Accumulate Wealth in Life

Chapter 835: Weird Mom and Dad (31) 3 in 1

Strange Mom and Dad (31)

"Severe Cases Restart" sells well because everyone is optimistic. But after waiting for the release, the results were really not within Lin Yutong's expectations. The ratings were over 1% on the first day, 2% on the second day, 4% on the third day, and 5% on the fourth day. For the next few days, it hovered between four and five percent.

"I asked, this is the TV drama with the highest ratings so far in the first half of this year." The corners of Lin Bo's mouth were raised, "My daughter is amazing, and she is extraordinary as soon as she is released." The key is that the public opinion comments are also very good. what. The mainstream media said that this play is fast-paced, high-density plot, rough and documentary style, focusing the camera on the police officers, and through them peeling bamboo shoots, leading the audience to detect various types of cases, thus creating a movie. The image of the justice of the police is very popular with the audience, so it is praised by netizens as "the police idol drama".

And the company is also dealing with the broadcasting rights of the second round and even the third round, because the results are really unexpected, and the price of the second round has not dropped much, and it is still within one million per episode. The invisible gains were more than 20 million yuan than originally thought.

With this money, Lin Yutong had the confidence to sort out and print out the script he wrote, and decided to ask a few old professors to show it, how to revise it properly? But before going out, the phone rang. It was director Zhang Wen, "What? Director Zhang is in a hurry to settle the bill." This time, the actors, directors, screenwriters, etc., signed contracts in the form of basic salary plus dividends. If the film does not sell for a price, it will be less. If the price is sold, there will be a portion of the dividend. That's why the starring actor gets 800,000 in the end with 2,000 in one episode. The director and screenwriter naturally also made a lot of money.

Zhang Wen laughed on the phone: "Mr. Xiaolin, come out for a cup of tea, I want to talk to you about something."

Lin Yutong understood a little when he put it on the phone, and when he rushed over, he asked straight to the point, "Do you want to make the second film?"

Zhang Wen poured a cup of tea and said, "We really have such an idea. It's still the same team, just a few people who are not very important. The quality of the script and the quality of the shooting will definitely not be bad."

I'm afraid this is not what Zhang Wen meant by himself, the whole crew did. After all, these leading actors here, apart from being actors, do not have the potential to become stars. Even if there is a play to use them, there are not many opportunities for starring. Most of them are supporting roles, and they change their mouths to eat. Some are even looking for work in the drama troupe, and their income is actually not stable. When they walk on the street, everyone can call out the names of the characters they created, but the audience cannot remember their own names. There are many such actors. You have to have acting skills, you have to be dedicated and dedicated, but you just don't have the potential to become a star. When encountering such a film that can be called a starring role and has a relatively good income, no one is willing to let go easily.

Of course, Lin Yutong had to invest, and it was money that changed hands. "I have to read the script first. If I'm sure the quality is fine, then let it go."

"Don't worry about it." Zhang Wen smiled, "Everyone knows that the first part is great, and the second one will continue to be great, so we can expect third and fourth, right?"

Just have a few. After that, I may not have to stare at the crew, and all I want is quality.

The two of them were right. Lin Yutong didn't stay too long, and went directly to the house of an old screenwriter. The old Mr. Yao is in his seventies. He has not produced many independent scripts in recent years. Lin Bo also asked others to give him a high salary. Check it out. When Lin Yutong went there, he brought some fruit, and the old man was very polite, "I watched your two episodes earlier. Oops... I didn't expect that a little girl your age could write that piece of history. Feelings, it can be seen that you not only used your heart, but also your feelings."

Lin Yutong smiled, "This is the rest, I just finished writing it, I'll show it to you." It took a year of spare time to write and rewrite, and finally the draft was finalized.

Mr. Yao took it and put on his reading glasses, "Well, if you trust me, you can put it here. After I read it, I will contact you."

"No problem." Lin Yutong hurriedly responded. The old man is old, and he is not the same as the young man. If you can stick to it for four or five hours a day, it is not bad. When adding the revision, she didn't think that it would end before the summer vacation. Just as he was about to leave, the old gentleman pressed his hand down again, "Wait a minute, girl, I'll show you something too."

