Accumulate Wealth in Life

Chapter 842: .Strange Mom and Dad (38) 3 in 1

Strange Mom and Dad (38)

Han Dong still wanted to speak, and the fourth master waved his hand directly and pressed his hand down to stop him from saying what he was about to say. Then he stood up first and said to Lin Yutong, "I'll take a bath with him. You play outside and stay away from the water."

Take a bath?

Lin Yutong understood after thinking about it, so he nodded, "Don't delay for a long time, stew the fish today, and you'll have it in a while."

Han Dong saw how lively they were talking, but he didn't understand for a while, why he remembered taking a bath. Besides, this is a farmhouse, not a hot spring club, what kind of bath do you take?

But when he got inside, he took off his clothes and soaked in the water before he realized it. This is the fear of recording. I was afraid that my own recording would be used as a handle, and I was also afraid that I would look back and become suspicious of his recording, and then use the recording to threaten him in turn. So I chose such a place to speak. However, the second child of the Jiang family had no relationship before, and the two were of the same age, so I never thought that this person would be such a cautious person. It looks like an old river and lake.

But it's done very well.

He suddenly lost his worries: "Thank you! You are still thoughtful."

Steaming steam poured on the fourth master's face, the fourth master thought, this child is really a rookie. Why didn't he think about it, this place was chosen by himself. What if I put something here in advance? This kind of thing, he should choose the place. Thinking like this, he didn't remind him, just said, "If you don't worry, just say it."

Han Dong saw the methods of the fourth master, and firmly believed that the fourth master was an old man. It's safe to speak here anyway. Even if you say something, you're not afraid that this person will sell you. Without any worries, he said simply, "...There is smuggling here, but ours is more troublesome than smuggling. If we don't deal with this matter, it will only get deeper and deeper."

"What is it that is smuggled?" Fourth Master asked again.

"What did you do to make money before?" Han Dong patted the water, a little indignant, "It's all things with high tax rates. When filing customs declarations, I replaced them with low tax rates. Relying on this tax evasion, this thing is not enough. It's dangerous, but it's not a fatal thing. If an accident is going to happen, it's enough to pay some money and send the principal offender to prison for a few years. So, at first, I found out that I was set up, but I didn't worry about it. But this will happen. The Pingyuan Group is really crazy, especially Pingyuan's son Pingyao, this guy is a lifeless guy. He even played with antiques and..." His voice lowered, "He has an idea. And he himself Not a very alert temperament. For such a big thing, you dare to tell us loudly, if you really follow that bastard, am I still alive? And Pingyuan Group has been doing it for 20 years. , Not sure how many people are staring at the back to collect evidence. This is either not an accident, but once an accident occurs, it will be a major event. "

"Then how far do you want to solve it?" Fourth Master asked again.

Han Dong shrugged, "At first, Pingyao invited us to invest together. But some things are not easy to say in the name of individuals, so Chu Feng and I jointly established a Dongfeng Investment Company. It specializes in investment. The company was established. , the two of us are legal persons. If we want to invest, we don’t have much money in our hands. We can only borrow 30 million from the bank.”

"How did you get the loan?" Fourth Master frowned, "Illegal operation?"

"No, Pingyao used an asset of Pingyuan Group as a guarantee." Han Dong took a deep breath, "This guarantee allowed us to lend 30 million yuan."

"It's nothing to say." The fourth master asked again, "Until the foundation of the Pingyuan Group is investigated, it can't be said that any person or group that has an intersection with them has problems." As long as the procedures are normal, it is true Can't see where the problem is.

