Accumulate Wealth in Life

Chapter 1123: .Long Years (140) 3 in 1

Long years (140)

After helping my roommates set up the love nest in the basement outside the school, I found time to have a meal with Yu Wenwen nearby.

What were you busy with before?

She said, "...Even though it looks hard, I think she is still very happy..."

Yu Wenwen shook his head: "March and May feel happy, what about three years and five years? Before, I always thought that marrying Jiang Shui might not necessarily be because of how rich and powerful their family is... But I can't help but admit it. The happiness index is different."

Qingping looked up at her: "isn't your mother-in-law embarrassing you?"

Yu Wenwen shook his head: "I gave birth to a son. Although my mother-in-law is still dissatisfied with me, she is not too embarrassed."

"Don't think about going out to work?" Although everyone has their own choices, it is still a pity to be a full-time wife.

The reason why Yu Wenwen likes Qingping is that as long as she has a good relationship with her, even if the other party will misunderstand, she will give the other party a better suggestion in her opinion. For example, remind yourself to go out to work.

"I'm looking for you for this." Yu Wenwen hurriedly said, "What kind of work do you want to do in my situation? Teacher? Open a shop to pass the time yourself?"

Qingping said: "...Being a teacher is not free time. Of course, opening a store does not point to it to make money, but not all women must be financially independent, but at least they must have the ability to be financially independent... In fact, if I want to say, before you guys Hasn't that person been doing charity work all the time? Building roads and schools in impoverished mountainous areas, I'm afraid he can't take care of that much, why don't you take over?"

He has a good reputation and does something meaningful.

The Jiang family is not short of money or power, and the daughter-in-law does good deeds. How can your mother-in-law make trouble with you?

Yu Wenwen was stunned for a moment, "...Is this okay?"

"You go back to discuss and discuss. What's wrong?" It's not good to become a little daughter-in-law after getting married.

As a result, when he went back and said, Jiang Shui felt that anything would do. But my mother-in-law said nothing.

"The child is still so young, you just left the child to run around cruelly." Jiang Shui's mother was angry, "What happened at home? I've been at home all my life, you seem to be outdated, right?"

This just doesn't make sense.

Jiang Shui was about to speak, but Yu Wenwen stopped her. She said, "Mom, I didn't think about it carefully."

It was just put on hold.

Lie down at night, raised his hands, kept looking in front of his eyes, and asked Jiang Shui, "If I keep raising like this, I won't be able to live without you."

"Can I save money in your card on a regular basis?" Jiang Shui said, "I also bought a property outside. Two houses and a prosperous shop are all in your name... Don't feel uneasy..."

It is not a matter of peace and unease.

Yu Wenwen turned over, not wanting to speak anymore.

Jiang Shui looked like there was no way to do it. If it went on like this, he would be depressed. Looking for Qingning: "Look at what the two of us are doing together, I will leave it to my daughter-in-law... I can rest assured that you are together..."

But I don't have time.

The key is that it will inevitably stimulate family conflicts.

She didn't rush to respond, so she called Yu Wenwen first: "...Actually, it's good for you to learn from my sister. My sister doesn't plan to go out to work, but it's not that she doesn't make money... She writes something if she feels it. , I will contact her if you like it... I just bought the copyright and then wrote a little romance or something. I haven't had time to read it. I heard that there is a publishing house over there in Taiwan. Parenting days or something..."

Just do something.

Not really short of money.

Moreover, Jiang Shui also gave her the industry on duty, just to eliminate the anxiety in her heart.

Under this condition, do something you like, right?

She herself came from a Chinese background and graduated from graduate school.

Write something every day, without abandoning the profession, it is very good.

Hanging up the phone here, Jiang Shui sighed over there: "...She used to smile even when she ate white rice, but now there are a hundred dishes on the table, and she doesn't see a smile..."

Qing Ning whispered, "I told you not to be angry."

Jiang Shuibai said to her: "Say it, when have I ever been angry."

