Accumulate Wealth in Life

Chapter 1303: .Black and white life (27) three in one

Black and White Life (27)

Although it is not a kind of mental work, it is also a technical work.

Not everyone can do this kind of work.

She said this to the fourth master, and the fourth master said seriously that he has always admired the kind of person who can eat black with empty gloves.

Of course, this work may not be true, and it sounds awkward, but Lin Yutong pinched his nose and recognized it.

alright! Isn't it just black eating black? I'm considered a skilled worker anyway, once I've been born twice, I'll be able to do my work three times with my eyes closed.

Therefore, before delivering the goods to the other party, Lin Yutong had to understand the other party's foundation.

The message sent by Changqing was only the time and place of delivery, and who delivered it, but did not say. Just say, when the time comes, tell the two of you.

After returning, the fourth master used the internal mobile phone to contact the bureau. But out of prudence, apart from an internal phone call, I didn't see anyone who was my own.

The caution is real.

The next day, Lin Yutong felt that someone was following behind the car: "Is that hand stretched long enough over there?"

is long enough.

The borders are not all Chinese. The personnel composition is complex, and these people do not necessarily know whose money he is earning. In today's world, spend some money to find some private detectives and the like, and finish the tracking. You just catch people and beat them at most, and you want to ask something, that's impossible.

Fourth Master looked back and said, "Don't worry about it, just dump it."

It's easy to dump, and if you don't want to be targeted, you can't even stay in a serious hotel. Wherever there is a small hotel that does not require an ID card, go there. And can't go straight to the destination.

It was time to go to the southwest, but in the end, I had to go to the northeast first and go around in a half-circle before reaching the goal.

At this time, the delivery time that Changqing said was only half a day away. It seems that people are very shrewd, and they don't give the slightest time to go back in the middle.

This place is a small village very close to the border. The village was built halfway up the mountain, but now the village is basically abandoned. Because of the geological disaster, the village moved to the county seat. The road leading to the village is still the old dirt road, with potholes, weeds and dead trees on both sides. Although the growth is vigorous, it also tends to grow toward the middle of the road, but it has never been covered by the spread. Sparsely populated, few people come. But it's not really unpopular. Just look at the lane in the middle of the road that just allows a car to pass, and you know that there are still vehicles passing here.

The mountains here are rainy and the mountain roads are in disrepair. The car was wet and slippery on it. It's not easy to drive up, but it's even more difficult to drive down.

This **** place!

I found this place to trade, and the choice was really good.

What Lin Yutong is worried about now is: Don't let others eat black.

"The car can't continue to drive forward." The fourth master made a decisive decision, saw a slightly flat place on the side of the road, and called to stop, and told Tongtong to get off the car first, while he drove the car off the road and drove into the uneven road In the haystack.

Lin Yutong took a knife and cut some tree branches, covered them on the car, and briefly covered them.

The bag was put away by Lin Yutong, and the two of them left their hands empty, each carrying a backpack on their shoulders, like a poor young man leaning on a thicker branch, instead of taking the road, but walking along the mountain. The deserted road goes all the way up.

It still took half a day to calculate it before, but now, whether it can be just on time is a problem.

It really counts every step of the way.

The two did not dare to delay, and they ate while walking to replenish their physical strength.

Hurry up and hurry, when we arrived at the place, it was only half an hour away from the agreed time.

The place Changqing gave was the big stone tablet under the big locust tree in the east of the village.

The only advantage of this place is that within a hundred and ten meters, there is nothing to block it.

Lin Yutong looked around and confirmed that there was no blind spot for Tibetans. Of course, if someone used a sniper, if they really hid too far, it could kill people.

Therefore, as soon as she got here, her whole body was tense.

The fourth master looked at Lin Yutong: "Be careful, the situation is not right."

"What's wrong?" Lin Yutong was very vigilant and asked the fourth master, but his eyes couldn't care about him.

"I'm afraid that someone will pit us and these people who receive the goods." Fourth Master said, and pointed to the side: "Since they don't show up, let's go."

