Accumulate Wealth in Life

Chapter 1345: .The Road to Return (23) 3 in 1

Returning Road (23)

The Lai family is not so easy to copy.

People say that there are three caves for cunning rabbits, how much things and money are in the house on the face?

King Zhongshun had asked someone to send two addresses to the fourth master. These two addresses are two small houses that are not very eye-catching. The house is recorded under the names of two people, and these two people are completely non-existent. The purpose is to put aside the relationship with the Lai family on the surface, but it is the inside that really hides something.

Of course, the fourth master would not make such a fortune on the face of it, and he did not lower his style.

He was very generous and told Jia Lian the address in advance. Jia Lian looked for the old nursing home, and quietly copied both places. He didn't swallow all the money, so he carried a box of silver in private and asked these nursing homes to divide it up. Two more boxes of gold were carried to the fourth master. He himself dropped two boxes of gold, a box of silver, and a box of precious stones. But those antiques and the like, he didn't move a single one. Many of them should be old objects in the warehouse, but they were all stolen and put here. You don't need to ask, you know, the ones in the warehouse are all fake.

This has to be done by someone who understands antiques. I'm afraid that Leng Zixing has nothing to do with this matter.

He had hidden so many things by himself, and now he counted the number again, but it still made people feel astonished. There are only 5,000 taels of gold left, and more than 70,000 taels of silver. The value of these antique jade is even more immeasurable. There are also some land deeds and house deeds for shops and estates, which haven't copied the place where the Lai family lives now.

Only the things that came down from these two places gave Jia Lian enough confidence. Copying Lai's family can be said to be a stance that no one is afraid of.

There are only so many masters of the Lai family. Although there are also servants in the family, they are only servants of servants, how dare they be arrogant.

By the time the news came back to the mansion, the dust had already settled.

Mother Jia shouted that she was going to rebel, scolded Jia Lian for being unfilial, and cried and shouted to go back to Jinling.

Jia Lian didn't say a word, and only asked people to pull the copied antiques and other objects back one by one. The yard as big as Jia's mother could not be opened.

When the box was opened, no one spoke.

Jia Lian pointed to the contents of the box: "How much of it was given by the royal family, and how much was given by the masters of the palaces when they went to the palaces. This servant was sneaked out. If you know the seriousness, take out one or two pieces and let others know... Those who know the reason say that we are too loose with the servants, and they don't care about it. If you don't know the reason, you can't even think that the royal master will not let go. In my eyes. Now that the empress saves her relatives, how many people are staring at us? If someone catches the case, it doesn’t matter if our father and son are reprimanded again, I’m afraid it will hurt the empress in the palace…”

Jia She originally wanted to defend the old lady who scolded Jia Lian, but when she heard the reprimand, she stopped talking.

Jia Lian gave his Lao Tzu another wink, and Jia She understood that wink, which meant that he had left another good thing for you.

Jia She immediately said: "The dog slaves killed today are really daring."

Jia Zheng was also satisfied, and felt that this was because he didn't want to give up the Zhen family. A slave who betrayed his master even dared to fool his own master, so it's not unusual to betray an old relative. I feel that Jia Lian is doing things according to his will, although this is a bit big, and it is a bit self-indulgent. But the result is good.

As for Mrs. Wang, she calculated how many things the gold and silver could do. Adding these antique ornaments can save a big sip in the garden.

Mrs. Xing looked at Mother Jia, thinking of flattering her mother, and it was okay to say a few words to Jia Lian. On the other hand, Wang Xifeng tugged at her sleeve, she was not stupid, she understood immediately. Lian'er took care of this matter, so he could do something in the middle. Therefore, as soon as his eyelids drooped, he stopped talking.

Mother Jia cried a lot, seeing that none of her children and grandchildren had spoken to. He sobbed and didn't know what to do, so he just threw it away.

The people here fainted, but they asked the imperial doctor to take a look. And Baoyu Sanchun guarded like this.

As for the others, they all went to see what was in the yard.

Jia She looked at the two boxes of antiques, and unceremoniously ordered them to be moved to her side.

And a steady stream of things like silk, silk, cloth, spices and herbs are pulled back from Lai's house. Wang Xifeng made the decision, this scatter, that scatter. Even Concubine Zhao got three good materials. After pulling a full load of miscellaneous things for Madam Xing, Madam Xing narrowed her eyes and went back to pick it up.