"It would be better if it was like this." Han Dong slapped the water in the pool again, "The money was given to Pingyao for export trade, but who knows what it is doing is smuggling | smuggling. This is only after the money is distributed. We just found out. In order not to continue to be involved with the Pingyao Group, this money cannot be recorded at all. Therefore, we transferred all the money to Caifeng's film investment, and wanted to clean up the origin of the money. We own the 100 million yuan of funds. 40%. But who knew that they used actors from country H in this film, and now they have all finished, but I got the news from above, and the restriction order came down immediately. This means that the 4,000 we invested in 80% of the money is going to waste. The money can't be recovered. As long as the bank doesn't urge the loan, we can find a way to get the money. But who knows that our cooperation with Caifeng this time will be known to Pingyao Now, this guy doesn't understand what we mean by alienating him, so he gave us a paycheck. The commercial building belonging to the Pingyuan Group that he used as a mortgage for us, but now he says that it will no longer be in the early years. The Pingyuan Group is under the name..."

The fourth master understood, "In this way, the normal loan has become a fraudulent loan because of his hand!"

"That's right!" Han Dong said angrily, "If the other party puts pressure on him, if he doesn't show any more, I'm afraid the bank should go to my house to seize the assets. This matter is nothing in the business, but in our house, not only will the old man's life be cleared up. If you are famous, it will definitely be affected by the careers of my father and my uncles."

Then you should have gone home and made it clear, instead of going out and around with crooked ideas.

The fourth master took the bath towel and came out of the pool: "If you want to completely tear apart the relationship with the other party, you might as well be tougher, go to a lawsuit, sue him, and sue him for fraud. Then use this reason to negotiate with the bank. The bank determines that the loan is fraudulent because the other party has a problem of ownership of a commercial building as a mortgage. This is not your problem. The bank reviewed whether there was any problem at the beginning. Not only did the other party deceive you, but also deceived the bank. Therefore , Your lawsuit, the bank must also sue the other party for its own interests. This also buys you time. If you pay 40 million now, in fact, 30 million is the bank's money. You simply pay No. During the lawsuit, the bank will not do anything to your family's assets. But after that? In order to be safe, someone has to come forward to buy your company and take on the loan from the bank. Only then can the two of you be completely comprehended. Take it out, isn't that the truth?"

That's right! This is the truth.

But this company is actually an empty shell. So far, only the 30 million yuan loaned by the bank, and other investments and profits are not at all. This can even be used as evidence to prove that they are indeed suspected of joint fraudulent loans.

"Then what did you want to find Haina?" The fourth master wiped himself clean and asked with a bath towel.

"I exchanged the information resources in my hand for the trust of the eldest Miss Lin..." Han Dong blushed a little, and suddenly felt like he was bullying children.

"Want to ask her to invest in your company?" The fourth master immediately understood his plan. Once new funds were injected, it would be equivalent to delaying time. If he couldn't think of a way, the Lin family would take over the plate. They don't look for others, such as themselves, because the so-called information resources in their hands are only useful to entertainment companies like Caifeng and Haina. It's not worth a penny here.

"I wanted to talk to Caifeng before." Han Dong followed closely and shook his head, "But Dong Cheng is not very reliable in cooperation. Even a daughter can sell, and there is nothing he can't sell. So we gave up Caifeng's intentions. That's why I found Haina. But you know, this eldest lady is not easy to fool at all. She can see my intentions. There will be an opportunity, that's what I thought, that's why I came here. I thought it would be Lin Yuan or Lin Bo, but I didn't expect to catch a big fish like you."

It's quite candid.

"If you don't plan to tear your face with the other party, it's actually quite simple." The fourth master looked like he was going out, "Find a place like this and have a heart-to-heart talk with the other party. Just tell him your plan. Said. Especially about the matter of going to sue him. He is a thief, and he will not put himself in the public eye for the mere 30 million yuan. So, how did the building get out, he will find a way to get him Come back. Your crisis will be resolved naturally. Then you will sell the company together with the company's debts to the other party..."

Before the fourth master could finish speaking, Han Dong hurriedly said: "He's not stupid, he knows it's an empty shell, and he still has debts, how could he buy it?"

"It's not your company that he bought." Fourth Master said again, "The extra 30 million yuan is the hush money he paid to you."

Only then did Han Dong understand that this was a counter-threat.

Just thinking about it, I heard the fourth master say again: "After this matter has been dealt with cleanly, I will quickly tell the elders in your family everything."