It's not us who are worried.

Lin Yutong took out his mobile phone and took a photo of himself and the fourth master, with a large locust tree and a large stone tablet in the background. Then send it directly to the fourth master. The fourth master handed it over to Changqing. Then the two turned around and walked straight up the mountain.

When Chang Qing's phone rang, he took a look and glared at A Yong: "Look at... Is he so easy to get along with?"

Ayong shrugged and said, "Unfortunately it's too late."

Sure enough, after walking about fifty meters up the mountain anyway, there was a rush of footsteps behind him.

You don't have to think about it to know that the direction you and the fourth master are going is something they didn't expect.

These people should be ambushed on the way down the mountain.

"I'm leaving now, isn't it a bit late?" A cold voice came from behind.

Since the sound of footsteps came from behind, Fourth Master and Lin Yutong stopped. The speaker was a tall and strong man with scars between his brows, holding a pistol that could not be seen fortunately.

The fourth master looked at him and said, "If you still want goods, just follow me. Otherwise, you'll have to be planted here."

"What do you mean?" The man's expression changed: "Aren't you here to deliver?"

"We're here to deliver!" The fourth master looked at him: "But did you deliver the goods with Xin'an Hui?"

"He|Damn!" He raised his qiang and aimed at the fourth master: "Stop going around in circles for Lao Tzu, just say anything if you have anything, and let go of your fart!"

Lin Yutong was completely annoyed. Fourth Master, did you scold him? Who are you going to be your father? The fourth master's father said it to scare you to death. She threw out the stick in her hand that acted as a crutch and knocked off the qiang in this guy's hand. The stick shot out and slammed into his face at once. When the guy went down, his face suddenly felt hot and painful.

"Keep your mouth clean for auntie." She took the fourth master and turned around and ran: "The grandchildren of Xin'anhui sold us all."

This man covered his still aching face with his hands that didn't hurt, with a gloomy expression on his face, staring at the seemingly heavy bag behind the two of them, gritted his teeth and said, "I don't know if what you said is true. However, old... I'll take a bet today and believe you once. Don't run away. If you don't have a ghost in your heart, come with us."

Lin Yutong turned halfway forward than the fourth master, always covering the fourth master.

Following behind these people, after turning a half circle around the mountainside in the east, they came to the edge of a cliff.

The leader turned around and smiled at Fourth Master and Lin Yutong: "Can you tell the truth now? What did you do?"

Lin Yutong sneered. For himself and the fourth master, there was a cliff on one side and forty or fifty people with guns on the other. This guy would be screaming. She glanced in the direction of the cliff, then pulled the fourth master with her hand, and retreated towards the edge of the cliff: "You are sure to force us to go down this road..."

The man hadn't spoken yet, when the gunshots rang out from behind: "Don't move!"

Then Lin Yutong saw that not far away, a man in camouflage shot into the sky and rushed over here.

Lin Yutong pulled the fourth master and jumped down. There was a platform more than one meter below that could accommodate three or four people. Under the platform, there was a hanging ladder for rock climbing. Lin Yutong quickly took out the rope, couldn't help but tied the fourth master to her back, and walked down quickly.

This kind of road, it is not that the fourth master cannot go. Dozens of meters down, the clouds are shrouded in mist, and it is impossible to see where it leads. What is the situation below? This kind of road is not a familiar person, and everyone will have weak legs.

She didn't give the fourth master any choice, and left behind the fourth master. He couldn't see that Fourth Master wanted to struggle but didn't dare to struggle. The gnashing of teeth on his face was probably annoyed at himself.

Lin Yutong's attention was not on Fourth Master at all. She has to guard against the people above, and she has to guard against the people who are connected below.

But fortunately, the hanging ladder took about five or six minutes, and it was almost over.

It is estimated that there are still four or five steps before the arrival, and suddenly, one hand is light, and the body swings to one side. Lin Yutong looked up, one person after another, and could no longer see the top position. However, it is estimated that it is to prevent someone from catching up and directly cut off the back road.