Qing Ning said: "Your family's problem lies with Auntie. Don't be upset when I say this. You run outside all day, but she is at home all day. Auntie doesn't quarrel with her, but she is just indifferent, It's enough to hurt people. This is called cold violence! In fact, since the aunt is not satisfied with Sister Wenwen, why don't you move out and live? Go back once a week and have a meal together. Ask the mother-in-law to help take care of the child, that is, they can't live together but have to live together. For your family, it is completely unnecessary. The child is still supported by the Yuesao, and the aunt can help. Not much. You have too many houses to live in, so why are you crammed under one roof? Speaking of which, it’s because you didn’t handle your family’s relationship well. You have to coax your aunt. Book a plane ticket for aunt and send it to you Go on a trip. You entrust your aunt to take care of the charity and other things in your hand... Do you think she still has time to take care of you? Everyone wants to live a worthwhile life. Oh! Daughter-in-law married into a wealthy family Self-reliance and self-improvement, on the contrary, the mother-in-law is like a canary? This is not good! The ideal state is to find their own place for the two of them. They are busy with each other, and everyone is pleasing to the eye. There is no time to pick on. !"

This actually sounds reasonable.

After a while, Lin Yutong and the fourth master heard Jiang Han complain: "I am the only one left at home. My wife ran into the valley, and my son and daughter-in-law moved out completely to live a small life. If you want to see your grandson, you have to make a phone call first. It's me who went to eat at someone's house..."

Listening to it, complaining is complaining, but it is really happy.

Qing Ping felt that she was not as good as Qing Ning in handling this matter.

Qing Ning said, "You are used to seeing the kind of mother-in-law who stays at home in your hometown, the kind of relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law who live in a yard."

In my hometown, my mother-in-law always disliked her daughter-in-law for not being diligent enough, but there was absolutely no situation where she wanted to ask her daughter-in-law to stay at home and not go anywhere. Therefore, she took it for granted that the daughter-in-law should be able to gain the favor of her mother-in-law by looking for a job.

This is a misunderstanding.

But this incident still made Qing Ping have lingering fears, and said, fortunately I don't have a mother-in-law!

Talking about this at home, Qingyuan listened with his ears while watching TV. Then he turned his face and asked his mother, "Are you going to be a mother-in-law who will make things difficult for your daughter-in-law in the future?"

The fourth master patted him: "It can't be your daughter-in-law that's wrong, and your mother has to make things difficult for you?"

White-eyed wolf!

Qing Ning made up for the knife: "Can't you find someone who will follow our mother's eyes?"

Lin Yutong deliberately grimaced: "I don't have the meat you like today."

"Mom!" It's just gossip, do you want to be so serious?

"What do you call mom?" Lin Yutong glared at his son, "Go to your daughter-in-law."

However, there was still a dish of pork belly with plum vegetables.

Qingyuan kept giving his mother some food: "You eat more... I will definitely find someone to satisfy my mother in the future... We won't be angry with my daughter-in-law..."

Lin Yutong sighed inwardly: Every son said this, but in the end, it was the mother who compromised.

For example, Yao Siyun, who came with Qingyue, saw Tiantian's expression, it was really hard to describe.

Calling Qinghui to Lin Yutong's house, Yao Siyun said the truth: "I don't like it at all. In fact, I don't like it, it doesn't matter. She has to live with you for the rest of her life. Child, Mom I feel sorry for you. You are tired and panicked after this day."

You have to worry about anything. Can't rely on each other at all. If you are tired and sick, what else do you think she can do besides crying over you?

Going out to buy vegetables, you can give her five yuan for four yuan and five yuan, and she can be so happy if she embezzles more than fifty cents.

It's not something to take advantage of.

Doing things for others makes people look stingy.

This is at home, it's all family members, no one cares about this. But it's a bad thing to take it out, get along with friends, and have a meal with a partner.

