Accumulate Wealth in Life

Chapter 1082: .Long Years (99) Three in One

Long years (99)

Qingning helped the teacher send answers to the students, and then collected the money.

What about the head teacher?

Send Qingning's answers to the teachers of each subject. She is a Chinese teacher, and she grades the Chinese answer sheets for Qingning.

The teacher was rehired and was originally an excellent teacher at the provincial level. Before retiring, he was also graded in the college entrance examination. She knew how to correct it.

Or say a good student's papers can make people feel happy. From start to finish, there are no obvious mistakes.

But out of caution, I deducted two points for modern reading and three points for composition.

The whole roll was deducted five points. This is a more conservative approach to scoring.

When the other subjects arrived, the teachers were very happy to get together.

"It played normally." The teachers commented.

Normal performance, it means a lot of full marks. Mathematical and chemical English are all unstoppable full marks.

Don't forget that Qingning still has many awards. Although her mother is a leader, she doesn't want any extra points like provincial outstanding middle school students, but her own Olympic competition award is worth more than With the addition of her grades, her grades will be higher than the total score of the college entrance examination.

A score higher than perfect...

The teacher gave the paper to Qingning: "...any school you want to apply for..."

Definitely the provincial champion.

There is absolutely no higher grade than her.

The big stone fell to the ground, and so many answers were posted in such a short time, but she didn't even look at it.

Be careful the liver is also trembling.

Now that the teacher must have been right, she had the courage to open the answers and read them one by one. It took half an hour to confirm them, and then she smiled.

Jump all the way from the office to the classroom.

The classroom is messy, some laughing, some noisy, some confused, some foggy, some crying elders with runny nose. It should be a few joys and a few sorrows.

Seeing that Qingning was back, Mao Li turned around with the answer, "I'm in a daze now, why can't I remember what I chose for these questions? I'll tell you after the test, when I chose what's going on..."

Qing Ning glanced at it and marked the answer she had said, and then Mao Li's face changed, "Why would I choose this?"

How do I know? Isn't that what you said?

Mao Li patted her head: "There is a mess in my head, and I don't remember anything." I felt that this question was right, and I was not sure that I had filled in the correct answer at the time.

The most abusive thing is the big question at the end, "I've written this step. Although it's not finished, I should give points. My method is different in answering..."

Dear! You have listed everything you can calculate based on the known conditions, and you have no idea of ​​​​solving the problem at all.

Qingning glanced at it: "You have to estimate the score, be conservative. If you think you should get six points, you should count it as three points."

Anyway, the general sense is that the scores are a little more conservative. Otherwise, if you fill in the volunteers too high, the high ones can't be climbed, the low ones are not reported, and then you fail, then you will be wronged. ,

It happens every year.

For those who have suffered in the third year of high school, most people still think that it doesn't matter what school it is, let's record it first. I don't want to endure this kind of suffering a second time.

So, I'd rather be conservative.

Of course, this can be tricky sometimes. There are also some colleges who got a high score and applied to a lower-ranking institution.

But Qingning is embarrassed to say that a question gets 8 points, and then you have no idea and just a few calculations, you think you get 6 points. Two points for luck. For Mao Li, who was still mentally tensed, these words could make her collapse. Still to be tactful.

Then Mao Li was good at it and scored three points for that question.

Yang Dong scratched his head while holding the pen, "Actually, I don't need to evaluate the score. My grades are very stable..." The key is that after the answer comes out, 80% of the answer is forgotten. Holding the answer, my mind is full of my choice a? No, it seems to be changed to c later! Also, I changed it again in the last fifteen minutes? Still haven't changed? Seeing everyone seemed like the correct answer at the time.

There is no way to estimate this.

Qing Ning wanted to hit him when he heard it: "What should I do then?"

All right! This baby averaged the previous simulation scores, and took this average score.

"I don't think it's different from the usual exams." Then the results should be the same.

I was speechless here, when a small boy sitting in front of him shouted, "...I want to be a gynecologist..."