When the old man tremblingly took out a handwritten script from the drawer, Lin Yutong was shocked, "This... how long does it take to complete the writing. After the halfway change, I will wait for the transcription."

"I'm not used to using that computer." The old man pointed to the notebook on the side. "It's okay to watch news online. But I'm really not used to writing with this. When I sit in front of the computer, my mind goes blank. It's better to write with a pen!"

Not just with a pen, but with a pen. Nowadays, with gel pens, there are very few people who use fountain pens.

Lin Yutong carefully opened it, and when she saw it, it was two hours until the nanny came to pour tea and woke her up.

"How is it?" Yao Lao raised his head, took off his glasses, and asked Lin Yutong.

"Okay!" Lin Yutong was a little excited, "It's really good."

"Where's the good?" Yao Lao asked again.

Lin Yutong closed the script gently, ""Food Doctor" is completely different from those of the God of Cookery that were filmed before. Many movies on the screen now use fantasy and exaggerated techniques to create an amazing dish. But you... can be said to be epic. What you are talking about is the real food culture. Every dish, every allusion, is an inheritance." It also includes etiquette, even clothing, which is very important to the culture. Inheritance and transmission are definitely positive.

Yao Lao smiled, "Is it really so good?"

Lin Yutong nodded, it was definitely not the kind of a bowl of egg fried rice that was a **** of cookery. After only reading the previous part, she had basically determined the value of this script.

"It took me six years to complete it." Yao Lao pointed to the half-room book, "Many things have to be found in historical documents, so I want to find a good owner for it..."

Lin Yutong was stunned, "Me?" She wasn't sure, "Why me?" Age is not an advantage at all.

Yao Lao laughed and said yes, he opened his notebook and clicked on a show, "Look at this, is that you?"

It was the show that Zhou Xiao filmed for the New Year's Eve before the Chinese New Year.

"You're not old, but this dim sum is definitely not some kind of palace pastry sold outside. This one you make is the most authentic." Yao Lao smiled, "When I was young, I really encountered one. The old royal chef, I have seen him cook, and it is like this. Even if I don't taste the taste, I know that this is the feeling I want. How about it? Dare to do it?"

Lin Yutong put his hand on the script: "Dare! I promise to make the most authentic things for you." Don't exaggerate your acting skills, don't make it up to show your height, just make our etiquette, service, catering, etc. Just wait for the legacy to seep into it. It is the most moving in itself.

"Then take it." Yao Lao had no other request, "I won't let you eat."

When I came home with this thing in my arms, Lin Yutong was afraid that the original manuscript would be accidentally soiled or lost, so he hurriedly asked Gao Han to copy it and put it away. After Lin Bo came back, Lin Yutong showed it to him. "The legal department of the company has to sign the contract. In addition, I hope to give 20% of the total income to the old gentleman."

Twenty percent? This number is quite small.

But Limbaugh still nodded, "It should be." It took six years, and he had to admire the old man's perseverance. "However, the investment is quite large."

Lin Yutong shook his head, "No! I've watched two or three episodes and estimated that for a sixty-episode plot, I will control the cost to 60 million."

In that case, in fact, it is not as big as the Supreme Rivers and Lakes filmed by Director Chen. The Supreme Jianghu budget is 120 million. This is only half the investment.

Lin Yutong looked at Zhu Zhu again, "Mom, are you interested in mixing it up? You don't need money, as long as you invest in clothing, how about 5% of you?"

Zhu Zhu hummed, "It's a good calculus."

Lin Bo glared at her, "Don't think that your daughter is taking advantage of you. If you shoot it according to her idea, the clothes will become peripheral products if you don't get it right. It's not necessarily a new growth point for Xihuang."

so good?

It is so good indeed! Lin Yutong stayed at home for a week before carefully reading the script. In fact, there is nothing else used here except that the clothing accessories are big heads. If you don’t want to use the ready-made buildings of the film and television base, you can ask someone to build them again. You don’t need those bright colors, as long as they are close to the real thing. Then there are the props. The props of this film are actually antique kitchen utensils and ingredients. Those things in the kitchen really don’t cost much, and the rest is the ingredients. expensive. Aside from these overheads, the rest is actors. As for the actor, Lin Yutong still doesn't want to use a celebrity. As long as his acting skills pass the test, the rest is really not a problem. You can find some old actors with familiar faces.

