Accumulate Wealth in Life

Chapter 1112: .Long Years (129) Three in One

Long years (129)

The old couple went to Huahua's house a few years ago. Discuss Qingfeng's marriage.

The parents on the other side must have heard Huahua first, that the other party's family background is not good, but the place is good.

The boss also boasted: "We have mineral water everywhere, the mineral water for watering the ground, and the mineral water for washing our feet. Unscrew the water pipe, and the water that flows out is the same as the water in the bottled mineral water. ."

Huahua is here in Taiping Town, and they told Huahua the same way.

After all, the mineral water in Tongli is now sold all over the country. Of course, it's not all the springs. Mineral water companies have long gone to the corners to find natural springs. The brand is the same, but the water is definitely not from the same place.

Hua Hua was young after all, and the family treated her well, so she didn't think much about it. They said it unswervingly, and then she unswervingly believed it.

Then the Xiao family felt that the Jin family was really rich.

But such a big girl, her own child, can easily let people out?

The grandmother of the Xiao family said: "It's too far, and it's not easy to meet."

The grandfather of the Xiao family retorted: "You know what, it's fine for the baby to have a good life. If you don't see it, as long as you live well... You say what's good about your old face... We can live for a few more years... Don't delay the child …”

"That doesn't work either..." Grandma Xiao waved her hand: "It's not enough to listen to it, you have to take a look." Then she asked Huahua to come over, "Tell you third uncle to go with your dad... It's not that grandma is overhearted... It's you The big event of a lifetime is far away from our home. If it is really bad, neither your parents nor your mother will be able to see it, but if you want to help you, I'm afraid it won't come right away... You can't feel troublesome in your heart... At this point, I'd rather make people think that our family is picky than be confused and careless..."

In fact, Xiao's mother is not very willing, "...I'm afraid it's a mouthful, look at the child's father, he talks like a machine gun... And this guy is too short... He also has a small nose and small eyes. The..." My daughters are a little taller than him, and she's not boasting about being a mother, her daughters are really long and handsome, and they are white. Such a decent girl, looking for such an uncle, she really doesn't like it.

Dad Xiao said, "Men are good-looking, but they can't be eaten. Whether they look good or not is up to your girl. You may not see each other in a year, and it doesn't matter if they look good or not." The money comes back to support the wife, that's all.

Men and women don't have the same concerns at all, but to reach an agreement is to look in the past.

The next day I said it to the Jin family, and Dad Xiao’s words were also very pleasant, “…We don’t have many children in the family this time around… There are at most two children in a family… The same goes for my family. , Huahua and that kid in my family are treasures. Especially this girl was brought up by her grandmother. The old man loves the child, so she didn't want to marry him. She sneaked away to work when she went out to work. She killed her grandmother. We are both parents, you have to understand this feeling. I can't say that I promised my daughter to your house, but we don't know where the door of your house opens, right? You really have one What's the matter, where do I go to find my daughter?"

It means you have to come and see.

Jin Mancheng just looked at Li Xian'er and didn't speak for a while.

The conditions at home are really comparable to those here, in fact, I can't say how much better it is.

Li Xian'er didn't change her face: "This is what it should be. We all think the same, let's go. A few years ago, we traveled outside and came to my house for the New Year. By the way, we discussed the wedding of the child... ... about the dowry..."

Father Xiao was very clever, and immediately said: "Let's not talk about the bride price..." I haven't decided whether to marry or not, right? But I couldn't say these words directly, so I laughed: "Ten miles are different. What's more, our family is so far away. Let's go according to the big boys on your side. We're not selling girls, but don't want a betrothal gift. It seems that my children are worthless. Let's just walk away, you can give as much as people want..."

There's nothing wrong with this, it sounds like a good-natured family member.

Li Xian'er said, "Then in-laws, you can pack your things, and my uncle and aunt will also go..."

"If you don't go to so many people, it will cost too much money on the road." Dad Xiao said, "I will go with my son and his third uncle."

Li Xian'er breathed a sigh of relief, as many people really went, and the toll was not that much.