Wang Xifeng couldn't look down on such shallow eyelids. Really valuable things, if you choose one, it's worth her car.

When Mrs. Wang wanted to choose something, Wang Xifeng said, "It's all stored in the warehouse. From now on, I will have to put it in the garden. I asked people to register one item by one, and the guaranteed item is also indispensable. There is also a warehouse. The fake stuff piled up in it should also be freed up. The ones that haven't been sent to relatives' houses will make them laugh."

This is true, Mrs. Wang nodded: "You just go to work."

Wang Xifeng went back and looked for Jia Lian: "I don't ask how much you are hiding. You also don't make up lies to fool me." After speaking, she sent Ping'er to guard outside, but pulled Jia Lian and whispered: "This is I got all the things back, and in the future, they will all become the goddess's. I thought, there is no sign, so I just sneak it out. The real and the fake are real, the real and the fake are mixed, who knows if it's real or fake. ."

I wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to clean up such fake things, still replace the real ones with fake ones, put the fake ones in the library, and take the real ones as fakes and get them out.

It's just too easy to think about. Much easier and more convenient than Lai's.

If the two of my family really brought it back, others would not believe that they would hide their selfishness and get it out. If it is discovered in the future, it will be time and again, and no one will hold their hands, so what are you afraid of?

Wang Xifeng's eyes wandered: "This job is over, and I don't even care about my family. If I find out in the future, it's also a family matter, and it has nothing to do with me."

Anyway, most of them are hidden, and those that cannot be hidden cannot be used. Those who are left in the library will not benefit from it.

Jia Lian looked at her indifferently: "How come you figured it out, not following your aunt..."

"Hey!" Wang Xifeng rolled her eyes: "I'm not that stupid." Then she asked him, "Don't just focus on gossip, just talk about what I said, will it work?"

Go go go! Why not.

After all, isn't it all home?

Jia Lian whispered: "I left a box of gold, a box of silver, a box of jewelry, and a five-hundred-acre village in Tongzhou, and two good shops in Dengzhou. There is a house. That house is on the wrong side, and it is surrounded by merchants. But there is a secret room in that place. It is in the rockery. It is estimated that it is another place to hide treasures that the Lai family has found. You pack your things and hide them all there. Pack the gold and silver into the box and sink it directly into the small pool at the back of the yard. If you don't trust me, give the key to the cousin of the Yu family or the eldest sister to keep it. Don't wait, let's not go there. Save the attention, and then ask someone to catch the beginning and the end. Don't ask these people in the house to do this, you just say get the fake stuff out and throw some money away, don't do it. Just put it out and seal it. Don't worry about the second master, it's still the nursing home left by these grandfathers, ask them to do it, and finally give out some money. "

"It's not enough." Wang Xifeng said: "These people are not very good. After the matter is over, send them to the upper shop of Zhuangzi in Tongzhou... We have to prevent them from selling us."

become! Just do it.

After the couple negotiated properly, Jia Lian went to handle the follow-up matters of the Lai family. Wang Xifeng called Ping'er: "The matter of interest is simply stopped. There is not much silver in a year. Those who can't collect it now, or those whose interest is worth the principal, have been forgiven their debts. What I can't collect... It is estimated that it is one or two thousand taels of silver... Let alone, it should be regarded as doing good and accumulating virtue. This silver can't be asked for. Leng Zixing bit Lai Shangrong, and it was really for the sake of money. The case is big, and there are not many people in the capital who don’t know about it. There are many people who hate us, and this money-making thing is not a secret thing. Don’t ask people to sue us all because of this. Remember, I'd rather lose some money, but I have to make up for it at the end. Don't feel bad about that little money, now... what is that little money?"

When Wang Xifeng delivered the keys to Lin Yutong, he really startled Lin Yutong: "You really trust me."

Wang Xifeng laughed: "I heard from the second master of our family. If it wasn't for the timely news sent by Brother Heng, the big fish would have left." Those two anonymous courtyards were quietly put away without being told. , where can I find out. It can only be said that people's hearts are right, and they don't want to keep their money secret at all. Then there is nothing to worry about.