After careful calculation, I felt that 60 million was more than enough.

Counting the money in my hand, I have transferred a little over 70 million this time, but more than 10 million of it belonged to Jiang Qiao. I only have more than 60 million yuan, but 20 million of them are reserved for the second part of the restart of the serious case. There are more than 40 million left, which is on the separate account of his own group. If you don't move your private house, this money is not enough. It seems that it is still necessary to apply for some funds from the company.

While thinking about it here, Jiang Qiao called again, "Don't leave me if you have money, I will continue to invest with you." This little girl has good fortune, and it is very easy to make money following her.

"Okay." Lin Yutong actually felt that his family could eat it completely.

With the spectrum in her heart, she flew to Jiangcheng overnight and went to Hengdian to meet Director Chen. Director Chen has always been committed to the big screen, and has not made TV dramas for many years. But Lin Yutong still wanted to try it.

"...60 million?" Director Chen frowned, "This is the only investment. How about I take a share."

The director's fee is originally part of the cost. Lin Yutong hopes to change the model. "If you can invest in technology, it will be better." The implication is that you don't need your money, but you shoot, you The auction is good, the selling price is high, you make a lot of money, if the selling price is not high, I am sorry, I lost, you have no money to take it.

Please take your name out of the hand, and still have such an attitude? Director Chen laughed again, "How much can you give me?"

"Twenty percent of the screenwriter, 20 percent of you, and 20 percent of the entire crew including the actors." Lin Yutong calculated, "The remaining 40 percent is our investors."

The ratio is quite tempting, "How much profit do you expect to make."

Lin Yutong stretched out a slap.

Five times the profit?

"That's 300 million?" Chen Dao gasped, 20% of the 300 million was 60 million. This number is really not small. He is not an indecisive person, "Okay! Let's make a decision. After finishing the work here, we can start. To be honest, this is a good subject. Don't say 20%, just give me half of it, and I'll do it!"

You said it earlier! The old trickster is very cunning, and the money is right, this time it's hypocritical.

From Hengdian to Jiangcheng, Lin Yutong wanted to leave Gao Han and Han Xin aside, and wanted to use this excuse to go to Siye for a few days. But these two are really good enough, life and death are inseparable.

When I came back from Jiangcheng, I saw Zhu Guangbin at home.

"Not with the crew?" Lin Yutong took a shower, changed clothes and came out, and asked Zhu Guangbin, who was playing games on the sofa.

Zhu Guangbin called out several times in a row, "dead, dead" before putting down the phone, "I'm looking for you on business."

"Speak!" Lin Yutong gulped down half a bottle of water and waited for him to speak.

Zhu Guangbin asked in a low voice, "We plan to make a web drama ourselves, what do you think?"

"Tell me to invest money?" Lin Yutong shook her head like a rattle, "It's fine to ask you to be an assistant director, so what kind of online drama is still considered." The quality is really not high grade.

"I didn't ask you to invest money, I just asked you about your market situation, you are stingy." Zhu Guangbin took the water from the coffee table, "Several buddies, all from the same school, there are screenwriters, directors, and even actors are ready-made. The film is about a youth campus, and even the venue and props are ready-made. The cost is our own energy. Even if it costs a little money, this guy can afford it. Has it been acquired? Inside information revealed one or two."

"I'll give you an idea. You get your scripts and other things out, and then go to my dad. Maybe he really invests in you." Lin Yutong calculated, "The online drama is actually better than buying it. Other people's broadcasting rights are much more cost-effective. Now the popular TV dramas, the ones that are very popular, are asking for one or two hundred million yuan, and they make more money than expected. It is better to make a self-made drama, but he can be an investor in this kind of thing, but Haina is reluctant to label it. . You know, Heiner will not make good and bad products in the future."

Sounds like this is the way to go.

Zhu Guangbin did not continue this topic, but asked about the serious case to restart the filming of the second part, "... Huang still called me two days ago, saying that the crew did not notify her."