Then there was a sudden silence in the noisy classroom, followed by laughter.

In fact, what kind of volunteer, it is a string of codes. In the end, which school to choose and what major, everyone has no such awareness. But the advice of many parents is that doctors and teachers should work decently and steadily after graduation.

After the results are estimated, give two days to go home to discuss, and then fill in the volunteer.

Qingning asked the teacher to fill it out that day.

She's the kind of school that if there's nothing like her name is not written on the papers, there's absolutely no problem with any school. In fact, during the college entrance examination, the invigilator was specially responsible for checking every subject and holding the admission ticket facing it, I was afraid that the name of the admission ticket was not filled in or filled in incorrectly. So the only accident can be ruled out.

The teacher asked, "Have you discussed it with your parents?"

The child was very calm: "It's discussed."

Anyway, my parents said they can make up their own minds.

Originally I only wanted to fill in one, but the teacher persuaded me, "Fill in another..." Be safe.

Then fill in Capital Airlines.

The teacher helped to check it several times, confirmed that it was correct, and let him go.

She was done, completely relaxed. But that's not true for other children. Parents follow and discuss with teachers. After the discussion is over, many children do not even have autonomy.

For example, Yang Dong, who wanted to go to the Sports Institute, ended up discussing it. He volunteered that he didn't touch it, and his father took care of it. One of the first volunteers applied for the physical education major of Capital Normal University, and the second volunteer applied for the physical education major of the provincial normal university. As for the two books, the first is the physical education major of the Teachers College in this city, and then the Teachers College in Baicheng. The junior college was not spared, and the college was selected from a better college. He didn't even remember which school it was.

It's the same in any school anyway. He didn't even have the heart to argue.

Mao Li's choice was Dongyi Hammer and Western Medicine. The first choice was the University of Political Science and Law, and the second choice was the Normal University.

I called Qingning and said with a relaxed look, "It's finally over..." He also invited Qingning to play together.

Qing Ning slept and didn't know the north, south, east, and west, so she said to Mao Li, "Do you know that the teacher's school is shifting gears in advance?"

Mao Li was also stunned for a moment, and then said, "Never mind. As long as I am admitted, I will go wherever I am. Enough..."

Then it will be fine.

The so-called filling in volunteers... Hehe, most of the volunteers are not to do it all over again, where I am admitted, my volunteer is where.

Mao Li just hung up here, and before she turned around to leave, the phone rang again.

The voice was very familiar, "Xu Qiang?"

"Well." Xu Qiang chuckled, "I disturbed your sleep?"

"No." Qingning laughed, "Where did you get my phone number to find my sister?"

Xu Qiang looked at Qingping next to him, "Yes. I've filled in the volunteers, and I don't feel very good."

That's it.

"How many points did you estimate?" she asked.

Xu Qiang looked at the paper in his hand, "It should be between 675 and 685."

This score is not too low.

But Qinghua B is big, the score line may be a little off, it depends on how lucky.

Good luck, hit the line. Bad luck, **** it.

She knew Xu Qiang's character, so she said it very directly.

"I think so too." Xu Qiang sighed, "During the insurance period, I'd better take a step back."

Qing Ning asked, "It depends on what major you want to study..."

The two chatted on the phone for a long time before hanging up.

Qingping asked: "What? No university you want to study?"

where is there no?

I'm afraid I won't pass the exam.

He wanted to study economics, and finally filled out the National University of Finance and Economics as his first choice.

Qingning put down the phone, biting his finger and staring at the phone, Xu Qiang had already called, why didn't he say a word until now, did he pass the test well or not?

If you want to make a phone call and think about it, forget it. If you do well in the test, you would have already squeaked. I haven't called now, I guess I feel ashamed to see myself. Give him some buffer time.

Turn on the TV, and the summer season is replaying the sixteen-year-old flower season.

Sixteen years old! It seems to be in love.