Han Dong's eyes widened at once, this guy is black enough. If my grandfather knew about this, the Pingyuan Group would not be able to hold back the things that the Pingyuan Group has corrupted and attracted a large number of gbs over the years. Will definitely investigate slowly in the dark. Sooner or later this guy will be finished. Of course, only when the other party is finished can he really get out of it.

"Even if I tell my family, then I have to prove that what I said is true..." Han Dong whispered.

Then the fourth master looked over with stupid eyes, but he didn't speak again, but turned around and went out.

Han Dong knew that this was something people would not say. When he got up from the pool and went outside to get dressed, the other party had already left, so he quickly changed his clothes, and then took out his mobile phone. Seeing that there were two missed calls from Chu Feng, he dialed directly. past.

"How's it going?" Chu Feng hurriedly asked.

Han Dong briefly said a few words, "...What do you mean by him in the end?"

Chu Feng laughed, "When did you become so honest? You can't record when negotiating with the local government?"

Han Dong scolded secretly and looked at the bathroom quickly. Why didn't he think that such a seemingly safe place was actually a hidden danger.

Chu Feng seemed to have guessed what he was doing, "Don't look at it, they reminded you, just don't worry about you thinking too much, there is nothing else."

Only then did Han Dong breathe a sigh of relief, "Then, do you think he can do this?" It didn't sound like a big deal. He didn't dare to do it before, always afraid of what would happen. But it is true that as the other party said, the reason why he is afraid is because there is something illegal in himself. Then the guilt of the other party is greater, and who is more afraid. It can be seen that the good baby has done too much, and if he does a little bad deeds, he will have a burden in his heart, and the psychological quality of those who have done evil all year round is incomparable.

"You'll know if you can try it or not." Chu Feng gritted his teeth and said, "We didn't have a handle on it. If we talk frankly and honestly, his handle will naturally remain. This is a simple matter that people say, but if you think about it carefully, But it's a chain of rings. If the other party refuses, then the recordings of the conversation must be ready-made handles, and he can't do it without compromise."

"Can it be recorded?" Han Dong's palms were sweating, "I'm really nervous."

"What are you nervous about?" Chu Feng didn't care. "It's just that guy Pingyao, his work is too rough. I really want to calculate him, and it's accurate. People probably know Pingyao's temperament, so they came up with such an idea."

Pingyao's temperament is what he told him. Han Dong has a clue in his heart, "I know. Then hang up first."

When I went out, the food was already on the table, a large pot of stewed fish and a plate of cakes, authentic farmer's rice.

He sat down and looked left and right. Are the Jiang family and the Lin family going to marry? But how do these two completely different business projects come together?

Lin Yutong didn't ask any more questions, the three of them only talked about food and drink, and didn't say anything else.

After sending Han Dong away, the fourth master told Lin Yutong what the two of them talked about before, "It's not a big deal, it's just that I was young and I was fooled. If I told his family, it would have happened long ago. I understand. The tricks of a few young people who don't know the depth of it, it is estimated that Pingyuan Group, Pingyuan, doesn't know what stupid things his precious son did. Let's just leave it at that, if they are willing to remember this kind of favor, they will treat each other in the future. Haina will probably take care of one or two. If there is no indication, it doesn't matter, just let it go. It's just that the Pingyuan Group is such a large den of thieves that a year is equivalent to embezzling the country's assets, so I have to slowly find a way... …”

After this matter, Lin Yutong really told him to pass. But after about half a month, Lin Bo asked Lin Yutong again, "That Han Dong didn't find you?"

"No!" Lin Yutong shook his head, "I didn't find it, what happened?"

"A parent-child show is about to start filming, but Han Dong called and said that this is the first to put it off. I wonder if this is a policy change." Lin Bo looked at Lin Yutong, "You didn't hide anything from me."