In addition, he sent the title deeds and house deeds of the two anonymous small yards to Lin Yutong together, saying that they were sent to Lin Yutong.

Wang Xifeng also said about not doing money-making things: "...I didn't expect that if this was true, I would really be punished. I have offended many people, and if I don't keep it safe, there are people who want to hold me behind my back, so I still think about this matter. Forget about letting go... When the mother-in-law saves her relatives, I should also take care of it, and I don't even care about the housekeeper..."

Lin Yutong said in his heart that this change was really unexpected. Think about it, it is indeed reasonable. The two of them secretly did such a big thing. They were afraid that the paper would not be able to wrap the fire, and they would eventually reveal their contents, so they wanted to get rid of it as soon as possible.

And because Leng Zixing and Lai Shangrong led to usury again, Wang Xifeng just had a guilty conscience, wishing everyone would forget her, but asked her to get away from this illegal thing.

Look, the couple got a lot closer because they kept a common secret.

Jia Lian was selfish and kept so many things, but in fact he only kept a box of gold on his back for Wang Xifeng's flowers. The big head was really left to Wang Xifeng to take care of. The relationship between the couple is close, and many things can change without saying.

Who knows?

Wang Xifeng gave her the key, and Lin Yutong simply put it away for her. If she doesn't accept it, she has to find Yu Liang and Shao Hua. Instead of asking these two couples to follow along, it's better to take it by yourself.

After sending Wang Xifeng away, after a while, Jia's mother sent someone again and told Lin Yutong to come over.

Lin Yutong touched his belly, the first month was over, and this belly was nine months old.

The gestation period is usually nine and a half months, and occasionally it is 10 days earlier or 10 days later. This is very common. Therefore, Lin Yutong's situation is said to be very close to the due date.

I have such a big belly, so I have to go after you call me?

What a beautiful thing to think about.

When he said please himself, Lin Yutong didn't meet anyone in person, but only hugged his stomach and said that he had a stomachache. Somewhat uncomfortable!

The family panicked, and the young mother sent someone to call Shao Hua again, and she sent someone to call Si Ye quickly. As soon as Shao Hua arrived, Wang Xifeng went back and forth: "How do you say this, it was fine before."

Lin Yutong didn't say that he was pretending, but said, "It hurts for a while..."

Shao Hua said: "I was like this before I was born. People say that it's the same with first babies. She's about to die now. She can just walk around in the house, but she doesn't dare to go out."

When the fourth master came back, there was another imperial doctor sent by the emperor. Several imperial physicians diagnosed the pulse, and they all said that they should rest in rest, fearing that the fetal gas had moved and they could not move around.

Acting on the pulse is an easy task for Lin Yutong.

She looked at Wang Xifeng embarrassedly: "If you go back and tell the old lady that you are annoyed, you say that the child has landed, so go to ask for peace."

Wang Xifeng thought it was Lin Yutong's pretense before, but when he saw the imperial doctor, he was sent by the emperor. There is no confession before and after, so you can hide it for her.

So he went back and said, "It's been more than nine months, and it's such a cold day again. What a dangerous thing! The old sage also specially sent an imperial doctor, and they're all people who we can't even invite."

Don't look at every time Mother Jia jokes that if she doesn't look good, she will smash the imperial hospital. But in fact, this should not be said. When the old man was alive, there was no problem with the old man saying this. One is the old prince's relationship with the late emperor, and the other is the deep friendship with the Taiyuan Hospital. To say it half-jokingly, it is not a breach of the norm. But it is inappropriate for a woman in the house to say this.

For example, in the imperial hospital, in fact, many imperial physicians could not be invited by their families even if they wanted to.

Now that Wang Xifeng said this, Mother Jia said, "It's also because I'm so confused that I forgot about the day. It looks like it's all born, so hurry up, midwife... I'll send it over..."

Wang Xifeng said that she would go back and choose a good candidate, but she was not in a hurry.

Before they could send people away, Lin Yutong gave birth.

No one was disturbed, not even Yu Liang and Shao Hua.

It was activated at the beginning of Hai Shi in the evening, and it was born again before the child's hour. By the time the child was born, the child was all tidy up, the mother had a meal, and the child had given some water before resting again. Not in a hurry, not in a hurry.

The child is young and gets up once an hour, and there is no place for people to intervene.

