Accumulate Wealth in Life

Chapter 1176: . Luan Feng Lai Yi (30) three in one

Luan Feng Laiyi (30)

Move, how to move?

Peony is puzzled.

The corner of Hua Yingxue's mouth evoked a mocking smile: "Just move, you don't understand what you're talking about, so you should just call you... Avoid people and just stare at Concubine Chen."

Concubine Chen?

Shaoyao was even more puzzled: "Concubine relationship between you and Princess Anqing...the slaves seem to be quite...intimate..." Why did you want to monitor Princess Anqing's mother, Concubine Chen? She didn't dare to ask this question. The slaves did not question the master's right, and the master had no obligation to explain.

But Hua Yingxue still understood the meaning of Shaoyao's words.

Yes! Why are you watching her?

"Oh!" Hua Yingxue looked at her coldly: "How do you see that Bengong and Anqing have a good relationship? But since they all feel that Bengong and Anqing have a good relationship... Then it is natural to care about Concubine Chen. The relationship is good. Well, Concubine Chen is alone in the palace, and her only daughter is a princess, but she is a nun, and she is in a bad mood... Then, of course, anything can happen. So, shouldn't you be staring at it?"

From these words, Shaoyao could not tell what the master meant. It's a bit too strange to say that he cares. It doesn't seem right to say I don't care.

She didn't understand what it meant to be in a bad mood. Naturally, anything could happen.

What could possibly happen?

Can't think of suicide?

Will not! If you want to think about it, you can't think about it early, not until now.

But Shaoyao didn't dare to ask any more questions, and silently waited on the imperial concubine to rest, and then quietly withdrew.

But for Lin Yutong and Fourth Master, the mess in the palace was not worth their troubles at all. Hua Yingxue pretended to be a ghost. In the end, it was Emperor Xuanping who fooled.

It has nothing to do with your own money.

Calling people to pay attention is naturally to pay attention, but the purpose of paying attention is to see if there is any place for you to use, other things, what you like, as long as it doesn't affect yourself, it doesn't matter.

The so-called thing about Lin Yutong is the attitude of the prince.

She didn't think it was a wise move to keep asking Emperor Xuanping to stay in that seat.

On this day, Lin Yutong came out of Guozijian and went straight to the small courtyard that the fourth master bought.

It is also strange to say, it seems that it was very popular in ancient times to set up the Qinlou and Chu Pavilions opposite the Guozijian or nearby. The same is true for the Imperial College in Nanjing today, opposite the very prosperous Fengyue place.

Passing through this boundary is the bookstore or bookstore that sells the four treasures of the study or antique calligraphy and painting.

The shop needs paving, but the bookstore does not need paving, just have a nice courtyard.

Now, in the innermost house of the street, a five-storey house has opened a new bookstore called 'Liaozhitang'.

This Liaozhitang is also interesting. It opened a bookstore, but it was not for selling books. The main hall of the house is the bookstore, and the wing rooms are rows of tables, chairs and benches. Anyone who comes here to read a book can read it at will, as long as the book is not damaged. If you see a good article and want to copy it back, no one will stop it. You can bring your own pen, ink, paper and inkstone from home, or you can buy it in the store, no matter what. If you want good tea and snacks, you will charge some extra money, which is similar to the price of the teahouse outside. If it is a poor scholar, rough tea is also provided free of charge, and will not be greeted with indifference because of poverty. If anyone has good writing and good writing, they can also show it in the Bright Hall, and it is not impossible to sell it when they meet a suitable buyer. And the store owner doesn't even have to pay for the hand moisturizing fee, just leave the calligraphy.

Speaking of which, this is not a buying and selling attitude at all.

But also because of this, as soon as it opened, it attracted more and more readers.

And knowing that Zhitang's owner is the fourth master's, there are not many.

Why make such a bookstore?

Lin Yutong knew that the fourth master was making a subtle selection of talents. The Imperial Examination Ceremony is simply too late. The imperial examinations were supposed to be held next year, but Emperor Xuanping's Rites and Officials asked Zhezi for instructions on this matter, and Zhezi was beaten back.