"It's all resolved." Lin Yutong said lightly and perfunctoryly, and turned to talk about other things, "The last time you cooperated with YTV, the filming of the program is completed? When will it be broadcast?" The program will not be broadcast immediately. Moreover, it is a series of programs, and they are broadcast separately after the recording is completed. It's not current news, it's about timeliness. That's why Lin Yutong asked such a question.

"On the weekend." Limbaugh replied. To ask further, Lin Yutong immediately said again: "Oh, my aunt is going to be famous now. I'm afraid there will be many schools that invite her to teach."

Change the subject? Avoid talking?

Lin Bo nodded Lin Yutong's forehead, "If there is anything that can't be solved, tell Dad."

"Got it." Lin Yutong said, and the phone rang. It was Han Dong who called. It was also after eating a stew of fish that Han Dong was qualified to get Lin Yutong's personal phone number.

"Sister, when are you free, please have a meal." Han Dong's tone was good, and it seemed that the matter was resolved satisfactorily.

Lin Yutong glanced at Lin Bo, "I'm afraid to go out with you, and people tell me what to do with you. My family has hired several lawyers just to fight this kind of lawsuit. Why bother them."

"Don't worry, it's not the two of us, we're all in the same circle. It's not bad for you to come out to meet people and get to know each other." Han Dong laughed, "Why don't I tell President Lin."

"That's not necessary." Lin Yutong glanced at Lin Bo and saw that he nodded slightly, and then said, "Okay, call me at a set time."

Seeing his daughter hung up the phone, Lin Bocai said, "It's good to know some people. You will be eighteen in half a month. I've already sent Assistant Meng to prepare for the coming-of-age ceremony. I'll give you the invitation later, if you want it too. Friends please fill in early."

Coming of age?

"Don't be so troublesome." Lin Yutong really felt that this was not necessary.

"What your grandparents have said a long time ago is inevitable." Lin Bo patted Lin Yutong, "Don't worry about it, Dad did it for you properly. The dress will be sent back from the UK in two days, so try it out then. ."

Did you order a dress from the UK?

There's nothing wrong with the dress, other than being luxurious or luxurious. After trying it on, I put it away and wait until the day to wear it.

On the weekends, I went to Han Dong's dinner. Although I also invited the fourth master, they did not appear at the same time when they were not yet eighteen. There are really a lot of people, but Lin Yutong doesn't know much. In addition to Han Dong and Chu Feng, that is, the fiance of Dong Shuangshuang, the sister and brother of the Dong family, she knew.

There are Han Dong's younger brother, cousin cousin, Chu Feng's cousin cousin, and a few second-generations with a good family background.

Among them, there are people like Lin Yutong and Siye who have started to participate in their own companies and industries, and they will not be silent if they get together.

Chu Feng dedicated three cups to Lin Yutong, "Thank you for your great kindness."

Lin Yutong responded politely, and could not help but ask about their plans again.

Han Dong sighed, "I can't be idle, and I can't stand the qualifications at work, but it's not easy to start from scratch. There are small projects that make a fortune that you don't like, so you might as well give us a way of thinking. One is really poor."

Dong Shuangshuang was a little embarrassed, "I'm sorry, the loss this time is really..."

Han Dong immediately waved his hand and put in 40 million, of which 30 million belonged to the bank, and now it has become Pingyao. He didn't know how Pingyao got involved with Dong Cheng, but Dong Cheng had given them 10 million other than 30 million in private. Not to mention a loss. It's just such a thing, Dong Cheng obviously didn't tell their children, so he can't say it. Only vaguely answered.

It was busy in the box, and the door was pushed open, and a young man of twenty-four or five years old came in, with a somewhat unruly face on his face, walked in in a big way, full of alcohol: "I thought who was here. Here's a treat. It's you."

Lin Yutong had seen this person's face on the information, and this was the Pingyao.

It's quite flamboyant.

Seeing that no one was talking in the box, Pingyao smiled complacently, "What? You're not welcome?" After speaking, he sat down at the table, "I'm also here to join in the fun."

Han Dong seemed to have a seizure, but Chu Feng stopped him, his face was expressionless, but his tone was calm, "It's fate to catch up, don't give up and sit down."

