Accumulate Wealth in Life

Chapter 1182: . Luan Feng Laiyi (36) three in one

Luan Feng Laiyi (36)

The theft of blueprints is not too complicated.

One is Jinzhiyuye who has been getting older but has not been out of the cabinet, and the other is a young official who was born in a poor family and was proud of the imperial examination, but wasted a few years after entering the officialdom.

Chen Yunhe listened to his grandfather's remarks, and sighed slightly: "Little people..." Often a big thing can be achieved inadvertently, and a big thing can often be destroyed inadvertently.

For example, Shi Wandou back then, if he hadn't brought back Taisun's letter from Beikang, what would the current state of affairs be like?

Chen Qingcang chuckled lightly: "This clerk named Wenzhu has not moved for the time being. Do you understand what to do?"

A trace of sadness flashed in Chen Yunhe's eyes: "Grandfather, is this really up to you?"

Chen Qingcang laughed twice and patted Chen Yunhe on the shoulder: "The grandson treats you differently. The future of the Chen family will only depend on you."

"Grandfather." Chen Yunhe's face showed a bit of embarrassment: "Grandson that day..."

Chen Qingcang waved his hand: "Needless to say, my grandfather knows it. You took the initiative to tell the Chen family that they were malicious towards their grandson, and the decision to assess the situation at the beginning was a chance for the Chen family. Grandfather is old! Fortunately, you grew up. Yes. With the previous relationship and the credit given to you by your grandfather, the grandson will not embarrass you."

Chen Yunhe left in one step and three turns. After leaving Qiansi Pavilion, looking at the dark clouds covering the sun, my nose is sour for no reason: Today is still a good day for my grandfather.

When Chen Qingcang came out of Qiansi Pavilion again, the banquet had already started.

Chen Shengxuan looked for Chen Ge Lao with a blushing face: "Father, are you going to show yourself in front of you? Today, so many people come, but they are all for your birthday. It's not good for you to say that you don't see anyone."

Chen Qingcang looked at Chen Shengxuan, who was already smelling a bit of alcohol, and couldn't help but pour out exhausted: "Prince Concubine gone?"

"Ah?" Chen Shengxuan's voice couldn't help being excited, "How could it be?! What day is today, how could she leave without eating? Isn't this a slap in the face? It's a little uncomfortable. You said, our Chen family has been worried about the East Palace for all these years..."

"Shut up!" Chen Qingcang opened his eyes: "Take care of your mouth. If some words come out of your mouth..."

Chen Shengxuan woke up a little, and hurriedly restrained his expression and bowed, and then asked, "Father, this is... what are your plans for Taisun...?"

"Grandson." Chen Qingcang laughed: "She will always be of use to this old man." After speaking, he got up and walked out.

"This is you?" Chen Shengxuan followed closely and asked suspiciously.

"Didn't I tell the old man to show his face?" Chen Qingcang walked fast, "Then show his face..."

"...The place is full of friends... The old and the old gathered together... Chen Ge is demonstrating to his father." Lin Pingzhang gently placed Bai Zi on the chessboard, and Lin Yutong over there was like playing chess. Clap, very imposing.

It's just this level, it's really worrying: "Compared to that kid from the Yin family, you are simply a stinky chess basket."

This thing depends on the talent.

Lin Yutong didn't take it seriously, skipping the topic and asking, "Dad sent someone to Jiangnan?"

"Yeah." Lin Pingzhang replied, but he was still somewhat surprised by her control over Jiangnan. Seeing that she knew, she simply said bluntly: "Some preparations still need to be done in advance."

"Are you going to invite Mr. Mengliu and Mr. Sanqing to come out?" Lin Yutong smiled and said, "I'm afraid these two old gentlemen are not willing to come out and interfere with these things."

"As long as you're a human being, you have selfishness." Lin Pingzhang stared at the chessboard. He was a little confused about Lin Yutong's play with a hammer in the east and a stick in the west. Not idle, "Confucius traveled around the world, not just to sell his ideas of governing the country. These great Confucians are of the same mind. It's not that they don't want to live in temples, but they really don't have the opportunity to display their ambitions in temples. , will be moved."

Lin Yutong smiled and reserved his opinion. She thought of the Donglin Party in the late Ming Dynasty.