Dad Xiao didn't ask where he was going, he just said to pack up and leave tomorrow.

Then Jin Mancheng hugged his head: "I haven't cleaned up when I go back to the new house..."

Nothing, what are you getting married?

Li Xian'er said, "Keep your voice down, ask Qingfeng to buy a ticket, and go to the capital first..."

Then, within two days, the fourth master was about to go to a meeting when he received a call from his elder brother: "...the fourth... I brought my in-laws to the capital, and now I just got off the train, it's at the train station..."

I didn't say a word before I came, because I was afraid I wouldn't accept it.

What can the fourth master say, wait at the station. The secretary said that he arranged for the driver to go there, but the fourth master refused to let him, so he called Qingning and asked her to arrange it.

Qing Ning sighed into the phone, there is one play this year. Can't stop every day.

Strictly just came back, the two haven't said a few words yet, and the errand has come. There is nothing to hide from Strict. He has also been to his hometown and lived there. He knows what is going on.

"...Would you like to follow me..." Qingning asked.

Of course, there is a rare opportunity to perform. There is nothing in the Qingning family that needs his help. If there are no such bad relatives and neighbors, he will be useless.

Qing Ning said, "It should be six people, one car is not enough." Then he called Xu Qiang, "Don't rush to leave today..." He couldn't make it.

So Strict and Qingning shared a car, and Qingping and Xu Qiang shared a car to pick them up.

These two brothers have the same mentality, they are less useful, and now they can't do their best.

Qing Ning felt that this time was very easy. All problems are not problems, she just needs to follow.

Can't find anyone in a mess at the station? It does not matter. Strictly go to the radio station and directly broadcast to find someone.

What should I say to unwelcome people and strangers? Don't worry, Strict and Xu Qiang used to chat with others and were very affectionate.

When you get to the car, don't be afraid of the cold, and the boyfriend who is a driver and a tour guide is all over the place.

It turns out that having a boyfriend can still be so convenient.

Qingning felt that she had discovered a new way to use her boyfriend. Then suddenly, it's not that having a boyfriend is bad, but that I haven't found the right way to use it before.

In the back seat were Qingfeng's girlfriend Hua Hua, her father and her uncle, it was their first time seeing each other.

Strictly tell them where they are now, and they open the car window and look out, looking very excited.

To be honest, Dad Xiao didn't believe the one that the Jin family boasted about on the train, that his younger brother and younger sister were both big cadres. But now looking at the child who picked up the person, he believed it. In other words, not only does this uncle have a good fourth uncle, but he will also have a good cousin to help him in the future. Then you think, this person's life is not too bad even if he closes his eyes.

I have eight points of willingness in my heart.

On the Qingping side, the ears were poisoned.

The uncle was very excited: "...Huahua's family is poor...the people in the valleys don't have much knowledge...As soon as we say we want to pick up our relatives, a hundred people are willing, and it's not difficult at all..."

The eldest aunt said: "... People gave us such a big girl from the Jin family, we can't express it... I just said to bring them out and let them see the world..."

Qingfeng interrupted: "Where are we going now? Fourth uncle's house?"

Qing Ping said: "I can't live at home, so I found a hotel. Let's stay in a hotel."

A room costs more than 200 per night, which is an unimaginably high price. A total of five rooms were opened, and it cost more than 1,000 a night.

Jin Mancheng's back straightened instantly, and in the hotel lobby, his voice was very high-pitched.

Dad Xiao and Uncle Xiao said, "You don't need so many rooms, it's good for two people to share one."

Jin Mancheng said: "Our own family. Where is this going? Dozens of people from our village are arranged like this. If you come to the capital in the future, just call the fourth child, and it will definitely be arranged properly. With my face, he doesn't dare to ignore it..."

Qing Ping said, if you don't brag, you will die.

If my father heard this, he would definitely have to yell at him in front of outsiders: How old are you? Why can't you just ignore it?

