Accumulate Wealth in Life

Chapter 1017: .Long Years (34) Three in One

Long years (34)

"Fifth!" Second Young Master Jin scolded, "Shut up for me!"

The fifth child is naturally in awe of the second child, and as soon as he reprimands here, he shuts up over there.

The Zheng family and the Jin family have had a bad relationship in the past two years, but they are not bad either. Old Man Jin and Aunt Jin ignored the Jin family, but the juniors still had contacts. If there is something wrong with the Jin family, Zheng Youyou will always come to help no matter what the purpose is. Those who plant the land and harvest the crops will also help each other.

For the Zheng family, Zheng Youliang is making money, but in the village, the rural character is not good. It's not the same as Liu Cheng. Liu Cheng said that no matter who in the village went to find it, he would do what he could, and if he couldn't, he would try his best to do it. Let people think that he has always been from our village, or Liu Cheng who can talk to anyone in the farm.

For comparison, some people say that Zheng Youliang is not good and that is not good, especially in front of the Jin family, it is a pity for the second child.

The second child is such a good person, if the two really want to change, that's definitely not the way to do things.

Of course this makes sense. Everyone's personality is different, and of course things are different.

But asked Lin Yutong to say, for the court work, does Zheng Youliang dare to do this to that? When you do something, you have to pay back the favor. What did he get in exchange for his position? How flexible the law can be, giving him room to return favors.

The Zheng family should also know this truth, and they are very low-key people in Murakami.

Zheng Youyou also deliberately had a good relationship with the Jin family. why? It's not that there are many brothers in the Jin family. If they have a good relationship with this side, they have to be sincere when they bully them.

Ordinarily, it shouldn't be a riot.

When there were too many people here, the Zheng family didn't continue to make trouble. Maybe there wasn't much trouble before. Anyway, only Zheng Youyou was standing at the door of his house, his face was ashen with anger. closed.

A calm attitude.

Everyone is like this, and if the trouble continues, it's like something.

Besides, you have to ask why?

Aunt Jin is a jerk, and asked the fifth brother directly: "What's wrong with their family? What wicked things are they doing? You say! Do you really think we are so easy to bully? After closing the door, the matter is over? Fart!" It shouted: "Don't look at my third child, and dare to come out and tie your wings! Tell you Jin Ximei, I will never end with you in this life."

Jin Ximei sat in the door, with her back against the door, Zheng Youyou held a shovel in his hand, his teeth clenched tightly.

"Put it down!" Jin Ximei scolded in a low voice, "a dog that can only bark, can't bite people. The dog that bites people never barks. No matter how uncomfortable I feel, I just put it in my heart and endure it, and there will always be someone back. one day!"

Zheng Youyou then slowly released the shovel in his hand, closed his eyes and turned back to the room, slamming the door of the room.

Jin Ximei gritted her teeth, then slowly released her palms, and murmured, "My parents owe me, I owe my brother and my second nephew, and I owe my uncle's house for food, but not oil!"

It was very clear in my mind.

Outside Jin Lao Er kicked Lao Wu, "Speak well, how much hatred is so cruel, you curse people like that!"

Aunt Jin patted the second child, "Where are you from? What do you do when you beat the fifth child? She Jin Ximei has no virtue, so she should be cut off from her children!"

"Mom!" Second Young Master Jin scolded.

Fourth Master sighed, this is not cultivating morality. Everything is bald outside!

The old fifth hid behind Aunt Jin: "Second brother! If we hold on any longer, there will be no way for us to survive. Zheng Youyou, the bastard, wants to build a house..."

What does it matter to you when people build a house?

Cover it if you like it. This is people's freedom.

"But his family builds a house. In the planning, they moved a full three feet to our side. This matter will occupy our homestead." The court can bully people like this..."


As long as Zheng Youyou doesn't have a hole in his brain, he can't do this stupid thing. If you really want to make trouble, it is enough for Zheng Youliang to drink a pot.

The fourth master said, "How did you know about other people's plans?"