Cut off one side, and soon the other side is about to end.

Someone above couldn't catch the rope and screamed and fell down. Lin Yutong swung in and leaned against the rock, afraid that the people who fell from it would hit them. As a result, the man rubbed the fourth master's back and fell down, and then there was a 'puff'.

Below is water.

The fourth master said to Lin Yutong: "Loosen the rope."

Lin Yutong freed one hand to loosen the rope that tied the fourth master. When the rope was loosened, she grabbed the fourth master's hand. The two fell into the water holding hands.

The water in the deep pool of the mountain spring is cold to the bone.

Float out of the water and swim to the water's edge with the one that fell first. He was wearing thick clothes and carrying a bag on his back, which was a burden in the water. Even if it is not far, it takes a lot of effort to swim there.

Lin Yutong went ashore first, and then pulled the fourth master up.

The guy who went ashore first, even if he was lying down, pointed the gun in his hand: "Don't move, wait for our boss to come over."

It was so wet in the mountains that it was not easy to find dry wood to light a fire. The wet clothes on his body were sticking to his body, and the mountain wind blew past, biting cold.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, the talent came ashore.

There were originally more than 40 people, but only a dozen returned.

"Where did the frontier police come from?" Scar gasped, barely standing and looking at the fourth master: "Which way are you on?"

Fourth Master pointed in the direction he came from: "Are you sure you want to speak here?"

That distance should be nothing to the armed police. This time, I was dealing with those people. I didn't have time. I dared to delay for five minutes, but I couldn't run.

The man pointed towards the forest: "Go!"

Continue to walk inside, there are about three roads, and two trucks are parked.

Get on the bus and get on the bus in the other direction. When you get off the bus again, you can see the village not far away. And where you got off the bus, three words were written: Yongle Village.

This place is built like a folk house.

This is the case in some mountains, with the development of tourism, there are many such folk houses. But it seems so remote, but not many. As soon as the car came in, the door closed here.

Fourth Master and Lin Yutong are not in a hurry anymore, Fourth Master also said to others, "We need a clean room and hot water."

Scar also pointed to the room with a good temper, and there was everything in the room.

Lin Yutong pulled the curtains and pointed to the bathroom: "Wash together."

The fourth master has lost his temper. She is worried that she is alone outside.

He couldn't help laughing, "Okay... Let's wash together!"

Lin Yutong went in, took off the three cameras hidden in the bathroom, and then took a bath with hot water. The bags they were carrying were brought into the bathroom together.

It was originally a charming thing, but in this environment, there is nothing to think about.

Someone over there was grinning at the camera, and then a woman's half-smiling face appeared, and before he could react, the screen was completely black.

"Ah! This little girl!" Scar put the clothes on his body indiscriminately, and turned to the person sitting on the sofa with the red wine: "Brother, I don't know where these two came from. But the goods are on them. Originally, I could do it on the road, but this time the fact is very evil. It was inexplicable, so many brothers folded in... As a last resort, I had to bring people back first. The way of these two people seems to be a little deep, on the road I've never heard of this number, and I'm not sure."

The man known as the eldest brother wears a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. He is holding red wine in one hand and holding the glasses with the other: "Go and invite someone, and you will find out in a while."

I knew there was someone behind Scar, but I didn't expect to see it so easily.

The man reached out to the fourth master: "Get to know me, the brothers on the road give me face, call me Brother Chao."

"Zhang Kevin." Fourth Master shook his hand.

Brother Chao reached out to Lin Yutong again: "Listening to Scar Xin, Miss is very skilled. I don't know what to call it."

"Just call me Xiaotong." Lin Yutong also shook hands with him.

Brother Chao made a gesture of invitation: "Sit. This time, it happened too suddenly."

"Since you secretly traded with the Kowloon Gang behind the back of Xin'an, you should have thought of today." The fourth master looked at him: "Don't you think that Xin'an will be so easy to deal with?"

Brother Chao frowned: "Is it the Xin'an Hui?" He laughed: "What can we do? If every time the goods are enough, I will not make this decision."