Yao Siyun was smashed and smashed and told Qinghui this reason: "... Of course, if you really like it and can't let go, I can't force you to do it. Anyway, you are still young. , is still far from the legal age of marriage. You have time to think slowly..."

I didn't say anything against it, but I deliberately delayed it.

Qinghui couldn't explain a few more words.

Tiantian may also know that Qinghui's mother doesn't like her, and she is languishing at home. Qinghui didn't get up when he came back, just sat on the sofa and wiped away tears, "What if your mother doesn't like me all the time?"

Qinghui said to her: "Then you can't grow up, and tell my mother to take a look."

"Why would I follow you if I grow up?" Tiantian rolled her eyes, snorted, and slammed the bedroom door shut.

Qinghui sat on the sofa, feeling exhausted.

Yao Siyun over there caught the third child: "...It's all you...I said it was called studying medicine, but you didn't listen and asked him to come out. At such a young age, what do you know? It's's all trouble. He Knowing what is good and what is bad? It doesn't matter if she looks good or bad. As long as the facial features are good and the character is good, this is the best choice. Look at the girl he's looking for... In addition to good looks, What else? It's a matter of feeding eighty cents... This kind of calculation is still in her own pocket... It's nice to take a few cents off someone else, but if you say she's cheating, she spends the money I haven't seen where the instigation has gone... Did you hear that she asked Qinghui for a laptop... You said it's not enough to have a desktop computer at home, why do you have to have a laptop? Just to play in bed?" As he spoke, he covered his chest, this was really ruthless.

The third child gave her comfort: "I'm not angry, can't we be angry? Isn't this not married yet?"

Yao Siyun just felt very embarrassed.

She didn't say hello in advance when she came, and Qinghui was playing mahjong with several people in his company. It's not gambling, it's just playing two laps at home, playing for fifty cents, and connecting with feelings.

When they arrived, they stopped after a lap. Then someone dropped a dollar on the ground, but Tiantian stepped on it with her foot, and when everyone left, she saw that she was very happy to pick it up and put it in her pocket. She didn't dare to come to a conclusion, maybe she stepped on it unconsciously, and then the other party left, she picked it up. It's only a dollar, but it doesn't look good when you give it to others, and it doesn't look good when you put it on. So she gave her five dollars and asked her to help buy a pound of snow peas. This stuff is quite expensive now, four yuan a pound. There is a pedal tricycle parked at the entrance of the community, with a sign, four yuan per pound. She saw it when she came in, so she told her to buy a pound of snow peas... She came back and asked her, "Did you buy five yuan?"

She quickly 'um' and stuffed the fifty cents she was holding into her pocket.

Everything else is easy to say, but on this point, she is not a hundred people.

Don't say if you can't change it, this problem can't be easily changed. It doesn't matter if she has money or not.

The third child said, "That child probably thinks that he didn't buy five yuan, and I'm afraid you will tell her. Let's not think too far. Just meet once, so don't jump to conclusions."

Yao Siyun's anger subsided a little. Yes! It is very likely that you look at people with tinted glasses and always think bad things about people.

Then look again?

The third child breathed a sigh of relief, fearing that because of this, the two girls would fall apart.

They didn't stay in the capital much, and in about a week, the two went back. When Qinghui went to send it off, Yao Siyun ignored it.

Qinghui felt very uncomfortable, and felt that he couldn't relax for a long time. There was no smile at home. Tiantian is heartless, and feels depressed.

She and Huahua are colleagues now, and the cashiers of the two are actually back-to-back. When there are not many people, the two can chat a few words.

"...Anyway, my parents don't like me." Tiantian felt very aggrieved, "I don't want to think about it, I don't like his son, why am I angry with his family? I can find someone else when I go out now. If you have a car, a house and everything, you still don't dislike me, do you believe it?"

Huahua can't believe it!

"If you have a car and a house, I don't dislike you. You have to be as young as Qinghui..." Huahua said, "Then you have to look for it."