This house is not a villa, there is a drawing or something? What's more, the Zheng family's side is a half-sized yard, narrow and long, and it is very crowded no matter how it is planned.

The old fifth glanced at Jin Mancheng: "Big brother told me, it's still fake."

Fourth Master looked at Jin Mancheng again: "How did you know? Who told you?"

Jin Mancheng mumbled something: "I don't know who I heard, but I just listened to it when I passed by..."

If he didn't have the slightest reason, he said it to the fifth man as a business, and he must have said a lot of slander.

As a result, the fifth one said that the family must be eliminated, and Aunt Jin also said that the family should cut off their children and no grandchildren. It actually means the same thing.

Unfortunately, the first Zheng Youyou family lost a granddaughter, and the second child was still a girl. Without one, my daughter-in-law gave birth to another one a year ago, and she was still a kid. In the end, I don't know what happened. Ten days ago, this kid was gone again.

As soon as he lost a son, he was scolded by the nose at the top of the house.

To tell the truth, this is too immoral.

The person who said it was relieved at that time, and he had no idea of ​​the psychological state of the people over there at that time. When these two encounters happened, Zheng Youyou really had the idea of ​​killing the Jin family.

The second child scolded Jin Mancheng angrily: "I'm like a mother-in-law all day long, and if I hear something, I will go back and forth between the East and the West for a short time!"

The eldest eldest Jin is talking about it, and the fifth one has a dirty mouth and dares to say anything.

If people want to come out and fight, that's it. If you drink this pot without saying a word, let's say, people really take it to heart.

The fifth was suppressed, and this matter came to an end for the time being.

When Aunt Jin went back and thought about it, she really felt that it was wrong, and scolded the boss from head to toe.

When there was no one else, Yingzi advised Aunt Jin: "It's better to break up the enemy than to get married, you see, it was a good thing, and it's over when it's over, we're not bad now, why bother with people this and that? Don't let it go? Don't keep talking about the past in the future!"

"Why didn't you mention it?" Aunt Jin stared, "They are just sorry for the Jin family, they owe the Jin family a lot. He Zheng Youliang came to arrest me if he had the ability, but I would go in and have a good talk and talk to people in detail. Say, how shameless he is Zheng Youliang!"

This is the case in the countryside, every three days and two ends, either the two families quarreled, or the other two fought. There is no time to stop. Even Lin Yutong, who always doesn't like to care about trivial matters with others, almost made a quarrel with the neighbor Liu Bao's house here. Liu Bao's wife, Juni, doesn't like to talk. She seems to be at their house three hundred and sixty days a year. I don't come out much to meet my neighbors. Several times, Lin Yutong found out that this Juni poured dirty water from her house on her own side. Anyway, the door of her house must be clean. In front of the neighbor's door, who cares about you? The little old lady is an old lady with small feet. It is inconvenient to go out. What can you do with a slip on the ground. Lin Yutong just said, dispose of the dirty water in your house, don't pour it into my house. People don't admit it, and when they talk about it three times, there will be a quarrel. But within two days, the other side came to the door with the steamed buns, which was considered a peace. It was so lukewarm. She still sneaked dirty water here, and then Qingning saw it and told her when Lin Yutong got off work. Lin Yutong, who can't do anything about this kind of person, ran out alone at night when everyone was asleep, and splashed Liu Bao's door in the wet, so he couldn't get off his feet. After that, it's much better.

That being said, it is normal for neighbors to argue. The ancestors have been together for generations, and if they don't communicate with each other in the slightest, they will probably become a single family, and no one will care about anyone else.

The Jin family took this as a trivial matter, and it was over after it was over. But no one wanted that this matter would bury such deep hidden dangers, thus changing the lives of some people in the Jin family.

The things in the future are unpredictable, and everyone follows their own path, step by step.

Lin Yutong and the fourth master went to take the exam. After finishing the exam in April, insisting on finishing the exam, Lin Yutong felt that something was wrong when he came out of the exam room. He grabbed Fourth Master's hand: "Go to the hospital!"

