private. She was busy with Lin Bo recently and was going to shoot overseas.

Seeing that Lin Yutong didn't mention it again, Lin Bo couldn't help but ask Zhu Zhu, "Didn't I beg you?"

"I beg." Zhu Zhu said while patting the mask: "She has always been obedient. Except for the matter of love, she has never been stubborn with you. Don't worry! If you don't say anything, you just listen to me."

When she said this, Limbo felt uncomfortable, "...I also said that as long as I can do it as a dad, I will definitely fulfill all her wishes. I turned my face and blocked her back again. Do you want to go abroad to see? Don't you just like to stroll in places where no one is there because you don't want to go to those tourist cities and landscapes with many people? What's the big deal? Or... I'll go with her?" Anyway, the security personnel hired were all It is a retired special forces member, and there is basically no problem in terms of safety. If you don't worry about it, please invite more people. Anyway, I have money, as long as my daughter is happy.

Zhu Zhu's hand paused and turned to look at him, "Are you serious?"

Lin Bo nodded more firmly, "Seriously! I'll go with my daughter!"

Zhu Zhu tore down the mask on his face, "Just like you, can I rest assured?" One worry turned into two, but what he said was light, and he was afraid of a snake and cried. As soon as he was released into the jungle, he couldn't faint from the shock, "I'll go with you. I haven't taken my children out to play anyway. Let's go together."

"What are you going to do?" Lin Bo was a little disgusted, "I can't take care of my daughter, and I'll add you..."

It's really shameless to say, "If it was me and my daughter, we would be relieved." You didn't know where I was when I was doing business in Africa. Africa is underdeveloped now, and the road conditions are worrying. What’s more, it was more than ten years ago, when it was not all day long to drill through the woods, no roads and no rivers to cross. "Okay! Don't talk nonsense! It's just taking the child to the park in the nature reserve... It also saves you from rushing around. It seems that you have never gotten along well with your child."

At the end of August, the preparations were ready, and there were five people participating in the competition. These five are not big stars, four men and one woman. Two of the four men are retired athletes, and one is a martial arts star named Meng Jun. It seems that he has won the Sanda champion, but a few years ago, he was frozen by the brokerage company because of the beating. Later, the contract expired. Did not continue to sign. After this news was released, Zhao Yan personally approached Lin Yutong, told about it, and more frankly said that this was her boyfriend, hoping to give him such a chance. There is also a Wudi, who is not tall and looks ordinary, called Chen Xing. The last one was a girl named Wu Yue, who sang opera. She sang Wu Sheng. She said that she started practicing at the age of three, and she had a good foundation.

Five people pulled out, that is, two athletes have some popularity. Although the two are not Olympic champions, they have won championships and other events anyway, and their strength is still there. Before retiring, he also took a few endorsement advertisements, and he was barely considered an artist.

When this team is set up, it can be considered that there is no star at all.

Several people can train together for a few days before departure, which can be regarded as cultivating mutual understanding.

Only at this time did Lin Yutong know what Lin Bo and Zhu Zhu planned. "All go?" She pointed to the pile of outdoor supplies in the living room and asked in surprise.

Lin Bo smiled proudly, "Dad has to find a way to do what my daughter wants to do for you. Since we want to go, we can go. We are worried, so we can only go with you."

Lin Yutong's nose was sour. She hugged Lin Bo and couldn't say a word when her throat was blocked. Facing Lin Bo like this, he really couldn't say what he wanted to bring Fourth Master with him.

Zhu Zhu glanced at her daughter, then took out her mobile phone and dialed a number: "...Jiang's's not a big deal. It's me and Tongtong's dad who plan to accompany Tongtong to go abroad. , if you are not busy in the company, come have time, right? That's great! Good! Discuss with Tongtong what you want to bring, and coordinate the time as soon as possible..."

After hanging up the phone here, Lin Yutong blinked at Zhu Zhu, and Zhu Zhu glared quietly, no one could hide that little thought.

Lin Bo was not happy, "Didn't you say we go to play with the children? What's the matter with bringing an outsider?"

"Why are you an outsider?" Zhu Zhu gave him a white look, "Just spend a few more days together, so you can take a closer look at what kind of person he is. Besides, when you go outside, the security team has a lot to do. You can't just take care of us. When it's important, one more person will give you more strength. It's his trust for your daughter, or the trust of the person you hired for your daughter."

How does this measure up?

It was probably the matter of observing the character nearby that moved Limbo, but he didn't raise any objection.

So Lin Yutong took a look at the outdoor supplies prepared at home, and went shopping with the fourth master. "It's good to go along, but sometimes it's difficult to take some things out of the space."

"Prepare a few more copies that are exactly the same." The fourth master whispered, "Put one copy outside, and put the rest inside, so you can replace it at any time."

It can only be the.

On August 30th, I went to the school to sign up, and went through the leave procedures by the way. The school has never had too many demands on Lin Yutong. She said to ask for leave, without even asking a question, she just let it go. Afterwards, I went to Miaomiao's side with a few people in the dormitory to eat the meal made by Miao's mother.