People coming and going in the hotel all looked this way. Qingping felt embarrassed and interrupted: "Go check the room, put your luggage down, and go eat."

After getting on the elevator, Li Xian'er started to brag about the elevator. After getting out of the elevator and walking to the corridor, she said, "I talk about Beijing roast duck all day long... How good is the roast..."

Ha ha!

It's a hint that you want to eat roast duck, right? !

Qingfeng said: "It's far away, the hotel has a buffet, eat here..."

Dad Xiao gave Qingfeng a high look, "Yes! It's very tiring to ride in the car, it's dizzy, it's good to rest. Let's eat in the hotel."

He can also see that this family is a little floating. Not speaking honestly. Just looking at the expressions and attitudes of his two nieces, there's nothing else he doesn't understand.

But the previous generation was the previous generation, and Qingfeng and his two cousins ​​seemed to be doing well.

These two girls went to good universities, and the two young men who came with them, one was a military student, and the other was a top university. The big girl and the young man are the ones who do more before and after the run, so I don't understand what the relationship is.

Moreover, looking at the Jin family, they knew both of them, and they greeted their family members. Then the children of this acquaintance are not very few. There is really a stumbling and stumbling, and the face is not good-looking. There are more worries.

The family has a background, and I have the ability. The two children of the family have no reason not to rest in the future.

When he returned to the room, he said Huahua: "If you really like should be more careful...have more contacts with these uncles, aunts, sisters and won't suffer..."

This meal can be eaten at the hotel at noon, but not at night.

Fourth Master and Lin Yutong had to show up anyway.

It is not easy to marry a daughter-in-law in rural areas. The betrothal gifts are often 10,000 to 20,000 yuan, and you have to ask for big guys like TVs, refrigerators, and motorcycles. If you don't have 30,000 to 50,000 yuan, you don't even want to marry your son.

I really missed this. In the future, when the boss opens his mouth and says that he needs to borrow money for the marriage of his children, he will ask the uncles to take care of it. Do you want to take care of it or not? Come on, I'm upset. No matter what, spittle stars can drown people. The people of Murakami were sure to say that the fourth child was really not a thing. When he was such a big official, he was stunned to watch his nephew play a bachelor.

If there is another one who is deliberately flattering and has no intention of marrying his daughter to Qingfeng, there will be more troubles in the future.

This girl is a good choice. Nothing is involved in the middle, as long as people enter the house, there will be less contact with their parents. If you want to come and go, you can only go with the boss, and with them, it will be a bit far-fetched to be involved.

The couple knew that this was a one-shot deal. Only pay once, even if it is absolutely future troubles.

Therefore, after making a reservation for the hotel, they called Yan Yan and Xu Qiang to pick up the person.

Serve the food tightly, and drink the wine tightly.

When Dad Xiao saw this battle, he really believed that he was a big cadre. His aura couldn't deceive anyone.

Fourth Master talked to Dad Xiao and Uncle Xiao, and asked about the situation in Gan Province. What are you planting now? How many sheep do you raise? How is the year's harvest? Is it still difficult to drink water? How did the government solve it? Questions like this.

Then there is more to say, a meal is basically not very cold.

Li Xian'er was next to Lin Yutong and spoke to Lin Yutong in a low voice: "...How much do you think is a suitable dowry..."

ask me? I won't give you any money!

When she first entered the door, she had already given Hua Hua a thousand greetings. Afterwards, when you get married, you will take the ceremony.

Ask yourself how much should you give?

It depends on how much money people think they can afford to live.

Lin Yutong said: "...I haven't been back in the past few years, and I don't know the situation at our house. We were only thirty or forty yuan at that time... You asked for a lot, and it was only three or five hundred yuan. What's the situation now... I can't say..."

Li Xian'er said: "We usually take 20,000 yuan first, and then talk about other things. These three gold hardware must be bought before marriage. Color TV must have, but refrigerator is less... But motorcycles are now... ...all of them...just like the bicycles of the past...if you don't have any, it's not good..."

That is, when you asked for a bicycle back then, you also asked the Jin family to carry a **** of debt.