Within half an hour of entering the delivery room, the second child was born. He is a fat boy weighing seven pounds and two taels. The fourth master named him Qingyuan.

"So are you! The exam is so important, look at how much it's hanging this time." Feng Lan gave Lin Yutong a white look and carried the child to him.

The lanugo is black, the skin is white and tender, the corners of the eyes are raised, and the mouth loves to suck, and **** into small bits, which is too cute.

It's like what the fourth master loves. He owns all the breastfeeding, feces and urine. When the child fell asleep, he hurried to the family building, and if he got it out, he quickly brought it over to Lin Yutong.

Hospitalization at this time is different from hospitalization later in life. The person who accompanies the bed wants to find something to eat outside, no! Even if there is, it is too expensive, and most of them cannot afford it. Many people who accompany the bed are lying on the floor in the corridor of the hospital. All the food to eat is the steamed buns brought out, and some have some pickles and peppers. If you are thirsty, you can lie down on the water pipe and drink a few sips.

So if the fourth master wanted to make Lin Yutong eat well, he had to go outside to find it. As a result, people are more tired.

Not only to take care of the child, but also to get hot water to scrub her every day.

Lin Yutong didn't like to live in the hospital anymore, and the hospital now really has nothing to live in. There is no single ward. This ward has dragged Feng Lan's relationship and got a bed, but there are no patients in other beds for the time being. If there are outsiders, men and women come in and out in a mess, it will be even more difficult to rest.

"Go home." Lin Yutong frowned, "I can sleep soundly when I go home."

Now this mother will not say that after giving birth, she has to live for three to five days a week before being called home. No one was hospitalized unless something was terribly wrong. So Lin Yutong said back, and the nurse who came in immediately said, "I'll ask someone to help you with the discharge procedures." People still look at Feng Lan's face.

All right! Just come back. When I went to the exam, there were two people, and when I came back, it was three people.

The little old lady nodded her granddaughter's head: "You can have some snacks."

To my heart's content, this child is half a month early, and there is no sign of it.

The Jin family added a third male grandson, and the old man Jin was very happy. This must be done well for a full moon.

Now this condition is not impossible.

But even if the moon is full, let’s do it for a hundred days. When the full moon just catches up with the busiest time, don't cause trouble when the farming is busy.

When is the full moon?

He scratched his fingers and counted, it was just a few days after the two of them passed the exam in July.

After all, I was afraid that it would take too much time to make a full moon for my child.

I was well prepared for the exam this time. I didn’t study hard during the confinement period. It’s time to take a good rest.

At night, Qingyuan cried and cried, fearing to disturb Qingning, and told her to follow the little old lady to sleep in front. Who knew that this girl was hiding in the bed and crying alone, my parents and my mother didn't want me anymore.

The fourth master was helpless. He took his daughter to sleep at night, and the couple took one each, one lived in the east room and the other lived in the west room.

During the day, Lin Yutong called Qingning to the front, put Qingyuan away from him, not hugged him, only held Qingning in his arms, and reasoned with her, "That's my brother, I'll play with you later..."

"No, he only wets the bed." Qing Ning turned his head and looked at Qing Yuan curiously, while expressing disdain.

She looks a little arrogant.

The joy of raising a child is just that.

Three months passed by in a blink of an eye. While I felt that time passed quickly, I looked at Qingyuan, who was plump, and felt that in these three months, I could actually do a lot of things. For example, a child that is just a little older will double in size.

For the exam in July, Qingning left it to Aunt Jin, and the little old lady took it to the county seat to help take care of Qingyuan. Between exams, the couple came back to feed the baby.

When he came back from the exam, Qingning ignored his parents.

Reason: You really don't want me! When I go out, I only take my brother with me.

It was the Fourth Master who promised to take her to the movies three times before she had to consider whether to forgive her parents.

Because after the July transcript comes out, you can consider going to the provincial capital.

Everyone knows that the two are going to the provincial capital to study, and the work will come to an end temporarily. Just waiting for the handover.

