Accumulate Wealth in Life

Chapter 1369: .Fireworks World (3) 3 in 1

Fireworks World (3)

Fourth Master has always been a person who will do what he says he can do. As long as he feels capable, he will do it.

Here, Lin Yutong made a bowl of fried sauce noodles. He casually stuffed his lunch into his stomach and left.

In fact, the most important thing in the factory is friends.

It's just that everyone's life is difficult now. It's a dream to point out how much help they have given them financially. Who is working in this factory now? That brain is alive, go out early to find a way. That can't help but wait for the factory to manage, one by one is playing poker in the workshop.

If one person finds the factory, even if it is a rogue, the factory leader is willing to give it, but what about other people in the factory. A factory with so many people does not belong to a single person. As long as the director of the factory speaks about promoting democracy, it is a quasi-bad thing. Such a large area, even if it is rented out for use as a warehouse, it will still generate a lot of income in a year. Anyone who wants to use it for free will have comments below.

So, this rogue has to play, but it's not enough to play alone. We have to get hands on, everyone will play.

Under the current conditions, there is definitely no capital officer. Without capital, if you want to use chickens to lay eggs and free Tongtong from the most tedious work, then this person will not be able to play.

He looked for Lao Lai, who had a face full of flesh, but was small with Yin Zhen. Coupled with a Yu Zi, the three of them can't wait to wear a pair of trousers.

The situation in Lao Lai's family is also not good. Although he is a dual worker, his daughter-in-law is an only child. He is not an only child. That's four old people, plus, Lao Lai's grandparents are still alive. There are two boys below that have grown up too, so why don't you spend money on it. For people with many elderly people, the heaviest burden is the cost of medicines. Although there is a staff hospital, it is just a matter of common minor illnesses and minor disasters, which can be directly charged to the factory's account. But now the benefits are like this, what is there in the staff hospital? Cold medicine, fever medicine, diarrhea medicine, dehydration, nothing else. If you really want to see a doctor, you still have to spend money to go to other hospitals. Six old people and two children, the wages of two people, that is, Lao Lai, his father and father-in-law have retirement wages, and now the retirement wages cannot be paid, it is only a few dozen yuan a month, what can you do?

As for Yu Zi, in his thirties, he is an old bachelor. My parents have been paralyzed at home for many years! At first glance, it is a nest where you can't get out if you fall in. Who do you think would marry him?

Looking for these two people, I told them this: "This business is very good now, not only ingredients, but also various kinds of pickles, and it takes a lot of labor. The majority of our factory is female workers, and no one is willing to throw them away. I have to go to work. But I can’t put it down and I don’t get paid. It happens that we use hourly workers, and it costs one dollar an hour…”

If Lao Lai calculates this, then this is really a lot.

Now the factory is in a semi-shutdown state, basically working for half a day. Nothing to do for the rest of the day. A lot of people who got their hands on three wheels went to the train station to pull goods and people. I only earned a few bucks that day. It's still on the doorstep. That is, I work all day, from 6:30 to 9:30 in the evening, which is also three hours. Three yuan a day is not much, but this month is a small hundred. If the couple worked together and the time was different, it would be easy to spend more than 100 yuan a month. This can be a big deal at home.

At the beginning, there is no equipment. If you come up with something, you have to rely on manpower to push it forward. There is no other better way.

And if you really want to make a product, from registration, to food safety, taxation departments, all of them run down one by one, and it will not be completed within half a year. Have to deal with various inspections.

But this large unit is different. The leaders in the factory are higher in rank than the district leaders, and they have a close relationship with local government departments. Therefore, if you want to save trouble, now not only do you have to borrow labor from the local area, but you also have to take advantage of the situation to call the factory to do the most difficult things.

Pulling so many people to find a labor union, I told the chairman of the labor union: "We are called a mutual aid processing factory. Our factory can't pay wages, the elderly at home need to see a doctor, and the children need to go to school. Problems that cannot be solved in the factory. , we solved it by ourselves spontaneously, and indirectly shared the work for the factory leaders..."

The chairman of the labor union understood, no matter how pleasant the words were, what kind of worker mutual aid processing factory, in the final analysis, didn’t want to take up the canteen for nothing?

