Accumulate Wealth in Life

Chapter 809: Strange Dad Strange Mom (5) 3 in 1

Strange Mom and Dad (5)

Originally wanted to move first, but this one will definitely not be able to move. There is news all over the Internet and TV about such a big thing as marriage, but the two of them haven't told their family at all.

Zhu Zhu said in front of the old lady that it was not suitable for marriage, and today she took her son to the Civil Affairs Bureau. Ms. Su Yuan was very knowledgeable, so she was infuriated by her unreliable strength. I am in my thirties, and I am not a child of seven or eight years old and urine mud. How can I make an idea for a while, there is no time. The old guys blew up their phones, but my unlucky son didn't think to tell her.

At this moment, Limbo excitedly held his notebook, turned out the three-dimensional plan of the house, and discussed how to live in the future: "The first floor is a nanny, and the second floor is my bedroom, study, and gym. Three The building used to be a guest room, but now these guest rooms are opened up to make you a bedroom..."

Sounds not bad, the housing area on the third floor is only half the size of the first and second floors, because the other half is a large terrace. Limbaugh pointed to the terrace, "I didn't have much to clean up here before, there are tables and chairs for tea and drinks when friends are together, and now I'll make it a garden for you, make sure to open the curtains of the floor-to-ceiling windows, all year round. You can see the flowers blooming like brocade. Make a custom swing, put some rattan chairs, and bring friends over to play when you have nothing to do, this place is good for entertaining..."

Zhu Zhu pouted, as if she was more tempting than the princess's room she had meticulously tidied up. She points her finger on the map, "Where's my room?"

"Don't worry." Limbaugh pointed to the gym, "I'll make it a study for you."

If you are married, you still have to live in separate rooms.

You will be able to toss.

"Now that it's renovated, when will I be able to live in?" What kind of house can you move in if you can't live in?

This seems to be a problem.

Zhu Zhu smiled and said, "Then you can join my house. Anyway, there are so many empty rooms, where can I fit you?"

Lin Bo's face darkened, and just as he was about to choke, the phone rang. Caller ID: Mother-in-law.

"It's over." Limbo muttered, and hurriedly answered the phone. Before he could say a word, there was a roar: "Bring your wife and children back!" He didn't have time to respond, and there was only beep on the phone. blind tone.

He was a little dumbfounded, and then asked Zhu Zhu: "Did you tell your family?"

Zhu Zhu slapped his forehead: "No."

Just as he was talking, Lin Yutong's cell phone rang, "It's my aunt! The teacher is here to ask for guilt." She quickly answered the phone, "Auntie, my mother is about to call you..."

"You unconscionable white-eyed wolf." Lin Yutong's ears hurt from the high-pitched voice over there. She moved the phone away from her ears and asked these two to listen to the unreliable things. The voice over there was even louder. Gao Gao, "It's only been a few days for you to help your mother fool me? I don't know what your mother's virtue is? You tell her that we are on our way to the airport..."

Then... no and then, the phone hangs up.

Can your family not come when you are married?

Lin Yutong put the phone aside, and seeing that the two were still stunned, he knew that he could not count on them. She took the phone from Limbaugh's hand, opened it, and asked, "Password?"

Lin Bo said it casually, Lin Yutong unlocked it, and then glanced at Lin Bo. This screensaver is still a photo of tranquility!

This look made Lin Bo react instantly, and he gave Lin Yutong a pleading look. Seeing that the other party understood, his heart was relieved, and he was a little contemptuous of himself. Isn't it just a picture of tranquility? What a shame! As for the heartbeat, did you miss a beat?

But then I thought, why does this kid want a cell phone?

Lin Yutong opened the address book and clicked on "Family". There were only five people's phone numbers on it. The names were: Lafayette, Lao Linzi, Dawang, Big Tiger, and Tiger Cub.

Ha ha!

Lin Yutong clicked the 'big king' and dialed it over, and after two rings, he picked up the phone, "Hello..." The male voice was calm and cold, and his tone was not very good. It seems that you guessed correctly, the 'big king' is Lin Yuan. She immediately chuckled: "Uncle, it's me!"

Lin Bo was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Lin Yutong, what do you want to do by calling your uncle.