The matter of the imperial examination is over.

This is to block the way for scholars all over the world to make progress. I've never seen someone who is kind and generous, but I've never seen Emperor Xuan Ping so wonderful.

If the court does not select talents, what can Lin Yutong do?

So far, what she actually lacks the most is still people.

Those who were literate and hyphenated by the Fourth Master from Jiangnan were all arranged here.

Qiu Chaozong's family and family are all in the bookstore. There are two rooms in the back row at the end of the house. They belong to them. Father Qiu's body found a good doctor for conditioning, and now he is in the house helping to clean the yard. Qiu Niang and Qiu's wife are both helping in the kitchen. Boil the hot water, these guys are theirs. Although there is little leisure time all day long, but fortunately the family stays together, makes a lot of money, and lives well.

In the capital, Qiu Chaozong was a newcomer, but in just a few days, people who came in and out all politely called him "Treasurer Qiu".

Qiu Chaozong also knew why. Regardless of whether the court chooses or not, the status of scholars is different. I often deal with these people, and others look down on them.

Along with Qiu Chaozong, there was that young man Fang Shuisheng, who was covered in patches and wearing straw sandals. He is in charge of all the bookstores. The whole bookstore is full of people like them who came back from Jiangnan with Taisun.

For example, those who borrow books and register, and those who know guests in the elegant room, are all.

These people have also met Taisun. At the beginning of the settlement in Xiyuan, Taisun personally visited more than once.

Therefore, as soon as Lin Yutong showed up in Liozhitang, someone greeted him with a smile.

It should be the fourth master who trained him well. When he saw Lin Yutong, he called the son, and directly called 'His Royal Highness' without being rash. His attitude towards him is a little more humble than the average guest.

After entering the gate, follow the Chaoshou veranda and go directly inside.

The first entry is an ordinary book, and the second entry becomes precious.

Before entering, you must check things such as identity papers, and the registration is more detailed. There are fewer people entering than entering.

On a crisp autumn day, in this courtyard, on the veranda, there are readers with scrolls everywhere. Either whisper, or sit and talk. Since opening this bookstore, Lin Yuwu has become a frequent visitor here.

When Lin Yutong passed by the second yard, he saw him and a few scholars sitting on the stone table and stone bench in the patio. He didn't know what he was talking about.

When the fourth master entered at the last time, when Lin Yutong entered, there were still Chen Yunhe and Meng Fang in the room. The most surprising thing was that Fang Zhile, a sacrificial wine from Guozijian, was also among them.

"Your Highness." Several people stood up to greet him.

Neither Chen Yunhe nor Meng Fang were outsiders. Lin Yutong raised his hand slightly to signal them to get up, and then stretched out his arm to help Fang Zhile, "Master Fang is also..." It was a surprise.

This person is in his thirties, and he can be considered young and promising if he can sit on the seat of the imperial prison.

And this man named Lin Yutong said that he was already young and promising, but Fang Zhile had a wry smile at this time: "It's also Wei Chen who is very curious... No, it's coming."

came in?

Where can such a coincidence happen?

I just don't know if this is from the East Palace, or to the Fourth Master, in order to curry favor with Taishi Yin.

However, this person also had a wink. Seeing Taisun coming, he hurriedly got up to say goodbye: "It's not easy to steal this half-day leisure. Later, when I have time, I will definitely come again."

Fourth Master sent it to send. After the people left and the door was closed, Lin Yutong asked, "That person...what number of ways?"

Chen Yunhe said: "Fang Zhile has been in the seat of sacrificial wine in Guozijian for five years. Previously at the Censor's Desk, Shang Minato participated in King Wu'an..."

Oh! That's it! Then it is really possible that he came to the East Palace. However, it is hard to say whether this person is credible or not, and to what extent.

Meng Fang frowned: "What worries me now is that he knows how close he is to His Highness..."

It does not matter.

I thought no one would know. Those guards who followed Jiangnan were not all fools.