"Are you here to intercede?" Lin Yutong laughed, "She's already like that, and you're still infatuated."

"No!" Zhu Guangbin hurriedly shook his head, "Don't get me wrong! I was just asking casually, did I break my face with Caifeng?"

How can you think so?

Lin Yutong patted Zhu Guangbin on the shoulder, "You'd better take a good look first, study hard and then talk about it. If you are in a hurry, you will drown sooner or later."

After not staying at home for a few days, Ms. Su Yuan called, "Let's go to escape the summer. It's so hot."

Is it cooler outside the city? Not too hot to die. It's better to turn on the air conditioner at home.

But the old man called, and Lin Yutong had to follow. It was in the villa they had visited last year.

Lin Boqu was happy that Lin Yutong had successfully made a good film. The retired cadre, speaking of this with a bit of a political tone, "...has shaped the image of our grassroots police well..."

Lin Yutong just laughed, the grassroots policemen are really not that tall.

Living by the mountain, in fact, it is not cool at noon, but it is cooler in the morning and evening, and you can go out for a walk. When I woke up this morning, I was about to go out for a run. As soon as I went out, I saw two people sitting at the stone table in the yard. The fourth master was playing chess with Lin Boqu.

How did you get here?

Just as Lin Yutong was about to ask, Lin Boqu turned around and smiled: "Tongtong, come and meet, this is Jiang Feng. By the way, you should know each other."

"Know." Fourth Master smiled at Lin Yutong.

Big tail wolf.

Lin Yutong thought it was funny, and before he spoke, Lin Boqu said, "My granddaughter is not my compliment, but there are few people who can compare. He can intervene in the affairs of his father's company, and he is also the number one in the family."

I know this better than you.

"Stay for breakfast, our Tongtong's craftsmanship is good." Lin Boqu motioned to Lin Yutong, "I'm going to cook, and there are distinguished guests at home."

The fourth master, the distinguished guest, put down the chess piece in his hand, "That's the trouble."

Ha ha! No trouble. The young man is quite capable. When did he start fooling the old man, looking at this, I wish I could sell myself to him.

After dinner, Ms. Su Yuan was going to swim and called Lin Boqu with her. Lin Yutong had her period these days and couldn't go into the water, so Su Yuan didn't tell her to go. But Mr. Lin assigned: "Xiao Jiang is not familiar with this area, you can take it around here."

But I don't know how familiar it is. It's only the second time, okay?

When the two were sent away, there was still a nanny at home, so it was inconvenient to speak. The fourth master winked, and Lin Yutong followed and went out, walking along the path towards the mountain.

"Is there a house over there?" Lin Yutong asked, looking at the eaves hidden in the bushes.

"It wasn't before, but it is now." The fourth master pulled her over, "It was originally planned to build a house here, but after the heavy rain that year and the river spread up, this piece was too close to the river, so it couldn't be built. I bought this piece at half price and helped repair the river bank. This house is also built by myself. It was just renovated a month ago. There is no big or small two floors over there, and there is no yard in front and back, only next to the river. That's a benefit."

Small and exquisite, the bottom is seventy or eighty flat, and the second floor is slightly larger, but one hundred flat to the sky.

"It's really good." Lin Yutong was satisfied, the window opened, and the cool breeze from the river blew in, so comfortable!

There was everything in the refrigerator. The fourth master took a bottle of water out and thought about it and put it back. He went to the kitchen to boil hot water, put **** slices and brown sugar, and Lin Yutong poured a cup, "Come here."

Lin Yutong closed the window, the fourth master turned on the air conditioner, but handed Lin Yutong a blanket, "Jiang Qiao made a fortune with you?"

"Yeah!" Lin Yutong laughed, "It's easy to make money if you have money in your hand. You give him a lot of money. As long as you're not stupid, you won't starve to death. What? Jiang Tian is still thinking of asking Jiang Qiao to go to the company?"

"That's not true." The fourth master sat next to Lin Yutong, "Jiang He is now making electronic products. Jiang Tian wants to ask Jiangqiao to invest in supporting products..."

Package product?

"For example, mobile phone casings, notebook casings..." Fourth Master smiled, "Just relying on Jiang He to produce these ancillary products can also support him."

