Accumulate Wealth in Life

Chapter 1005: .Long Years (22) Three in One

Long years (22)

It was the Laba Festival again. Lin Yutong brought the porridge to the dinner table. The fourth master held Qingning in one hand and turned off the radio in the other.

The radio is a great addition to the Kim family.

While stirring the hot porridge in the bowl, Fourth Master asked Lin Yutong, "Did you hear the broadcast just now?"

"Yeah!" Lin Yutong took the child from the fourth master's arms, pulled off his clothes to feed him, "Is it about the self-study exam for higher education?"

Today is Laba in the lunar calendar, but it is the 13th day of the first month in 1981. It is decided to establish a self-study examination system for higher education.

I didn't pay much attention to it before, but now it's good news for Fourth Master and Lin Yutong.

The scheduled exam time is January, April, July, October, four times. Then it seems to slowly become April and October.

Especially after the expansion of college enrollment, the gold content seems to be greatly reduced.

But for today's Fourth Master and Lin Yutong, firstly, if they pass the self-examination, as long as they get a bachelor's degree, they will have the opportunity to go to graduate school. In the future, this master's and doctoral degree will not be mixed with a little water.

Fourth Master has always regretted that he did not systematically learn about water conservancy and electricity.

"Want to study?" Lin Yutong asked.

"Let's take a look." The fourth master took the test without saying, "I'm free to look for related books. It's estimated that the test will be in the second half of the year. But it's time to prepare. It's easier to take the test four times a year. ."

But it is easy to save trouble. After the new year, I finally found out about the news of the self-examination. As a result, there are not many options for professional courses.

However, there is a water conservancy and hydropower major, which is barely acceptable.

I was looking for a related major such as animal husbandry, but couldn't find it. Only agronomy is barely relevant.

Today's self-examination has a policy, unlike the self-examination books in later generations. As long as you understand the textbooks you bought, even if you memorize the practice questions, you can barely pass the test. Where can I find the self-assessment book now?

Not at all!

The two of them went to the provincial capital, went to their colleges and universities, and bought a whole set of professional books at a high price.

Today's people don't have the kind of persistent attitude towards education, and they simply don't understand how much influence education has on future job promotion and evaluation titles. Therefore, the couple is so tossed, and most people do not understand it.

Aunt Jin asked Fourth Master, "Do you have a secondary school diploma?"

That is out of short-term training, can be used in the region, the state recognized it?

He asked Tongtong again: "Isn't the Agricultural College going to give you a diploma? Why are you still taking the test?"

That's honorable! will always be eliminated by the times.

Self-examination is just to qualify for graduate school, nothing more.

Otherwise, if you buy a book and read it, why bother to take the exam. Some things are impossible without a teacher. The fourth master has always had this attitude.

Moreover, not all colleges and universities will recruit self-study undergraduate graduate students, and I am afraid that it will take some effort. But a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, no matter how old you are, you have to do something serious.

Whether it's a feedlot or a pig farm... oh! Now I have a chicken farm, and I can figure it out with just a little finger.

It's spring, and it's getting warmer. The new house has done almost the same. The new furniture was made in one winter.

Therefore, as soon as March 3rd, the second child and the fourth child moved out of the old house neatly.

Immediately afterwards, the child's problem is a big problem.

The little old lady moved into the new house, and Grandma Cai also moved in with Yingzi. The two old men had neat legs and no problems at all. Bringing children to cook at home is absolutely no problem.

Aunt Jin knows intellectually that this arrangement is the most reasonable. The key is that she can't really throw everything away and just bring her granddaughter. After all, there is still the fifth child who has not married a daughter-in-law. She herself is not yet fifty years old, and she does not go to work to make jokes. Besides, relying on the old man and the fifth man, he couldn't do it at all. If you bring your own children, the second child will definitely help here. But isn't the second child helping the fourth child manage the orchard this year? There used to be Yingzi, but now Yingzi has cleaned up the front house and opened a small restaurant there.

Porridge, steamed buns and buns in the morning, stir-fried vegetables and noodles at noon, alcohol and stewed tofu and dried pigs.