A child was born, weighing seven pounds. The great joy, I waited until the next morning to inform my relatives and friends.

Yu Liang and Shao Hua rushed over and said, "If you don't talk about such a big thing, how far can you live?"

Seeing that the birth is going well, the children and adults are all well, that's all.

Shao Hua recited Amitabha Buddha: "It's good to have a child, and to have a child will give you peace of mind."

Other people's gifts have not arrived yet, the Taishanghuang's gifts have arrived first. The reward is not counted, so he gave him a name, Jia Yun.

Accumulation: Accumulate, store, contain.

Fourth Master and Lin Yutong think it's okay, brother Yun should be brother Yun.

If he can get the name of the old sage, this child will be different from others after being born. The Jia family wrote a lot in the genealogy, and they almost didn't say anything about the wonders after birth.

When the fourth master entered the family tree for the child, he was blunt: "What is good fortune but not good for? Apart from the royal family, where is there any good fortune? I dare not say this..."

The meaning revealed in these words made Jia Zheng feel all kinds of uneasy in his heart.

When I went back and saw Baoyu, I felt bad. Qian'er heard that the brother of the Lin family was also going to end this year, and he was even more uncomfortable. Baoyu is older than the children of the Lin family.

Jia Baoyu bumped into Jia Zheng twice, and every time he was stared at by his father, he felt uncomfortable. Going to school is not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing is that every time you go to school, you have to tell the master first. Every time he was tested by the master, he was speechless.

It's not that I want to play truant, or I just don't want to see the master.

So, within two days, I got sick again. I can't find out why, it's just a headache.

After the child washed three, Lin Yutong simply showed up. After washing three, that is, confinement, she simply disappeared.

Shao Hua would come over every day to make a circle, making sure that this place was fine, and that's it.

Jia Xia will also end this year, but because of the arrangement from the academy, Lin Yutong is also very relieved. Due to the matter of the Qi family's relatives, it finally became a big case, and the Qi family became more and more satisfied with Jia Xia. Therefore, everything was arranged there, and Lin Yutong only asked people to give away the useful things, and they got it. Not just for Jia Xia, but for every student in the academy.

Thinking that Brother Yang was about to end, she gave the Lin family another heartfelt gift.

When I came back that day, the fourth master gave Lin Yutong another box, opened it and saw that the 50,000 taels of silver bills did not count. There was also a Wujin mansion in Jinling, a Zhuangzi with a thousand acres of land: "The Zhen family gave it. ?"

The fourth master nodded: "Yes! It was sent by the Zhen family. I don't ask for anything else, just to save my life."

That's for sure. The Emperor Taishang was still there, and Concubine Zhen was still in the palace. It was inevitable that the house would be raided, and one or two of the Zhen family had to go to prison. But this final verdict, like get an exile. It is different if you are exiled for a thousand miles and go to the northwest, and you are exiled for three thousand miles and go to the southwest.

If you were exiled for a thousand miles to the northwest, it would not be too far from Chang'an Mansion. It's not particularly barren and hard work, and relying on these old relatives also takes care of it. But if this is 3,000 miles away, and the miasma is rampant, it is not certain whether it will be able to survive.

Therefore, I made a lot of money and wanted a chance to live.

The emperor looked at the face of the emperor, and would not kill the old minister.

The fourth master said: "I have already reported to the palace. Let's keep the things."

"Zhen's family..." Lin Yutong asked, "Is the request fulfilled?"

"Except for Zhen Yingjia, who was imprisoned, the Zhen family will be escorted to Beijing. They have been given a house for three entrances. Let's be demoted to common people and make a living on their own."

After saying this, Lin Yutong understood. It doesn't matter if Zhen Yingjia is alive or dead.

At the end, the Zhen family poured out a lot of money, in fact, to make it easier to live in the capital. I gave my own money, and this is a bit of incense. Don't be bullied too hard. Emperor Zhenglong acquiesced to the fourth master to accept the money, so he knew all about it.

She put the money away, and then she remembered and asked, "Who did the house raid?"

The fourth master looked at her with a smile but not a smile: "What do you think?"

Smell the sky.

Got it! shouldn't ask.

She laughed dryly, and quickly changed the subject: "What about the full moon? Do you want to do it!"

The fourth master ignored her and went to play with his son.