Now people want motorcycles, and that's right.

Motorcycles are really not cheap these days, and if you can get them, you have to be like five or six thousand at the worst.

But the income of farmers, if the annual gross income reaches 20,000, it must be a good family. In addition to the investment, if it falls to 10,000 yuan a year, the life will be full of oil and water. But if the family supports college students, life will definitely be tight. If you don't support students, you will encounter a wedding or funeral. There is no other way but to borrow money.

The old folks came back from the fight, and the past half a year has been very tight.

Jin Mancheng farms, and Qingfeng and Huahua do odd jobs around. For example, in the ripening season of apples, the shippers who want to load the trucks will go to Qingfeng. The little man who wants to sort apples, spend it. As for Li Xian'er, she cooks for her children in kindergarten. The wages are calculated on a daily basis, with seven yuan for food and drink a day. Saturday and Sunday do not count. But according to Yingzi, her hands and feet are not clean. A handful of salt, a few handfuls of rice, and a few steamed buns were stolen every day, and that was enough to clear the food. It's more than one person's meal money.

Yingzi talked to Lin Yutong about these things on the phone. Why did Li Xian'er come over and cry to her, thinking that her son is not good or bad. For example, when two plates of meat and vegetables were fried on the table at home, Qingfeng must have picked the meat for Huahua to eat.

Li Xian'er was really sad: "...Without a conscience, even if my dad and I don't eat it, don't we eat it after harvesting? He is growing up."

Needless to say, Lin Yutong knew how to spend those days.

With a daughter-in-law at home, this ordinary life can't be lived. Usually, a handful of wild vegetables and a plate of vegetables will be enough. But there is a daughter-in-law here, and she still hasn't entered the door. A daughter-in-law who has no children, it's really impossible to make a living like this. I'm always afraid that people won't get used to this life, so I just slap my **** and walk away. You said that this will give Qingfeng another wife in the future. Even coaxing has to coax the daughter-in-law into the house first.

The family's income is there. The money earned by the young couple will not be turned over, and they have to buy things for themselves. If you have a daughter-in-law, you can't take care of your children. The income of the two of them supports the family's expenses. Boss Jin doesn't usually make any money from farming. Li Xian'er is seven yuan a day. The family has to eat and drink. After all, where is the excess. It's been so tight, I can't make a living in order to coax my daughter-in-law into the dining table, let alone the food is rich, at least I have to look at it.

The dishes that are said to be meat dishes are probably just cut a pound or two of pork, and fry them all. Add a little more salt and they won't go bad. When frying the shredded potatoes, pick up a few pieces of fried meat and stir-fry it, which is considered a meat dish.

All the meat was picked out by Qingfeng to be eaten by Huahua, Li Xian'er vomited blood in anger, and had to say: "...Hurry up and eat it, we all don't like meat, it's fried just for you...All the meat is eaten when it is harvested. I'm hurt, don't touch it at all..."

She was very sloppy when it came to having a big swollen face and being a fat man.

Just like now, when a dish came up, Qingfeng kept serving Huahua with chopsticks, and serving dishes to his father-in-law and uncle and father-in-law. Li Xianer was sore and had to say, "Eat more. We don't eat much. love to eat..."

The same words came out of her mouth so ugly and false.

Qingning felt that if it wasn't for the face of her father, the Xiao family really thought that the conditions of the Jin family were good, and your marriage would have to be boasted.

Lin Yutong also said in his heart: It is also fortunate that the father and the uncle came. If the mother and the aunt were to follow, it would be impossible. Men and women have different concerns. Men think that her mother-in-law is not a big deal, but women feel that she is crazy to meet such a mother-in-law. The day is not specified.

Then they played in the capital for three days, and it was Qingping and Qingning who brought them to play.

Li Xian'er said, "Play for a few more days, don't rush back."

Dad Xiao hurriedly shook his head, thinking in his heart that he couldn't be so aggressive. Just over a thousand for one night. The cost of going out, including playing and eating, is more than 2,000 yuan a day, plus the travel expenses to leave, and more than 10,000 yuan is still inside.