The people who built the feedlot were all from the county construction company. They had wages, and those who were not so stingy didn't go out to restaurants at all. In the evening, I also order two dishes and wine. This work also earns money, one or two yuan a day, three or two yuan, can be earned. I didn't see Yingzi guarding the store all day long, and she was still full of energy even if she couldn't sleep for six hours a day. This is money in the eye of fire.

By the way, the little old lady and Grandma Cai just need to look after the children. When the meal is ready, Yingzi will put it on the stone pier by the back door, and they will go over and take it with a shout.

The third child drives a tractor, and in the spring, he has more work to do. How much does it cost to turn over an acre of land, how much does it cost to plow an acre of land, and how much does it cost to rake an acre of land. Sometimes it's enough to just lie down in the car and fall asleep. He Xiaowan does all the land at home.

Aunt Jin, who is free to help her?

Where is the boss? Forget it, it's not bad without the help of the fifth.

Although reluctant, the child gave the child to take it like that. It's just that I watch it once in the morning and once in the evening, and she won't leave if the child doesn't sleep at night.

Lin Yutong felt that it was different all of a sudden, and the air he breathed was free.

I used to live in that small yard, and it was not easy to take a bath. Much simpler now, with compartments in the kitchen and water to the outside. If it gets cold, it is very comfortable to light up the specially built fireplace.

The roses in the yard are already green on a wall, and they are faintly looking like buds. The grapes are also starting to sprout. There is no rooster and dog barking in the yard, but there is no shortage of rooster and dog barking in the countryside.

The big rooster next door jumped to the wall of the cubicle of the two families and made a snort, and the little old lady started to get up.

The yard on the concrete floor is easy to clean, and she can keep it clean. When it was time to eat breakfast, she urged the fourth master: "Let's fill in the ditch at the back. When it's hot, it doesn't taste good and will attract mosquitoes."

The fourth master did not plan to fill the ditch, and the water in the area of ​​more than one mu has never dried up, which only means that the groundwater in this area is prosperous.

The little old lady said that the fourth master found a few people, paid wages, borrowed a pump to pump water into the orchard, and then asked someone to dig out all the silt inside and pile it into the orchard. The mud is very fertile. .

As a result, as soon as the silt came out, someone grabbed it, my dear.

There were piles of loaches in the silt, and they turned out and slammed into the mud again. There are also eels that look like snakes, scaring some women who came to pick them up and screamed loudly.

Yingzi was so distressed that it was supposed to be her own thing, but now it's all looted.

This is really not something that people won't know if you don't want to make it known. In this alley, apart from the houses of the two brothers from the Jin family, which are relatively solidly built, the rest are two adobe buildings with no courtyard walls.

The smelly water ditch is in this alley, behind the six families. There is no courtyard wall, what can you see outside the door? Especially if it is warm today and every household is eating in the courtyard, this must be clearly seen.

As soon as I saw this, I came to join in the fun, and when I saw something good, I ran back to copy the guy and came here. He also sent his family to report to relatives and friends.

Ding Aimin is decent, but he has a bit of a slap in his legs, he speaks with a slap in his mouth, and swearing comes along, what if I knew there was such a thing in this stinky ditch, I would have made it. Damn enough to eat for half a year ." It's not fucking, it's a motherfucker, and it's not pleasing to the ears.

Liu Bao is a neighbor next to Tongtong's house. He has two sons and a daughter. The two sons are older and the daughter is younger, and they are all four or five years old. He got out of the pool and worked hard, and the two children were on the bank.

The couple living in the innermost are Qiu Cheng and his wife. Qiu Cheng is not at home very often, but works in a supply and marketing cooperative in the county town. This daughter-in-law is very sloppy, but she is also capable. She rolls up her trousers like a man and goes down.

Ding Aimin said Qiu Cheng's daughter-in-law Han Cai'er: "What's the matter? What's the matter with your Qiu Cheng's supplement? Don't you think it's not good? Do you want someone to help?"

Started a dirty joke.

Han Cai'er grabbed the dirty mud and called out, "Go away, what the hell?"

Li Xiaofang just stood on the shore and scolded Ding Aimin: "What's the matter with the show? If you can do it or not, if you can't do it, get out of here for me!"