The Qingning thing is over, but not strictly yet. The military academy is more troublesome than I imagined, and an interview is required after the exam. The ratio of interviews is 1:6, which is quite strict. Even after the interview, there is still a political review. There is no big problem with the political review of my own conditions, but after admission, not only the physical indicators have to be reviewed, but also the cultural class re-examination. If you don't pass, you're done, and you have to return it.

So now I really want to hit the wall.

I want to get in touch with Qingning. My family is staring at my homework, so I can't be discouraged in the end. Ninety-nine steps have been gone, where is the last shiver. Specially invited a teacher to come to teach at home, twenty-four hours a day, what time period to do, the arrangement is very tight. Then you don't have to call your parents yourself, the phone over there will be called on time. Which classmate are you looking for? Grandma watched from the side.

He knows Qing Ning's little temper too well, and if he can't get it right, he can get up with his grandmother.

Bear with it.

Qing Ning's achievements will definitely come to the capital.

Before the results came down, the air was impetuous.

Lin Yutong's training class is in the last month, and now he is going to do research, then come back to write a dissertation, and finally graduate.

The research place is not far away, it is in Baicheng, and you can drive back and forth in an hour or so. For Lin Yutong, it didn't matter much. Instead, time is freer.

After going around for a while, I came back. The fourth master knew a lot about that place. Just listening to what he has to say is enough to put together a dissertation.

She didn't go to the school, but Xiao Ke came instead.

It's not a public matter, it's a private matter.

His eldest son also took the college entrance examination this year and is a repeater.

"That kid, my grades are a little off in my opinion... But with that aptitude, it's probably the same if you repeat the studies..." He sighed as he spoke, and praised Qingning, "If that kid is half of our daughter, Even if I close my eyes immediately, I can feel at ease."

I want to find a relationship to put my child into college.

Lin Yutong scratched the relationship network in his heart, but he didn't feel that he had the ability to connect him.

"Director Jin of your family..." Xiao Ke gave a thumbs up, "He is this...well-connected..."


Looking for Fourth Master.

So Lin Yutong called the fourth master and asked when he would come back. Someone at home was looking for him.

The fourth master came back very quickly. He is now in contact with everywhere, rarely working on shifts, and his time is relatively free.

As soon as he heard what Shaoke meant, he understood.

But if this is not enough, going through the back door will definitely not work.

"How many points did the child estimate?" the fourth master asked.

"Less than three hundred and eight." Xiao Ke was embarrassed himself.

The fourth master asked, "Which school do you want to put your child in?"

"I don't pick this one." His voice lowered, "Last time I saw you eating with Director Yao..."

It means the director of the Ministry of Education.

No wonder it came to the door, it turns out that the root is here.

The fourth master asked, "What do you think of the police academy in our province?"

It belongs to the provincial education department, and the admission line for college is three hundred and three or four. These three hundred and eighty are only estimated results. Be conservative, there are always three hundred, three and four. In fact, the grades are not up to the mark, but the police academy has places for special recruits. He is a county magistrate, but he just didn't think about this one, really want to think about it, the operation is very easy. Where can I get a special recruit quota?

Xiao Ke was stunned and slapped his forehead. How to forget about this one.

Regardless of whether it is a college or something else, go ahead and talk about it. After graduation, the job is easy to do, and the diploma is too low to go to a correspondence course or something else. This is also easy to do. Afraid of not finding a job?

In fact, there are also many who have gone from police to official careers. Don't think this road is narrow, but it's not.

At the top, there is also the deputy secretary | secretary specializing in politics and law. If you really get to this position, even if you jump out of the police circle.

In his heart, the beads of the abacus rattled, and he felt that this was really possible.

The fourth master said, "You ask your child to fill in the volunteers, and you don't have to worry about the rest."

Doing so is not a violation.

Xiao Ke is grateful, "...I owe you two, please..."

Anyway, for the sake of people who don't open their mouths to others easily, there is nothing to do for the sake of children.

When the people left, Qing Ning said, "If there wasn't such an official father, many people would never have thought about this..."

Even if you think about it, it's not that easy.

The police academy arranges for many of their own internal children, and other physical fitness tests, physical examinations, and political trials. After thinking about these, it is so easy. In the end, his father still has to ask for help.