Now these two old gentlemen are both lecturing in Jiangnan and have a good reputation in the official forest. To say that there are 3,000 disciples is a bit exaggerated, but nowadays, among the people in the official circles, who are from Jiangnan, how many have nothing to do with these two adults?

Either the disciple or the disciple. If you really want to have a relationship, then this complicated, can really pull a relationship.

Don't say anything else, just say that the young man named Fang Shuisheng brought back from Jiangnan by the fourth master, his enlightenment teacher was a scholar. As for this scholar, it is said that he had heard Mr. Meng Liu speak about the Four Books, and he was considered a half-disciple. This scholar did not go well in the imperial examinations, but he is very good at being a man. He must be filial to his husband during the New Year, whether it is two pieces of bacon or a basket of dried vegetables. These half disciples have also become real disciples. At least when he said so to the outside world, the old gentleman did not object. This Fang Shuisheng is also extremely proud of his teacher.

It can be seen that in Jiangnan, this understanding is deeply rooted.

On that day, Lin Yutong used Lu Anmin to promote so many scholars from Jiangnan to become officials. In the end, it was just an expedient measure. If you want Jiangnan to be stable, someone who is familiar with the situation must take over.

Some people say that Lin Yutong used the official hat to change the hearts of Jiangnan Shilin. Lin Yutong does not refute this statement, after all, it is objectively true.

She had planned to wait until Jiangnan stabilized, so that the people who were promoted at the time would see clearly. The promotion of the promotion, the transfer of the transfer. Gradually pull in, mixing in other forces. Slowly, Jiangnan was thoroughly cleaned.

This sub-power is not small, and now the prince wants to invite people from Jiangnan, and also wants to invite two Shilin leaders to come.

Lin Yutong only said that he knew, but he couldn't say anything more.

When I went out to see the fourth master at night, I said, "I don't believe he can't see the drawbacks here?"

Fourth Master frowned: "In this way, most of the chess pieces you placed in Jiangnan will be destroyed."

Most of these newly promoted officials in Jiangnan came from the names of these two old gentlemen. The movements of the two old men had a great influence on the officials of the two provinces.

Lin Yutong asked, "Do you think the prince is doing this to prevent me?"

Fourth Master shook his head: "It shouldn't! Although this move has many drawbacks, it is the same as the method you used in Jiangnan. In extraordinary times, use extraordinary methods. With Jiangnan one party, you can clean up the old party of Emperor Xuanping."

Use your strength to balance the situation.

It is also a safe way.

"Since he has already started planning what will happen after Donggong succeeds to the throne...then we can ignore this matter for the time being." Lin Yutong whispered: "Now we just look at it, how can we call Donggong to succeed as soon as possible."

The matter of rebellion, let her say so confidently.

alright. The fourth master sighed, "It is better to move in the dark than in the open."

Lin Yutong also thought so, "I also want to make a move. But this opportunity has never come."

"Who said he didn't come?" The fourth master clasped the table with his fingers, "What you said just now is not a good opportunity."

What did you just say?

What's up?

correct! The drawings have been stolen!

After the drawings were stolen? What do these people want drawings for?

To make Dajing's armored armor including horseshoe saddle bridle?

Even if it is created, what happens after it is created? Gotta use it.

Where is it used?

It must be a disguise!

A soldier disguised as Dajing.

Fourth Master got up and stood in front of the bookshelf. The bookshelf is huge, with the names of the six departments and the yamen in each province posted on it. Each department has a large vertical shelf with news about the yamen. He pointed to the row of the Ministry of War, "The second file, the fourth file, you can take it out and take a look."

This is a brief report on the situation of garrisoned troops in various places. The fourth master made a table arrangement. It is easy to see from here that the situation of empty pay in various places is extremely serious.

Lin Yutong frowned: "If I remember correctly, the inspector from the Censor's Office came back a few days ago. The report contains everything, except that there is no shortage of staff involved."

"There are various reasons for not being able to find the problem." The fourth master took another copy from the 'intelligence' file on the side and handed it over: "It is a very common situation to borrow from each other to cope with the supervision of the imperial court. "

Lin Yutong took another look at the survey and felt a chill in her heart.

Chang'an Road was supposed to have a garrison of 20,000 troops, but the actual number was less than 5,000. He received 20,000 military salaries from the imperial court, but he was seconded from Xiancheng, Baicheng, Mingzhou and other places when he was dealing with the imperial inspection.