He added hot water to the cup and started Tai Chi: "It's up to everyone to decide. It's up to the collective decision."

I don't want to cause this trouble. I can't find this **** who will harm the pink eye in the future. I can't even get into trouble in my own office? So, it's best not to touch it yourself.

Afraid of trouble!

Fourth Master lowered his eyelids, and when he saw Lao Lai want to speak, he stretched out his foot and kicked him, telling him to shut up. He smiled and said, "Yes! It has to be decided collectively. This is our worker's processing factory. After all, this is also under the leadership of our labor union... Otherwise, I will write a notice when I go back now and post it on us. The door of the factory. I have a table with that one. If you are willing to do this part-time job and earn some money to subsidize the family, you can sign it right away. Do you think it will work?”

The chairman shook his hand, of course not.

Of course, this kind of collective is also a collective, but it is two different concepts from collective voting. After dispersing the collection of opinions, of course, I am thinking about my own business, I am afraid that it will not be my turn to earn that kind of money. But if there is a group meeting, there is a problem with the leader's face.

Let everyone vote, then each will look at the leader who is close to him. If the leader raises his hand first, he will be able to follow closely. If the leader doesn't raise his hand first, then the next one who raises his hand must be weighed, and don't offend others for their own affairs.

This is something that can only be comprehended.

I really told this kid to put up a sign at the gate, it's really messed up.

The fourth master has changed his smile again: "The worker's own processing factory, of course, belongs to the leader of the labor union. The factory should also have its own labor union organization. At that time, the leader must be invited to be a consultant..."

Consultants are a popular term these days. Most people think it's just money and no work.

Therefore, after saying this, this person understands it as a matter of course: If you ask yourself to be a consultant, you will need to give money.

This gangster came to this office, and brought two thugs-like characters, giving him two paths: one is that he wants to make trouble and cause him countless troubles. One is that he agrees to his request, and maybe he will give you another salary.

Put it in your hand and weigh it, it seems that there is no choice. I wanted to agree, but I resisted a little bit, but I thought to myself, what could I ask him to use?

Can he do it? How long can he occupy that space? Anyway, the place is idle and idle.

If it can't be done, it will naturally be empty.

You have charged him the rent, and he can't work anymore, and he has to go back and ask you for money to return the rent.

So, this is what this guy said when he went to the factory manager: "...the city held a meeting and said that stability is the most important thing now. It's like this kid Yinzhen, who makes trouble like this and provokes him. It's heartbreaking and chaotic..."

Ge Qiucheng waved his hand: "Let him go. It's a matter of three or two months..."

"Three or two months?" The fourth master laughed: "At that time, it will not be our family's business. If we are told to move, we won't be able to move in three or two years." That's what he said when he came back.


No matter how bad the efficiency of the factory is, can you ask everyone to throw the work in the factory to a private factory? See if anyone goes and no one goes! This is now in the factory, under the banner of mutual help among the workers in the factory, which not only takes care of everyone's face, but also is very convenient. If you have time, go to work for two hours, this is the initial saying. If there are too many people, it will definitely be impossible to start work on time. This needs to be quantified in detail. This is something that will be discussed at that time. It is also a process of elimination. People who feel that their hands and feet are slow, and those who can’t work and can’t make a living will naturally quit. Not only can I take care of a serious job, but I can also take care of the family and children, and I earn a lot of money. There are a lot of people who are willing, don't say anything else, just ask them to move out and try it out. The time wasted on the way of the workers is money. As long as there is no improvement in the factory, as long as the factory does not say that the area in the middle of the community is directly sold, let alone three or two years of not moving, it will be ten years.

It's just that you don't have to pay in the early stage, and you still have to make up for it later.

I don't give money now because we really have no money. I just want to borrow chickens to lay eggs, but the borrowed chickens have no intention of not giving them to others. Although now everyone thinks that the fourth master is going to cheat, but to regain a foothold in society, only cheating is definitely not enough.