Learning in this era is all paid learning. The job is still reserved for you, the benefits are still enjoyed, the tuition is given by the unit, and the salary is given as usual every month.

It's just that after coming out, there is not much room for choice, and you have to return to the original unit to work conscientiously.

On this point, Lin Yutong and the fourth master have no special feelings. Where to work is secondary, the important thing is whether there is this opportunity to learn.

Anyway, it's relaxing. The leisurely fourth master not only took his daughter to the open-air movie, but also took her daughter to learn to swim in some of the newly opened fish ponds under the Yellow River beach.

In a few days, the white and tender little girl became a black monkey.

I am not at all concerned about making a full moon for Qingyuan.

He was worried, but Old Man Jin was relieved.

The old man Jin is really rare. Originally, it was impossible not to like the male grandson. Qingfeng is that his parents are unsatisfactory, and it is not easy to get close to their children. On Qinghui's side, it was He Xiaowan's mother who took care of the child. Old Man Jin himself was embarrassed to see the child. After all, when the son is not there, the mother and daughter-in-law are there. What do you think a father-in-law runs away for? Even if he misses his grandson, that's all he thinks about. Passing by the door of the third child's house, I met occasionally, and put a candy for the child. Anyway, in order to give candy to his grandson at any time, old man Jin always had candy in his pocket.

If he was serious, he wanted to hold a hundred-year-old banquet for Qingyuan.

Not only the relatives were notified, but even the third child, who was far away in the south, sent a telegram to notify the arrival.

In fact, what that means is, ask the third child to tell his daughter-in-law, that other things can be perfunctory, just the fourth one, you brothers can't be perfunctory. After all, the Fourth Gang has the most brothers. Anyway, what they did, I asked the fourth child to go back and explain to his wife. If something happens in the future, it will save the daughter-in-law at home from being unhappy.

Although Tong is the child we watched grow up and is not that kind of person, but just because he is not that kind of person, we can't take other people's affairs seriously. After all, what did you brothers do to the fourth child?

He thought so, but no one expected that the third child would come back directly after receiving the telegram.

I have also been away from home for half a year, and I came back with a large and small bag for my family. As for himself, it was jeans, a floral shirt, and came back like a butterfly.

Of course, there must be a lot of money secretly given to He Xiaowan.

Old Man Jin was very satisfied, "Yes! That's how it should be. The fourth child doesn't need any help from you. It's just that you have to take the fourth child's affairs seriously in the future."

In this way, the 100-year-old banquet in Qingyuan is urgent.

The things that the Lin family gave to their grandsons, gold locks and silver locks cotton-padded clothes and single clothes, are all very well made. And they are all double, big and two bedrooms. As for Lin Yujian, he mailed another 200 yuan to the child, which was a huge gift.

In addition to the gold and silver locks, Lin Jiacheng gave the child two silver anklets, one for Qingyuan and one for Qingning.

Then the Gu family, whom Lin Yuling married, also came, and there was no rudeness.

Xuan is noisy, the one who comes to see the child will be given a three-foot cloth, and the other one will be given five cents. After three days of liveliness, it is over.

Not to mention that Lin Yutong is a tired mother, even the child is tired enough. He was sleeping soundly, one looked disturbed, another one disturbed, and no one could sleep peacefully.

After the excitement was over, Lin Yutong and the child took a week off before recovering.

A few days later, the test results came out. As expected, it passed.

You can apply for a bachelor's degree.

Just leave these matters to the fourth master.

This day is the most ordinary day, nothing different from usual. The little old lady packed up what she was going to bring to the provincial capital. Lin Yutong put Qingyuan in the stroller and pushed it into the yard to breathe. Qing Ning took a paper airplane, threw it out and picked it up, never tire of playing.

Lin Yutong said, "Daughter, go next door and call your sister over to play."

"My sister and Nanny went to the field." Qingning turned her head and pouted, "Namma didn't take me, she told me to cook corn for me."