In fact, Wen Tianfang had been surreptitiously observing this place for a long time, and went to Yu's house to meet Yu Liang. Later, because of the prohibition of the sea, he was sent back to Yanzi, Xihai, to work on errands. Just came back after a year. As soon as I came back, I took up an errand from the Zhen family, and I kept thinking about getting in touch with this person who was ordinary in my previous life, and I have been in contact with people who have lived again in this life, but unfortunately, I never had the opportunity.

The child's full moon is a big event. This is not to say that the fourth master thinks it can be done or not. Even Jia Shu came back, came back to see his grandson, and then repeatedly emphasized that he must do something big.

Jia Shu is obsessed with this matter. He is an only seedling, and his health is not good. What his parents want most is the inheritance of children. Now that the son has married his wife, passed the exam as the champion, became an official, and has a son, what a happy event!

In the eyes of others, Niangniang is the greatest glory of the Jia family. But in Jia Shu's view, his son passed the exam, and the son of the champion gave him a grandson who was smart at a glance. This is the most honorable thing. As for Niangniang... that's a family matter.

So, I made a full moon wine for the child again. Received a lot of gifts, eat and drink. In the middle, Jia Xia passed the Tongsheng test. But no one made it public, Jia Xia continued to follow the Yue family, preparing for the county trial in April.

After all this time, it's already March.

In March, the Jia family's garden was rebuilt and roughly resembled. Like any kind of flowers and plants, they should be planted in one after another. He had to transplant from his own village, so even Lin Yutong and Yu Liang had to follow along.

Fourth Master is busy with the construction of the Royal Garden. And Yu Liang had to take care of the transplanting here. Lin Yutong just didn't worry about it anymore. The internal and external accounts here, and the spring sowing season, and there were children at home to take care of, but it wasn't that he was busy with his feet on the ground.

The young mother is not at home and only embroiders flowers, so she helps her sister-in-law look after the child. She also found out that the elder brother and sister-in-law do not ask the grandmother to take care of the child alone during the day. They all help to watch during the day, but they must be kept by their side. Bring it with you at night.

Therefore, every time Lin Yutong was busy, she would come over and watch it with good eyes. That's a guy who helps.

Just this Jia Yun also came to complain: "This year's wine varieties are also less, and the amount is not large. If the amount of fruit wine can't keep up in the second half of the year, the winery's business will be affected."

The purpose of planting flowers and grass at home is to make wine, and a lot of transplants have been transplanted to the Jia family. Naturally, the home will be affected a bit.

Lin Yutong said: "The fruit in the latter season is coming down, so it's just a matter of buying more than in previous years."

This is unmanned. If there are people, running such a workshop in the south will make a lot more money than in the capital.

Busy and busy, there are too many things to do.

As a result, the Yu family went to Beijing.

The Yu family did not just ask someone to send a daughter to Beijing to be married, but the wife Yu Jian later married brought her daughter to the capital. Yu Jian didn't know what was going on, but he didn't come.

The Yu family was not a wealthy family either, with a few wives and servants from the two bedrooms, who followed the **** store.

When I came, I didn't look for the inn, and the three carriages went straight to Ningrong Street with people and luggage.

They don't know where Yu Liang and Lin Yutong live now, but they know the Rongguo Mansion. Looking for Rongguo Mansion naturally found Ningrong Street. When I got to Ningrong Street, I asked about it, and asked where the grandson Yu's family lived in the government's mansion. Or the married aunt of the Yu family, where is the family of the champion. In a trance, I heard that the Jia family lived here on Ningrong Street. It shouldn't be far away.

The area of ​​Ningrong Street is familiar to both Yu Liang and Si Ye.

The fourth master will not say it, he is from the Jia family. As for Yu Liang, he likes to make friends with the three religions and nine streams.

As soon as I inquired about them, the interested person did not rush to speak, but asked: Who are you? What are you doing? What's wrong with looking for someone?

If you ask that, you got it! Just know. Feelings are them!

Because of Yu Liang, and because Lin Yutong married Duke Zhuangyuan, what happened to Jia's concubine aunt has long been passed down everywhere. The Jia family took care of the granddaughter and found a good marriage for the granddaughter. Can the whole world know about such a thing without exaggerating it? Contrasted with the good deeds of the Jia family, the Yu family's affairs are even more widely known.