When Lin Yutong said this, Meng Fang was stunned for a moment: "That's true."

He is not the kind of person who is entangled in such things, mainly because he is afraid that these things will bring unnecessary trouble to Taisun. Since the prince said that there is nothing to do, it naturally doesn't matter.

A few people were concerned about Qi Huan who had not returned from Liangzhou: "Is there any news yet?"

"I just received the letter from Liangzhou, everything went well." Lin Yutong sat beside the fourth master, "It won't take many days, it's time to go to the capital." After speaking, he looked at Chen Yunhe: "Cousin, why is there time? coming."

"Grandfather asked me to come." Chen Yunhe said in a low voice, "I came back from His Royal Highness, and I haven't entered the door of the Chen family. It's approaching my grandfather's birthday. I originally planned to have a meal together as a family, but this time, What my grandfather meant was to do one thing, and I also wanted to meet with Your Highness in private. You know, His Majesty has been a little difficult to serve during this time. Grandfather spent most of his time in the palace’s shift room, where he was locked up in the shift room to approve the book. , I can't help myself if I can see who I can't see. The old man doesn't know if this is only for him, or if several of the cabinet lords except the Yin Taishi are under such strict monitoring... Anyway, his old man Now it’s a bit uncomfortable to go home, let alone going to the East Palace. That’s why I was called out to find an opportunity to ask Taisun what he meant. There are some things that we should sit down and discuss together.”

In fact, Yin Taiji's actions are free.

As for the other cabinet ministers, they came and went freely and did not hear any news.

Then, if what Chen Ge Lao said is true, it can only be said that this may be really Chen Ge Lao.

And Chen Gelao, as the father-in-law of the prince, targeting Chen Gelao would be understood as targeting the East Palace.

But if this is the case, it is impossible for the prince not to tell himself. Since he didn't say it, it means that the prince's judgment is that the series of actions against Chen Gelao are probably not aimed at the East Palace.

Compared with Chen Ge, Lin Yutong of course believed the prince's judgment more.

As for Mr. Chen Ge, if it is really certain that the emperor is interested in Pei Gong, then why don't you want to tell the prince directly. She didn't believe that he didn't even have a private way to communicate with the prince.

Therefore, Chen Ge probably also knows that this matter has nothing to do with the East Palace. Find yourself, and you may not be holding back.

As for the Chen family, she only maintains a limited favorable impression of Chen Yunhe. As for the others, there are really not many.

But the Chen family, as someone who knew the secrets of the East Palace, could not help but deal with it. At least, when the East Palace does not intend to reveal the secret, the Chen family cannot speak.

So she smiled and said, "I see. When the old man's birthday is coming, I will go there in person."

Calling the patriarch, not the grandfather, this attitude... Chen Yunhe sighed in his heart, and his face was limited to come over and say it. As for more words, he really couldn't say it.

It's embarrassing to stay any longer. Knowing that Meng Fang must have something serious to talk about, it would be strange to stay on.

Without saying a word, he got up and said goodbye.

When I went out, I met Wu Lin who was about to come in. I don't know if it was his illusion. I always felt that this Wu Lin gave people a strange feeling, and it was obvious that he didn't like himself. Even if I don't like it, I don't bother to hide it.

I don't know where to offend this person, it's just inexplicable.

But Taisun looked at this man more differently, and he came and went freely in and out of the courtyard. This is incomparable to ordinary people.

He smiled politely at others: "Mr. Wu is here too?"

People snorted, even if they agreed.

It made Chen Yunhe embarrassed. Fortunately, he walked away. I really don't understand, how Taisun would like such a 'willful' young man.

Wu Lin came in, and even Meng Fang couldn't help but glance at him. Such a person really can't see the benefit.

Seeing Meng Fang staring at Lin Yuwu, Lin Yutong diverted his attention: "Come here today, but I have something to do."

Meng Fang nodded, knowing that Taisun had never been on guard against this boy and Wu Lin of the Yin family, so he said bluntly: "Your Highness, the palace has been moving a lot recently."

very frequently?