Besides, it's really helpless right now. I can't get those licenses, what can I do? Now that the factory has agreed, it doesn't matter whether the leader follows or not, but the factory must issue a certificate and a letter of introduction. Take these and then go to do these things, that is the matter of the public family to the public family, just stamp a seal. Save a lot of effort!

Without the fourth master explaining, Lin Yutong understood.

Just as he was talking, there was a sound of running outside. It was the child's dismissal from school. The three and four came back first.

When they saw the fourth master at home, they screamed and rushed in from the outside, hung on the fourth master, and called Dad loudly.

Obviously, Yinzhen is not a strict father at home and likes to play with children.

Karma monkey couldn't get down: "Dad, I want to eat grilled sausages."

"I want to eat it too." Due to fate, she turned her father's pocket directly: "Sanmao can buy two. Just give us Sanmao..."

The fourth master directly took out the dozens of dollars that Tongtong gave Jiner, and took out a piece for the two of them: "Go back quickly, and watch the car."

Every time I come back from a crime, I always use money to coax my children. This has become a routine.

Only then did Lin Yutong remember to cook, so he simply took out another three yuan and called back to bring a piece of pork belly.

The two threw down their schoolbags and ran out cheering. The fourth master's shoulders were all loose. It was obvious that he was somewhat uncomfortable with such a big child who suddenly appeared.

The couple looked at each other, and Lin Yutong reminded the fourth master: "There are two older ones, and they are coming back. They are both fourteen, the big girl."

Fourteen-year-old girls should get married in ancient times.

But now, it is the age of rebellion. From my memory, these two elders had some opinions on such a father who made them lose face.

Sure enough, when the two children came back into the room, they saw the fourth master stunned for a moment, and then one called 'Dad' in a smaller voice than the other, and then the two of them were very neat, and they both turned around and put the books and homework on their respective beds. Then he took off his jacket and asked Lin Yutong loudly, "Mom, what are you going to eat today. I'll go pick up the vegetables!"

This is the posture of intending to help with cooking.

have to! When the fourth master saw this situation, he knew that this was not a relationship that could be improved overnight. He simply said, "You two do your homework first, and I'll cook with your mother."

Then came to hide in the kitchen.

To make Lin Yutong laugh, this situation is absolutely rare for the fourth master. While smiling, she responded to the two children: "Go do your homework, today's stewed pork with sauerkraut, it will take a while."

The fourth master raised his voice and asked inside again: "Are you hungry? Why don't you buy something to cushion you first?"

Yin Wei's muffled voice came from inside: "I'm not hungry!"

Pout is back!

Just as he was talking, the two little ones came back, they finished their sausages, they just came back with a piece of meat, and went in to do their homework with a grin.

Seeing that the kitchen was fine, the fourth master simply went out. Seeing that there are people selling twists on the roadside, fried at home, the owner greets them warmly: "Try it, it's crispy."

Fourth Master really touched a small piece of it and tasted it. According to his taste, it can only be said that it can be eaten. But for kids, it's the best snack. Usually two cents a cent, few children are willing to buy it.

I took a piece of ten yuan, and they put fifty pieces in it first, because they bought a lot, and they spared two more to go in.

When I brought it back, it was supposed to be a pad for a few children, but when I got home, I heard voices in the kitchen, and again, it was Yinzhen's mother.

Here comes the old lady.

The fourth master saw the wind and raised his smiling face: "I was going to see you and my dad, why did you come first?" Then he gave the things in his hand to Tongtong: "Take a few and call those pads, and the rest Ask Mom to take it back."

"What do you spend this money for?" Because the aunt was distressed, "You spend money indiscriminately, it's not easy for your daughter-in-law to earn a lot of money, how can you be so ho..."

Lin Yutong hurriedly divided the things into three parts, kept twelve at home, kept one for Aunt Yin, and packed the other and called Yin He: "Give it to your grandma and grandpa, stay up late at night, and put it up when you're hungry. "Aunt Yin also said: "Bring it to Lijun, such an old child doesn't eat before going to bed, and he is very hungry at night."