The phone was stunned for a moment, and then the voice softened, "It's Tongtong, do you have something to do with the uncle?"

"I have something to tell my uncle..." Lin Yutong's tone stopped, and he smiled: "My grandfather, aunt and uncle are already on their way to the airport."

Lin Yuan immediately understood: "Okay! I'll make arrangements now. You and your parents go home first, don't worry about it here, I'll pick you up at the airport in person. The two of you have dinner together in the evening, and I'll book a place. Call your dad."

"Okay." This is the person who understands the rules. "Uncle is busy. I'm hanging up!"

Lin Yuan hung up the phone and wanted to beat Lin Bo, the boss is not too young, how come no children understand the reason. After being so confused for so many years, people have raised their children. If you don't recognize it, it will be so confusing. But now you are married. The attitude that a man should have is to have. He didn't say that he would pick him up in person, but at least he had to tell his family. It's not me, the old man has to pick it up himself. That's what the rules should be.

If it wasn't for the child calling, not only the Lin family would be rude. This is not to give family face.

Lin Bo understood this reason in a blink of an eye. It wasn't that he didn't understand these principles, but the marriage was too sudden, one thing after another, and he didn't respond in time.

As a result, the parents got married, and their daughters were behind to clean up the mess for them.

"Hurry up and change your clothes and go out. I'll send you to the old house. You should have time to go to the airport." Lin Bo said, and quickly got up and went back to his room to change clothes. Zhu Zhu was still a little dazed, apparently she was thinking about getting married simply. Lin Yutong urged her: "Hurry up and change your clothes, this is the first time you come to the door, don't be sloppy."

After the two of them left, she chose a pair of white short-sleeves, a pair of light yellow cropped trousers, and put on white sneakers, that's all. No makeup needed either.

Taking advantage of their unpacked work, they quickly found the organic fruit and vegetable store on the Internet, placed an order, and told them to prepare first, and then go out and pick it up on the way.

The first time you come to the door, is it empty-handed?

Lin Bo and Zhu Zhu came out in a hurry, and Lin Yutong was already waiting by the car. Dare not to delay any longer, Limbo drove the car, and the mother and daughter sat in the back seat.

Zhu Zhu took out the mirror to touch up her makeup, "Daughter, do you think I'm okay with this?"

Light blue floral dress, beige low-heeled leather shoes, loose hair, and **** makeup is neither rude nor strong and coquettish. The standard ex-wife and mother-in-law dress.

The corners of Lin Yutong's mouth twitched, "It's good." This outfit is very good, and the acting is very good. If the play is good, then I really listen to Ah Hong. "Stop for a moment..."

Then Lin Bo saw his daughter come out with two big baskets, and quickly got out of the car to borrow it, "I have everything at home..."

Didn't you see that there are not only fruits and vegetables, but also vegetables? And the packaging is not the packaging of gifts, it is an ordinary basket, and the fruit and vegetables inside are not the best. This is not a gift at all, but it doesn't matter if the things you buy for yourself look good or not, as long as you eat healthy at home.

This is because I am afraid to bring a gift box to look outside.

After opening the trunk, putting things in, and getting in the car, he said, "Then what do you want to bring, and ask the assistant secretary to prepare a gift box?"

Zhu Zhu hugged Lin Yutong: "Daughter, what can I do without you?" She is indeed not very good at handling household chores. No matter how much you can say, the drama will be played again, but after a long time, without this real thing, it will be revealed sooner or later.

When he arrived at Lin's house, Lin Bo shouted, "Mom, where is it? Where is this thing?"

"What to buy?" Ms. Su Yuan pulled her face down from the upstairs, looked up, and complained, "I have it at home, why do I buy so much?"

Lin Bo glanced at Zhu Zhu, "I said the same thing, Zhu Zhufei said by the way, it's a long way to go, and I also find it difficult."

Zhu Zhu smiled embarrassedly: "There will probably be many visitors at home these days, so be prepared."

The old lady nodded with satisfaction, "Alright! But go and sit..." Then she glared at Lin Bo, "Your elder brother called me and told me, what are you still doing?"

Lin Bo then turned around and ran quickly, it was too late if he didn't leave.