"That is to say, it is very common in various places where the generals do not know the soldiers and the soldiers do not know the generals, and no one takes this seriously." Lin Yutong slowly put down the file.

The fourth master took it and put it back in place: "I have collected all these things, and even the evidence of the crime is ready. Just wait until the time is right to do it. The drawbacks are obvious. Sure enough, there is really a problem in this place."

Thousands of people entered the garrison, I'm afraid it was really quiet.

Lin Yutong was sweating coldly on her back, and she sighed: "It seems that Daoist Xuanji is right, the Lin family's arrogance should come to an end."

This is the result of the failure of the imperial court to pay wages.

When a soldier eats imperial food, he must survive. After all, it was the court that could not afford to raise so many soldiers before.

The fourth master said, "Just investigate this case from the Ministry of Industry. I'm not afraid of the big thing, but I'm afraid it's not big."

The two were talking when Ming Fan came in and reported, "Lin Liang is here, saying it's urgent."

Lin Yutong beckoned: "Call in."

"His Royal Highness, take a look at this." Lin Liang didn't have time to salute when he came in, so he took a letter and handed it over.

Lin Yutong took it and looked at the wax seal, then handed it over to Fourth Master.

Fourth Master read it over and over several times before nodding: "I haven't opened it before."

Saying that, reach out and take it apart.

How could Lin Yutong dare to ask him to open such a letter of unknown origin, so he quickly took it and tore it open, very rude.

There are only four words in it: Ugly, Dongshan.

Lin Yutong stuffed the letter to the fourth master and asked Lin Liang, "What time is it now?"

"It's been about a moment since Hai Shi." Lin Liang said.

There is still time.

Lin Yutong said, "This person is quite accurate." The timing was just right.

The fourth master said, "Let's go, I'll go with you."

Lin Yutong hurriedly said: "This is the middle of the night when you leave the city, the movement is not small. You have to go to the East Palace, and you have to ask Yin Taishi to be on the emperor's side... support."

The fourth master looked at her with a smile instead of a smile: "..." It's really hard for her to say that she dislikes herself so euphemistically.

Lin Yutong felt guilty and quickly slipped away.

It doesn't matter if you take him anywhere else, the main thing is that the place in Dongshan is a bit evil. The origin of the other party is not clear. It is convenient for her to escape by herself, but it is really difficult to take the fourth master with her when it is urgent.

It is both witchcraft and Taoist priests. There are so many evil things, so be careful not to make a big mistake.

Before the fourth master could explain a word, Lin Yutong had already sped out, but there was a word left in the wind: "I'm going with the five worms."

When Lin Yutong arrived at the city gate, San Niangzi was already waiting with someone.

"Your Highness." San Niangzi asked urgently, "What happened?"

I want to know too?

Lin Yutong didn't rush to talk, and raised her hand to stop her questioning. Lin Liang over there has already called the door with Taisun's waist card.

The guards guarding the capital were the Imperial Guards.

Meng En is very aware of proportions, and Meng Fang has always been close to Lin Yutong. In addition, the Imperial Guards followed Taisun in Liangzhou of Beikang and Jiangnan. Although not everyone ran along, there was a friendship. But things about Taisun were widely circulated among the Imperial Guards.

So when he saw that it was Taisun, the city gate opened in a hurry.

When they watched Taisun and his party go eastward, someone immediately went to Meng's house, and it was inevitable to report to Meng's grace. By the way, I told Meng Fang quietly, but it was just a matter of mouth.

Taisun left the city in the middle of the night, this is a big event.

Now that Mengen knows, he must enter the palace and talk to the emperor.

I haven't put on my clothes yet, and the door to the room over there is locked from the outside.

When Meng En heard the movement, he was stunned for a moment, ran over and pulled the door, and immediately became angry: "Little bastard, open the door for Lao Tzu."

"Father." Meng Fang squatted at the door: "Why do you have to be so anxious. The gate guard is an old soldier, and an old horse is used. You can just say that the report is too late. You can sleep for an hour. Go to the palace, it doesn't matter."

After an hour of delay, even if the palace wanted to chase him, he couldn't catch up. Who knows which way it went after heading east.