Then because the aunt took it, I had to be a favor and let the eldest daughter-in-law know about it. Although he took the things, he still slapped the fourth master fiercely: "Just toss you, your father heard that you are going to do it with others, isn't this taking advantage of your own business? You said that the two of you were your own. Come on, how much money do you have to earn this month. You have to drag your friends and friends to toss, the money is earned by others, what should we do at home? Why don't you make any calculations. "

This meal was destined to be unsettling, and people came one after another, and all the relatives in the family came to join in.

The fourth master's two elder sisters were anxious: "If you dislike this smell, how much does it cost to rent a yard in the urban village at the door? If the smell of that place wafts out, then no one can control it. Turn left 50 meters, the distance is two steps, it is worry-free and convenient. What are you doing with the factory? People say that we take advantage of the factory. The money is made by everyone, and everyone has to call us bastards. ."

His second sister was more attentive and said in a low voice, "If Tongtong uses this craft, not to mention supporting a family, just a few children will learn it, and the ancestors will also have a meal with this. Now the formal workers are just ass, Whoever can make money will have a better life, what is decent or not. If this craft is taught to others, there is no place for us to cry! You can't make this kind of confusion!"

Thinking is not on the same level, what do you say.

There is no way to explain it, everyone takes the fourth master as a prodigal.

The fourth master is the beginning today, and tomorrow is the real drama. Pull these factory leaders to find a way to go through the formalities for their own family, get to know some people, and make connections. If you can make this a demonstration, put it in the newspaper, let the district government know about it, and praise it. To think that going to the bank for a loan is decisive.

Obviously it is a good move, as long as you advance step by step, everything will be fine. Today's first step is the easiest, and it's done quite smoothly.

I didn't expect such a big reaction from my family!

Fourth Master and Lin Yutong both thought, they do their own thing, and they will understand without explanation in the future. But the gods don't do what they want!

While talking here, Lao Lai shouted from outside: "Yinzhen! Yinzhen! Hurry up, because Uncle Yin has gone to the cafeteria and is making a fuss."

The small canteen in the factory is generally used by leaders. Especially when leaders entertain guests or superiors, they like to go to the cafeteria. This point, still in the cafeteria, who must be entertaining.

Over there, Yinzhen's father, Yin Sledgehammer, is also an old model worker in the factory. When the factory was built, he was received by the leaders who came to inspect from the central government. Now such a person, standing in front of the General Administration and the factory leaders, held back tears and said, "The trade union is the mother's family of our workers' organization. I have relied on D and the organization all my life. Why? Because D is credible, because The organization is credible! If you make a mistake, the organization will point it out to help correct it. If there is a problem, find the organization, and the organization will help you solve it. But what about now?

The accusation is serious.

Ge Qiucheng was really afraid of this family, so he said, "Comrade Yin, this is what Yinzhen requested..."

"Isn't the factory that I requested agrees based on the actual situation?" Yin Sledge was excited: "I know that the factory needs to solve the difficulties of the employees, but to solve the difficulties, you can't use the knife on the employees who are in difficulty."

Ge Qiucheng's mouth was stunned, and he was so angry that he didn't know how to refute it.

The co-author thought the factory was bullying his son!

"For things like debts, the leaders of the factory didn't show up, they just looked for such stunned young people. As a result, something went wrong, and the factory didn't care about it. My daughter-in-law lay in bed in a hurry and couldn't get up. Yes, the factory has asked. The child finally found a way to survive, and my son just came out of the police station, and you came all of a sudden. Thinking of using my family's secret recipe to solve the problem in the factory! What is the nature of this? He slapped the table, "The bullies before liberation never bullied people like this!"

Fourth Master just heard this when he was outside. He pushed the door and went in before he could speak. Ge Qiucheng said: "Okay! You can come here! Your father has said this today, so I will also represent the factory today. Let me tell you, let’s give up what I proposed earlier! The canteen in the factory has other uses and can’t be used. If you still have difficulties, go to Director Li, and no one can use it for free.”

okay! A factory manager puts out his words in front of everyone, and they won't take it back in a short time.

Anything else is a waste.

Satisfied with the sledgehammer, he dragged his **** son and left. I kicked my feet when I went out: "You bastard, dare to mess around with it again! Your wife can't control you, and I don't care about you anymore, you will be finished in your life, you know?"

How did the fourth master ever receive such treatment?