Half a month after the college entrance examination, the results came out.

The fourth master was the first to know, and the education department called the fourth master directly, " did you learn so problem is the champion of science in the province...Xiaojin, I want to treat you..."

It is said that it is a treat, but it really can't be too bright and grown up to put on a banquet.

The red envelopes given to Qingning are not small.

It's a small area, please come and have a meal at home.

Qing Ning is also busy, contacting teachers and classmates.

The teacher said: "...come to school, the reporter wants to interview, dress appropriately..."

The little girls didn't wear skirts for three years. When the college entrance examination was over, all the little skirts were on the upper body.

So the teacher gave some special advice.

Qingning didn't want to go at all, but it was really impossible not to go.

The teacher has been teaching for three years, and we can't take the teacher's face to the ground. In addition, you have to discuss with your classmates about the thank you banquet.

Mao Li scored 618 in the test, the lowest score for Capital Normal University's admission in the province. The **** got hung up luckily.

But it was transferred from the Department of Mathematics to the Department of Biology.

It doesn't matter, it's okay, I passed the exam anyway.

Yang Dong took a single course in culture, and his grades were enough to go to the second line.

Annoyed Director Yang, a sports major who volunteered to fill the water. As a result, when I held a thank-you banquet, I consulted by phone and was accepted by the Capital Normal University Physical Education Teaching Major.

Yang Dong looked at it openly: "Anyway, the school's brand is bright." It's better than going to a teacher's college in Qin City and taking it out to be bright. So silly.

After all, it is the provincial key sharp knife class. There are twelve online in one book, and twenty-three in the second book. The rest are all hanging on three or five points below the second line. If there are supplementary recordings, maybe they will be recorded. In case they do not go far, the better junior colleges are also very good in the eyes of most people.

Yang Dong has performed exceptionally well, and his grades are not very good in the class. When I entered this class back then, it was Director Yang who found a relationship.

As soon as it was said to hold a thank-you banquet, they all responded positively.

At first it was the students, but then the parents got involved. Covering the entire hall, the students, their parents, and the school's leaders and teachers, sat at more than 20 tables.

Lin Yutong couldn't go, so he was the direct leader, and everyone felt uncomfortable when he went. The fourth master went, and when he came back, he drank a little too much. He was very proud. "My daughter is just different..."

His daughter said, "My dad is also the most handsome."

The fourth master likes to listen to his daughter's admiring tone, and kisses the child's mother happily.

This belly is really alive.

Want to show off as a dad? especially think. But yeah, it's really not suitable in the city.

How to do it?

Back to town.

The child is thinking about it, and she is going to talk to her grandma.

Then go for it.

Like this kind of happy event in the countryside is to feast the guests. Even if you are working outside, when you encounter such a big event, the children's school entrance examination and the children's marriage must be arranged once in the hometown.

As soon as the grades came down, the second and third children all called to ask. Don't ask, Qingning is the provincial champion, and everyone knows it.

The second child also said more than once that it was time to go back and deal with it.

Qingping was also admitted to a key high school, which in Murakami was also a more honorable thing. It is said that two of them were admitted to secondary schools, and their families also had seats. Yingzi said that Qing Ping did not need to worry about it, and waited until he was admitted to the university. But the second child felt that Qingning had to do this, "If you are not free, I will do it. If you don't accept the gift, you are just happy, and ask the big guy to come to the wedding banquet..."

He was even happier than the fourth master and Lin Yutong's promotion.

After all, it is the next generation, and the next generation is promising, that is to see hope.

Having said that, let's do it.

The date was set, and the second child helped inform relatives that Lin Yutong and the fourth master asked for leave one day in advance to take their two children back to their hometown.

The old family and the fifth family have all been here to help the second child. Buy these with the third child, wholesale them in the county town, and call a car to deliver them to your home.

The fifth is no longer in business, and when he came out to lock the door, he deliberately greeted Aunt Song opposite, "Auntie is busy. Oh, Fangfang is really capable, and she can be used as an adult."