Meng gracefully jumped his feet: "You are killing yourself."

To die is to die.

You just scold you inside, but you don't pick up on it outside. Wrapped in a coat leaning against the door staring at the stars.

An hour later, he couldn't stop it, got up and opened the door.

Meng En was about to whip with the whip, Meng Fang grabbed it and said in a low voice, "Dad, take it easy. Just pretend. My son just locked the door, but not the window. Besides, it's eight feet long. The spear is by the bed, if you really want to come out early, how can your son stop you?"

He was trying to buy time for Taisun, but he acted like he was being coerced and helpless.

Meng En stared, and he pulled the whip back but didn't hit it out, but he gave the **** a kick on his foot, "Stay at home honestly. I'll take care of you when I come back."

"...get angry again, I can't even get rid of it if I want to." Yin Chengzhi sat opposite the prince and yawned, "It's almost enough to be angry. Let's think about it later, what to say to the court later. I'll go to bed first. Now, if it wasn't for that kid in my family who tossed me up, sleeping on the hot kang would be the most comfortable on such a day."


Sleeping fart!

He called all the officials of the East Palace all night to discuss what to do. Tomorrow morning, how to strike first.

Lin Yutong didn't think about the matter of the first post and the post, and he was a little stunned at the moment.

Because at the foot of Dongshan Mountain, she saw a person she never thought would appear - Chen Yunhe.

"You?" Lin Yutong jumped off the horse: "Is it the letter you sent?",

Chen Yunhe nodded: "I have seen His Highness."

Lin Yutong didn't shout, only chuckled lightly: "Where did you sing this trick? You can't make a joke like this."

"I know." Chen Yunhe responded respectfully, straightened up and pointed towards the mountain: "There are some things, I would like to ask Your Highness to take a look at it first."

There is a torch on the road leading to the mountain, and the one holding the torch should be the family nursing home of the Chen family.

Lin Yutong chuckled lightly: "I really didn't expect that there would be such an event behind Chen Ge's birthday."

Chen Yunhe couldn't explain it, he just made a gesture of asking, asking Lin Yutong to go first.

The mountain at night was windy, with a bit of rage.

When we got to the middle of the mountain, we saw that the Changchun Temple was brightly lit.

Lin Yutong paused and looked at Chen Yunhe: "Where's Princess Anqing?"

Chen Yunhe lowered his head: "It's really..." After saying that, he looked up and looked around, with an expression that was hard to say.

Lin Yutong understood, and stopped asking, "Take me to see the princess first."

The Taoist nuns in the Taoist temple were concentrated in the hall, and there were low voices of weeping. Passing through from the front, the back is not in a remote courtyard, but it is strictly guarded inside and out.

Lin Yutong told Lin Liangmingfan to wait outside and only brought San Niangzi inside.

An Qing was still in the bedroom, leaning on the bed in his middle clothes. His face was pale, and at a glance, he knew that he had just had a miscarriage.

There was a man bound on the ground, with his upper body naked, but the exposed face made Lin Yutong feel a little uncomfortable. This person is somewhat similar to Yin Chengzhi and Si Ye.

She squatted down, looked at the face carefully, then sneered, got up and called Sanniang: "Tear off his face for me."

"Grandson." An Qing said with a bit of anger, "I'm still your aunt."

Lin Yutong sighed: "Auntie is confused..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard two inhalations, one from Sanniang, and one from Anqing who was talking to Lin Yutong while staring over there.

Lin Yutong turned to look, a thin almost transparent skin was peeled off from his face. The real face revealed is actually handsome and eye-catching.

This face is actually somewhat similar to Qi Huan.

Therefore, Lin Yutong guessed that this person was related to the Qi family or the Hua family.

Anqing's eyes darkened and he almost fell, "He...he...he..."

"He's been thinking about it, doesn't the second aunt really know?" Lin Yutong supported Anqing, "Your... body..."

An Qing shook his head, and shook off Lin Yutong's hand in embarrassment: "No problem!"

Lin Yutong took it back indifferently, and only whispered: "Then this person, I will take away. Don't disturb aunt's rest..."

"He's mine!" An Qing lifted the quilt and got up from the bed, "You dare?"