There are a lot of older people who meet these conditions. Why don't you go?

Tiantian snorted softly: "I like him, but I'm not coveting him for following him. If I don't have money, ask me to go to the construction site with him to move bricks. I'm more capable than him. I can endure hardship. , right? But the current conditions don’t need to suffer, right? If you have money, don’t spend it, save this and save that, and then what? I tell you, don’t look at my dad’s ability, but his words are special Yes, I think it's very reasonable. What's the point? He said, what is one's own after a lifetime Come and save, who are you saving for? When the time comes, you close your eyes, kick your legs, and you’re done! There’s nothing left! Is it worth the loss of a lifetime?”

Huahua said: "So you and your brother have to come out to work and earn money by yourself, and some people have saved money from their parents, so they don't need to work as hard as us. Look at eldest sister, you have gone to college and haven't graduated yet. , I'm thinking of going out for a job that is not serious. No one said anything? Why? My second uncle and aunt bought everything for my eldest sister, and she will never be hungry in her life. What can she worry about? Your father lived comfortably , you can't be comfortable. If you think about being comfortable, your children can't be comfortable. "

It's such a simple truth.

The two of them worked so hard to make their children feel more comfortable.

Tiantian shook her head: "Your idea is wrong! You have suffered all your life, and your child will appreciate it? It's not filial or filial. Who can you rely on? Earning one and spending one on yourself is not a loss. You You just treat yourself too badly.”

Huahua didn't say anything, but said in her heart: If Tiantian is a daughter-in-law for her mother-in-law, it's probably just right. She belongs to the kind of person who is lazy and moves as long as the meat is sweet. Anyway, whoever loses, don't lose her.

When he went back, he told Qingfeng, "Qinghui and Tiantian are probably hanging."

As a couple, you have to go to one place to think about how you can live.

As a result, one just thinks about taking money home, and the other just thinks that if the family has money, he has to spend it, and if he doesn't spend it, he will lose money.

It can't be said that people's sweet ideas are wrong, each person has an idea, and each person has a way of living.

This sweet way of living, sometimes I feel envious when I think about it.

Qingfeng said: "When you don't have children, you are hard-mouthed. When you have children, she will not think so."

Huahua didn't speak, but said in her heart: That's not necessarily true.

However, when Qingfeng went to the company, he still told Qinghui about it: "Perhaps you are too strict in managing money. If she earns, you can call her Huabei."

Qinghui is not short of that money. For sweet things, the family members say this and that, and they can't be anxious.

He simply gave her all the money he had saved for Tiantian before.

Sweet brother talks about a girlfriend, a widow with a child. is their hometown. Qinghui thought that Tiantian's family would not be willing, no matter what, Brother Tiantian is still a young man who has never been married. But what I didn't expect was that Tiantian said that his father didn't care, and her mother couldn't speak either. That is, the family does not interfere.

That Qinghui has no reason to keep money for Tiantian's brother. I settled the accounts with that girlfriend.

But after the money was given, Tiantian's brother said that he would not work in the company.

This is quite sudden.

It turned out that the couple disliked the low income in this industry, and the two planned to go to the construction site.

"It's mainly food and shelter there," said the little widow.

But the construction site is definitely more tiring.

The little widow said, "Why are you tired? We can save as much as we earn. We can buy a house in the county town this year. Our baby can go to school in the county town. I will ask my mother to help take care of the baby. , we will go out to work again, next year and the next two years will be able to save money to buy a shop, and then we will not come out and start a small business in the county town. That's it!"

A very solid plan.

Listening to Tiantian, the two left the company, went back to their hometown to get a marriage certificate, and came back again. Tiantian doesn't know where he went to the construction site.

Qinghui said Tiantian: "He's heartless, that's my brother, and I don't ask where I went. Is it good to live? Is it good to eat? If you have found a place to stay, you don't ask any questions. ."