Aunt Song laughed: "Where is the fifth one going?"

The fifth child laughed, and his voice was particularly open: "Our second girl... Provincial champion, she was admitted to Qinghua, and she will go to the wedding banquet tomorrow... I will help..." He said as if he had just remembered , "I just remembered when I said that, my family Qingping and Qingning are about the same age as Fangfang... Qingning can't do anything at home, so he has a brain that can learn..."

Passing by the door in the alley laughed: "Qingning doesn't have to do anything. There is a nanny at home."

"That's true." The fifth laughed, "My fourth sister-in-law said that the child would not be able to take it, so I said, as long as you study well, you will be able to earn a lot of money and become a high-ranking official in the future. What……"

Aunt Song was annoyed. She looked at her granddaughter who was giggling, and saw that she responded with a smile while choosing leeks in her hand. People are doing this on purpose, can't they see it?

Feng Lan's mother came out of the door just to hear it, and said, "The fourth child and Tong are back?"

"I'll be back in a while." The old fifth said loudly, "Qingning said that at that time her mother told them to go to university, but now that they have passed the exam, it's time to come back and tell her mother that this is a child. My fourth brother and fourth sister-in-law came back with the child..."

So this one said that the child was filial, and her milk did not hurt her in vain. The one who said that Aunt Jin was unlucky, look how lucky she would be if she lived to this day.

The more she talked, the darker Aunt Song's face became.

The old fifth relieved his anger. At that time, Aunt Song was really angry with her own mother so trivially. This is not! Get your revenge back.

Li Xian'er also told Yingzi about this, "Do you still remember when Mom had a fight with Aunt Song."

Why don't you remember? !

Aunt Song showed off the beauty of her granddaughter, saying that Qing Ping and Qing Ning are ugly, but they are smart at a glance.

As a result, my mother-in-law was unhappy, saying that people, you see that your child is growing well, and I also see that my child is doing well. I see that our children's nose and eyes are all in place.

Ugly is ugly, and people don't like to say it.

Zhao Aihua, who came in later, didn't know about it. He laughed when he heard it, "Our two girls are looking good."

Li Xian'er's voice became louder: "That's because you haven't seen it. It is as ugly as it is when it was born. Qingning's brain is taller than her nose when she is eight or nine years old. It will be better later. Sometimes they say they have two brains, don't say it, they are more spiritual than others." As he spoke, seeing Qingping helping wash a basket of vegetables, he said, "Don't be compared by your sister..."

"I only have one brain, but I can't compare to two brains." Qing Ping didn't listen to the strange words that came out of her from time to time, "I can test half of her in the future, that's fine."

That's a self-deprecating statement, it's so exaggerated, but it's a dream to catch up with Qingning in performance.

A grade higher than full marks, compared with her, isn't that not making you feel uncomfortable for yourself?

After three years, I can barely get into two universities, which is still my goal. Whether it can be achieved is still unknown.

"You can't be discouraged first." Li Xian'er boasted of her parents' family, "...the little girl from my sixth uncle's family, she studied very well at that time. She was like Qingning when she was a child, and her forehead was higher than Qingning's. , But a few years ago, I went to secondary school and didn't go to high school to take the university entrance examination. If I do, I'm afraid I will be a Qingning again."

Qingping pouted and turned to wash the vegetables.

As long as there is a capable person in the Jin family, there must be someone in her family who is better than the Jin family. It's as if they can't tell if they're close or distant. Her sixth uncle is her cousin. The cousin of her cousin's uncle's family, where is the estrangement in this relationship, can't you tell? Who is Qingning? That's your niece, okay? If you have to find someone, you can boast a lot. How much can you take advantage of others?

Zhao Aihua is such a smart person, Li Xian'er said that if she tried again, she didn't talk to her. Instead, she said to Qingxue who sneaked into the kitchen to steal food: "Our family's Qingxue wants to study with your eldest sister and second sister. I will also go to a university in the future. This degree The higher the better, the better. I heard from Wu Da and his wife that they all need a college degree now, and those who have graduated from technical secondary school are hard to find a job. They have to continue to take the test..."