"What do you mean?" Lin Yutong looked at him, "Change of the guard or something else?"

"Neither." Meng Fang's voice lowered, "I mean the harem. The harem suddenly became tighter... Even the slaves are not allowed to walk in private."

This...I really don't know. Even the Queen's Changqiu Palace did not send out such news.

When you think about it, it's really weird.

The former princess said she was going to greet the queen, but rumors in the palace said that the queen was paying homage to the Buddha, which was a common occurrence. No one cared.

But when Meng Fang said this, isn't it because the queen was watched very strictly, not only that the news could not be sent out, but also that she would not be able to hear the news outside the palace.

This is not abnormal, it is too abnormal.

Lin Yutong's heart moved: "...except for the harem, there is no movement in the Wuji Palace...?"

"The guards there do not belong to the imperial guards." Meng Fang frowned, "But from the perspective of the number of people, there are not as many as before."

That is to say, the guards of the Wuji Palace, which Emperor Xuan Ping has always regarded as the most apex, are not as strict as the harem.


Lin Yutong looked at the fourth master, and the fourth master moved his lips and said two words - Dongshan.


What is related to Dongshan is the incident of the "white goddess" who pretended to be a ghost.

But isn't that what Hua Yingxue made? Why is it that the entire harem is 'looked differently'.

Seeing that Lin Yutong had been silent, Meng Fang said in a low voice, "I have something to say, I don't know if I should say it or not."

"Why do you come here, just say what you want to say." Lin Yutong waved his hand: "With me, there are not so many rules."

Meng Fang smiled shyly, and then said solemnly: "Your Highness, say something disrespectful. Your Majesty's mind doesn't seem to be in this world. Now it's getting more and more... Some don't care. Why don't you persuade His Royal Highness the Prince What about moving? You should not move, I'm afraid it will be too late if you want to move."

This is reasonable, but it is quite bold for him to say it.

But this is exactly what Lin Yutong and the fourth master are thinking now. When Meng let go, the fourth master said, "It's time to make a move. While that majesty is busy with his important affairs now."

Lin Yuwu looked left and right, not understanding what the two men said about the emperor's big event. However, he never asked. When Lin Yutong wanted to talk, he listened, and when he didn't want to talk, he never took the initiative to ask.

Lin Yutong didn't know where to start, so he just said: "This is a long story. When there is a chance in the future, I will tell you slowly."

How is it? !

After he nodded, he turned his face and asked the fourth master: "Can you clean up two rooms for me here? I want to move in there?"


"Why did you think of moving here?" Lin Yutong asked first, "Is it a lonely one living in another courtyard?"

"Not at all!" Lin Yuwu's face became a little annoyed, "Lin'an County King recently did not know what medicine he took wrong, and he took people around outside the courtyard. He didn't leave for a day. I went in and out like this, originally It's not rude, but when such a person comes, it's inconvenient. Why don't he go back, he can go whatever he wants?"

what about this?

When does the Chen family's cousin live there?

Lin Yutong asked, "Has he seen his brother?"

"No." A cold look flashed in Lin Yuwu's eyes, "He has seen Liu Yun. I heard Liu Yun say that he regards her as a girl from the Chen family."

Oh! That's it!

For a girl like Liu Yun, no other girl can compare to her.

This matter, "Wait until the Zhou family has engaged him, it will be fine."

The fourth master called Qiu Chaozong and told him to clean up the guest room. He didn't need to bring anything, and Lin Yuwu could stay here.

It was the first time he lived in such a lively place, and he was very excited. I went out with Qiu Chaozong to decorate the house. Leaving Lin Yutong and the fourth master, the two discussed it again and felt that the matter was feasible. Lin Yutong took the opportunity to sit down and talk to the prince about it alone.

On a rainy night in late autumn, the chill was heavy.

The prince's body is weak, and the dragon has already burned in the East Palace.

But even so, the prince was wrapped in a cloak early and hugged the heater.