They are all members of the Jia family, either by their in-laws or the servants of the Jia family, all claiming to be the Jia family.

My aunt and grandmother died in a daze, and the poor father of the older child didn't care. Why doesn't my father care? Most people think that this is because there is a step-mother and a step-father.

Can this stepmother be a good thing?

Others are not willing to say, this one said: "I'm not at home, I went to Tongzhou." The other said: "I live outside the city."

Anyway, there is no guarantee.

Finally settled in the inn, and someone specially sent letters to Shao Hua and Lin Yutong.

Yu Liang came back the next day. Because of these people, it must be impossible to hide it. What should be dealt with should be dealt with.

As a result, it took three full days to find out where the Yu family and Lin Yutong lived.

The Yu family's house was built back then by Xue Pan, who didn't know how much money he spent to build it up. How many years has it been? The new house is exquisitely repaired. From a distance, the eaves and high ridges are very impressive.

So they rented a carriage and went directly to Yu's house.

He called at the door, saying that he should call the uncle out quickly, and the wife at home came with her sister and brother.

Waiting for someone to greet you?

Yu Jian remarried without the consent of the Jia family! If you recognize her as a continuation string, she is a continuation string; if you don't recognize her as a continuation string, she is a aunt.

The last words have been taken back, but they are still so arrogant.

Yu Liang called Du Youcai: "Open the corner door. If you want to enter, enter through the corner door. If you don't want to enter, go wherever you fall in love."

As a result, people came in.

Shao Huacai said: "I'm afraid they may not know what the corner gate is not the corner gate." It's just a savage who grew up in the border town.

There's really no discrimination here, it's just that I don't like it no matter what I think.

Yu Liang said, "You will receive the reception at the back, and I will go to the front."

This is the meaning of not taking the woman who is coming as the main room.

Bai Shi entered the door, and when he looked left and right, he only felt imposing. The Yu family in the border town is not bad, but to be honest, compared with the family in the capital, I really feel that they are not comparable anywhere.

Her eyes were lively, and she walked all the way, not knowing what she was thinking.

Followed by two big girls, a kid. There were three wives and two girls following, and they walked lamely and were very cautious. When entering the backyard, the boy was stopped and taken directly to the front yard.

Shao Hua was sitting in the main hall. When Mrs. Bai entered, she didn't get up, holding the tea in her hand and didn't move.

Bai Shi was waiting for Shao Hua to greet him, but Shao Hua said indifferently, "Auntie is here. Take a seat when you come."

Ask someone to move the embroidered pier and place it by the door, and then look at the person standing behind Bai.

Two girls, one looked like sixteen or seventeen, the other fifteen or sixteen.

Shao Hua's flipping style made Bai stunned for a moment, and then sneered: "Grandma is so big. She has been married to Yu's family for 20 years..."

"My mother-in-law hasn't been here for 20 years." Shao Hua said, "Have you been here for 20 years?"

Bai Shi choked: "Grandma's tongue is good." She stalked her neck, turned her head, and rolled her eyes: "Yes! I have been in the door for 18 years, and I have given birth to children for the rest of the family..."

"Oh! It's been eighteen years." Shao Hua said, "Then I don't know. I just know that my grandmother said that the father-in-law didn't say anything about the continuation of the string. Now, since someone wants to use a concubine as a wife to force his children to be born. , I have to go to court. When the official is sentenced, I will do what I want. Besides, this is my dowry house, and it is a trivial matter to entertain my relatives. It is not easy to take care of others. "

"You!" Bai Shi snorted coldly, "Then sue the official, whether the judge will judge us or you?"

Shao Hua put the tea cup on the table: "Send off!"

There is no sign of staying guests at all.

Really didn't drink a cup of tea, and just kicked people out.

When Yu Liang came back from the front, she was apprehensive: "Really?"

Yu Liang shook his head: "This is troublesome!"

In the second half, the couple came over with their children. The fourth master hasn't come back yet, but the fourth master doesn't need to worry about the Yu family's affairs.

Yu Liang said about his concerns: "Suppress this Bai family, the advantage is that we don't have to have a mother-son relationship with this woman. Don't care if the stepmother is doing well or not, once you admit that she is a stepmother, then we If you don’t do it well, someone will criticize it.”