"Correspondence." Qingping called on the side.

"Yes!" Zhao Aihua immediately said, "It's a correspondence course. The cousin of Wu Da's daughter-in-law went to secondary school in those years, and now she has to take the test, but she has lost her textbooks for many years. This time, she seems to be looking for a second-year high school student. , went to take the exam for her. It cost thousands of dollars just to check up and down and call the exam room through the back door. If she passed the exam, she would have to give the child who took the exam a thousand or two thousand dollars. That's it... Listen to what that means, in a few years, this correspondence diploma will be useful or not, and I will talk about it..."

Li Xian'er was stunned and stopped talking.

What is Zhao Aihua afraid of now? In the past few years, he has also stood firm in Murakami. The yard on Lao Wu's side is neatly built, and the half-pulled yard next to her is also built. Although it is half-pulled, both sons have a house in the county, and this house is a place to stay when they return to their hometown The place. There is no need to occupy the space of Jin's house, and the province will cause conflicts.

The eldest son is also married, the daughter-in-law is a worker, and the eldest son still has an iron rice bowl. The daughter-in-law has been pregnant for half a year, and she is now three months pregnant. The second son is doing a small business and has a leisurely life.

Many people say that Zhao Aihua is the only person to do it. It is said that people now have a good life if they don't live with the fifth one. Take care of the grandson for the eldest son, and take care of the business for the second son, why not? Can you follow the fifth one? The two babies are still young, so there are a lot of things to worry about. If you really have no conscience, and your **** is slapped away, what can you do to others?

People can stay, but they don't lose their conscience.

In the past two years, life has been much smoother than in those two years.

It was lively, He Xiaowan entered the door, and her laughter was particularly loud, "I said I would come back one day to help, but in the end, hurry up and hurry up, or come back late..."

This guy is back... what did you say you're here for?

Li Xian'er especially saved face, with a somewhat joking tone, "What are you doing here? You said that you have divorced our brothers, what are you doing here? My brother wants to find a partner, you come here , no one has told the media."

He Xiaowan's expression didn't change at all, "What's the matter? If you want to find something, I can help introduce it."

In this state, whoever said anything is useless.

Qing Ping turned around and stopped calling her third aunt, "Auntie Wan." That's what she called.

Others may not know very well, but she and her third uncle live upstairs and downstairs, but they are very clear. The fashion designer that the third uncle invited back, the one she called Aunt Yuan, if she was not interested in the third uncle, she would pull out the two eyeballs. When I get home from get off work, I say it is to discuss the style of clothes, but I often cook and wash clothes at home. The third uncle was busy outside, so she came to take care of Qing Juan... and herself. For example, she likes to cook soup. As long as she is there, she will give a bowl of soup and say, "Girls, drink soup and have good skin..."

That's it.

The third aunt, she used to think it was good to be carefree, but after all, there is a close relationship. She hoped that her third uncle had a better life.

Therefore, no one said that the title of the third aunt was changed, but she still smiled and changed her mouth.

Divorced, think about the benefits. After remarrying, the family will only be an aunt and aunt, and then call it auntie, which is inappropriate.

He Xiaowan was stunned for a moment, but still agreed, rolled up her sleeves and washed her hands, went into the kitchen, and went to work.

The third child brought dozens of carp back, but when he entered the yard, he heard He Xiaowan's voice, and his face was a little uncomfortable. In the yard, I only shouted: "Second sister, fish!"

He Xiaowan came out first, "Put it in the pool at the back of the restaurant, and I'll make it tomorrow. How can I call the second sister?"

The third child said to her: "What are you doing here?"

"It has nothing to do with you when I come back." He Xiaowan was chopping the minced meat with a kitchen knife in her hand, which she will use when she is making raw meatball soup tomorrow. She changed the knife from her left hand to her right hand, "I came back because of my relationship with my second brother and second sister, with the fourth and Tong. It has nothing to do with you..."