"Then what if the supply of goods for you can be guaranteed to be sufficient in the future?" the fourth master asked.

Brother Chao looked at the fourth master: "I don't know how Mr. Zhang can guarantee it?"

"Zhang Changwen is my father." Fourth Master smiled, "No one wants me to be better. It's better to let me die in your hands, or send me directly to the border guards of China. But now, I don't Death. It's my chance, and it's your chance."

Zhang Changwen?

The former president of Xin'an Association?

He can't lie about this kind of thing. It is impossible to tell lies.

Brother Chao's face instantly put on a smile: "It turns out that the young master is driving, it's really disrespectful."

The fourth master waved his hand: "Young master has a little boy in front of him, so I can't help you much."

Brother Chao understands what this means: until he is no longer a young master, but a master who can be the master of the house. Anything can be said.

He laughed: "This is our fate. It is also our luck. If you need brothers, just speak."

"The transaction is the same as before, and then, send me away." The fourth master handed the bag on him and Lin Yutong forward, "I don't live up to my name now, but this thing is genuine."

Brother Chao opened the bag and saw the well-sealed goods. The smile on his face immediately became more sincere. He doesn't care whether this person is Zhang Changwen's son, as long as the thing is real.

As long as something is eaten, it will be dozens of times the profit if it is changed.

And if this person is really Zhang Changwen's son, it is good, leaving a way out. If not...that's fine. A shot can change the place, even if he is a policeman, it will not be easy to find himself again. He still has that confidence.

Thinking like this, I reached out to get the goods.

Lin Yutong pressed his hand with a 'smack': "According to the rules."

What are the rules?

The rule is to pay first and deliver.

This thing is worth 400,000 US dollars in another country. But now that it has been shipped, it has risen tenfold directly. Four million dollars!

Brother Chao laughed: "That's right! Be disciplined!"

Lin Yutong estimated in his heart that a million dollars would roughly weigh 11 kilograms. And four million is forty-four kilograms.

Forty-four kilograms, eighty-eight pounds.

Brother Chao clapped his hands, and Scar Xin dragged two large suitcases over. Then open the box directly.

The smell of brand new banknotes is a little charming. Lin Yutong stretched out his hand and grabbed a few stacks, sized it up at random, and put it down again. After doing this again and again, finally, from the bottom floor, she took out five stacks: "These stacks are not enough." She put the money on the coffee table: "I'm missing five, four, three, and two."

Brother Chao laughed: "Xiaotong's hand..."

"What? Don't believe it?" Lin Yutong grabbed a few more stacks from the inside, put them in, picked out another stack, and placed them on the coffee table: "It's all trivial. It's just that we do business, one is one, two is It's two."

Scar Heart still didn't believe in evil, so she grabbed the money and put it on the money counter on the side, the result was the same as what Lin Yutong said. One is not bad either.

The fourth master said in his heart: "The title of God's Count is not for nothing. In Tongtong's words, this is also a technical job.

Over there, Brother Chao glared at Scarxin, turned around and took a bundle of money from under the wine cabinet at the back, and stuffed it directly into the box: "The people under my hand were not disciplined well, which made the two of you laugh. "

Lin Yutong just wanted to cover the box, pull it up, and then push the goods forward: "Be careful with things, then it will be easy to cooperate after that."

Scarheart put the goods back in a pocket, opened it, and took a closer look. Then he took out a small spoon, scooped up a little bit and poured it into a glass cup, rinsed with water, and called someone: "Test medicine."

The voice just fell, and a black and thin boy came in from outside, hehe smiled naively, and he drank without saying a word.

As soon as the potion drank into his stomach, it took less than three seconds to see him roll his eyes, and then collapsed in convulsions, foaming from his mouth. Then it was silent!

Scarheart loaded the gun, and the black boy's eyes opened again. You have to ask two people to stand up to stand. The kid kept shouting: "Boss...good medicine...good medicine...even better than the last time..." and was pulled down.