Seeing this, Lin Yutong didn't plan to stay here any longer. He glanced at the fourth master, and the two got up and prepared to leave.

"What?" Pingyao smiled sullenly and grinned at Lin Yutong, "This is not giving face to my brother."

Who are you brother?

"The two steel rods in the Lin family's pocket are also worthy of being a rich man." Pingyao smiled disdainfully, "Lin Boqu is just relying on a woman, so Su Yuan, a woman, is not sure who to rely on..."

This is to insult the ancestors.

Lin Yutong's eyes narrowed, and his heart moved slightly, maybe this was really an opportunity. So, she reached out and grabbed the bottle on the table and slammed it against the wall. The wine bottle shattered immediately, and the pieces flew around. Seeing that the half of the wine bottle touched Pingyao's neck as soon as her palm turned over, if you exerted a little force, the blood on the neck would come out directly.

Witnessing this scene, there was an instant scream in the box. Fourth Master just watched from the side, preventing others from interfering.

As soon as Pingyao was in pain, the wine also woke up most of the time.

Lin Yutong looked at him: "I think you don't know whether to live or die."

"You let go..." Pingyao was really scared, and he didn't expect someone to come up and call him dead.

Lin Yutong not only didn't let go, he also took a fork from the table in the other hand, came over and pointed directly at Pingyao's eyes, "You choose one, either ask me to stab you in the neck, or put an eye on you today, you have no eyes. You choose the punishment yourself?"

As soon as these words came out, Pingyao was really pissed.

Han Dong said in the back: "Sister, it's not worth it to be with him. It's not worth it to go back to my brother to clean up him, it's not worth it to catch up with you for him." Why is this girl so violent?

Sun Kui hid behind Dong Shuangshuang tremblingly, "Where's the phone? Call the police! Call the police. Otherwise, it will be fatal."

Only then did Dong Dong react, and he quickly dialed 110.

Dong Shuangshuang snatched the phone, "Fuck it! This thing can't be a big deal."

Sure enough, no one in this box shouted to call the police.

The screams inside made the bodyguards who were guarding the door rushed over at once. The two black bodyguards came up when they saw that their master was being held hostage. The fourth master's two bodyguards, together with Zhao Ping, stopped them.

While Zhao Ping was taking care of this side, he also had to take care of Lin Yutong. Again, never expected such a thing to happen.

"Auntie, I have no eyeballs." Seeing that no one could save Pingyao, he trembled and begged for mercy. He didn't dare to open or close his eyes. He just didn't know what to choose when he saw the fork in this dominatrix's hand pointing at him. His eyeballs poked down, "Ah—"

A scream led the others to follow.

The girl was so scared that she didn't dare to open her eyes, but the other men understood it. Lin Yutong held a fork and poked it, and when he reached the eyelids, he took it away and poked it on the back of the chair behind him. This is intimidating! The fork left her hand, and when she saw that she threw the wine bottle in her hand, she sneered, "How dare you come out and do wild things with this little promise."

When Pingyao opened his eyes, he saw playful eyes all over the room. The point is that he really peeed, his pants were wet, and there was a lot of wetness on the ground.

It's never been so embarrassing to come out.

But at this moment, he was still shivering and couldn't stand up. He felt that for a moment, she could really kill him.

Fourth Master took Lin Yutong's hand and walked out, and before leaving, he took a deep look at Pingyao. The heart that Pingyao had just put down was raised again, why did he feel that the cold hairs on his back stood up at that glance.

After getting in the car, Lin Yutong wiped his hands with a handkerchief, "I just said, I'm still suitable to do it. It's so refreshing."

Fourth Master patted her, "I have to go to Lin's house with you this time..."

Lin Yutong nodded, then took out his mobile phone and called the family, telling them to go back to the old house, and only said one sentence, "I got into trouble."

A few people who didn't know what happened to their children at first had already heard a lot of things from the bodyguards on the way.