Lin Yutong smiled at the old lady: "Are you startled again?"

Su Yuan sighed, and before she could speak, Lin Yutong said again, "When you feel suffocated, think about me. I caught up with two, and you only have one. It's more worry-free than me."

When Su Yuan was about to say it, she swallowed it back instantly. is not that right? The bad son was born by himself. But whoever provoked this child, met such an unreliable pair of parents. It's quite worrying.

She felt pity and funny: "According to your words, I'm looking at other people's lives worse than me, so I'm balanced."

"Most of people's imbalances are not just comparisons. If you don't compare with other people's children, but only look at your own home, whether it's my parents or my mother, it's okay." Lin Yutong helped her. Sitting down, I took the fruit on the table and peeled it.

Su Yuan laughed and said to Zhu Zhu, who was smiling, "This child grew up with your sister-in-law. Tonight I have to thank your sister-in-law for teaching this child well." No matter what, it's not bad.

The old man of the Lin family was not here, so he should have gone to the airport with Lin Yuan. All the men have gone, this is to save face for the Zhu family. Lin Yutong sat between Su Yuan and Zhu Zhu, coordinating the relationship between the two with a gag, trying to make it less awkward for the two to stay together.

At six o'clock in the evening, the driver came to pick him up. It is said that the guests have been sent to the hotel for repair and come back to pick them up to the hotel.

There was no deliberate low-key at the gathering of the two families, and Lin Yutong felt that someone was filming secretly along the way.

Su Yuan patted Lin Yutong's hand: "It's alright! Ask them to pat it. They don't dare not make mosaics on your face."

It wasn't until seven o'clock that Lin Yutong saw a group of six come over. The two old men in front, one is strong and strong, and has tendons on his body, and the other is elegant and weak. Don't ask, this sturdy person is Zhu Dali, who was born in pigs and has a strong body. That gentle and elegant is the old man of the Lin family, who is nicknamed Lao Linzi by Lin Bo. Putting this Lafayette and Lao Linzi together, you will know the relationship between the old couple. The one who was a little older and had a bigger belly was his uncle, and the one who accompanied him with an aura of Zhuoran and a gentle demeanor was Lin Yuan. At the end of the walk, it was my aunt who had a dark face, and it was Lin Bo's job to make amends for my aunt.

The most annoying thing in the Zhu family is the aunt. As soon as she entered the door, she glared at Zhu Zhu before beckoning to Lin Yutong, "Come here, auntie."

Lin Yutong first said hello to her grandfather and uncle, and then said to Lao Linzi and Lin Yuan with the same attitude, and then squeezed beside her aunt.

No matter how dissatisfied the Zhu family is, as most people think, their children are so old that they have received their marriage certificates. What else can I do?

The Lin family's attitude was correct, but the Zhu family didn't hold on to it sincerely. In particular, the old lady of the Lin family is very supportive of the Zhu family. It is said that the Zhu family has a good family education, that the Zhu family's father is kind and filial to his son and his daughter-in-law is filial, and that his aunt can educate the children. An old lady who has been shrewd all her life, as long as she is willing to praise people, she can make people feel comfortable all over. During this period, Lin Yutong accompanied her aunt to the bathroom, and she whispered: "This old lady is smarter than your mother. If you really want to live together, your mother may not be the old lady's opponent. However, your mother has no other advantages. It's good at all - muddy! Most people can't stand it, I guess this old lady is also hanging. Be careful, don't let your mother be bullied. If you see something wrong, call me immediately. I I still don't believe it, our family will suffer!"

Co-authoring this is not about preparing to live a fight. As expected of a sheep slaughterer. My aunt's family owned a mutton restaurant, and all the sheep were slaughtered at home. Their family is an ancestral shop, and now there are more than a dozen branches in Zhichun. The two sisters-in-law, one slaughtered pigs and the other slaughtered sheep, no wonder they lost their temper. What kind of advantage is even this "muddy" in the eyes of the other party?

After dinner, on the way to take the Zhu family to the hotel, Lin Yutong asked his uncle Zhu Rui, "My aunt said my mother..."

Before the words were finished, Zhu Rui snorted, "Your mother is stupid, and your aunt is stunned. So, Tongtong, let's not learn from them..."