The expression on Brother Chao's face was even richer, and the expression on his handshake with the fourth master was more sincere: "I'll ask someone to send you away... No! I'll send the young master away in person."

Lin Yutong took two boxes of money and got on another truck.

There was no sitting in the driving building, and the two went directly into the car pocket.

Scarheart drove with two people. You don't have to say anything, just get in the car and leave.

Going around the village, three or five miles away, and on to the highway. It was already evening, and after walking on the road for more than an hour, the sky was completely dark.

Seeing that he was about to go to the expressway, the fourth master pointed down, Lin Yutong knew it, and put away the two boxes of money. Without disturbing the people in front, Lin Yutong pulled the fourth master and jumped out of the car. There is a barren grassland on the edge, and it is light when it falls. Even if you take the fourth master and roll along the way, it will not be a big deal.

It is very close to several villages. And here, there are many villages with folk-custom farmhouses.

Just find a village and settle down here. Before dawn, I took a ride to the county seat.

When I got to the county seat, I changed my clothes. The whole body is covered with goods from the stalls, and then there is no hotel, only in an old community. I found a house and rented a set casually, without showing any mountains or leaks.

And Scar Heart over there sent the person to the city, only to find that the person was gone. As for when it disappeared, the ghost knows.

Going back and telling the truth to Brother Chao, this brow wrinkled, and directly contacted the boss named Yong: "The goods have been received..."

"Received?" Ayong didn't hide his surprise at all: "Your boy is lucky. Didn't you fall in?"

There was a bit of anger in Brother Chao's eyes, but there was a smile on his face, and his mouth was even more respectful: "What your old family taught me. I was wrong before, and I will never dare to do it again. Second, I don't dare to force you to do it, I will go straight to the door, unscrew my head and use it as a seat for you."

"Just your head, do you still want to use it as a chair for me?" Ayong held the phone in one hand and stretched out the other hand in front of his eyes, looking at the red nails, as if looking for flaws. Then his face suddenly became cold, and his voice also became cold: "Where's the young master?"

"Really young master?" Brother Chao asked involuntarily.

Ayong didn't answer, but asked, "Where's the person?"

"No... It's gone..." Brother Chao was also a bit square: "Send someone to send it off, but it ended up where it was, and the person disappeared. I don't know when it went down."

Don't know when it will go down?

"Are you telling me a story?" Ayong chuckled: "Don't be careful to blackmail me."

The origins of those two people are unknown, and it is the young master that he cannot afford to offend. If it's a policeman, then killing a policeman is even worse. He wasn't stupid enough to kill someone directly, "How dare you? I'm really wronged."

"I don't care where the person goes, but you will remember the lesson this time. Don't think you can get along with a woman from the Nine Dragons Gang. Let me tell you, this golden triangle, if my brother Yong is still there. , Others want to turn the sky, then there is only one ending, and there can only be one, do you understand?"

"Understood! I understand!" What more to say, the phone over there hung up. Brother Chao put down the phone, and no longer asked how Lin Yutong and the fourth master disappeared, and directly ordered Scar Xin: "Move! Go! Immediately! Immediately!"

And what about Brother Yong? I called Chang Qing: "Your little brother, 80% of the time he was hacked!"

"What?" Chang Qing sat up and said, "Ayong, this is too much!"

Ayong sneered: "In this industry, everyone is working hard. No matter who's son is, he must have the ability to eat this bowl of rice, right? If you don't have the ability and want to flutter, then you deserve to die."

Chang Qing stopped talking, and was silent for a long time before saying: "Many people know about this matter, so keep your mouth shut for the time being. What's the matter, please ask me to find out more clearly."

Ah Yong sneered: "You still don't believe what I say?" His tone became more and more light: "It's easy to be afraid of being criticized by others. Just avenge this young master. Ah Chao... don't stay. ."

Chang Qing took a deep breath: "Just do it. You arrange it!"