Lin Bo kept urging Old Wang, "Hurry up and hurry up, the child must be frightened."

Pull it down! He also heard what was said on the phone, and almost asked for a pair of tricks from the Prince of Pingyuan Group, but he was still frightened.

Before Lin Yutong got home, Su Yuan already knew what happened in the box from other means, and even the surveillance video in the box was copied and sent.

The child is protecting the family, what kind of trouble is this? Lin Boqu got up immediately with a livid face, "Prepare the car! I'll go to the big brother."

Su Yuan didn't stop him and watched him go out in a hurry.

When Lin Yutong arrived, the video of the box was playing on the screen in the living room.

Su Yuan beckoned Lin Yutong to come to the side, and then greeted the fourth master to sit down, and then she said, "Who is your child following? Our family really doesn't have the ability to get started directly. Your uncle and your father have never fought. "

When Lin Bo and Zhu Zhu heard this at the door, Lin Bo glared at Zhu Zhu, "That's her mother." Who the **** did she follow? With Zhu Dali, who was born in slaughtering pigs. This child was born by Zhu Zhu and raised by Zhu Dali. It would be strange if he really didn't have the temperament of the Zhu family.

Zhu Zhu touched her nose, this girl is a bit aggressive.

The couple came in and pulled Lin Yutong to see, and they were relieved when they saw that they were not hurt.

Zhu Zhu said with a cold face: "What kind of trouble is this, don't say that they are not finished, we are not finished yet. My **** is not clean, and I dare to come out and show off..."

However, Lin Bo looked at the fourth master: "Follow me to the study."

Lin Yuan came back and directly touched Lin Yutong's head, "Good job!" He praised, and then went to the study.

Butanol went to the kitchen, "Auntie is going to cook for you. I'm shocked."

Only Su Yuan and Zhu Zhu accompany Lin Yutong in the living room, and the two of them are not good at each other. "Several parties join forces, can Pingyuan be divided and swallowed?" Therefore, the two were not only not depressed, but also a little excited. People have no windfall, no horses, no grass, no fat, and the same is true for enterprises.

In the study, the fourth master gently tapped on the armrest, "...the Jiang family and the Jin family will definitely get involved. But I think it will be difficult to eat it in one bite in the short term. , How big is the **** behind this? Even if we can swallow it now, it will be troublesome in the future. There are tax evasion and smuggling, as well as the embezzlement of state-owned assets. If we swallow it now, I'm afraid it won't be digested. Or We have to do it first, so that we can divide the body."

"When will it start?" Limbo frowned, "Three years or five years?"

"Half a year." Fourth Master said decisively, "In half a year, we will definitely take action."

Lin Bo was about to speak, but Lin Yuan stopped him, "Are you sure?"

"Having the old man behind him, half a year is a lot." The fourth master didn't see Lin Boqu when he came in, and he knew what he was doing without asking. Some relationships are not used, which does not mean that they are not easy to use.

Sure enough, less than half an hour later, Pingyuan called and called directly to Su Yuan's mobile phone, "...Sister Su, this is something wrong with my bastard. I have already cleaned him up. Are you at home now? I brought him here to apologize to you. All the mistakes are my fault. Big sister, if you want to beat or scold you, what will happen?"

Pingyao looked at Pingyuan unconvinced, Pingyuan glanced coldly at this unsatisfactory look, and said a lot of words to be careful, then put down the phone, then stood up and slapped Pingyao on the face, " Just after provoking the Han family and the Chu family, you went to provoke the Lin family. By the way, you also offended the Jin family and the Jiang family. You are really good! As I said earlier, no matter how big this business is, remember four words for me— - 'Harmony makes money'. What is harmony? It is to maintain relationships in all directions. It's okay not to be with others, but don't offend people! It's good for you, and no one cares about it? You know that everyone is involved behind the scenes You dare to be presumptuous! Even if I speak to Su Yuan politely, if you dare to abuse others with salty words, you must bear the anger. You still dislike our family's inconspicuousness, don't you?"