"What the **** is wrong with you?" Ding Aimin replied, staring at Li Xiaofang.

Seeing that there was going to be a quarrel, Liu Chengcheng, who had been speechless, changed the subject, "Let it go if you are young, you can eat it next year when you raise it..."

Liu Bao answered: "It depends on whether Tunzi and Tong tell us to eat." He laughed.

Liu Chengcheng said that Liu Bao is not authentic: "Who is it? If you don't ask for food, you won't keep seeds for others..."

Ding Aimin approached Liu Cheng again: "Then who kept the seeds for your family?"

It's a joke, but a little too much. Liu Cheng was two years older than Jin Mancheng and married earlier. It's just that my daughter-in-law has never been pregnant. As a result, I adopted a daughter last year, who was a few months older than Qingping Qingning, named Liu Yaner. As a result, less than half a year after the child was brought back, Liu Cheng's daughter-in-law, Ren Dong, became pregnant. It's been seven months now.

You say he said that, who left your seed? Don't you mean people wear cuckolds?

Liu Cheng threw the loach in his hand, got up and let out an 'ahh', and then scolded, "Put your **** up!"

The three said nothing, and then they fought.

Liu Bao and Liu Cheng are cousins, and they don't always get along well, but when it comes to the critical moment, they must be unanimous. The two held down Ding Aimin and beat him fiercely. Then Li Xiaofang was not a good scumbag, so he jumped off and tore apart the Liu brothers: "What's the matter! Are you trying to bully people or what? There is no kingly law. It's gone!"

Liu Bao's eldest son shouted, "Are you your father or the village chief?"

Li Xiaofang's father, Li Chengjin, was pushed down. Ding Aimin turned his face when he was not the village chief. He used to hold it more, but now he stepped on it more. Ordinary people can't understand Li Xiaofang's eyesight, no matter how lame he is, he shouldn't be attracted to Ding Aimin's bastard.

Are you heading for?

As a result, a shout came from the direction of Liu Bao's house. It turned out that Liu Bao's daughter-in-law was walking in a hurry.

This time no one is fighting, and people are dying.

A seven-month-old pregnant woman fell down with a firm belly.

Han Cai'er shouted, "Tell Tong to take a look. Isn't she the one who delivered her child?"

Of course Lin Yutong ran out to see it, because of habit, the people are shut up.

As a result, the honeysuckle over there, who was almost in pain, told the veterinarian to deliver her childbirth, and immediately quit, "No... No need..." She pulled Liu Cheng, "Called Wu Heping..."

Wu Heping is a barefoot doctor in the village, and now he has opened a clinic on East Street, a clinic of the kind that every village should be equipped with. Anyone in the village who has a headache goes there to see it. It's all-inclusive anyway.

It's not easy for Lin Yutong to step forward, and the patient won't cooperate.

At seven months, she even advocates protecting the fetus. In any case, the child must be allowed to grow in the womb for another month, and at least it will come out healthy. Now that she is born, Lin Yutong can't guarantee that she will grow up. Because pregnant women in rural areas during this period are rarely able to tell their exact date of conception. It's all guessing. Sometimes three or four months into the pregnancy, I realize that I am pregnant when my belly is showing. She can only tell the day to hell. So this seven months is just an approximate date.

The surroundings were messy, Lin Yutong only signaled Liu Cheng to carry the person in. Wu Heping came quickly, and with Wu Heping came Li Fenfang, the nurse Li who was expelled from the town health center.

Li Fenfang was embarrassed to see Lin Yutong, but still smiled.

Ying Zicai whispered to Lin Yutong, "I broke off my marriage with Liu Cheng, and I got married again with Wu Heping. Both of them are married."

One is a doctor, the other is a nurse, and the rural couple's clinic is actually quite profitable.

Sure enough, Li Fenfang said that she should give birth as soon as possible, and that she should have a needle for induction of labor.

The child was born after half a day. It is a girl. Unfortunately, the outline of the ears has not grown well, and it seems to be curled up. This is what can be seen, but what cannot be seen, whether the ear canal inside is well developed, it is even more unknown.

It's hard for anyone to put this on. It was so easy to look forward to giving birth to a child of my own, but it turned out to be disabled.