What can be done? The sequelae left by the original body, whether he likes it or not, he has to continue.

What a great idea, what a great start. He even thought about where to owe the first raw material on credit when he opened, but he came here halfway. Today, this tossing is a waste of tossing.

He managed to appease the old man back, and when he got home, he sat in the yard.

They are all relatives in the family, their own family, and Tongtong's mother's family, they all have the same meaning, this is absolutely impossible! Can't do this!

As soon as he came in and looked at Tongtong, it was also a matter of life for the original couple, and it became a habit to worry about them one by one and make up their minds.

Lin Yutong put the stove in the yard, and the street lamp was pulled. Then the sauerkraut soup was rumbling in the pot, and a lot of vegetables were packed and brought over, let's eat and talk.

Including the two brothers-in-law of the fourth master, all shook their heads: "You can't do this!"

However, Cao Jing, who had not spoken, coughed lightly before saying, "It's actually a good thing to think about in the long run..."

Before he could finish speaking, Lin Yuzhi directly pinned it on his arm: "Eating your meal, there are so many words. A good thing? What a good thing? After you have learned this craft, it will be sold on the street, just fine?"

alright! After that, don't do it in the factory.

They are all good-hearted, but they are so biased. Fourth Master's plans and thoughts, in their eyes, are just jokes.

Just like the richest man, Mr. M, when he first started, he was not treated like a joke.

It's been like this, what else are you talking about!

Seeing that the two couples said that they must not be so tossed, and then everyone was relieved and dispersed.

Lying in bed at night, the fourth master whispered: "You can't be in a hurry!"

There is no need to hurry! Nobody believes you.

Therefore, it is not enough to walk this road step by step!

But this step by step, can't make Tong Tong spend all day in the kitchen, smoky and burning.

You still have to find another way to make money.

The next day is Saturday, the children have to go to school, and the weekend is not counted after half-day school. After having breakfast and leaving, Lin Yutong asked Fourth Master, "What should I do now?"

"Hold on for three more days, and I'll find a way to get the money." The fourth master said with certainty, one mouthful of steamed bread and one mouthful of pickles.

Row! He has another idea.

what idea?

The fourth master came up with the idea of ​​the backlog of cloth in the warehouse of the factory again.

This stuff is a fashionable material in those years. I love to use this material for making clothes and pants, and it sells very well in the city. But what is the price of ready-to-wear clothing today? Good-looking and fashionable, such fabrics are backlogged in warehouses, and they are not easy to sell.

He said he was going to sell it, but the people in the factory didn't believe it at all.

As I said, if you buy it for a relative, the ex-factory price will be given to you in cash. One or two, just go to the finance room to pay. But don't let your dad make trouble again and say we fool you with your money.

Who does this for cash?

The fourth master said, "You can buy it. But it's not cash. You ask me to get the goods first. My salary this year is here. Give me ten pieces of cloth first."

That's fine too!

Then the fourth master didn't know whose tricycle he borrowed, and pulled back half of the car's pocket fabric.

What's still in the water are blue and black card base fabrics, which are used for pants.

Lin Yutong couldn't understand what he was thinking, but he moved all the materials into the house and asked Tongtong how much material a pair of trousers had. Tongtong told him, and he took a ruler and went in to measure.

When Lin Yutong boiled all the materials for today, he saw the fourth master cut a piece of cloth. A piece of cloth and a piece of cloth, the size is not much different, and the approximate size is enough to make a pair of pants. Fat people are a little tight for height, and medium builds are loose and loose.

Fourth Master motioned to Lin Yutong: "Hurry up, help cut this open."

Lin Yutong didn't ask any questions, the ten pieces of cloth were said to be judged.

The cut is almost enough to fit into the pocket of a tricycle, and the hot pot restaurant outside has also come to get the ingredients. As soon as the material was taken away, Fourth Master said, "Go! Come out with me."



Lin Yutong deposited ten yuan on the table, wrote a note and pressed it, telling a few children that they were going out this year with the money to eat out.

Where did it go?

The fourth master rode a tricycle and pulled Huo and Tongtong out of the cotton spinning road, all the way to the outskirts of the city.