Co-authoring with you is how you count the advantages to others.

The Zhu family are not idle people either.

Lin Yutong couldn't follow Lin Bo and Zhu Zhu, and was left in the old house by Lafayette and Lao Linzi, "Your house hasn't been cleaned up yet, how can you tell your children to live?"

The house he was talking about was not Limbo's house being redecorated, but that Lin Yuan sent a villa for Limbo to use as a wedding room. The decoration is very good, but the furniture is not in place, and it is temporarily impossible to live in.

So Lin Yutong logically stayed in the old house, got up every morning and went to the square with the old lady to practice and dance square dance, and then came back to accompany the old man for a walk to find someone to play chess. The days were quite leisurely.

She doesn't have to check the money in her card now. Anyway, it is the flower of this life, and it can't be spent. Of course, this has to be the way ordinary people spend their money, which is definitely enough. But if you want to say that buying a luxury cruise ship today is like changing a luxury car in January, that amount of money is not enough to build it.

She called the fourth master and said, "People really can't stand it. It's only been a few days, and I feel lazy myself."

Fourth Master scratched his head a little: "You didn't find a problem."

"What?" Lin Yutong asked, "What's the problem?" Could it be that there is a big hole waiting for him, and the good days in front of him were stolen?

Fourth Master laughed: "I read the domestic news. How old are you now?"

"Sixteen." Lin Yutong replied, temporarily not understanding what the fourth master wanted to say. What's the problem with age?

"You said that in your current family situation, is it suitable for you to fall in love when you are underage?" The fourth master asked in a low voice.

My parents are not a good role model, so if I get along with the fourth master in a 'lover' relationship at the age of sixteen...then there will definitely be no good words. This is called the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked!

Especially those who are related to media entertainment, this is more likely to attract public opinion and public attention.

If the fourth master didn't mention it, Lin Yutong really didn't think about this issue. The more she thought about it, the more she felt right, she really couldn't fall in love until she was eighteen years old, "Then what do you mean, our old husband and wife's... now we are fighting. Underground love?"

That's what I mean. Before he became your uncle, he was trapped halfway across the world.

Lin Bo, who had fooled the future uncle, didn't realize this at all. He frowned at the program invitation letter in front of him, raised his head and asked Assistant Meng, "What do you mean?"

Assistant Meng scratched his head, "This is an invitation letter from the "Pastoral Life" program team."

"I know the characters." Lin Bo turned to the side, "Which artist you want to hire, you just give this to their manager, what can you do for me?"

"They want to invite you." Assistant Meng bit the bullet and confirmed it again, "You are what they invited this time."

Limbaugh blinked, "Invite me?" Invite me for what? "No!" I have no intention of entertaining the public.

Assistant Meng stood still: "Listen to me, I think you should go. Look at the program planning, it's a program you took your family to participate in. I know you want to protect your family's **, but Because the fact that your family is..." It's too weird. "We are in the media, so you know more about the curiosity of the public... Driven by this kind of psychology, do you think they will not continue to dig? For example, going to the school where the eldest miss was, looking for teachers, friends and classmates... This is With the Internet today, there is nothing to hide. Rather than being passive. Rather than being excavated, we should take the initiative. Aren’t they curious? Then show them and show them…”

It seems to make sense. After all, no one can cover the sky with one hand, and Haina also has many competitors. He is unwilling to mention this matter at home, but others may not be unwilling to mention it.

As soon as Assistant Meng saw the door, he hurriedly said: "The reason why I advocate that you agree is because Director Dong of Caifeng Film and Television has signed a contract with the program team of "Pastoral Life"."

Caifeng did not deal with Haina, and Dong Cheng did not deal with Lin Bo.

Only then did Lin Bo seriously open the program planning of rural life. Isn't it just to stay in the place designated by the program team for three days and two nights? Then there was filming of their family's pastoral normality. Invite one or two star friends over as guests. It seems to be very simple. He closed the planning book in his hand and patted it on the table, "Okay, then let's participate. Did the contract and legal department come over? It should be fine..."

Assistant Meng quickly said, "No problem..."