"Why don't you ask Sazi. If you ask others, you will say it?" Tiantian rolled her eyes and rolled Qinghui: "I borrowed my brother's money, and that's my brother's business. My brother didn't say I would pay it back, so what are you doing for me? I paid it back? My sister-in-law is very smart, so she didn't ask my brother to tell me the address because I was afraid of taking advantage. You think I didn't ask. "

Qinghui said angrily, "My brother has settled the bill, why don't you have to pay back your brother's money?"

"When I took my brother's money, I wasn't with you, and he wasn't married. My brother and I are in the same family, and the money my brother earns is my family's money. Who do you think has to pay back his own money? "Her reasoning is this.

Qinghui was speechless.

Tiantian took her own money and bought a laptop. Not to mention the savings, Hua Hua also borrowed more than 700 yuan.

But Qinghui didn't know what she was doing with this thing.

Tiantian sat on the sofa: "Go get the camera and take a picture of me. Don't you find that the eldest sister and the second sister are so beautiful sitting on the sofa with a notebook?"

"Then can you write an article and sell it for 100,000 yuan, or can you be like my second sister, and it's all about satellite rockets... You just play a game, watch a movie, chat about QQ, I I bought you a desktop computer. The configuration can keep up with…”

Tiantian urged him to get the camera: "Hurry up and take a picture of me, I'll post it online. You don't care why I bought a laptop, I didn't spend your money..."

Qinghui turned his head and left, slammed the door and went out.

When I went out, I received a call from my aunt, "Qinghui, run to the train station for me and pick me up. Your eldest brother-in-law is in Tongzhou and can't be back in time. You can pick up your eldest sister."

Qinghui didn't know who to pick up, since she asked the eldest sister to go, it should be an acquaintance from the second uncle?

He responded, went back and took the car keys and left. Tiantian was playing with the camera when she saw Qinghui taking the keys: "What are you doing? I'm going too?"

Qinghui ignored her and went out to drive.

Qingping was already waiting at the gate of the school, and when he got into the car, he inhaled: "I'm so cold."

Qinghui smiled: "You are waiting for me in the dormitory, it's the same when I go in."

"Forget it, I see different cars taking me in and out all day long. I'm not sure what other people can say about gossip." Qing Ping saw a scarf and bamboo sticks on the car. Handmade, "It's Tiantian weaving. The hand is really skillful."

She pulled it over as a shawl and wrapped it around her body: "Borrow it and go back and talk to Tiantian."

Qinghui smiled and didn't explain. Tiantian forgot about this thing long ago. It's almost a line or two to end the line, and it must be said that there is no money to buy a line. I also forgot about this matter, it has been a little half a month since this throw.

Skipping the topic, he asked, "Who is the fourth aunt calling to pick you up?"

"My uncle." Qing Ping explained, "The one in Xinzhuang..."

Not from the Lin family.

Qinghui understood in seconds: "Why did you remember coming to the capital?"

Can why?

"My cousin from my uncle's house studied a secondary school and has now graduated. You said that this secondary's not easy to find a job." Qingping heard his mother say it on the phone.

It was also difficult for my uncle. On the other hand, my aunt went to the house a few times. I mean, can I go to the capital to find my own aunt? After all, she is also a real sister. Can you help me in this matter?

For the children.

What can be done?

My mother called my aunt. My brother, who is a twin, said that we should come first. After coming, ask the child's situation, and then discuss it. I thought it would take a while to come, but I didn't expect that what I just said before, people will arrive tonight.

When the siblings arrived, they could easily find a family of three at the exit.

Qing Ping was very familiar with this uncle, so he hurriedly greeted him: "Call me before you come, and I'll be here to wait. Looking at the night, it must have been two hours."

Guo Sheng smiled, "It didn't take long..."

Qinghui is very good at things, so he followed Qingping to call his aunt and uncle, and he was very affectionate. Looking at the bags of things, he knew it was a souvenir. In fact, there is no shortage of this at home. Where can I buy something now?