No, as soon as he said he would go back, he said he would need an ID card to book a flight. Airfare is more expensive!

10,000 is more than a lot.

The family's income is only a little bit a year, even if the bandits entered the village, they didn't rob like this.

Resolutely want to leave: "Let's go back and have a look... Let's see what to prepare for marriage..."

Then the fourth master asked the secretary to help book the air tickets, even Qingping and Xu Qiang. With Xu Qiang taking care of the arrangements along the way, he has nothing to worry about.

Fourth Master and Lin Yutong said in advance that they may not have time to deliver it in person, which is very rude.

The third uncle Hua Hua said, "Don't be polite. From now on, you will be a family, and you don't pay attention to these ceremonies."

Qingning and Strict Qingyuan went to deliver it in person, and Dad Xiao took out ten kilograms of the handmade dried noodles made by himself: "Don't look at it as dried noodles, but the handmade noodles are different from those made by machines."

Qing Ning is very rare: "Then I will not refuse. Thank you uncle."

When the people were sent away, Qingning stuffed all the dried noodles into the strict trunk: "I have eaten this kind of noodles, and it is really delicious. Remember to take this with you when you leave." The next team was also very difficult. Sometimes when I get hungry at night, I just deal with it casually. This vermicelli is strong, get some sauce meat or something, and it is a good meal when cooked.

Qingyuan rolled her eyes, girls are outgoing.

He felt unlucky to die, so shouldn't he be in a car with these two people, kissing me and intentionally provoking me, the one who just broke up?

He felt that he was unlucky, and Qingping felt that he was going to die.

Li Xian'er was airsick, and the plane was over as soon as it moved, and the vomit was a complete mess.

My goodness. She took her to the bathroom to help with the cleaning, but her dizzy calf was spinning and she had to be half-supported.

She and Xu Qiang didn't take it lightly along the way.

Fortunately, on the landing, Qinghui came to pick up the small bread. There's no shortage of this car that can be squeezed out. Qing Pingyuan thought that she and Xu Qiang would come down when they got to the county seat, and asked Qinghui to send them back to the town. But Li Xian'er said that she was dizzy and would die, but she just said that she couldn't move and couldn't hold on. She looks like she will be out of breath tomorrow if she doesn't rest in the county town today.

No way, I opened a room in the hotel again and called to rest.

Then the third child had to come forward and greet his in-laws.

There is a process with the fourth master. To keep people here, the development zone is a famous scenic spot. Then tell people to walk around the development zone, which is considered tourism.

Li Xian'er was immediately revived with blood, and the couple brought their in-laws with a certain momentum of pointing the country: "Look at our county, it is already a city now... This is my family's fourth child and Tong who built it... Otherwise, where can we rise to the top? It's so fast... Have you seen this university... The president of the university is Tong's senior brother... Have you seen the island... Tong's teacher is where an old professor lives... Tong has a special face in this area... As soon as she comes back, all the officials in the entire county will have to come to visit... So don't be surprised if the fourth child doesn't come back when he and Tong wait for their children to get married... Otherwise, our children will get married and be alarmed. There are too many have to keep a low profile, right?"

"I didn't see the building over there... The house price was only a few hundred at the time. Guess how much it is now? Two thousand eight..."

"And that shopping mall... The whole third floor is owned by the third uncle... He also has a clothing factory... I'll take you to see it another day..."

Then, while eating, I went to Ping'an Restaurant by the way, looking for the second child and Yingzi. Introduce your family.

The two have heard Qingping say it long ago, but just like the fourth master and Tongtong thought, don't worry about their own disgust, and don't be sloppy in the marriage of the next generation of children.

Good wine and good food.

Jin Mancheng said: "...I'm not blaming, you have seen our family's days...the best days...just his second uncle's shop, and now he takes one million...not to sell..."