Lin Bo brushed his signature, "Okay, please reply to them. When you arrange the time, you have to make it clear to them. Tongtong is going to start school, and the time must be arranged before the school starts."

"You signed it now?" Assistant Meng asked in a low voice, "Don't ask what Mr. Zhu and Miss Zhu mean?"

"Didn't you go with Tongtong?" Lin Bo raised his head and asked Assistant Meng, "Did you say you must bring your wife?"

This one doesn't.

"But President Dong wants to bring his wife, daughter and son to participate." Assistant Meng added weakly.

Lin Bo had a toothache, so he only took his daughter there and thought it was just to play with the children. Many children have never seen this set of TV stations, and they are very novel. He is also taking children to see and experience. But there is also a wife, "she may not have time..." The key is that he may not invite her to touch her. But this Dong Cheng is also annoying enough, what are you taking his wife out for a stroll?

"Why don't you discuss it with Mr. Zhu?" Assistant Meng tentatively said, and Lin Bo immediately froze, "What to discuss? Sign it and sign it. No matter how busy she is, I have spoken, and she can still cooperate. Please reply immediately."

Assistant Meng stretched out his hand to get the contract, but Lin Bo stretched out his hand and held it down. He was a little unsteady.

"Why not?" Assistant Meng sneered, fearing that his wife's virtue was enough.

"What's the matter, I just told you to send it to the Legal Department, be sure to take a closer look, especially the safety of the child..." He rambled a lot, and then he dismissed the person.

When there was only one person left in the office, he was in trouble. Still excited! No one in the family, big or small, has no idea.

Zhu Zhu didn't go to work today, so she instructed people to finally clean up the house. Lin Yutong also came to help early in the morning, and this time the room was finally cleaned up to his liking. Three people on one floor. Lin Bo lives on the first floor, Lin Yutong lives on the second floor, and Zhu Zhu lives on the third floor.

The two were discussing the move to a new house to entertain guests, and Limbo came back.

This time, he was more attentive, and first talked about Lin Yutong: "...I want to participate in this show. It's okay to ask them to watch it, and they will stop staring and exploring. Besides, we Tongtong are not that unbearable. Infected child..."

The truth is indeed such a truth, some things can be suppressed if you want to suppress them. Lin Yutong was not very disgusted. "It's better to block it! This Assistant Meng is still very reliable."

Lin Bo was almost in tears. It was great to have a sensible girl. There are only three women he has been close to in his life, the old Buddha tigress and this not-so-easy tiger cub.

It doesn't matter if you don't mess with it, just be reasonable. His demands have never been high. But neither Lafayette nor Tigress had the habit of reasoning with him. It really opened my eyes, and sent a big girl to save the suffering.

The girl passed, he immediately looked at Zhu Zhu, can you not compromise? He asked somewhat proudly, "What do you say?"

"It's pretty good." Zhu Zhu flicked the dust that didn't exist on the legs of Yu's trousers, "I've watched a few episodes of this show, and the reputation is pretty good. The place I chose is also beautiful, so I just thought it was a trip."

Lin Bo raised his eyebrows and smiled, followed closely, the smile froze on his face, and then he heard Zhu Zhu say, "Go with the child. Just take care of her."

"You're not going?" Limbo was stunned.

"Why should I go?" Zhu Zhu smiled, "I'm not a star, and I'm not afraid of people prying on me." She got up quickly, "No, I have to go to sleep, I'm exhausted today."

Lin Bo just watched Zhu Zhu twist his hips and go up the stairs, ""

"What am I?" Zhu Zhu stopped and looked over, "You won't promise anything, will you?"

"No!" Limbo said immediately, "No! How can I promise anything you want?"

"That's good." Zhu Zhu turned her face and pouted, there were times when you begged me.

Lin Yutong lazily watched the fight between the two, and went to the bedroom to check the show on the Internet.

Limbo spent a long time at home, and it wasn't until he was lying in bed at night that he realized that the woman had the temperament of not showing eagles without seeing rabbits. If you want her to cooperate, you have to negotiate. He quietly got up and walked lightly to the third floor.

I knocked on the door, and it took a long time for the door to open. Zhu Zhu was wearing a white nightdress with suspenders, what she could reveal but couldn't could see a little bit. Lin Bo glanced at it before turning his head, "Put on...put on your clothes...I have business to say..."