"Okay!" Ayong hung up the phone with a smile, and then said softly, "Achao, Achao, you should treat your reputation as a fake. Betrayal is betrayal, and you want to expose it so easily. Where do you think about such a beautiful thing? What? I wanted to let you in, but you were lucky. But it doesn't matter, if you hide next time, it's really your luck. I won't be **** you. This time, it's cheaper. That little feral cat." After speaking, he dialed a phone and went out, and when the other side picked up, he laughed: "Little feral cat, another mouse and the food that comes with it, do you want it?"

Fourth Master and Lin Yutong didn't know what Ayong had arranged behind his back. They insisted on going according to their plan.

What are they planning to do?

Go to the |drug|drug | center and wait. After a few days, one or two will come out. These people are the kind of people who go to the palace repeatedly. Quit and smoke, smoke and quit.

What are you going to do with them?

To release the news, people have to know that Brother Chao has good goods. There are many people who inquire, and naturally some people reveal the news.

As long as the news is released, the two don't care. They have to quietly find Brother Chao's group. The goods are in their hands, and those who want the goods will always find them.

He thought that if he changed places, Lin Yutong and Fourth Master wouldn't be able to find them?

The two of them didn't go anywhere else, they still found the big locust tree and the big stone tablet on the same road that went up the mountain for the first time. Instead of going straight down from the cliff, it took a detour and went down to the edge of the pool. This detour, it takes more than half a day to detour.

That day, the first person to go ashore, before waiting for Scarheart to go ashore, has been looking into the woods. This action also happened when Scar Heart decided to take Lin Yutong and Fourth Master away.

Why are you looking in?

Because in their subconscious, there is the safest.

Now Brother Chao's mind is the same as they were at the time. With the goods in his hand, he is also afraid that someone will want to eat black. The best way is to hide first.

Where can you hide?

Go wherever you think is the safest.

I have to say that this place is indeed hidden. After walking around the forest for almost two days, I found the trail. The two specially left a trace, so that those who were looking for this group of people could quickly find them. Then I stumbled over it.

Deep in the woods, there are tents in camouflage, which are not easy to find. And these people are so cautious that they don't make a fire, and they usually don't even make a noise.

The two were about a mile or more away from this place, and they took a look with binoculars. I have seen Brother Chao and Scar Heart walk out of the tent. However, the time outside activities is not long.

After waiting for almost a day, there is no one looking for it.

Fourth Master used the satellite phone to get in touch with the bureau. They need their cooperation to spread the place where Brother Chao is hiding. As for how to grasp the skills inside, this is not something the Fourth Master and Lin Yutong have to manage. They are also professionals.

Sure enough, it took half a day to make a call and there was movement.

But it wasn't until after twelve o'clock in the night, when the birds flew away, that they really did it.

As soon as the lights in the tent came on, the lights in all directions came on.

These people have searchlights on their heads, which can illuminate very far.

Lin Yutong and the fourth master were hiding in a place that seemed to be full of thorns. These people were not prepared and passed right in front of their eyes. After they walked out five or six meters, Lin Yutong went out quietly, cut two stunned, and then turned off the light on his head before taking it off. She and the fourth master went by one by one.

The first class is the bright light, no one can see whose face.

Lin Yutong saw seventy or eighty people coming out of the tent. Brother Chao was surrounded by him, and his voice came clearly: "Wild cat, we have always used well water instead of river water. What do you mean?"

Lin Yutong never thought that the wild cat would be a woman.

Her voice was soft and glutinous: "Brother Chao, see what you said. Little sister also knows that you have good things here, so I want to ask Brother Chao to sell my sister's face."

"I want the goods... It's easy to say!" Brother Chao narrowed his eyes: "I don't make your money, just give me the capital."

"Brother Chao. My sister is rich, so why do you do this?" This came back with empty gloves. Didn't you see any of the following? Are your eyes green?

Brother Chao laughed angrily: "Is this going to be a hard grab?"

"Why do you say that?" Wildcat chuckled softly, and his tone was somewhat difficult: "When my sister has more money, I will double my brother back."