Li Xian'er whispered again: "The two children of the second family will go to the capital in the future. Who do you think can be cheaper for a shop in such a good location?" He laughed and laughed, "We can't go wrong with the designation of our future days... "

Qing An helped with the dishes, listened for a while, then went to the kitchen and told his mother, "...I just went to the capital, and our shop can still be damaged? Whether I rent or sell it, others take care of it. Is it? My brain is broken, I think it will be cheaper for them..."

Yingzi patted him: "Don't say anything! She didn't really think so, she just wanted to say something nice to coax her daughter into the house."

She didn't dare to do this extravagant idea by taking the courage of the two of them.

Even if he knew this, it would still make Qing An disgusting enough.

"It's not good to coax people like this," he asked.

Yingzi really felt that his son's pureness was worrying: "Do you think that father and uncle are stupid and can't have eyes? People have a clear mind. As for what people think and plan, only they know."

Everyone knows that the money from the uncle and uncle's family will not be moved to their own home, and others will not know?

In fact, the uncle of the Xiao family said to his brother sincerely: "If the Jin family is the second child, then I don't think it's a problem. The couple is kind... Even the third child is good... They are not people who run away when they talk about it. …”

Dad Xiao smiled bitterly: "We can't just look at other people, we have to look at our own family. There are many people with good conditions, can't our family's flowers match?" He sighed, "At the dinner table, let's not say take the initiative to help with the meal... Now It's easy to say that you're not married, and people don't enter the door. It's not a bad thing to be reserved. But you look at our child's appearance... The child of the Jin family gave her vegetables a punch, and it was really embarrassing... But this is for our children. I just don’t like it, and I can’t pick it up. Looking at Huahua in turn, my mother is used to eating alone. It’s not a problem in our own family. Children eat more and less. No one said anything, and I got used to it. But when I got to someone’s house, who would see such a rudeness? So, I was thinking about it in my heart. I couldn’t just look at other people’s shortcomings. We can't help but look at the shortcomings... After two days, when we arrive at someone's house, let's take a look inside and out, and we'll talk about it later..."

Over there, Li Xian'er asked Yingzi, "Where's the key over Tong?"

Yingzi and Yingzi are neighbors in the yard in the village. Yingzi has the key all the time. When she has time, she will go back to clean up. When Li Xian'er asked for the key, Yingzi woke up: "...what do you want?"

Li Xian'er blushed: "...We just have a yard, I'm afraid others will pick on it."

Yes! There are two sons in the family, and at least two houses are required. Otherwise, what is the matter with the two sons huddled together? Now when it comes to daughter-in-law, the woman wants to ask whether this house is for the eldest son or the younger son. Should we divide the big ones or the small ones?

This distribution means that you have to buy a homestead and build your own house, which means that the burden will be very heavy.

Usually if this is the case, the woman will have something to say. Either disagree or agree with conditions attached. For example, if you give an extra dowry of 10,000 yuan, we will bring this money to our daughter. In the future, the two children will use it to build a house.

Li Xian'er was cheating and wanted to borrow the yard of the fourth master and Tong Tong in the town.

Of course Yingzi did not agree.

In the future, if you clean up your yard, and Qingfeng has no house, Huahua calls her dad, and her dad points to the fourth house and says, "It was agreed back then, and this is a good deal. A yard for my daughter to live in..."

What shall we do then?

The fourth and Tong are both decent people, and they will never do anything about arguing over a yard.

But why is it so cheap for you?

It doesn't make sense!

Yingzi said to Li Xian'er: "Almost got it. Who helped to pay the loan shark back then? Forgot? The IOU is here..."

Li Xian'er stopped talking immediately, ignored Yingzi, turned her face and left.

Ying Zixin said that if there were other concubines, she would not be able to meddle in this business. But Tong is my sister, if you plan on my sister and start from me, do you think I'm stupid, or do you think I'm easy to bully. Tong wants face, but I don't want face. If Tong is hard to say, I naturally have to say it in front of me. I really don't care if I offend people and offend people like you.

Give me a slap in the face, and if you have the ability, you will always ignore me.