Lin Yutong just got up and said that now is a good time, the emperor doesn't care about anything else, and then the crown prince asked: "The emperor doesn't care about anything else? Then what do you think he cares about? What is Bilong in this world? The chair is more important? Tell him to not even care about the dragon chair." While asking casually, he raised his head and smiled at Lin Yutong with a meaningful smile: "Tell father, do you know something?"

Lin Yutong didn't show any superfluous expressions on his face, but he couldn't help but sighed: Sure enough, the prince is the prince!

She was silent for a moment and thought for a moment before she said: "The emperor of the world has the most supreme power in the world. But... as an emperor, is he really satisfied with the power in his hands, drunk on the knees of beautiful women, and awakening to the power of the world? Desires are endless, what will you think after you have these things?"

The answer to this question is too simple.

What will it be?

All I can think of is the sentence Chang shouted: Long live! Long live! Long live!

Long live it? Is this what the kid wanted to tell himself? If so, then...

Lin Pingzhang's complexion suddenly changed, the stove in his hand fell, and Martian jumped onto the cloak: "You mean, the emperor wants... immortality!"

Lin Yutong looked at him without saying a word.

But the silence shows that she really thinks so.

Lin Pingzhang's expression suddenly became ugly: "...No wonder...No wonder..."

"No wonder what?" Lin Yutong asked.

"No wonder there are monks and Taoists in Changning's yard, and there are talisman pills..." Lin Pingzhang subconsciously finished speaking, and then he realized what he had said. Glancing at Lin Yutong, he regretted that he had made some blunders, and then interrupted his words, with no intention of continuing.

But it was about Changning, so of course Lin Yutong wanted to ask: "What do your father's words mean? Could it be that what happened to your aunt has something to do with Changsheng?"

Lin Pingzhang had 10,000 excuses to divert the topic of today, but when he met those eyes, he put down the perfunctory words he was about to say, and slowly closed his eyes before saying, "I blamed my father for what happened back then. I was too young back then. At that time, I always thought that it was your grandmother who borrowed your aunt's private house to do some... witchcraft there."

"The matter of witchcraft?" Lin Yutong's heart skipped a beat: "She is the imperial grandmother?"

Lin Pingzhang nodded slightly, "At that time... the relationship between your imperial grandmother and your imperial grandfather has actually deteriorated to the extreme..."

Deteriorated to the extreme?

What is the extreme point?

Lin Yutong understood a little what he wanted to express: what is the extreme energy? I'm just afraid that I can't kill each other.

There is a saying: as much as you love, as much as you hate. Perhaps it is appropriate to use these words to describe the relationship between the queen and Emperor Xuanping at that stage. Earlier, the husband and wife were in love, and they had both children. From the prince to the emperor, they stepped onto the throne. Everything is perfect! At that time, the queen was the happiest woman in the world.

But then, everything changed.

Inexplicably, without warning at all, it changed. In the evening, when her husband went out, he was still a person who was in love with her, but when he came back at night, he brought back another woman, and told her that it was love at first sight, and he couldn't let it go when he saw it.

Which woman can withstand such a blow.

Then the man, woman after woman, was brought into the palace. Everyone loves to live and die.

The new man has never been seen laughing, but who has seen the old man cry.

I dare not imagine how much impact this change will have on the Queen. hate it? hate it! Love will naturally hate it! This kind of resentment, this kind of hatred, the emotion of hating the other party's immortality... It is impossible for Lin Pingzhang, the eldest son of the queen, to have no influence.

Lin Pingzhang is the eldest son. He has seen the love of his parents, and he has also witnessed that his parents almost turned against each other.

This is quite a shock to the young prince.

Now that Lin Pingzhang talks about it, he also admits this influence: "...Why did the Zhou family come first... Now I'm not afraid of your jokes. Seeing that your grandmother's temperament has changed a lot, she doesn't look like her anymore. , I'm afraid. Rather than making a woman lose it after giving it, it's better for a husband and wife to respect each other as a guest. Before marrying a concubine, they took three or two concubines, and there was a little distance between them.

Is that so?

