camp, after two days of refurbishment, most of the soldiers have been relieved from exhaustion and exhaustion, but the bat slaves who are peeping in the secret are a little uncontrollable. He must find a breakthrough as soon as possible.

   In the dense forest, under the cover of darkness, the bat slaves peered at the barracks not far away. In the past two days, he tried to attack again, but unfortunately the effect was not great, and because he lost a bat monster last time, he did not dare to break through forcefully. Loopholes.

Extraordinary power surged, and grey mist appeared. The weird bats that were hanging upside down on the branches were shrouded in the mist, and they uttered harsh screams, and their voices revealed unconcealable excitement, as if they had eaten something. Same as big tonic.

   "Go ahead, little babies."

   Feeling the state of the blood bat, the bat slave issued an attack command with his hoarse voice, but what he didn't know was that he also had a pair of invisible eyes watching him when he was watching the barracks.

   In the camp, Sean, who was discussing the offensive strategy with Monens and Ferrol, suddenly reached out and interrupted Monens and Ferrol's words.

   "The prey is caught."

   Feeling the message from Plant Eye, Sean knows that his waiting has been rewarded.

  Plant Eye, first-order witchcraft, perception type, the caster can use this witchcraft to leave a mark on the plant, collect the surrounding atmosphere, and act as his own eye.

  As soon as the army arrived at the destination, Sean quietly left the eyes of plants around, using the breath left by the weird bat that he hunted before, looking for its kind.

Of course, due to the limitations of the sorcery of Plant Eye, Sean’s move also has some luck. After all, Plant Eye cannot move, and the distance to collect breath is also limited. Moreover, as a second-order wizard, Sean can only Leave four eyes of plants, but sometimes luck is also a kind of strength.

   got up, Xiao En quickly left the camp, and looking at the back of Shaun leaving, Monnes, Ferrole glanced at each other, and if they had an understanding in their hearts, they immediately followed.

   did not summon extra people, did not cause any commotion, under the cover of darkness, the three of Sean quickly approached the target.

As transcendents, whether they are wizards, knights, or potions eaters, their physiques are different from those of ordinary people, but their strengths are different. Under such circumstances, with the moonlight, the three of Sean can completely Acting in the dark, Monnes, as a second-order knight, has the most perfect physical transformation. His five senses are far beyond ordinary people. He already has dark vision. Even without moonlight, he can move freely in the dark.

  Da, the footsteps stopped abruptly, holding your breath, the subtle sound of breaking through the air caught the attention of the three of Sean.

   Fluttering, dozens of dark shadows slipped quietly from the tree canopy, and the three of them could see the true colors of these dozens of dark shadows through Moonlight Sean. It was the weird bat that had attacked the camp many times.

   did not act rashly, Xiao En quietly watched the bat go away, with the guardian of the extraordinary team and the cooperation of the soldiers, the camp would not have any major problems.

The weird bats completely disappeared from sight. Sean turned his head and glanced at the direction the bats were coming from. His eyes were firm. It was there, where the eyes of the plants collected the breath, and it was also the place where the bats came. The most important thing is So far, the eye of the plants in that place can still feel the breath of the weird bat, which is self-evident.

In the dark, under the guard of four blood bats, the bat slave is communicating with the blood bat herd in the distance through the beast souls in his body for remote control. Of course, it is limited to his own rank. This kind of command is very rough. , Can only be guided in the general direction, and cannot be performed in detail.

Haw, the weird screams echoed deep in the soul, and bitter sweat continued to shed on the bat slave’s dark face. The long-distance manipulation of more than a dozen blood bats did bring him a great burden, but it can be learned from many experimental products. He emerged from the crowd and became a transcendent. The Bat Slave was very good in terms of aptitude and will, and within a short period of time, he was able to clenched his teeth and persevered.

   accurately found the target through the eyes of plants, after taking a glance at the bat slave and the surrounding four blood bats hanging upside down on the branches, Sean cast a wink at Monens.

   With a heart-to-heart understanding, and with all his strength to restrain his breath, Monnes retreated into the darkness.

   Landing silently, the burly Monnes is agile like a cat, drawing on the shadows of trees and rocks to keep approaching the bat slaves.

  As a beast soul sacrifice, the bat slave's own abilities are average. It mainly relies on the beast soul and the creatures that the beast soul can affect. It is precisely because of this that he has not discovered that the danger has come so far.

  The distance keeps shortening. After a little estimation in his mind, Monnes decided not to continue sneaking and was ready to attack directly.

   嘭, forcefully exploded a small air wave that was hard to see with the naked eye, and Monnes' speed suddenly increased.

   As the only Tier 2 knight under Xiao En's command, Monnes has been taught the three secret skills of the six types of iron, shave, and finger spear. This is both an affirmation of his ability and a reward for his loyalty.

So far, Monnes has initially mastered the iron block, has tried to shave but has not yet mastered it, and the finger gun has not yet practiced, but even so, the mastery of some methods of shaving force still allows him to explode in short distances. A piece of promotion.

  咻, Monnes was like a phantom, causing the air to hum. At this moment, the beast soul deep in the soul of the bat slave felt the deadly danger and screamed anxiously.

  'S face changed drastically. Although he didn't know where the danger came from, the instinct of life made the bat slave not dare to hesitate. He rolled on the spot and rolled directly off the sitting stone.

Boom, the stone is cracking, showing the power of this punch. Seeing the manta slave dodging his confident punch, a trace of surprise flashed in Monnes's Of course, although there was something in his heart Strange, but the reaction of Monens's body is not slow at all.

   A missed hit, he quickly retracted his strength, and at the same time his body leaned to the left, his right leg exerted force, and a bat slave was about to catch up and roll down the rocks.

It is luck to be able to escape once. In such a situation, it is difficult for the bat slave to escape Monnes’s pursuit. Fortunately, at this time, the blood bat that was originally hanging upside down on the branch has already reacted. Si rushed over.

The pursuit was blocked. No matter what Monnes thought, he could only deal with these four weird bats first. Taking this opportunity, the bat slave quickly climbed up from the ground without even looking at Monnes, and went straight in the opposite direction. Run, trying to distance.

  嘭, fell to the ground, his expression changed from horror to consternation. It was only then that the bat slave realized that he did not know when the two-finger-thick vines were entwined on his calf.

   The vine grew rapidly and spread, and in a short while, the bat slave was tied into a zongzi. At this moment, it was basically impossible for him to break free.

   thorns entanglement, first-order witchcraft, auxiliary type, the main trapped person, has a certain lethality.

At the same time, in the face of the four blood bats' fierce and undaunted pounce, Monnes’s clenched fists burst out with a pure white flame of fighting spirit. The five senses are used to the extreme, capturing their flight trajectory and grasping Opportunity to hit four consecutive punches, one punch, and kill the four weird bats one by one.

After all, these four weird bats are just pseudo-superior creatures. If they use the advantage of being able to fly to fight and harass, it can bring some trouble to Monens. The frontal attack is not the opponent of Monens, the second-order knight. .

   Seeing that the overall situation is set, Sean's figure appeared from behind a big tree, and he did not know when he had quietly arrived on the battlefield.


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