Miao's mother is a very soft-looking person. The unsatisfactory life in these years makes her look a little old, but she looks good. Miao's father can give birth to a daughter like Miao Miao, who is considered a little beauty. If you want to come, you know that Miao's mother's appearance will not be bad.

"Which university did your brother get into?" Lin Yutong asked Miao Miao, looking at the shy young man serving the vegetables.

"I did well in the exam." Miao Miao looked very happy, "Bachelor and Master of Clinical Medicine for eight consecutive years. The school starts next week!"

That's pretty good.

"In the profession of a doctor, you never have to worry about running out of food." Wen Juan felt envious, "Go ahead, your sister has made more money, not to mention supporting you for eight years, it is her eighteen years. It's all available."

Miao's mother laughed along, and the wrinkles on her face also stretched. Maybe it's because the son is promising, he accepts his daughter's kindness without worrying about not being able to pay it back, and the child is by his side, that smile has a different look.

Ge Han asked Lin Yutong, "Are you on leave again? Are you so busy? I heard that you didn't care about "Nongle"..."

Miao Miao came out with a plate of bacon, "You may not have paid attention to Haina's official website. It's not about cooperating with some company in the United States, survival in the wild or something... I guess she is busy with that." After speaking, she asked Lin Yutong again, "You Are you going? I used to watch the American film about survival in the wild, and I really liked it. If you have any first-hand information that you haven’t edited, bring it back and share it with you.”

"I'll follow. I'll keep it for you when I see something fun." Lin Yutong agreed to them.

A meal is spent in various discussions on twitter.

After a few days of repairing at home, the crew of the film crew sent back news that they were almost ready, and most of the participants were already in place. When can we leave here?

So the group set off the next day. Originally, Limbo didn't look very good when he saw the fourth master, but when he was on the way back and forth, the luggage on each of them would be troublesome. Don't count on the camera crew, their equipment is the top priority. So the advantage of having one more labor is highlighted, at least you don't have to worry about your daughter.

After spending almost two days and one night on the plane, it took thirty-six hours before arriving in a city. As for the city, Lin Yutong didn't remember. I only know that the city's airport should be a temporary airport. From the airport, across the two-lane asphalt road, the low houses are still covered with palm leaves.

There are no comfortable means of transportation such as RVs and off-road vehicles in the local area. Just that human tricycle and a converted pickup truck. The hood of the truck is welded, and the sides of the cabin are welded with seats.

The person who came to pick up the person from the front station directly hired three such vehicles to pull the person to the meeting point.

The road is not smooth, and a car driver on the road can turn a person's intestines upside down. Maybe it was very late in the evening, but the weather was not very hot. It can include drivers and pedestrians on the road. The men are basically bare-chested and bare-footed, and they are only loose and wearing brightly colored shorts. The woman was dressed as if she was wrapping a large colorful silk scarf around her body, and she was naked from the top of her chest. Adults and children think they don't wear shoes much, and those who occasionally see shoes on the street are plastic slippers that cost 5 yuan a pair. No matter what the woman, young or old, was holding, she was used to putting it on her head. It's not the same as carrying on our shoulders.

A carload of foreigners stood in two rows along the road to watch the excitement, all of them looking at the gorillas.

Limbaugh handed a bottle of water to his daughter, "I just wanted to come out and see, what's so good about it? A few years ago, Americans probably looked at us the same way we looked at others."

This is true.

This so-called city is very small, and the tallest buildings on both sides are five floors, which is similar to the feeling of a small town in China. The road conditions are not as good as those in small towns in the country.

Lin Yutong took a sip and handed it to the fourth master, who had been frowning and looking out, "Drink some. Try not to drink the water here." It doesn't mean that it must be unclean. . Be careful.

Zhu Zhu heard it and looked away, "Be careful. Even if there are a lot of people following you, you should pay attention to what you should pay attention to. Especially watch your belongings. The security here is not as good as in China."

It only took 20 minutes to walk through the city. There was only one way out of the city. There were very dense woods on both sides. I don't know if it was because of the sky, or the surrounding forest blocked the light, and it was pitch black before I went far. Only a few cars barely had their headlights on.

The camera crew has already started filming. Sitting in the car here, I could still hear the screams of several entertainers in the other car.

Fourth Master pulled the hat behind Lin Yutong's clothes to the front and put it on, "It's windy."

The temperature dropped immediately.

The wind was so strong that the blower couldn't open his mouth. The forests on both sides looked like a black sea, with black waves tumbling violently. Make a horrible sound.

Anyway, she didn't see the beautiful scenery, except for the fresh air, she really didn't feel good.

After driving for more than an hour, the roadside suddenly became clear, there was no forest, only open green spaces on both sides. The dots of light on the green should be the campsite.

The car finally stopped. Lin Bo first let out a sigh, no need to ask to know that it was a bumpy buttocks pain.