In fact, this kind of ear plastic surgery is completely possible, but it will have to wait twenty or thirty years. Now, with the conditions in the countryside, taking care of them well is the greatest gift.

Moreover, the child is small, and it looks as long as the shoes of more than 40 sizes worn by men, and the arms and legs are so red that they dare not be touched.

How annoying is it to raise such a child.

Fourth Master originally planned to clean up the back pond to store water, but now?

Thinking about this series of accidents, there is no yard at home, and there will be children in the future. Today's children are not the same as in the past, he and Tongtong's baby pimples have many people to serve, nor is it in the future, a baby in a family is like something. Today, most of these children are still free-range. At the age of three or five, it doesn't matter if the adults in the family can run away. Scattered out into the wild.

You said that in such a pool, if any child is not careful, you will be troubled.

Fill it out! No more!

After filling the pool, the Liu family's cousins, more than a dozen people, found Ding Aimin's house.

Let's talk about it today, if it wasn't for Ding Aimin's arrogance, he wouldn't be able to get out at all. That's right!

But Ding Aiming is still wronged, isn't it just a joke? What's wrong? If you don't know how to tease, you're annoyed. You took the initiative to provoke and beat me up. It was your daughter-in-law who accidentally fell, and I didn't push it, right? Why do you say that you killed your wife and children and shouted to kill them? !

This man is also absolutely dead, he directly took a knife and put it on his own neck, "If you dare to come up today, I will tell you, I will go in with a white knife and go out with a red knife. If I die, you are forcing me. Death, one counts as one, don't even try to run away."

This is really intimidating.

There are more than ten brothers in the Liu family who smashed the Ding family. All the bedding and clothes in the bedroom were stuffed into the stove and burned. The sand was mixed and stirred, and it was completely uneatable. Get the filth out of the toilet and wipe the inside and outside of the house.

That disgusting one made the Ding family go crazy.

Ding Aimin still has his parents, although he was adopted, his mother was his aunt, and his father gave him no blood relationship. The old couple was not at Ding's house, but ran to the main road, ran to the street, and even went to Zhang Langyu's house, another relative's family, to complain about their grievances.

The Liu family bullied people, and this and that one talked about it.

The village is such a big fart, I wish there was a loud fart on this side of the street and it spread to the other side in a blink of an eye. What a big deal. Can the Zhang family know.

But why did Zhang Langzu give the Ding family a head start?

What do you have in your family? There was a beautiful girl who hooked my son, that's all.

Married, your daughter is also my family, who knows who you are. Besides, is that girl your own? Not really. This girl was adopted when she was in her teens. It's hard to say what kind of shady idea you old man made, to say the salty words that people say behind their backs. Why did the boss change his attitude towards his daughter-in-law when he got married? Either kicking or hitting, there must be something that cannot be made clear to others.

Mind your business? As long as it's not dead, love will toss as much as you want.

As soon as the door of Zhang's house was closed, Zhang Lang was not at home again.

The old couple from the Ding family were also ruthless. They went directly to the gate of the commune with a bottle of pesticides in their arms. They also said that the fourth member of his family's Lin family was in the commune, and he knew best what the situation was like.

At any time, the impact of doing so is extremely bad.

The fourth master was talking to Mingguang, and as a result, the troubles in the Ding family were reported below. The words were said exactly once.

Mingguang smiled when he saw the fourth master: "How did you want that homestead in the first place, how did you come across such a family..."

Fourth Master is helpless: "Zhang Lang is left..."

Both of them shook their heads in disbelief.

At this moment, the two of them were talking about what happened to Zhang Langzu, just how fast this person has changed.

It's only been a few days since I was in power, and I have had a lot of trouble with the daughter-in-law of this family and the mother-in-law of that family.

In the past, he was a fair and fair person, and when he stood up and spoke, everyone was convinced. It's only been a few days, and the people below can scold him to death behind his back. But now this person belongs to the rumored person whose private life has begun to be chaotic, but there is no real evidence. On the face of it, there is nothing too much to do.

Mingguang raised his chin and pointed to the outside, the fourth master understood, "I'll go."