There is no conspiracy, this is the mentality of a normal teenager due to a sudden change in the relationship between parents.

Perhaps for others to see, Lin Pingzhang's perception is somewhat unreasonable.

But Lin Yutong thought what he said was more credible. In fact, this is indeed the case. If parents have a bad relationship, the impact on their children is real.

But under the premise that the husband is the wife and the father is the son, this kind of thing is the most neglected.

"So, you hid a lot from your aunt back then, and didn't even ask for further investigation... I'm afraid it might have something to do with the emperor's grandmother." Lin Yutong asked.

Lin Pingzhang's eyes are very distant: "In fact, from the perspective of some things verified for my father, your grandmother did have a lot of contacts with some monks and Taoists at that time. Therefore, once the monk Taoist is found out, it is not good. Let's get involved again. I thought that your aunt was young. After a few years, when the times have changed, you will find a good family for your aunt to marry. She is a princess. As long as the royal family honors her, nothing else. What a big event. But I didn't expect it... Later, I found out that it was not in my expectations. So, over the years, I have always felt sorry for your aunt. "

Of course, this cannot be said to be the fault of the prince alone.

If the queen insisted on pursuing it, the prince would understand that this matter has nothing to do with the queen. But if she didn't insist on being a mother, it would give the crown prince a wrong message: she felt that it had something to do with the queen.

If it really has something to do with the queen, it's really going to be a bad thing.

If the Queen falls, then the Crown Prince, Princess Changning, and King Wu'an will not have a better time.

On the contrary, only Changning was wronged temporarily.

The prince chose to abandon the small to protect the big.

When I think about it now, the most coincidental thing is: the queen is somewhat involved with the monk Tao, and then after the accident in Changning, it happened to be the monk Tao?

People can't help but doubt that what the Queen planned back then has long been known.

Thinking of this, Lin Yutong asked, "Do you now want to understand the strangeness of the past?"

Lin Pingzhang smiled bitterly: "I'm afraid I know what the emperor did to your grandmother in private. And who did that house belong to in the beginning? Is it really only Changning's?"

Lin Yutong understood what he meant: "My father said that the house was owned by the emperor before. The emperor pretended to ask his aunt to buy it, but he was actually using his aunt to cover his eyes."

"Yes!" Lin Pingzhang gritted his teeth: "Those monks and Taoist priests, whether they are refining medicine or alchemy, are afraid of immortality. It is inconvenient in the palace, and they are placed outside the palace... If they send close people to watch, they will always It will be noticed. But if the house belongs to Changning, not to mention that people in the palace do not attract attention when entering and leaving the palace, even if the emperor himself goes there once, twice, three or five times, no one will doubt it. Even if some people doubt it..." And the queen's shield.

But if so, how could he take the initiative to reveal the secrets in the house?

However, Lin Pingzhang stopped speaking, and it took a long time before he said, "Then we can only ask Hua Yingxue."

It's this woman again.

"I don't understand. What is the origin of this woman, and why is it one or two people are keeping a close eye on her." Lin Yutong and the others are really suspected of asking for guilt. of? "The daughter of a sinner's family, she was saved and escaped her life. She was also saved by the Yin family as an adopted daughter? The emperor even ordered her to enter the palace?"

Is there something wrong with your brain? !

Lin Pingzhang chuckled lightly: "Can't hold back and ask me? What? That kid from the Yin family didn't give you an answer, did he?!"


It's just so incomprehensible.

Uncle Yin was always responsive to Fourth Master's requests, but on this matter alone, no one should mention it, and he would keep his mouth shut.

The reason: "This Hua Yingxue doesn't look at the surname Hua, but she is not from the Hua family. As for whose family, this is in the royal family... It is kept secret even from me."

Then there is no need to ask, this must be a rare thing for the royal family.

Lin Yutong skipped this topic and struggled with who this woman was, so the topic couldn't go on.

She brought the topic back, and told the prince the news from Meng Fang: "I can't tell if you know about the changes in the palace, but I really don't know. For the sake of longevity, he has gone crazy. For the sake of longevity, the whole world can sacrifice, what else can he not sacrifice?"