"He doesn't do it!" Lin Yutong affirmed, "This person is a bit lazy. In his opinion, Haina's way of making money is more comfortable. Once the money is raised, as long as his vision is not bad, he will not be short of money to make money. Last time he invested four One million, and it turned out to be more than 10 million, just half a year's effort. What does he have to worry about? But if it is placed in the factory, there will be more to worry about. Is Jiang Tian dissatisfied with you driving Jiang Qiao out without authorization? "

"If you are dissatisfied, you will be dissatisfied." Who cares about this, "I am afraid that he and you will be deeply involved, and it is difficult to say in the future."

"It's okay! One thing is one thing." Lin Yutong didn't care about that.

I lived in the villa for more than ten days. Except for the night, I spent most of the time with the fourth master. Whether Su Yuan knew or not Lin Yutong really wasn't sure, but Lin Boqu definitely knew it. However, this old man likes the fourth master very much, and he also muttered to Lin Yutong that he is a good candidate because his personality is higher than your uncle, and he is very happy to see it.

After going back, I played with Miao Miao and Wenjuan for two more days, went out for shopping, and made skewers at the night market.

"...It's time to split the account, when will you take a look at the account book." Miao Miao said to Lin Yutong with a smile, "Half of this summer vacation is over, do you know how much you earned?"

"How much?" Lin Yutong really had no idea about this.

"Eighty thousand!" Miao Miao exhaled, "They are all seniors and seniors looking for a job... But to be honest, this job is too hard to find. Four or five thousand a month, and those who have no work experience will get a master's degree. You must have at least two years of work experience as an undergraduate. What do you think we will do when we graduate?"

"After graduation, I have to rely on my family to support them for three to five years." Wenjuan gave Lin Yutong a bunch of tofu, "I worry about people. Miao Miao's situation is still good, at least she has a house to live in. In the future, even if she has a job I can’t run the business anymore, and I can support myself for thousands of dollars a month. I can’t do it anymore. With the money I have now, I can rent a basement in the capital, and I can’t guarantee my own life. It’s very difficult. I’ve thought about it, but if it doesn’t work, I’ll go back. I can live comfortably with my income in small cities in the third and fourth tiers. I’ve saved a few hundred thousand in the past few years, and I can make a down payment with us. I still have a thousand dollars a month, and I don’t have any pressure. Now the transportation is very convenient, and the high-speed train takes four hours to get to Beijing, so you can come when you want. You don’t have to live here.”

Very pragmatic idea.

Lin Yutong likes Wenjuan's mentality. She has been working hard all the time. Of course it is good to achieve her goals.

Miao Miao asked about the symbol of Jun again, "...If it's really Young Master Jiang, you can't say that you really have a big golden leg in your arms."

Wenjuan bowed her head and said nothing. It took a long time before she said, "I don't think it's Young Master Jiang. It seems that I made a mistake."


Before the two could ask, Wen Juan narrowed her nose, "I have been chatting with him privately, but I found that he knows a lot about me. He also told me that applying to stay in the dormitory is inconvenient."

Although she applied for a holiday dormitory, she actually stayed at Miaomiao's side at night. But just knowing that I didn't go home during the summer vacation made people feel nervous, this person must be the person around him.

Miao Miao glanced at Lin Yutong and said uncertainly, "No way?"

Lin Yutong was really surprised this time. If it wasn't for Jiang Qiao, it would only be a round cake. Yuan Bing appeared at the party. Yuan Bing said it was Jiangqiao, and as the head teacher, Yuan Bing knew the situation of the students in the class. This is an easy thing to figure out. She looked at Wenjuan: "You guessed it too?"

Wen Juan only felt that her face was burning, she nodded slowly, "What do you guys say to do?" It's okay to scratch your head.

No one can give her any opinion on this matter, she still has to scratch her head when she scratches her head. But when he turned his face, the one who scratched his head became Lin Yutong.

That night, Lin Yutong was asleep, but the phone rang. He picked it up in a daze, and the other end of the phone was noisy, "Hey—" a girl's voice came from the phone.

"Who is it?" Lin Yutong couldn't remember the voice.