He didn't talk to the Ding family who couldn't understand, but in the end, he had to talk to the person who knew what was in his heart. Who to look for? Find Zhang Chaomin, Zhang Lang's eldest son.

That is his father-in-law's mother-in-law.

He himself has a good relationship with Jin Laosan, and he is very polite to the fourth master.

The fourth master didn't say anything else, only said: "If the trouble continues, people don't look at the Ding family, who knows which family the Ding family is? They only know that their family is the in-laws of the Zhang family."

Yes! Those who know know that the Ding family is the scoundrel, but those who don't know they think it is their own father who dares to challenge the commune.

Zhang Chaomin snorted, "I know the fourth, your love brother has taken it."

No need! I just don't want to talk nonsense to people who don't understand.

Then Zhang Chaomin went to the gate of the commune, grabbed his father-in-law's clothes by the collar and picked it up, then slapped both left and right, and spat fiercely. .

This time the crowd watching the lively can explode.

Why is the old man Ding so afraid of his son-in-law? Is there something wrong that makes people grab hold of it?

Whoops! This wink, it is said that the old man Ding did something worse than a beast.

In fact, these words have already soiled the Zhang family's reputation.

Ding Xiaowan also asked Jin San: "You and that Zhang Chaomin are wearing a pair of trousers, what's the matter with him and his daughter-in-law?"

Just what you think.

Zhang Chaomin was wearing a solid green hat.

But can I tell you this? What can I do to betray my brother?

Instead, he scolded He Xiaowan: "Those people who are dirty and smelly go out. Do you still believe it? That's all farts! But it's true that Ding Yanping has been abused."

"Liar!" He Xiaowan squinted at him, "Zhang Chaomin dislikes others for having abused his daughter-in-law, so he beats him every now and then, isn't he abusing his daughter-in-law?"

"What do you know?" Jin Lao Sanhu glared at him: "You should have a few lucky men who can meet our Jin family's men, and never hit women." The old lady taught her that if she dares to do something with a woman, she beats first. Let's kill our brothers.

He Xiaowan was still full of doubts, so the third youngest Jin urged her: "Hurry up and get on with your business, and take the time to wash and wash for Mom, and if you have time to talk things out, you are free."

Talk, get up and leave.

He Xiaowan grabbed it and said, "Qingzi is going to take the high school entrance exam this year. If he does well in the exam, maybe he will go to the normal school in the county town just like Liu Cheng. After three more years of study, he will be able to earn money."

Jin Laosan touched his body: "Didn't you take the money? Just give it as much as you want."

He Xiaowan pursed her lips: "Isn't that my mother got sick some time ago and spent a lot of money? I don't have much at home, three or two dollars?"

good guy! Busy season, nothing left.

But what can be said? Do you mean not to see a doctor for your mother-in-law or not to ask your brother-in-law to study?

Wiping his face, he gritted his teeth and said, "Then send the rest of the money first, and I'll think of a way..."

I thought I had saved enough money to buy this tractor back, but after a busy season, except for the oil money, the rest was not enough for my mother-in-law and my brother-in-law.

"No, let's sell all the cotton first." Jin Laosan said. This was originally intended to give a little to the second child, the fourth child, and the parents and grandpa. Now...forget it for the time being, the days have to pass. No matter how expensive my mother-in-law's medicine is, I have to continue to take it, and my brother-in-law's going to school is a serious business, so there is no delay.

Where can I get the money?

After planting, there will be less work in the field that requires a car.

When the fourth master got off work, he saw the third child squatting at the entrance of the alley again.

"Speak at home?" The fourth master called the third.

The third child stood up, "No, I'm subsidizing this and that all day long. Tong should have an opinion. You are also married, so there is no reason to call you an old subsidy."

That is the lack of money to spend.

The fourth master touched his body and found eighteen yuan and sixty cents, "Take it all. It's okay, this is the pocket money given by Tong, I haven't spent much, I have saved it for several months, and I don't know if it is given to you. …”

Lin Yutong, who came back from get off work and walked to the corner: "..." Did I go or not.

In the end, Lin Yutong didn't come out until the third child left.

Fourth Master: "..." Why can't we have a little secret? So timely every time.