"Dare they?" Pingyao stalked his neck, "Accepted our family's money..."

Pingyuan slapped it with another slap, "How dare you shoot a gun! Who took the money?" He lowered his voice, "Think about some things before you think about it! Don't think they are grasshoppers tied to us, let's just It's safe. If it's really important..." He made a gesture of wiping his neck, "Your father and my grasshopper died, and the other grasshoppers jumped up. Who can do anything? Silly son, you can It's really..." If you can really deter the other party, it's your ability, and you are scared by a little girl to wet your pants, "Go abroad. It's better to go out! Don't come back when you go out." The intensity of the blow is getting bigger and bigger, and this is a series of troubles without worry. I'm afraid it won't work without some preparation in advance.

"I don't!" Pingyao stubbornly said, "I'm ashamed to walk away like this..."

Pingyuan looked over with a cold eye, and Pingyao immediately lowered his head, "Let me pack up and leave next week. Anyway, wait until the wound is better."

After the fourth master finished speaking at the Lin's house, he left directly. When she got into the car, she couldn't help but smile, how sooner or later she could change her temper. This time against Pingyao, 80% of her did it on purpose. Deliberately making things a big deal, the Lin family will come forward when the trouble is big, and only ask the Buddha behind him. Otherwise, it would be so easy for a tens of billions of behemoths like Pingyuan Group to shake. If it is really delayed for three or five years, how much will the intermediate countries lose? Smuggling | smuggling is a case of smuggling. The institutions to be used here, from the Disciplinary Institute to the financial, taxation, and other departments, may involve thousands of people involved in corruption. Even if the investigation starts within half a year, the case will not be closed within two or three years. The number of smuggling involved here may be much larger than I expected.

She has such a temperament that she cannot tolerate sand in her eyes, and she will never delay what she can do on the spot. Pingyao just hit her muzzle, and it's not her if she doesn't follow the trend.

Lin Yutong guessed that the fourth master could understand the real reason, but the people of the Lin family did not. I only thought that the child had a strong temperament and was anxious to protect the elders in the family. No one thought she was wrong, but she did not miss it.

Butanol pulled Lin Yutong's thin arm, "You have thin arms and thin legs, don't do it yourself in the future. Didn't you bring bodyguards? If you can't, ask your uncle to hire a few for you. You are a girl, and you will suffer. What should I do?" Then he went to look at Lin Yuan, "You think so?"

"Then I'll give you four more bodyguards tomorrow." Lin Yuan decided after saying this.

Is it okay for me to bring six bodyguards by myself?

Lin Bo asked tentatively, "How did your grandfather teach you? When you were young, you were thinking about pigs?" of. What's more, the other party is an adult man.

Zhu Zhu kicked Limbo, what nonsense? "Don't care who it is, if you dare to bully you, you will be beaten to death. If you win, talk about it."

Lin Yutong was a little apologetic in his heart, but this time he used the topic to play, but he caused a lot of trouble for his family. She is very well-behaved these days. She cooks at home and delivers it to those who go to work on time.

Director Chen is about to start filming, so she doesn't plan to go to school. In the past few days, I am at ease with the old couple in the old house.

Just as the chicken soup was simmering on the fire that day, the phone on the side rang, and it was Wenjuan who called.

"Isn't it in class? Why are you free to call me?" Lin Yutong asked with a smile.

Wen Juan's tone was a little anxious, "Tongtong, where are you now? I want to see you soon, I have something important."

"I'll ask the driver to pick you up." Lin Yutong said and hung up. Then called Han Xin but picked up Wenjuan.

Wen Juan looked very flustered when she came over, and grabbed Lin Yutong: "Did you offend someone?"

"What's wrong?" Lin Yutong patted her soothingly, then told her to sit on the sofa, "Why do you ask that?"

Wen Juan took out her mobile phone, "Someone called me and called me... Forget it, you should listen to the recording. I thought that the other party had bad intentions, so he kept a secret and recorded it..." Twice, a conversation came from the phone.

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