Lin Yutong couldn't see her face, only saw her raise her hand and stroke her hair. When she saw her action, Lin Yutong secretly said that she was about to suffer. Sure enough, she saw a sudden movement, a flash of light, and Hai Ge collapsed with a groan. down.

This woman did not use a gun, but an arrow crossbow.

Just listen to her: "My sister will definitely burn it for you, and give it to you doubled."

Then came Scarheart's voice: "Big brother-big brother-you killed my big brother...I'm going to kill you..."

Immediately after, gunshots rang out, and then it rang out.

Fourth Master and Lin Yutong turned off the lights, went straight around the back of the tent from behind, and then got in.

As a result, I opened the tent and saw someone crawling into the tent just now. This person is not Chao Ge.

This guy was just playing dead.

Lin Yutong didn't move in a hurry, but looked at Brother Chao, watching him take out the goods from the safe, and then drilled out from the side of the tent. The two silently followed behind Brother Chao. If this guy dares to run, there must be a spare passage.

Sure enough, in less than ten minutes, this guy got into the cave. Outside the cave, the sound of water can be heard.

No matter how rude Lin Yutong was, when a stone was thrown at him, he groaned and fell directly to the ground. She made it up in the past to make sure that the guy was in a coma for three days and three nights and couldn't wake up before accepting the goods. Then drag people in. Walking in less than twenty meters, is the river. There are boats tied to big rocks.

The two took Brother Chao to bed, which way did they go?

This kind of terrain can only go with the current. Because this guy's boat doesn't even have an oar.

The boat walked very smoothly in it. After about half an hour, it came out of the cave and could see the stars above.

Although it is only half an hour's journey, it has already circled to the back of the mountain.

Landing from a gentle place, the fourth master said, "This is the retreat route prepared earlier. If you look for it again, there must be means of transportation."

That's right, behind a rock, I found a small room built up. There was cash, ID cards, and passports inside. A pack of clothes and a humble agricultural tricycle.

The keys to the tricycle are in the car and the gas tank is full.

Lin Yutong pushed out the tricycle, and the fourth master stuffed Brother Chao inside and covered the quilt thoughtfully, "This kid has to keep it. After such a big loss, he can't let the little wild cat go."

This guy showed his face, and he has already registered at the police station. As long as he can't get away, he can rely on him to find the little wild cat.

If you guessed correctly, the person behind this little wild cat is the biggest buyer of Xin'an Hui in China.

Therefore, the fourth master kept the cash, took a photo of the backup ID card and sent it back, and also took the kid's backup passport.

Want to run?

There are no doors.

After dealing with all traces, Lin Yutong had already started the tricycle and greeted Fourth Master: "Come up!"

All right! This kind of trail is actually really convenient for tricycles.

Within 200 meters from the seemingly non-existent road, there is a field trail. Walking along the field trail, you can see the village, and you can always find the main road when you go out of the village.

On the other side, the little wild cat quarreled Ayong again in the middle of the night.

Ayong gritted his teeth: "If it doesn't matter to you, I'll have someone skin you right away."

The little wild cat has no intention of laughing: "The goods were not found. Ah Chao ran away!"

"Huh?" Ayong sat up and said, "Run? Haha... It seems that Achao still has some skills."

The little wild cat gritted his teeth: "Brother Yong, he can hold grudges. If you want to cooperate with him..."

"Brother Yong does things, you don't need to teach me." After saying that, he hung up the phone, but he couldn't fall asleep while leaning against the bed. I thought to myself: Have you really gone out of your way? Is Ah Chao really that powerful? No, when it's dawn, I have to chat with Chang Qing.

When it was dawn, Lin Yutong and Fourth Master both arrived at the county seat.

Tricycles are no longer available, go directly to the station in the county seat, and then go back to Kunming. Then take a plane from Kunming to Myanmar, this time, it will not be so easy to talk.

As soon as he boarded the plane here, Ayong received news that among the passengers who came to Myanmar, there were two people who suddenly appeared.

He laughed: "It's interesting! This time it's really interesting!"

Therefore, the first sentence he saw when he saw the fourth master was: "I made a fortune this time."

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