Lin Yutong looked at her and said, "There are some things that my nephew is unwilling to do. Don't forget that there is Concubine Chen in the palace. So, second aunt, rest in peace. You, it's not necessarily a bad thing to uphold your original intention and devote yourself to cultivation. You want to learn Aunt, unfortunately, you will never be her."

"Why can't I become her?" An Qing sneered: "It's just that he wins and loses."

Lin Yutong sighed: "Women are often defeated because of the word 'love'. Auntie is ruthless, and Ergu, you are too stupid."

If it wasn't for the fact that she was too addicted to Yin Chengzhi, there would not be a person who looked like Yin Chengzhi to make her easily fascinated by her mind.

An Qing was stunned, and stared blankly at the man lying on the ground, still silent. At this moment, he went to that face, but it was more fierce.

San Niangzi pulled the man up, the man closed his eyes and stopped looking at Anqing.

I don't know why, but Anqing's tears still flowed down.

Lin Yutong had no time to accompany Anqing to mourn her so-called love. Turn around and leave.

"Wait!" An Qing shouted, "Wait..."

Lin Yutong turned around and saw An Qing grabbing the clothes beside the bed, "You loosen the bindings and ask him to put his clothes on."

San Niangzi looked at Lin Yutong, but Lin Yutong didn't say a word, so San Niangzi naturally pushed people to leave.

An Qing bit his lip, grabbed the cape and put it on the man: " care."

The man took a deep look at An Qing and sneered: "What a stupid woman. At this really are a bitch..." His shoulders shook, and the cloak fell to the ground, "I've always been disgusting... ...It's alright now...No need to pretend. I don't want to touch the clothes you touched..." After speaking, he raised his feet and left.

Anqing was stunned, and then cried hysterically.

Lin Yutong clearly felt that the man's footsteps stopped and his head turned slightly, but he controlled it abruptly and did not look back.

This makes Lin Yutong feel a little better about this person, and seems to understand his swearing at Anqing just now. The more Anqing was trampled under his feet, the more anger the fellow royals felt towards him, but for Anqing, no matter whether he was angry or sympathetic, once this emotion prevailed, it was a blessing for Anqing.

Arriving at the cave, Lin Yutong chuckled lightly: "I see a touch of humanity on you." She sat on the stone bench, looking at the weapons and armors taken out by Ming Fan and Lin Lang, while talking to this man who was said to be called Hao Yuanzi's man spoke.

Hao Yuanzi chuckled and turned his face to one side: "His Royal Highness Taisun is wrong."

"Xu is wrong, but I won't smell it wrong." Lin Yutong's face turned cold: "You have a faint herbal smell on your body. There is a kind of herbal medicine, which is only produced in the West Sea and belongs to the royal tribute. Earlier In 2009, the King of the West Sea gave a plant to the prince, and it has been well preserved in the East Palace. Fortunately, I have smelled that smell. Unfortunately, I also smelled it on you. It is called sea millet, and it is called a **** in the West Sea. Medicine. It is the exclusive thing of the royal family. All the children of the royal family in the West Sea, from birth, use the soup made from this medicine to soak their bodies for five years. In the West Sea, that is the smell of nobility. If the common people dare to pick and buy their own possessions in private, it is a big sin to punish the Nine Clan. Now, it is really interesting to smell this smell on a person whose identity is not clear. "

Hao Yuanzi's expression changed, he opened his mouth several times, but didn't say a word. He could see that what the grandson said was true, and he really smelled it.

Lin Yutong didn't need him to admit it: "How can a dignified royal and nobleman be reduced to this situation. Come to think of it, in Xihai, the life of brother Yuan Zi is not easy."

Hao Yuanzi squinted at Lin Yutong: "What do you want to say?"

"If I can help you go back to the West Sea, if I can help you stand in the West Sea Court, and if I can persuade the Dajing court to bring Princess Anqing to you, what do you think?" Lin Yutong asked in a relaxed manner.

Hao Yuanzi didn't speak, looked at Lin Yutong: "What do you know?"

"I know that in those days, it wasn't just Beikang who coveted Liangzhou, Xihai was afraid that he would take action earlier." Lin Yutong felt that some of the previous doubts had been solved at this time, "Dajing was caught in Xihai's alienation scheme, but right?"

Hao Yuanzi smiled mockingly: "Yes, I am the result of the alienation scheme."

"Who is your father?" Lin Yutong asked, and before he could answer, he said, "You look like someone from your grandfather's Hua family."