Lin Pingzhang was silent for a long time before he said, "I don't know the news in the palace."

The self-proclaimed at the moment, from 'father' to 'orphan', it can be seen that he is not very happy about this topic.

This Lin Yutong can understand.

As a child, instigating the father to kill the king and kill the father is not something that is on the table.

The point is, if you think about it deeply, it will make people worry: if you can encourage me to kill the king and kill my father today, what about the next day? What will be done?

What Lin Yutong is doing, no one will feel comfortable listening to it, this thing is called - no minister.

Disobedience, the biggest taboo.

But Lin Yutong spread his hands: "It's naturally inappropriate for my brother to say these words. But you don't have to worry about me telling my father about this. After everything is settled and everyone in the world knows who I am, I will return. Going to Liangzhou... Auntie feels lonely alone. In the future, without your will, I will not go back to the capital. "

He looked like he didn't care about the boss at all.

Lin Pingzhang was stunned for a moment, these words... are not unbelievable.

So much money was transported to Liangzhou... She was leaving her way out.

These words made Lin Pingzhang's heart feel even more uncomfortable, and his tears almost fell: "You bastard. This capital can't hold you, neither me, your mother, your brother can hold you? Do you know that your brother and I can't hold you? Say, how about calling you a princess? You have such thoughts, where do you put me and your mother? You can do whatever you want now, but no one has ever said anything. I always thought you were the most sensible and the most sensible. It's a peace of mind. Now it looks like it's really a nuisance."

The more he talked, the more unstable his breath became, his chest heaving up and down.

Lin Yutong stroked his chest with him in the past, but his eyelids drooped down: "It's not that the child's words are piercing, to be honest, in Beikang, the grandson is also driving the horse and flying freely. But now he is back, but he can't Don't be a man with your tail tucked. Grandson, what do you see the child doing every day? You are not suffocated, but the child is aggrieved. The way of being a king taught in the book of sages is not like this. The child just wants to ask, so much You have been backing down for years, but what happened? What happened to the East Palace?"

If he returns strongly, the situation of Donggong will be even more difficult.

"What are you hesitating about?" Lin Yutong sneered: "Father-son relationship? Father, say something you don't like to hear, too much a gentleman can't be an emperor."

After speaking, she turned around and walked away.

The prince clutched his chest and coughed twice. Li Changzhi only dared to come in. He brought hot tea and called the prince Shunshun, "It's not that the slave speaks for His Royal Highness, it is that some of His Highness's words make sense. Don't say anything else. , just your body... If you hadn't always thought about looking after the top and the bottom, planning around in the middle, spending a lot of energy, you wouldn't be able to achieve this. Your Highness dares to say this, it is for the East Palace sincerely plan."

"She has a way out, so she has nothing to fear." Obviously, her anger has not subsided.

"Look at you, why are you really angry?" Li Changzhi burst into laughter: "Look at me, Your Highness is really holding on to the little son of the Yin family. His Royal Highness said he was going to Liangzhou, but the Yin family can let go. His children are going to Liangzhou. In the end..." His voice lowered, "Girl's house, there is always a little bit of love in my heart, and I can't leave."

Lin Pingzhang was even more angry: "I have to keep her in my relationship, and I have to rely on a handsome young man. How can it be called lonely love!"

Competition is not!

Li Changzhi smiled and said: "So, don't be angry, no matter what, you can't go. You can't rob someone's young man and run away. Is that right?"

This made Lin Pingzhang smile a little: "Who knows? It's not guaranteed!"

Li Changzhi smiled and persuaded: "However, what Your Highness said is really urgent. It is uncertain how the Empress will be in the palace. Whether other things can be settled will not be discussed. But the consolation of the Empress, But this is a top priority. Your Highness, over there in the palace... do you want to move a little too?"

Lin Pingzhang's complexion slowly cooled down, "Let's spread the news. Don't worry about anything else, it's a great achievement to ensure that the queen is safe..."

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