Aunt Guo said, "...this one needs to be slower, it's filled with pickled eggs...that doesn't matter, it's dried vegetables and dried tofu..."

Qing Ping said: "It's all the way, why do you bring these. It's weird."

Mainly is embarrassed to come empty-handed. Not so arrogant.

Guo Yun didn't speak until he got into the car.

On the way, Qingping asked, "What major did Guo Yun study?"

"Marketing." Guo Yun said.

Marketing ah? !

This profession is really indescribable.

The key is the degree of secondary school, and it is such a major. I can't say that the major is not good, but you have asked my aunt to help arrange this major. How to arrange it?

Qinghui answered: "In the talent market, this major is the most in demand..."

Just go out and sell.

What every company lacks the most is a marketer.

This remark made Guo Sheng feel relieved, "We don't understand this... I studied this major at that time... In fact, I wanted to ask him to study a garden major at that time..."

Qing Pingxin said that if he really studied a garden major, it would be a good arrangement.

In fact, the more professional you are, the easier it is to find a job.

Don’t look at particularly popular majors, such as computer science, such as marketing, unless you study very well, or the kind that is really good, then go out and look for a job... but you can find it, but you are very satisfied when you find it in all aspects. Rare.

Go out to find customers, one person with a stack of flyers or small advertisements, and then go to the shopping mall community, blocking people on the road to promote and attract customers. The boyfriend of the roommate who moved out is a computer science graduate. Now he is in an e-commerce company.

It doesn't match the major you're studying at all. Finding customers is like looking for a needle in a haystack. There is no basic salary for not completing tasks every month, and every day I wake up like I owe someone 200 yuan, which is not the same as the job I imagined in college.

There is a lot of pressure and little money. You said you were a college student, sorry, but the person sitting here must be at least a college student. Nothing to be proud of.

The two lived outside for a month, and the rent was almost impossible to pay.

I found it myself. I went to the Internet cafe that Qingning originally opened to work as a network administrator. I worked night shifts, and this was considered a stable income.

You said that he graduated from technical secondary school and studied marketing, and asked him to find a job by himself. What kind of job can he find?

On the way, Qingning called, "Have you received someone? I've reserved a table at Liuyun Pavilion, come over directly."

When they first arrived, Lin Yutong and the fourth master had to see each other no matter what. If you live, it's better to stay in a hotel.

Aunt Guo was very affectionate when she met Lin Yutong: "Sister, I feel like I haven't seen you for a long time. I'm panicking about having a baby at home. We also saw you and my brother-in-law on the news..."

Lin Yutong just laughed, the fourth master over there had already gone inside with the child.

She followed her siblings and asked about the family: "...the old man is in good health..."

It is to ask Guo Sheng's adoptive mother.

The old lady is still alive.

Aunt Guo curled her lips: "I'm still alive. And I'm living well." Then she talked about her grievances, "...This year is not the 66th birthday of my family. This 66th birthday was given by my daughter, and we have it. The old man is very particular, right? She has a daughter, why did she ask us to give it?"

It means that before having children, the couple had a biological daughter.

In fact, this girl also married in Taiping Town, which is still a village. I used to be familiar with Lin Yutong. Because of their proximity, they usually move around. Now they are walking with Yingzi. When sisters walk, their own children are called aunts when they see them, and the children over there are called aunts when they see them here. Men are referred to as brothers-in-law.

Everyone knows not to kiss, but with a child in the middle, it feels even more strange if they don't communicate like this.

Anyway, he was walking around in a daze. That is, two desserts during the Chinese New Year and the festival.

Guo's family was lost early because of Guo's father, and there was an old lady left. The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was not good, let alone not mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Sometimes it is inevitable for everyone to think more. If it's a kiss, it's over, it's over, can you still hold revenge? But this is not pro, no one will think too much. The old lady will think, it's not a kiss, you see what happened to them. This daughter-in-law will think, you see, is it not her mother, or she is closer to her daughter's heart. Over time, conflicts are inevitable.