"Speaking of business?" Zhu Zhu lied down on the bed with a half-smile, "If you want to talk about business, you have to delay my time. You have to pay a price, right?"

really! This woman is still the same. Wouldn't eat at all.

"Okay!" Limbaugh nodded. "What do you want?"

Zhu Zhu was lying on the bed, with a soft white body lying on the fiery red quilt. She twisted twice, "My whole body is stiff, come and press it... Press it well, let's talk about it..."

Limbo swallowed and took a step forward, but he couldn't help raising his hand to grab his own collar, "You...what do you want to do...I tell don't...don't fool around. …”

"Tsk tsk... I just like you, you are afraid of being violated." Zhu Zhu said rudely, winking and throwing money away, then his face suddenly changed, and he said coldly, "I'll ask you to come here. Come here, you don't want to talk anymore, do you?"


Lin Bo moved over and sat on the edge of the bed with a humiliated expression. He didn't know whether it was a silk nightgown or a woman's skin. He couldn't help but feel that this woman's skin was so good!

"Ah... let's focus... there... it's there... you have to work harder..."

The woman's moan | groaning makes one's mouth dry in an instant.

It took Lin Bo a long time to find his own voice: "I...I just did you agree to..."

"Want to ask me to agree?" Zhu Zhu turned slightly, and when she turned her head, she could see Lin Bo, "You are also in that circle, and you don't even understand the rules?"

"What... what are the rules?" Limbo turned his eyes away, not daring to look at her ridged chest that was pressed against the bed because he turned around.

Zhu Zhu suddenly turned over, grabbed Lin Bo and pressed him on the bed, "Unspoken rules. I promise you to participate in the show, the price know..."

Lin Bo struggled twice, "Don't...don't be shameless..."

Who knew that before he could finish speaking, he heard a 'thorn', and Zhu Zhu tore his clothes off. Lin Bo exclaimed, "You..."

"Your daughter is downstairs!" Zhu Zhu reminded in a low voice. Don't be afraid that the children will shout when they hear you!

Lin Bo covered his mouth, he really didn't dare to scream!

Ha ha! It has become meat in the mother's bowl, why don't you ask the mother to eat it? Still sleeping in separate rooms? See what you can! No matter how you want to sleep, as long as the old lady wants to sleep, you have to sleep with her.

With a scream, Lin Yutong knew what happened. She tsk tsk, is this considered marital rape!

When Lin Yutong got up early the next morning, as soon as Lin Yutong brought breakfast to the dining table, she saw Zhu Zhu, who was in high spirits and contented, and Lin Bo, who didn't dare to look at anyone, one after another, from upstairs. down.

Zhu Zhu sat down at the dining table, "Sister Wang and Xiaofu went back to pack their things, and can't come over until the afternoon. I'm going to take you out for breakfast today, so you're done. Don't go into the kitchen in the future. Burning..."

"What kind of food do you like to eat, Dad will invite you to come back with a cook." Lin Bo took a sip of the soup bowl and took a sip. After adjusting his state, he opened his mouth to speak.

"Why didn't you ask me what dishes I like to eat?" Zhu Zhu squinted at Limbo, and Limbo's ears turned red, "Then you...then what dishes do you like to eat?"

Zhu Zhu giggled and laughed, this sleeping is different from not sleeping. I didn't force you in the end, did I? "Eat home-cooked food at home. Don't make your home full of outsiders."

"Got it." Limbo picked up the soup bowl and drank it, then got up: "I'm going to work. Eat slowly, I won't be back for dinner." After speaking, he seemed to remember something. He explained, "That... I made an appointment with Zhao Wenhai for dinner in the evening, for foreign business, in Zilai Pavilion."

This is an account of whereabouts.

When Lin Bo left, Zhu Zhu raised her eyebrows proudly at Lin Yutong, "Look, it's right to listen to your mother. That's right for a man. Well, it's easy to use."

Lin Yutong didn't speak, and couldn't speak.

The relationship between the two has entered into a relationship that can't be described as a relationship. Anyway, they are both men and women who eat and drink. Lin Yutong is used to the strange calls that come from time to time at night.