Hao Yuanzi nodded: "So, I had to cover up such a troublesome face." He paused, "Ask my father... It's okay to tell you, whether it's revenge or snow hate, just go to him. "

"Is it the Regent of the West Sea?" I read the information compiled by the fourth master. If I remember correctly, the regent was said to have been seriously ill for two years and went to the mountains to recuperate. During that time, it was the time when the Hua family's Qi family had an accident.

This man's method may not be brilliant, but he was able to make use of the situation to play a divisive tactic between Emperor Xuanping and Qi Wei. End is a good way!

"The past is all over." Lin Yutong looked at him, "I am not interested in the past. Who is right and who is right is of little significance. I just want to know, you... I was assigned to Nanjing this time. What are you doing?" She tugged at the weapons, "Well made!"

Hao Yuanzi chuckled: "What can I do? What can I do? The wolf travels thousands of miles to eat meat, but the meat can't be eaten in the mouth. It's always unwilling."

Going to Liangzhou?

It would be really bad if he disguised himself as a Nanjing soldier and went to Liangzhou.

Liangzhou is inherently more sensitive. The inspection was careful, and the Qi family was afraid that it would cause unnecessary suspicion of the court's inappropriateness. A relaxation, that is really attracting wolves into the room.

Lin Yutong handed the person over to Chen Yunhe: "Don't bother the second master, this person's cousin should be optimistic."

Chen Yunhe responded with a yes, and then hesitantly said, "Grandfather made some omissions in handling this time. This time, I only wish to take the blame and make merit."

Not to mention guilt and meritorious deeds.

Lin Yutong patted his shoulder, "Go ahead."

There is something tricky about this Dongshan, and San Niangzi has been sending people to watch it. Not many carriages were overlooked, and they were all royal. Either the princess's carriage or the carriage of Princess Wu'an, these carriages and the carriages of their servants are not inspected. Let's go down sporadically. On the way back, Lin Yutong roughly estimated, "There must be two or three thousand. Before this, whether there has been a large shipment, I still don't know. Besides, there is only this one craftsman workshop. Is it? Is it still hiding somewhere else?"

Not good!

On the Liangzhou side, Lin Yutong called Qi Huan overnight. Not only did the flying pigeon deliver the letter, but he expedited 800 miles. In addition, he sent Qi Huan to go to Liangzhou.

But Lin Yutong also had to guard against it, the other party was feinting a shot.

Even if Hao Yuanzi is telling the truth, what if the regent didn't fully tell Hao Yuanzi the truth and his true intentions?

When we returned to the capital, the city gate had not yet opened. When he rushed back to the East Palace, the prince had already gone to court.

In the court hall, Emperor Xuanping said, "I'm getting old, and my spirit is not good." Then he said to several cabinet members: "I know that you care about my body. But no matter what the body is, such a big thing, How could you hide it. Taisun left the city in the middle of the night..."

"My minister is guilty." Several people hurriedly knelt down and pleaded guilty. Of course they all knew that Taisun was out of the city. The emperor is not directly at the prince, but at the cabinet. Several people only kneeled, but they were not afraid. The emperor at this time was referring to Sang and scolding Huai! It is said that he is old and his energy is not enough. Taisun does whatever he wants and does not care about the emperor at all. That's what he meant to say.

Everyone can understand what this means.

But I heard a voice say: "Your Majesty, rest your anger. Even if the adults are wrong, please forgive them for their sins, for the sake of their dedication and loyalty to Your Majesty."

Who said this? This is not at all kind.

Everyone turned their heads slightly and looked back. Only Yin Bofang stood still, that voice, there was no one else except the wicked son.

The feeling is that Yin Chengzhi, who has been in a false position and has not been an official and never went to court, came running. Standing in the back, speaking seriously.

As soon as this man spoke, many adults who wanted to speak were unable to speak.

The old lady protects the calf, no matter what she thinks in her heart, she will not pout her son in front of so many people. It's even worse if someone else shoves it.

Emperor Xuan Ping looked at Yin Chengyi's serious nonsense coming out to disrupt the situation, and squinted his eyes: "What? Chengzhi also thinks your father is guilty."