Lin Yutong and Fourth Master would not be so squeamish, they encountered many such road conditions.

Get off the car and follow the people who hit the front station to the campsite. When I got off the road, my feet were very soft. The light of the flashlight went out, and I could see a layer of grass growing on the ground that did not reach my ankles, and a grasshopper popped up from time to time on the grass.

Before taking a few steps, Limbo screamed, and it turned out that the grasshopper flew into the collar. Zhu Zhu reached out and fished it out and threw it to death before putting on his hat. Lin Yutong handed him the glasses again, and then pulled up the zipper of the collar that stood upright, not forgetting to comfort him, "It's okay, it's a grasshopper." It's just that this grasshopper is a bit big, not to mention three or five, only one can be fried. plate. But thirty to fifty can certainly fry a large plate.

Limbaugh's reaction was a bit humiliating, but who called him the boss. The group held back their laughter, and no one dared to continue the topic, so they headed to the campsite that their family had circled for everyone in advance. This place is not bad, there is a river directly opposite, and the river water at night seems to be sprinkled with a layer of silver, shining brightly.

Now that the tents have been set up, there is a bonfire in front of the two tents.

This tent was for the staff at the front station. Later staff brought the tent and had to build it themselves.

Han Xin came over this time, and he was in charge of the security team to help everyone build tents. It made Limbo feel relieved.

Zhu Zhu looked left and right, and then said to the fourth master: "You and Tongtong share a tent and take care of each other at night."

How could Limbo be willing, "Our tent is not small..."

Zhu Zhu looked at me coldly and said, "Shut up! Listen to me here. This area is complicated, and there are people from any country. It also employs a lot of local people. Let me tell you, don't have any orders. If you two live, I will live with Tongtong." Heng can't live with four people. Outside, the mother-in-law and son-in-law should be avoided.

Lin Bo had to shut up. Although he felt that it would be difficult for his daughter to live with the wolf cub, it was even more worrying to have his wife and daughter together.

Lin Yutong smirked, and the two set up their own tent next to Zhu Zhu and Lin Bo's tent.

The tent is not big, and it is definitely impossible to stand up inside. Put on a sleeping bag, and there is enough luggage on the side.

Just after cleaning up, Zhu Zhu called Lin Yutong outside, "Come out to the toilet." Then he told the fourth master, "If you go to the toilet in the middle of the night, you two have to keep each other company. Not even if there is a security team patrolling."

Going to the toilet here is to find a place to avoid people. The world is as big as the toilet is.

Zhu Zhu holds a military shovel in his hand. This thing is multifunctional. One side can be used as a knife, and the other side can be used as a saw. Bring this out at night, one is to protect yourself, and the other is to bury the filth.

The two dealt with the wind one by one, and when they went back after their turns, they saw Fourth Master and Lin Bo coming from the other side, obviously they had already finished using the toilet.

Lin Bo sent Lin Yutong to go to bed early, "I'm going to wake up early tomorrow." Then he told the fourth master, "Be alert at night. You only need to take care of the pain, and you don't have to worry about other things."

Lin Yutong found two anti-mosquito medicine packs, "Hang it around the neck, it's better than the one sold outside." He could only put the credit on the fourth master, "He found a Chinese medicine doctor. The rat ants won't come near."

"Really?" Limbo hurriedly took it and put it on his neck, what he hated was snakes, worms, rats and ants. It would be great to have this thing out earlier, it was really scary just now.

Back to the tent, zip up the zipper to block the wind blowing in from outside. The two squatted beside the sleeping bunk and couldn't stop laughing. He didn't dare to say a word when he laughed, for fear that Lin Bo would become angry when he heard it.

"Go to sleep!" The fourth master took off his shoes, along with his coat, and helped Lin Yutong into the sleeping bag before sleeping by himself.

This season is not so cold, but there is no need to take out the thermostatic sleeping bag made of special materials. She yawned, "If only I had bought a double sleeping bag."

"Cold?" Fourth Master didn't think so, "How about we get some ashes and bury them in the soil under the tent?"

"No." Lin Yutong sniffed, "You didn't smell the air outside? I think the humidity is a bit high, and I'm afraid it will rain."

Maybe it's really a crow's mouth. As soon as the words fell, I heard the sound of the tent being hit by the rain. From next door came Limbo's low voice of cursing, "This ghastly weather!"

The fourth master turned his face and saw Lin Yutong's eyes open, so he reached out and turned off the flashlight, "How about next time I come out with the film crew, you stay at home?" .

Lin Yutong stretched out his arm and hooked his neck, "You want to get rid of me? Don't think about it! Where are you, I am, I am happy to suffer. Besides, I don't feel that I have to suffer anymore..." She jerked him down Hook, just leaned up and kissed him on the mouth.

Fourth Master was startled, "Shh!" He pointed to the tent next to him, "Be careful of being overheard..."

Like cheating.

Lin Yutong giggled, full of joy!

Lin Bo heard his daughter's laughter, and sat up after rubbing it...

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