The start of school is just around the corner. It was reported on August 28 that on August 28, Lim Bo called at noon to ask to prepare, saying that the program would be recorded tomorrow.

Zhu Zhu is a serious person. Since she agreed, she must be prepared. All the clothes and shoes are from Qihuang, and they spare no effort to advertise their own home. Then I quickly took a lot of photos, printed them out, put them in photo frames, and hung them at home.

That's right! The program team will take the camera and start filming from tomorrow morning.

Therefore, Zhu Zhu naturally hugged the pillow and occupied half of Limbaugh's bed that night.

On the plane at 7:00 in the morning, Lin Yutong felt that it was enough time to get up at 5:00. Who knew that the door was pushed open before the alarm clock rang, "Tongtong, get up!" Zhu Zhu's voice was very gentle.

"Is the plane changed?" She rolled over and lay down, intending to stretch again.

Hearing Zhu Zhu's voice, "This child doesn't usually sleep late. We set to get up at five o'clock. I didn't expect you to come so early."

Lin Yutong was stunned for a moment, then turned over quickly, "Is this the time to start filming?"

The cameraman thought it was good. Although the light in the camera was dim, he could still see the beautiful girl with fluffy hair and staring at her eyes. The cartoon pajamas on her body were tightly wrapped, and there was nothing inappropriate.

He Ning, the team leader in charge of this group of shooting, nodded to the cameraman, motioning him to continue shooting, and then said hello to Lin Yutong, "It's early, I'm sorry."

"You've worked hard." Lin Yutong got up and went to the bathroom to wash up, that is, he told them to pat and brush their teeth.

The downstairs was lively, Lin Bolai couldn't get up from the bed, Zhu Zhu gritted his teeth in his heart, and had to be gentle on his face and voice, "Get up quickly!" She urged aside.

Limbo snorted twice and turned over again. Zhu Zhu could only pretend to kiss him and whisper in his ear, "If you don't get up again, you will be beautiful."

There are outsiders, you dare!

Lin Bo opened his eyes, raised his eyebrows and said, "What should I wear out? What about the clothes?"

Then Zhu Zhu had to wait with a smile, and after she had finished grooming, she helped him put on the clothes one by one.

As He Ning watched, he clicked his tongue in his heart, and it was too comfortable for Mr. Lin to live his life.

In fact, photographers are more interested in mansions than people. Lin Yutong felt that their lenses recorded every detail in the room, including those precious Barbies in the cupboard.

I went out from my house, got in the car, went to the airport, took the plane for 40 minutes, and then reversed the car again to arrive at a village near a scenic spot. The village is at the foot of the mountain, and the stream flows through the village. Whether it is the fresh air or the quiet environment, it makes people feel comfortable.

The car could not enter the village, so I got off the car at the entrance of the village, and Lin Bo was responsible for carrying the luggage of the three people. A travel bag was slung over his shoulders, and two suitcases were pulled in his hands. Lin Yutong wanted to take it from him, but Lin Bo had to let it go. In front of the camera, the image of a good father with a domineering president Fan was erected.

"Is President Dong coming?" Lin Bo walked forward, looking back to see if Zhu Zhu and Lin Yutong were following, and he didn't forget to ask He Ning about the situation.

"Mr. Dong will be there in half an hour." He Ning smiled, "Early arrival has the advantage of being there early, so you can pick a room first."

Well said, but there is nothing to choose from in this house. A yard, only the east and west sides are built with identical pagodas, separated by a fence in the middle of the yard, which means that they are two families. But the fence up to the position of Lin Yutong's calf did nothing.

The decorations in the Baoxia are all the same, and there is nothing to choose from. Lin Yutong looked at the surrounding environment and said, "Let's live in the east." On the contrary, it is to the east, only see the sun for a while in the morning, and it must not be shady.

Dong Cheng, who had already inquired about everything, heard this sentence before he entered the yard, and immediately shouted to the opposite side, "Lin Bo, your daughter really looks like you!"

All the same treacherous!

The author has something to say: Some readers say they miss the sixth watch. Two three-in-one is six more, dear! See you in the evening around the early morning.

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