Li Xian'er felt that the saying "people are poor and short-minded" is true! She really didn't dare to do anything to Yingzi. Now that she wants to marry her daughter-in-law, she uses Yingzi a lot.

I was going back from the county seat, so I looked for Yingzi again: "...I'm welcome from my own family... There is no dowry on Huahua's side... We have to prepare more here, and this quilt is usually a dowry from the mother's family. , we don't have a dowry, we have to prepare it ourselves. I mean eight quilts, four uncles, one for the family. For the remaining four beds, I will find my mother's house..."

Want an extra futon?

If this is placed in rural areas, it is a very excessive requirement.

In those days, life was difficult, it was not easy to marry a daughter-in-law, and there was no such rigid arrangement of tasks.

But having said that, each family paid a lot for Qingfeng's marriage. The fourth and Tong spent more than 10,000 yuan because the eldest couple took them away. The third child arranged a place to live again, and it was several thousand. On my side, there is food and drink, and Xiaoqian is gone. A quilt costs about 100 yuan, and no one really cares.

When getting married in rural areas, everyone pays attention to sewing their own quilts instead of buying them.

But it doesn't really cost much.

Yingzi should simply come down, and everything has been done this way, so why not be more generous. At least get a good reputation.

When Qinghui sent the person away, Qingping said, "Let's even make a piece of my aunt and third aunt in our house."

Yingzi also planned to do the same, and called Tong and Siyun, "Don't prepare, I'll just leave it at home and do it myself."

Yao Siyun called the third child: "Go buy cotton and send it to the second sister. If you want to do it, make it thicker..."

There is heating in the city, and the quilt is too thick to cover the hot ones in winter. But the countryside pays attention to thickness! This quilt has three catties of cotton, four catties of cotton, eight catties of cotton, and ten catties of cotton.

Yao Siyun directly bought 50 pounds, "Three quilts and three mattresses are definitely the thickest."

The purpose is to ask relatives and neighbors to see if these brothers are like Li Xian'er said, and they don't care about anything.

She now runs a traditional Chinese medicine clinic, and people from the same village love to come here. Someone imitated Li Xian'er from her, "Your elder sister-in-law said outside... Marrying a daughter-in-law costs tens of thousands, and no one is willing to help..."

This is before going to Gan Province.

This time, she spent the money just to hit Li Xian'er in the face.

The third child thinks that Yao Siyun is getting more and more flamboyant as he lives.

After seeing the luxury, the Xiao family went to Jin Mancheng's house. To be honest, they were a little disappointed.

The only thing better than your own home is that you turn on the faucet and the water rushes out. If you compare it carefully, it may not be much better than your own.

My house is a big 24-inch color TV, but what about this one? Whoops! Twelve inches of black and white!

correct! There is also a worn-out bicycle, no more big things in sight.

The uncle of the Xiao family is more clever. When he gets here, he chats with the people in the alley, from all over the world. Then the news came out. What are the regulations for marriage here, and what are the betrothal gifts? People have a clear mind.

So, when they sat down to talk about the marriage, they said, "... 20,000 yuan is a follow-up, let's follow this. Don't say we don't give dowry, we give it. The bed, wardrobe, We've got the sofa and TV set. And the quilts, we'll also give...four beds..." There are eiderdown quilts in the mall, so let's buy them. So, it would cost more than 10,000 yuan.

In fact, it was planned that the dowry should be less, so that the dowry would not be given. Later, Uncle Xiao whispered to his brother: "In the future, they will not say that we want less dowry, but they will only accuse our children of not being dowry. If we need 20,000 yuan, even if we spend our own money for our children's dowry, we will also need 20,000 yuan. If you want it, even if you secretly give it to Huahua and tell her to save it. If the child has no money, it will be inconvenient to do anything. Even if he is bullied, he can’t leave if he wants to…”

Dad Xiao is right! This is the truth.

Marrying a daughter at home must be the same as your regulations here.

The 20,000 dowry was brought, and we bought a TV as a dowry.

But you still have to prepare a motorcycle...

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