Tender corn is edible. In the past, eating tender corn was considered a waste, and killing it was not a waste of food. Now Aunt Jin is really willing to give her granddaughter the stars instead of the moon. When winter started last year, Aunt Song's son and daughter-in-law came back with oranges, and Aunt Song showed off outside, "It's sour and expensive, I don't even like it..."

Qingping asked her milk, "What's the matter with oranges?"

Aunt Song was proud, "My family Fangfang, I don't like to eat oranges, so I hide when I hear oranges..."

In other words, why haven't your children eaten oranges yet?

I don't even know what an orange is.

Aunt Jin is angry, you are saying that you are either reluctant to buy things for your children, or you go to the county town, unless you happen to meet one that sells it, and you can't really buy it if you are in charge.

Finally, I heard people say that in some state-owned store, you can buy it early in the morning, and it is sold out after you eat it.

Aunt Jin can get old Jin to get up at 3:00 in the middle of the night, walk to the county seat, guard at the door of other people's stores, and also buy oranges for her granddaughter.

Just such a person.

Qing Ning was going, and he would definitely bring it, but this time, Lin Yutong wondered, "Did I provoke her milk somewhere?"

The little old lady came out of the house and dried the old clothes, "Don't think about it, that corn leaf scratched on the face is a **** cut. This is going to the provincial capital soon, and the face is horizontal and vertical? Originally It's just like that, and your face is ruined again? Take it out and let people see it, won't you be embarrassed?"

Anyway, I am very dissatisfied with the girls being exposed like that.

But the fourth master doesn't care about the age of the old lady, as long as my daughter is happy, it doesn't matter if she is beautiful or ugly.

Just as she was talking, Li Xian'er came running with Qingfeng, "It's not good... hurry up and have a look... The third child was arrested by the police..."



Lin Yutong got up quickly, gave the child to the little old lady, and ran away.

Li Xian'er put Qingfeng here, "...I'll call my dad and Yingzi...I can't take the third child away..."

When Lin Yutong passed by, a dozen people rushed up and pressed the third child below. This one stretched his arms and the other stretched his legs. He Xiaowan fluttered forward and was stopped by several people. Aunt Jin took Qing Ping and ran here crying.

"Cover the child's eyes!" Lin Yutong shouted to He Xiaowan's mother who was holding Qinghui. Then he rushed over, "Let the people go! Do you have an arrest warrant? Why do you arrest people? Don't you understand civilized law enforcement? He has no signs of escaping, what are you doing? Even a prisoner, he also has human rights. Let go. !"

Having said that, he started to pull with these people.

While they were pulling, Li Xian'er and Yingzi rushed over.

Li Xian'er rushed over to these people, pulling and pulling at them. She let go of her voice and howled, "Everyone is here, they are arresting people! Hurry up and come here... It's going to kill people... Even women have been beaten... …”

Yingzi knelt on the side, tore at the man who was holding the third child's arm behind him, "please let go, we won't run, my third child won't run. If we have something to talk about, it's really a mistake, you guys talk about it, We told you to take people away."

The three women, the reasonable ones, the pleading ones, and the nonchalant ones. Rao is a lot of people, and he can't get out of it for a while.

Most of the men in the Jin family are absent today.

Jin Mancheng went to his father-in-law's house to help harvest the crops, and the second son went to the bottom of the Yellow River to see the shooting range that the fourth master said, and to see if the geology could plant fruit trees. Fourth Master went to apply for a degree. The fifth went with the car as a stevedore.

Woman with a water at home.

When Lin Yutong saw Aunt Jin came with Qingping, he hurried over to hold him, "Mom, don't worry, I'll take care of this. Don't worry!"

Saying that, he pulled the person whose sleeve was about to fall off by Li Xian'er to one side, "Where are you? If you don't reveal your identity, I'll call the police."

"What are you calling the police? We are the police." The man spoke in the local language.

But Lin Yutong didn't dare to say that he knew all the people in the town's police station, but he had definitely seen them. But she had never seen any of these people.

Lin Yutong frowned: "Are you cross-border law enforcement? Where's the arrest warrant?"