Saying that, he retracted.

The third child choked hard.

There were fried **** in the pot, and Qing An came back with a few small ones, without washing his hands, he broke a plate from the kitchen and ate it around the table in the yard.

Adults laugh at children's troubles, but it's not too lively.

Days like this can't be too ugly. He ignored it lazily and went out again, "Is there enough tofu, I'll order some more..."

"Ask it to be delivered at 7:00 tomorrow morning. Forty or fifty pounds is almost enough." Yingzi shouted in the kitchen.

Ren Dong brought an apron over with Han Cai'er, "Would it be too much to ask for another 50 pounds..."

Ren Dong and Liu Cheng had an unpleasant quarrel with the Jin family because of their children, but something happened to the Jin family, and they took the initiative to put down their bodies and come over. This is the case in the countryside. If you get irritated, if one party comes to the door, the other party should not be stretched.

When people came, Yingzi had to continue, "Come here, I'm just too busy. It's just in time." Then he explained with a smile, "If it's our own business, we won't need so many. This is not the fourth and Tong... I'm afraid that their former colleagues in the county will hear the letter, and you say that people are coming, and we can't bring out the dishes, which is ridiculous. If there is any leftovers, everyone will not be spoiled..." Anyway, it's a happy event, Bai I am happy to eat, but I am willing to let people eat for nothing.

Ren Dong helped peel the onion, "That's right." She was also in a good mood. Yan'er was admitted to high school, which is also a key high school. The university is beckoning in front of her eyes. In the past two years, the girl did not need money from her family for school, and often gave her a lot of subsidies. She also felt very proud when she came out and walked in front of people.

With the arrival of these two people, more and more people came to help at home. Later, they were all busy with chopping boards in the yard.

As soon as the car entered the alley, Qingyuan made a 'yo heh', because the half of the alley had built up the shed of the running water mat, and many children were playing below.

The fourth master asked the mother and three to get out of the car, "I'll park the car in the back..."

Behind the second child's house, the back door is also trimmed and flat, and it used to be an orchard. Usually no one walks around, just put the car in the back.

Lin Yutong opened the car door and heard Qing An shouting, "Mom, my fourth uncle and my aunt are back..."

After getting out of the car, Yingzi and Li Xian'er had already greeted them at the door, "I thought you would only be there at night..."

Lin Yutong greeted each other in the past, and Qingning and Qingyuan followed the adults and called people.

Entering the house, this one said, "Our champion is back?" The other said, "We college students are back?"

Qing Ning had an idea in his heart: No wonder people in the past love to return home. This feeling is different.

Who has no vanity yet.

Right now, she felt that her hidden vanity was instantly satisfied.

With modesty and subtlety, and a little embarrassed, I greeted this and that, this one is called Auntie, that one is called Auntie, this is called Mama, that is called Grandma, except for the new daughter-in-law who has been married in the past two years, she does not know the rest. Ninety-nine percent of people know each other, and they are not wrong at all.

Qingyuan couldn't recognize it completely, but it didn't prevent him from following his sister to call someone obediently.

Polite children are easy to make people feel good about, and the woman said together: the fourth and Tong will educate their children, not only the couple will not forget their roots, but also the children.

He also said that the children of so-and-so were very arrogant when they came back. They said it in Mandarin, and it was fine if they didn't call them. They took the initiative to ask them, and they liked to ignore them.

Qingping waved to Qingning in the backyard, and waited for someone to come over before saying, "Go to the orchard in the back..."

The yard was a mess, and there were people everywhere. The people who said that they were short-sighted and short-sighted must also be things that Qingning didn't like to hear, so don't pester them in front of adults.

Qingyuan turned around and went to play with Qing'an, and before leaving, he went to the kitchen to smooth the chicken feet that had just been marinated.

When the sisters went out the back door, they met Yan'er who was leading the sheep to find grass for the sheep. Yan'er stared at Qingning's face for a long time, and suddenly said, "You have a peach blossom on your forehead..."

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