Such an image is absolutely rare, even rarer than driving a carriage back then. Lin Yutong held back laughter all the way, and only laughed when he got to a place where there were few people, and his stomach hurt from laughing.

The fourth master looked back at Lin Yutong: "Laugh! Still laughing! Laughing again will sell you."

Of course the daughter-in-law cannot be sold, but the cloth has to be sold.

Pull the fabric outside and go back to make trousers, and a pair of trousers costs at least fifteen or six dollars. Ready-to-wear trousers cost 17 or 8 yuan.

Most people in the city wear ready-to-wear, but the trousers that are popular in the countryside can be worn fresh and washed with water, but it’s fine elsewhere, but the zipper is so bad that it can’t be pulled up easily.

Therefore, this ready-to-wear and made clothes still account for half and half.

If making clothes, after deducting two or three yuan for the tailor's manual fee, the price of a pair of trousers is twelve or three yuan. There are intermediate draws from various wholesalers. Calculated from the factory price, the fabric of a pair of pants is less than eight yuan.

The fourth master prepared a brand early: ten yuan a piece.

As soon as the sign was hung in front of the car, Lin Yutong almost drew it with a smile.

That's right! If you go to the store to buy, there is a comparison between everyone's concept, whether to buy cloth or ready-to-wear pants. But when the ten-piece signboard comes out, everyone's first feeling is to take advantage.

What you need and what you don't need, I think I'll come across it rarely, so buy it back. Anyway, the material is not bad.

Especially in many places in rural areas, this son married his wife and his daughter married, and he also paid attention to giving each other fabrics. Even if there was a happy event in someone else's family, or a relative's child had to come to the door for a greeting ceremony, it was also a very respectable thing to give clothes and materials.

As expected, in a nearby town, after the stall was set up, there was a rush to grab it. Some people can buy three or five pieces and bring them to others.

Fourth Master looked at the stall, just don't ask anyone to take it. Lin Yutong was only in charge of collecting money, and 10 yuan or 10 yuan would be thrown into his pocket.

Each of these ten dollars has two dollars in it.

Today, one hundred and thirty-seven pieces of cloth were sold, and the last ten pieces were sold according to fifteen or two pieces of cloth. After all, the two of them still made more than two hundred yuan on this trip.

Um! It's quicker to make money this way than smoking in the kitchen.

But it was impossible for the fourth master to ask the concubine to follow him to set up a stall. He turned around to find a cloth shop in the town and went to discuss business with them, " many people you send to how many villages and towns to sell, I don't care. I'll get the goods here, and I'll give you nine yuan for one piece. If you introduce another person to pick up the goods, you'll pay five cents for each piece of the goods he takes."

Not to mention that the person who introduced it took the goods and made a rake, and only bought the goods themselves, that is to say, this one must have a profit of fifty cents.

It's just to run farther, it's really impossible to get a tractor to wander around the villages. Counting fifty pieces a day, it is also a profit of twenty-five yuan.

This can work.

The two agreed, and the fourth master also left an address and told him to come early tomorrow morning.

It was getting late, and the two hurried back. After returning, the fourth master did not go home directly. Instead, he rented another yard in the nearby urban village for only one month and cost 60 yuan. .

Then take the rest of the money and go to the factory to pick up the goods. For the first time, the money is owed first, and there is a salary, so I am not afraid of default.

When the goods are pulled out, they don't dare to get them at home, so they go directly to the small courtyard they rented. After putting things away, the couple went home. The kids are ready.

After dinner, the fourth master moved in his heart and asked the children, "Is there a lot of homework? Not much to help me and your mother tonight?"

What are you doing?

You will know when it arrives.

The fourth man has a three-wheeled manpower and pulls five of his mothers. When I got there, I asked the two big ones to help with cutting, and the two small ones to help me fold and load the goods into sacks.

The good cloth is cut like this, "How can I sell this?" Yin Wei almost cried.