"You just think I didn't hear it." Lin Yutong pushed the bicycle and walked straight home.

When they went back, they both laughed, and felt that the third child was not easy. There are not many people who adopt mother-in-law for his brother-in-law to do his job.

As a result, He Xiaowan came the next day, saying that the Golden Monster left her with 18 yuan and went out, and didn't come back all night. When she woke up in the morning, she felt that something was wrong, but when she opened the box, she couldn't see the clothes of the golden monster.

"The thick clothes are all there, and the thin ones are taken away." He Xiaowan's face turned pale, "Where did this go?"

I can't hide this matter. I asked this and asked that, but there was no news of the third child. Even those who have a good relationship with him don't know where he has gone.

This search has been a month, and there is no news at all.

Until the eve of the high school entrance examination, He Xiaowan suddenly received a remittance slip from the post office, a full fifty yuan. Nothing else was left.

I only know that the money was sent from Pengcheng.

There is a special zone now, and the third child went there.

If it wasn't for knowing that He Xiaoqing needed money for the high school entrance examination, maybe the third child would not have contacted his family.

Aunt Jin's eyes were swollen from crying. If her son was not something, he was also her own son. It’s okay to hang around around, and go to such a far place to hang out. What do you say if something happens?

She scolded He Xiaowan, saying that she only cared about her mother and her younger brother, and treated men not as men and as ox, horse and mule. It is said that she is not married to the third child, or that the third child is easy to fool, just for the money. All day long, I only know how to coax men's money to subsidize her parents' family.

When I thought that my son only brought sixty cents with him, and he didn't know what he had experienced along the way to get into Pengcheng, his heart ached.

He called the second child again: "Find the third child to come back. No matter what, we will find the third child back. When we come back, we will divorce He Xiaowan. Our Jin family can't afford the girl from the He family."

He Xiaowan was usually stubborn, but she didn't dare to speak now.

But where can I find the second child?

He didn't know where Pengcheng was.

The fourth master said, "Pengcheng is a big place, where can I go to find it? In this case, I will contact the newspaper over there and ask them to post a notice of missing persons, and then I will contact the radio station and ask them to broadcast, and I should say on the radio. what?"

Say what?

Aunt Jin wiped her tears, and the words in her stomach are brewing.

As a result, the old man in the east room shouted: "He said that his grandfather died and left a will, and the third child will not be buried if he does not come back. Will he come back when he is deflated?"

No one can do this?

In fact, where to contact the radio station in Pengcheng, the broadcast signal coverage will not cover from the coast to the northwest. I can't receive the broadcast over there, how can I contact the house?

The fourth master was just about to buy relevant study materials, so he took leave from Lin Yutong, picked up the jeep from the commune, drove a car to the provincial capital, went to the radio station, and asked them to contact their counterparts.

It's money anyway.

After many twists and turns, I can't say it. There are many enthusiasts in this era. When I listen to the broadcast draft specially ordered by Mr. Jin, I will be even more dedicated. There is nothing bigger than life and death. What's behind you, don't delay.

In the end, the director of the family agreed, and after they would be contacted and broadcasted anyway, the fourth master left money for the family. In front of others, he solemnly wrote a letter of thanks to the Radio, Film and Television Bureau, as a thank you for doing good deeds.

Then I drove the car to the major bookstores to scan the goods.

It is a pity that nowadays professional books are very difficult to find outside. I didn't find a few useful books, but I found a few old books, all in Russian, so I just bought them and translated them when I came back.

I didn't buy anything, mainly to buy snacks for the elderly and clothes for children. If I can't do it, I can go back and make my own fabrics that are not very common in counties and towns.

Especially the flower cloth, the fourth master very stubbornly asked for a few simple and elegant ones, "Make a skirt for Qingning."

The one-year-old child will call him Mom and Dad, and his short legs can run upside down, so the fourth master is anxious to put on a skirt for his daughter.

I wanted to find someone to make clothes for Lin Yutong, but I didn't like anyone here. There are a few silk scarves, but they don't sell well in summer, and they fall ashes in the corners. Fourth Master took a fancy to it, this matter is pure silk, "It's all..."

One piece costs ten bucks.