The man smiled, "You girl, really... without that thing, do we dare to come?"

Saying that, he beckoned to a young man on the periphery, "Show her the arrest warrant..."

Lin Yutong knew at a glance that this thing was real! The third one really did something wrong.

As for what happened, I don't know. Now is not the time to care about this, Lin Yutong waved his hand and said that he had seen it. Then he said, "Even if this is the case, you can't enforce the law."

"Girl, it's up to us how to enforce the law." Only then did he straighten his clothes, "The reputation of Jin Lao San Jin Wei is like thunder. Do we dare to be careless? What if we gather people and hurt our people? What if you run away? Who will take responsibility for this? Knowing that your Jin family is in the local area and has a good reputation, we applied to your superiors and did not alert your local police station..."

That said, it makes sense.

Lin Yutong was speechless, this is normal law enforcement.

No one can stop it, and if they stop it, the problem will be even more serious.

She turned her eyes and glanced at the bruised young boy who was being held in custody, and saw Qingping kicking the policeman beside him: "Let go of my third uncle... Let go of my third uncle..."

The third child's tears flowed down the corners of his eyes, and he kept looking at Qingping, motioning her to leave quickly.

Lin Yutong didn't know why, but felt uncomfortable. She really had the urge to stop her even if they enforced the law again.

I don't know why, but the third child was held down. If the third child was taken away, it would be even more confusing. Besides, looking at the attitude of these people now, the third child is gone, I am afraid that the skin must be peeled off.

So, still have to think of a way.

Even if I know it's wrong, I still want to struggle.

She turned her head quickly, and then looked at the other party suspiciously: "I have doubts about your identities, you must confirm that you are real police officers, and the arrest warrants in your hands are real arrest warrants, otherwise, people cannot take them away. You mentioned San's name just now, it's very big. There are many opponents outside, who knows if someone is stumbling. "

This is not up to you!

The man sneered and replied with such a sentence.

Lin Yutong took a deep breath: "So, you first let go of people, I guarantee they can't run away, you ask me to tell him a few words, even if you die, you have to know why our family died? Is this the truth? !"

The man gave Lin Yutong a deep look: "I know you, before I came here, I inquired about the Jin family. In this case, I'll give you a face, we can meet in the future. The county town is such a big place, let's look up. Can't you see me? We have no personal grievances, I'm doing official business..."

"Understood! I understand!" Lin Yutong saw that the other party softened a bit, and quickly said, "I also have something inappropriate, but this incident happened to a sudden family member, and no one can accept it. My family three When my brother was not sensible, he liked to hang out on the streets, but in the past few years, he has done his duty, and he has never done anything illegal. Therefore, in my heart, in my family's heart, I feel that Unacceptable. You can understand this feeling."

The man nodded and let go of his hands over there, and the third child was helped to stand up. Although a few people were still holding him and his hands were being chained, it was much better in the end.

The woman stopped crying, just watched Lin Yutong talk to others carefully.

The man glanced around and said in a low voice, "Don't ask anything, if you ask him if he can't ask, he certainly doesn't know what he did? Someone reported it, saying that Jin Lao San Jin Wei is the most evil force entrenched on the ground of Taiping Town."

Lin Yutong's heart sank for a while, if there is this matter, there is, and if there is no, there is no. Someone reported it, and it came here. It can be seen that there is no one behind the person who reported it.

This is not the third child's fault, this is the villain's fault!

In addition, just on the cusp of this fight | black, there are few things that the third child has done before that is not stained at all. If he really squatted in, would he be wronged? Not wronged!

At home, he is the third child who treats everyone well. Outside, he is a golden monster who is loyal to everyone. He didn't do many good things before, but he didn't forget his family, relatives and friends in every one of them.

He is not strictly a bad guy, nor is he strictly a good guy.

It is such a person, those who love him really can't bear him, and those who hate him hate him for immortality.

So this person, don't take a wrong step. Otherwise, it might turn into a ditch at some point.

Just like this time, even if there is a villain, why would anyone bite you without biting? Again, if flies don't bite seamless eggs, it must be something wrong with you.