"Is that Miss Lin Yutong Lin?" The other party's voice was very urgent, mixed in the noisy background music, it was really uncomfortable to listen to.

"It's me." Lin Yutong turned on the lamp and sat up, "Who are you?"

"I'm Kang Lai's classmate. Kang Lai is in Beijing now, we're in a bar, he's drunk, and we got into a little trouble again. I really don't know who to call, so I can only call you." The other party was a little embarrassed , "Can I trouble you to come?"

Kang came?

Lin Yutong couldn't help but think of Kang Shuai's words that he wanted to see her during the holiday, and it really came.

"Send me the address." This is the one who has to take care of it.

When I got up and changed my clothes, it was almost one o'clock in the morning. Of course she didn't dare to go alone. She called Han Xin and drove to the bar. There were not many cars in the middle of the night, and the journey was smooth, but it also took an hour.

Lin Yutong never set foot in this place, it was noisy and unbearable.

At two o'clock in the morning, there were still demons dancing in the bar. Han Xin blocked Lin Yutong, and the two turned around before finding Kang Lai. The four or five people sitting together, three boys and two girls, were all about the same age. There were five or six gangster-like young people standing beside them, each with a beer bottle in his hand.

Han Xin frowned: "Let me go."

Lin Yutong shook her head, "Let's go together." She took two steps forward and shouted, "Kang Lai!"

A girl in a short skirt looked over immediately, "This way."

It turned out that Kang Lai had already collapsed on the sofa and was indeed drunk.

Lin Yutong didn't ask about the situation in front of him, just walked over and stretched out his hand to help Kang Lai.

"Wait... Who told you to leave!" A pink-haired boy pointed at Lin Yutong with a wine bottle, "Do you understand the rules?"

Han Xin twisted the opponent's wrist, "What's the rule?"

"Let it go! Let it go!" The sweat on the man's head began to fall. "It's not that we are sincerely embarrassing others, it's your friends who don't understand the rules." Girl, "This is a bar selling alcohol. When my buddy buys wine, she accompanies her for a few drinks. This is the rule. But I don't know where these few hairs are coming from, so what kind of hero save the beauty are they singing with us. What. Say how many brothers are forced, can you commit it?"

The girl in the short skirt whispered to Lin Yutong: "Our fellow Kang Lai is a classmate from a school. When he came here this time, we wanted to take her out to play. Who would have encountered another female classmate of ours and bought wine here. These people forced my classmates to drink, and Kang couldn't see it, so they had to replace it, but they didn't give up, they had to pay ten times the penalty for drinking, and the penalty was fined. "

Isn't this nonsense? Of course you have to drink it from you.

Lin Yutong glanced at Han Xin: "Give me the money."

"How much?" Han Xin withdrew his hand, took out the checkbook, and just waited for the other party to report the number.

",000..." The other party extended a slap and said without any guilt.

"No! You are cheating! It's only three thousand more." The girl in the white skirt, who had not spoken, shouted.

The girl in the short skirt also said: "Yeah, we have 3,000, and we paid for it, but they insisted on blackmailing 30,000... Now it's 50,000..."

Lin Yutong didn't listen to their nonsense, and only said two words to Han Xin, "Give me the money!"

Can you stay here longer? Just processing the follow-up will cost more than 50,000.

Han Xin quickly wrote a check, took Kang Lai directly from Lin Yutong's hand, and the three of them left directly.

At the door, the girl in the white skirt came up and grabbed Lin Yutong's arm, "We can't afford the 50,000 yuan. You paid us in advance, and we have to pay it back. We have to pay for one year's tuition. superior."

Lin Yutong pulled out his arm, "That's about Kang Lai and I. If we want to pay back the money, I'm going to ask Kang Lai to pay it back, but I can't control the balance between you and Kang Lai."

After speaking, Han Xin had already driven over, and Lin Yutong got into the car directly.

Watching the car go away, the girl in the white skirt turned her head to the side, "Miss everyone, how do you know our difficulties?"