She said, "I'm getting old, let me give two more points..."

Who knows that this one is even more angry: "Sister, you don't know what she did. Go out and say that I am not good with the one who gave birth to the child, and the uncles who are giving birth now... don't associate with us anymore... She He hit me on the head with a rolling pin, and hit me several times. I didn't fight back, but the child stopped me and grabbed the rolling pin. The result? Beat her... Who is a child, you don't know? You can't kick a fart with both feet! Take it back and get angry, but you can't say it again, what do you know? If you can't get out of your anger, take an axe I chopped the roots of the old elm tree in the yard into slag, and it didn't stand up all night, and no one dared to go over it, or I called the eldest sister to come over, at least I persuaded me to stop..."

The eldest sister said Yingzi.

Lin Yutong really didn't know about this. The way this stuffy gourd vented his anger was a bit scary.

When he gave birth to a child, he said to his daughter-in-law: "What do you say useless."

In fact, these years, the days of childbirth have not been bad. He has been working in a feed factory, and his daughter-in-law is farming at home. Two children, the older one graduated from secondary school this year, and the younger one is a daughter who is still in junior high school. In the countryside, it is not a good day, but it is not bad either.

Except that I asked Lin Yutong for help when I went to work in the feed factory, I haven't troubled Lin Yutong anywhere in these years.

Now it is for the sake of children, not asking for help.

Lin Yutong observed this nephew, he was tall and tall, 1.8 meters tall, with a square face and sharp edges and corners. Just sit among a few people and don't talk much.

Qinghui and Qingyuan asked a question, and he answered it, rarely taking the initiative to speak.

This temper is the same as what Yingzi said, not good at words, like his father.

If you don't like talking, how do you communicate with people when you go out?

No matter what unit, in fact, it is still personnel.

This really stumped people.

Qing Ning said, "It's all trendy to start a business now, but I haven't thought about what to do?"

what to do?

"Why don't you need capital?" Aunt Guo answered, "I still thought I couldn't open a store for him, just make money every day."

It means that I didn't think about having to arrange it into a business unit.

After giving birth, he said in a low voice, "...At's not a problem, after all...he went to school, and he doesn't know how to do it at home. I told me to go to the feed factory with me, and I was stubborn. Go, if it’s Qin City. Tell him to go, bring a thousand dollars, and come back after a month, saying that he can’t find a job.” Then he asked Guo Yun, “What are you selling in Qin City? ?"

"Selling PHS." Guo Yun lowered his head and replied, "If you sell one, you will get 30 commission. There is no basic salary! It's just a person holding three or five phones and going out to sell. It's on the side of the road, there are people If you want to buy one, just buy one. I call the company, and the company will open it. Then I will deduct the 30 I earned when I hand over. I get up at six or seven in the morning, and then come back at night almost twelve I ordered it. There are many people going off work at night, and there are many people in the night market, so I have to keep up with the flow of people... Only one of them was sold in the first three days, and three or five copies were sold one day later. If you live once, you have to get in with everything you earn.”

Today's PHS is not that cheap, it's 1,450. But the advantage is that it is cheap. The cost of mobile communication is something that many people feel really cannot afford.

And the phone itself wants to buy a good quality, the price of 145 is definitely not enough.

Therefore, there are actually quite a lot of people buying PHS now. Many students at school choose this one. It's good to be able to find a job in the urban area and get in touch easily.

But only 30 commissions for a machine, and I don't know what level of agent he is looking for.

In fact, Qingning felt that this PHS could still make money in the short term.

Qinghui was a little ready to move on the side, and kept winking at Qingning.

Qingning asked Guo Yun, "If you were to run an agency by yourself, would you do it?"

Guo Yun shook his head without hesitation: "I don't think I can earn much. I just want to find a stable job with monthly salary..."

Qing Ning looked at her mother: Then I have no choice.


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