This is not, let people grab the painful foot.

Lin Yutong was thinking about how to go on about this, when the third child shouted: "Tong! Don't beg! Tong! Don't beg for brother... You and the fourth can't bend over..."

"Why can't you bend over?" The fourth master's voice came from back, panting, and it seemed that he was in a hurry.

"Fourth!" Several voices shouted.

Lin Yutong felt relieved at once, and turned to look at him.

He came over and took her hand, "Go and watch Mom and Qingping."

Lin Yutong nodded, and then whispered the situation to the fourth master.

Fourth Master frowned and sent Lin Yutong away. Then he handed the cigarette to the man, "Have you not asked for your surname?"

The man took it, but it was for face, "Don't give your surname Liu."

The two stood aside and lit cigarettes for each other.

Half of a cigarette was smoked, and the fourth master said: "You can take people away, but only a little. If he suffers a little crime under your hands, then this matter will not be so easy to end."

"We are not bandits, we will not lynch." The man who claimed to be Director Liu said so.

Fourth Master was noncommittal about this, and after taking another breath, he said, "According to the regulations, how many days should you stay in your place?"

"Half a month." Director Liu replied in a conditioned reflex.

"Then half a month." Fourth Master then said this.

Director Liu frowned, knowing that he had fallen into a pit.

He really didn't want to put this hot potato in his hand for half a month.

The fourth master glanced at the third one: "Can I talk to him? With your people listening in..."

Director Liu smiled, "For the sake of Ming Vice County..."

Fourth Master paused for a moment, then passed over with a blank expression.

The two brothers stood face to face, the second brother who came over didn't say a word, just quietly leaned over and stood aside.

Fourth Master didn't avoid anyone and asked, "What did I tell you when I went south? Do you remember?"

Shut up! Keep your legs! Control the root cause of trouble!

When I got to the detention center, I wanted to hang out, but they didn't allow it. Therefore, this one to control the legs is not useful at all. Furthermore, in the detention center, there will be no mix of men and women, and it has nothing to do with the matter of life.

That's only the first one, shut up.

Why keep your mouth shut?

It is to tell myself to try not to open my mouth, rather than talking nonsense.

That's what the fourth master meant. He didn't know who was going to attack people, and he was afraid that if they didn't do anything, he would put him in by himself.

The third child understood the meaning of the fourth master, but smiled and said, "I know, you said that if you cause trouble again, you will cut off your relationship with me. Don't worry! You are the fourth child, you have a bright future, I am a bullshit! You're okay!"

Still afraid of his affairs, involving the fourth master, ruining the fourth master's future.

The fourth master patted the third son on the shoulder, and took two steps to get the result from his mother's hand. He strode over, pointed to himself and asked the child, "Tell your father, who am I?"

"Fourth Uncle!" Qinghui didn't know what was going on, and answered in a milky voice.

The third child looked at the child held in the arms of the fourth master. He understood what the fourth child meant. This was to reassure himself that the child was taken care of by him.

He looked up at the crying daughter-in-law, who was almost unable to stand up, then looked at the parents who were supporting each other and would faint in the next second, turned back to Li Xian'er and said, "Sister-in-law, this time I really call you sister-in-law. …”

Then he looked at Yingzi and cried: "Second sister! I'm sorry! I told you to kneel for me!"

Yingzi got up and thumped the third child, "You can't save people's worries..."

The third child smiled a bit ruffian again, and then gave Lin Yutong two thumbs up with his handcuffed hands, saying that Lin Yutong was good.

In the end, he landed on the second child who had been silent for a long time, and his spine seemed to be crossed, and only called softly: "Second brother—"

The second child gave a faint "um", and then said again: "There is me."

I have me at home! My parents have me! I take care of my wife and children.

The third child burst into tears, turned his head and shouted, "Let's go! Don't you want to go? Let's go!"

The police car took the third child away!

"Third brother!" The fifth brother, who came back late, ran after the car, shouting as he ran...

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