The fourth master just happened to tell the child what happened today: "I went out with your mother for a long time today and made more than 200 yuan." He also told the child how to stimulate consumption after the market oversupplied. It's cheaper, and everyone grabs it back, but few really need pants right away. Use the method of stimulating consumption to clear the inventory. "But it's a short-term solution. Let's hurry up and make a quick money. Pay off the family's debt, and I and your mother will think of a long-term way of making money. This business with money is better than a business without money. "

Oh! The children seemed to understand what they didn't understand, but they still thought it was amazing. As long as it can be sold, it is great.

Because Wei Xin has many eyes, he said two small ones: "Don't go out and talk! Do you hear me?"

This money has to be earned when everyone doesn’t understand it, and when everyone reacts to it and earns it, it won’t be earned.

The fourth master praised Yinwei: "My daughter is smart!" After speaking, he said to the child in a negotiating tone: "This year, let's wait for the new year to start. Do you want to find a way to transfer you to another school? The Textile High School is not bad. Close to home..."

The factory's children's school is in the family's courtyard, but this Textile Attached Middle School goes out from the gate of the community and walks straight along the inside, which is one stop, and there is no need to worry about the safety of crossing the road. Because I live in front of my house, I feel like going to school is about the same distance.

Yin He whispered, "My grades are not good, so I'm afraid I won't be able to keep up, so I ask Yin Wei to go."

"Don't be afraid if you can't keep up." The fourth master said, "After the busy month, and during the winter vacation, Dad will find a tutor for you, and we will make up for it at home. You are taking care of your mother and younger siblings. Delayed, it's not stupid than others, how can I make up for it? My daughter is sensible and smart, and she is beautiful and prosperous..."

No one could help but say good things, not to mention that the two were children after all. Three compliments and two no compliments, both of them have smiles on their faces, and they work harder and harder.

It's almost ten o'clock, go back to sleep.

The next morning, the fourth master was waiting at home, and the man really came. I brought three people at once.

The family has been busy for a long time to get the goods, but it is not enough for others to pull.

On average, a piece of cloth earns a dollar and a half in an untouched area of ​​the home.

The fourth master handed the money to the two eldest daughters and asked them to calculate how much they cost and how much they earned. The two babies trembled when they held the money: "Really earn so much?"

"I made so much money." The fourth master gave ten yuan each: "This is your salary. In the future, you will earn your pocket money by yourself."

This kind of business is like this. The amount of goods picked up day by day increases, but the profit of each piece keeps falling. From the first 15 yuan, to 1 piece, to 80 cents, the more the goods go, the profit of each piece. less. After doing this for a month, I returned the original capital to the factory and made a profit of 5,786 yuan.

The delivery volume is increasing day by day, and the factory is alarmed. There are also people pulling goods passing by the gate of the factory, and anyone with long eyes can see it. At this time, many people also understood the doorway.

That job, of course, can't be done. There are too many people who do it, and they are all trying to lower the price to compete, and they are making a fart!

But the fourth master still made everyone look at it with admiration. After the family paid off the 2,680 yuan of the debts of the relatives, there were still 3,000 yuan left. These 3,000 yuan are not unique nowadays. pen money.

The yard in the village on the edge is only a thousand yuan per yard.

The fourth master asks a few children to discuss it together. This is the only way to communicate with the children and gain understanding …”

"Of course I'll make money!" Yin Wei immediately said, "The housing factory will always solve it."

The first point is right, and the second point is not wrong either.

But the fourth master still asked why: "What do you think?"

But he didn't want to say why: "In front of our house, the community in the factory is next to the urban village, isn't it from the urban village? There is only one wall across from the house where our family lives now. It has become a garbage station, and everyone who goes in and out is throwing garbage. In summer, our yard is full of flies. Otherwise, buy the place from the village and build a front house. Just clean it up and build a simple shed. It is rented to someone who sells vegetables and fruit, and there is a rent of more than 100 yuan a month."

It not only solves the problems of the family, but also is an investment. This place is very good. The intersection of several large communities and urban villages, let alone making money now, even in the next 30 years, this place will also be valuable.

Fourth Master and Lin Yutong looked at each other with a smile in their eyes. What the two care about is not whether the children really have knowledge now, but what they really care about is that through hard work, the two children are finally willing to communicate with their father.

In the eyes of the two, this is more important than anything...

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