The girl in the short skirt glared, "Then what do you want to call someone? When you just came to drink for you, why didn't you say it clearly. What you're doing here is what you're doing, it's such a job, no We come, you don't want to accompany you to drink. At this time, enough friends have come to help solve the trouble in the middle of the night, and you still look like this, who owes you? "

"I could have earned 300 commissions." The girl in the white skirt clenched her fists. "But now, I've worked so hard all summer vacation, and I'm all in this way. I said the eldest lady doesn't know what's wrong with the suffering in the world?"

"Is it right that we call people down there for you?" The girl in the short skirt sneered, "It's just inexplicable." After saying that, she ignored the others, stopped a taxi and left.

Kang Lai woke up and saw that the room was a little unfamiliar, and he was a little dazed. Just as I was at a loss, the door was pushed open, "Brother Guangbin—"

"You are really good." Zhu Guangbin gave Kanglai a thumbs up, "Last night, Tongtong surprised me when he brought you here."

"This is your home in Beijing?" Kang Lai lay down again, "It's okay!" If Tongtong's parents saw him like this, it would be miserable, "Did Tongtong pick me up? "

"Yeah." Zhu Guangbin responded and scolded again: "Won't you call me? You asked a girl to run out in the middle of the night, can you handle it?"

At this moment, his mind was blank, and he had no impression at all, "I don't remember! I just remember running into a gangster in a bar and bullying our female classmates..."

"Yo! It's still a hero to save the beauty." Zhu Guangbin took a set of clothes and threw it at him, "Look at your virtue, let me tell you, you and Tongtong have nothing to do. Tongtong has earned tens of millions in the past six months, and now he Busy. What about you? After the hero saves the beauty in the middle of the night, Tongtong has to save you again. You say you are like this, who would be willing to marry your daughter to you? If others don’t say it, you can’t agree to it from me. Our girl What do you want, why go to clean up the mess for you. Let’s talk about it first, the former affection is the former affection, as for the other, you better put your mind on it for me. No drama!”

Looking at the door thrown by Zhu Guangbin, Kang Lai let out an 'Ouch', slammed the bed twice, and then slapped his chest again, "You are really a pig!"

He was annoyed here, the phone rang, he picked it up, and there was a crunching voice over there, "How are you? Last night your friend came over and paid 50,000 yuan in advance, let's split it evenly and give it back to others Right. It's so embarrassing."

The matter of 50,000 yuan is not a big deal for Kang Lai, that is, he is drunk, otherwise he would not ask for help. So when he heard it, it was over. Who would pay and how to pay, in his opinion, there was no need for disputes, and it was not a big money. What he is focusing on now is, "Who called Tongtong?"

"Me!" The other party said strangely, "It's not that you kept calling Tongtong and Tongtong. I just checked your address book. What? Didn't you ask me to ask her for help?"

All wrong! It's a big shame this time.

"Forget it! Don't say anything." Kang Lai said weakly, "That's it, I'll hang up first."

After hanging up the phone, he hesitated to dial Lin Yutong's number, "Tongtong——"

This little voice was a bit confused and wronged, and it made Lin Yutong's ears itch, "Are you up?"

"Yeah!" Kang Lai couldn't hear the other party's mood change, "Then what... are you angry?"

What's wrong with me? Anyway, I have already called your parents and your mother just now!

The author has something to say: Because I wrote about the selfishness of Weibo, I remembered to look at my Weibo. Only then did I realize that I had received a total of 23 private messages in the past two days. Some readers asked me to apologize to his idol in the part where the author has something to say, saying that I don't understand the hard work of the stars, their compulsion, etc., etc. I read them all. I declare that I did not specifically refer to a certain person, or a certain type of person, please do not take the right seat. In addition, some people think that I am morally kidnapped by morality and the like, saying that emotional matters are involved in the parties and others have no right to point fingers. I don't want to say anything about this category, and I don't ask you to do anything, so please put away those who are wrong. Abusive myself, and a curse on my family and children, that's a bit too much to say. Some people say that I hate their idols, and they go back to find someone to hate me. I want to say that you are free. I believe that the majority of people in this world understand the truth. As long as they persevere and work hard, they will be recognized. No apology, that's all I have to say. Thank you for your company, I have grown a lot. A year ago, I often cried bitterly, but now I am very normal. It is you who accompanied me all the way, gave me strength and courage. Thanks!

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