This is the case! They have to be like lying on the ice and begging for carp. Even if the stepmother tortures people to death, they must still be filial. This is the moral standard at this time.

Lin Yutong immediately understood what other things Yu Liang was worried about: "If you suppress this Bai family, you will become a aunt. We will also have a lot of trouble. My aunt is not qualified to raise children, so the three children she brings will inevitably become trouble."

Yu Liang nodded: "That's it. This has to be on the premise that Yu Jian does not return to Beijing. If Yu Jian returns to Beijing...the trouble is even greater. I can turn my stepmother into a concubine, but I can't change my father..."

So it becomes a situation where the left and the right are also difficult.

Lin Yutong asked, "Those two girls are grown up, but that kid is the most troublesome. How about that kid?"

Yu Liang's expression was a bit complicated: "It's really retribution! That kid..." He pointed to his brain: "A little silly... a little clumsy... not a smart person..."

Just be honest, stupid. Such a person is bad, and he can't get bad, he doesn't have that kind of heart.

Shao Hua said, "If you want me to choose, I'd rather have two difficult sister-in-laws, a stupid brother-in-law, and don't want a bad mother-in-law on her head."

The lesser of two evils.

The big girls born over there are all seventeen, and the little ones are fifteen. The older one got married as soon as they saw it, the younger one said they were kissing, and within half a year, they said they were sent out. No matter how difficult it is, it will be troublesome for a while. Moreover, if she can take the initiative, she has to be obedient if she wants to marry decently. Unlike Bai Shi, if she really wants to recognize her identity as a continuation string, then she will have the advantage of her status, and she will not die. Moreover, she is still young, and in the next few decades, don't want to stop. Besides, as long as you recognize this sequel, will the three children in the back be able to spare Yu Liang? Not the same!

Therefore, the best way is to beat Bai Shi back to its original form, and then send it directly to Yu Jian back to the border town. The two girls got married here, and the best arrangement would be to have an honest child. In the future, if you marry a girl from a worthy villager's family, and get a villager to go to the countryside to live as a small landlord, his life will be over without his food and drink.

When the eldest brother is on this, there is nothing to blame.

Lin Yutong said, "The method my sister-in-law said will work! Let's do it."

It turned out that the Bai family was not really stupid to file a complaint, Sun Shaozu understood. When I sent my mother-in-law to ask the cause and effect, I had a calculation in my heart. He wanted to have a serious relationship with the Yu family and the Jia family, so naturally he couldn't recognize Bai's mother-in-law. So he said: "...not to mention me, the sister-in-law will come to kiss her, she is also the granddaughter of the Duke's mansion, and the cousin of the imperial concubine is even more respectable. What kind of people can't be said in the future? Why do you have to be so stubborn with them. Follow me Say, you just go back to the border town. Leave these brothers and sisters to their brothers and sisters, don't believe that they will not take care of them? If you are here, it may not be good for your brothers and sisters. But if you are not there, you will definitely be good for your brothers and sisters. You Measure yourself?"

So, when no one knew, the Bai family was sent to the caravan north by Sun Shaozu.

The three siblings were packed and delivered to the gate of Yu's house. Although it is estimated that Yu Jian and Bai Shi do not want a few children to return to the border town, they also plan according to this plan. But I really didn't expect that people would just leave when they said they would leave, without even asking what they meant, they just threw them down... and left!

There's also a dowry thing! But Yu Liang was disgusted and had to appease his daughter-in-law: "Don't worry, we can't pay." Turning his face, he thought about how to ask for this dowry money from Yu Jian.

Also because this matter is too disgusting, the door on the other side of Yu's house is not allowed to enter.

Lin Yutong had several small yards in his hands, two of which were sent by Wang Xifeng. Ask someone to pack one, and ask Yu Liang to put the person in that place. It is said to be rented by Yu Liang.

This Yu Mei is the girl who is going to marry Sun Shaozu, looking at the small courtyard with disgust: "Big brother, this is not to let us enter the house."

"That's your sister-in-law's dowry." Yu Liang stopped, turned his face and said, "If you don't like it, you should go back to Yu's house. Back in the capital, I bought a yard in the countryside, and it's easy to live there."

Yu Dong was still confused, but Yu Mei and Yu Liu turned pale with fright.

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