"Why do you want so much?" Lin Yutong felt that it was not a good idea to match silk scarves with clothes these days.

"That silk scarf is for you to wear." Fourth Master felt that this thing must be cool and high-looking.

The salesperson who took the silk scarf was stunned, using this as clothes? ill! There is nowhere to make money.

In fact, the clothes made of silk scarves are really good. One is too transparent and embarrassing to wear it out. It doesn't matter.

Coupled with the little old lady's craftsmanship, after making it, it will be beautiful to wear as pajamas.

Of course, if you want to wear it out, you can definitely define it as a female hooligan.

The construction speed of the feedlot was slower than expected, as if it was a bit deliberately delaying the construction period. But the fourth master was not in a hurry, and he still had time to go to the orchard behind with the second child.

In the second year of this year, it will almost bear fruit next year. There are also free-range chickens in the fields, and there is no shortage of eggs at home, including those used in the cafeteria.

Lin Yutong asked the fourth master, "What do you mean by dragging over there?"

"Mingguang is not satisfied with the empty space." The fourth master said it for granted, "Some people want to come over to pick peaches, but they are reluctant to pay for a decent position for Mingguang. No, the project will be slow."

If you insist on diverting Mingguang, the project will not be slow, but yellow.

So ah, sometimes something is in the service of politics. It's useless to come up with grades, you have to see when the grades are appropriate. When you need grades, you can get grades even if you don’t have grades. When you don’t need grades, you are a huge credit, and you have to hold back and not show it.

This truth doesn't need to be explained to Lin Yutong, as long as she mentions it, she will understand.

It is because he can understand everything, so the fourth master does not rush. The project was on the doorstep, and for a while he didn't even go to the construction site. Just in time when Qingping was learning to speak, he thought it was beautiful to teach children how to speak.

Lin Yutong was much busier. First, Su Xiaoqin's long-wasted marriage was completed, but she never thought that it was Liu Cheng who finally said it.

"Didn't you say you were looking for a girl in the city?" Lin Yutong was still wondering.

Su Xiaoqin pouted, "His sister babbled endlessly, as if saying that the girl in the city must be like the daughter-in-law of the Jin family's aunt's family, regardless of her hometown or taking care of the elderly at home. Liu Cheng's mother changed her mind. already."

So why is it talking about you?

Lin Yutong's expression, Su Xiaoqin understood, she said with a sneer, "I think I'm doing a good job, and I'm going to be a bull and a horse for their family."

Got it! This pungent and clear energy, Liu Cheng's mother can only figure it out if she can figure it out.

But it's not surprising that Su Xiaoqin's choice, no matter how bad the family is, but Liu Cheng will come out with a sure iron rice bowl in the future, and he will not worry about food and clothing in the future. Besides, Liu Cheng has nothing to criticize.

Su Xiaoqin sighed, "I see it too, it's not a bad thing to marry into someone's family? Although the Liu family is bad, I value the benefits that I can get. To be honest, I don't want to do it with my back to the loess at all. Look at you, look at Feng Lan, they all jumped out of the farm gate one by one. Marry Liu Cheng, and I will follow him to the county town and ask me to farm? Dreaming!"

If anyone stopped her from enjoying her happiness, she meant that she would bite to death.

With this temper, this determination, the Liu family is really going to be lively.

Seeing that it is another year of autumn, this year's autumn rain is a bit heavy, the corn in the field is brought back with the rain, and the cotton is completely devastated. As soon as the rain continues, the bolls will become moldy and then rot.

The land of the Jin family and the fifth, together with the land of the second and third Jin, is all corn. After the corn was planted, the second child directly paid for his own food. Small restaurants use a lot of food. Although cornmeal is a coarse grain, the cakes made are of high quality and low price. Some passing drivers, as well as workers who work here, are willing to buy some, and put it on at night, it's cheap and hungry. So this rain is not a disaster.

On the other hand, on Mr. Jin's side, the cotton production of three mu and six cents has been reduced by more than half. This year is a loser.

Just when a few families were happy and others were sad, Jin Laosan dressed like a beggar, rolled and crawled, and howled into the alley as he walked: "Grandpa—Grandpa—why didn't you wait for your grandson... "

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