"Yeah." Emperor Xuanping of Yin Chengzhi smiled with sincerity: "No matter what is wrong, it is right to say that it was the fault of the minister's father. Over the years, the father is used to it, and the minister is more used to it. Even the son of the minister is used to it. I'm used to it. Really! The minister's father is in good shape, and there is nothing he can't handle. The grandson has left the city, and His Majesty said it was the minister's father's fault, then it was his fault. You are Your Majesty, Jinkou Yuyan, I don't recognize it , aren't you wrong?"

"Shut up!" Yin Bofang turned his face and scolded: "Where did you drink half of the night's wine, and went here to pour wine? Go back to me this morning!" He shouted, "Give Yin Chengzhi I fork out."

"Master Yin." The prince only said at this time: "You speak carefully."

Uncle Yin pursed his lips, and what he said following the emperor's words was a mad and drunken talk, which was worth it. He had to turn around and kneel again: "This minister is guilty. This minister has no way to teach his son." After speaking, he added: "But I really don't know about Taisun's departure from the city..." Of course, this is nonsense, he knows it Clearly, I was just tripped by my grandson and couldn't go out. Even meeting Gao Hanyuan and Wan Fangyuan, the two ministers, was delayed.

He said, and then looked at the prince again, "I just want to come to the prince to be clear."

Everyone was stunned. When the Yin Taishi said 'to teach his son no way' just now, he was referring to himself, so why wasn't he blaming the prince.

"Prince!" Emperor Pingxuan rubbed his forehead. His headache and chest tightness made him feel restless.

"Grandson arrives -- Grandson arrives --"

Lin Pingzhang frowned, why did this child enter the palace directly?

Lin Yutong changed his court clothes and went straight to the court. After saluting, he stood up and asked, "Grandfather, before my grandson entered the hall, I heard you call my grandson's father, but his father made you angry?"

"Your Majesty said that there is no way for the prince to teach his son." Yin Chengzhi added this sentence. The Yin Taishi almost turned his head upside down.

"There is no way to teach your son?" Lin Yutong smiled. "Is it the grandfather who is annoyed that his grandson left the city in the middle of the night? This matter, the grandson is about to explain it to you..."

"Oh!" Emperor Xuan Ping narrowed his eyes, "I went out of the city privately in the middle of the night, what is the explanation for the good medicine?"

"Grandson is really..." Lin Yutong looked embarrassed, "Can I allow grandson to play alone with you?"

"Everything can't be told to people, and you can say anything. I don't like to be whispering behind my back." Emperor Xuanping leaned forward while leaning on the handle of the dragon chair, "I heard that you went out of the city well..."

This is to say that her relationship with the Praetorian Guards is too close.

Every sentence is heavier than a sentence, is this trying to knock the mountain and shake the tiger?

Lin Yutong smiled inwardly, and said with an embarrassed face: "The grandson actually went to Dongshan after receiving Aunt Anqing's request for help. The grandson really didn't know how to deal with this matter, and the matter was urgent, so he had to make a trip in person. It's about the safety of my aunt, so how can my grandson and nephew leave it alone. Besides, it's a family matter, and I'm afraid of disturbing my father and grandfather in the middle of the night, and I'm worried, so I..."

"Anqing?" Emperor Xuanping's hand was on his leg and kept drawing circles, "It turned out to be going to Dongshan." There was indeed something tricky, but he didn't believe that Anqing would ask Taisun for help. So he said: "Then I will send someone to tell An Qing to come back and see your aunt and nephew..."

"No." Lin Yutong looked anxious and almost blurted out: "Aunt has just had a miscarriage, that man is disguised as the son of the Regent of the West Sea, and he was detained by me again. How can I ask my aunt to act like this again at this time? The face of many's embarrassing!"

This passage was spoken quickly and quickly. After speaking, everyone realized what it was all about.

Princess Anqing, a girl who has not yet left the cabinet, has a small birth. This... Who is the godson?

Why is it related to Xihai?

It's the son of the regent again, and he's disguised again, how could he still be caught?

What a mess!

Even Chen Qingcang, who called his grandson to take the credit, didn't expect things to be so complicated.

While everyone looked at each other in dismay, Lin Pingzhang saw that his daughter looked at the emperor with a provocative smile, but his grandfather and grandson looked at each other, and he seemed to be able to see the sparks splashing between them.

This seems really unbearable...

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