"Sure enough, did it fail again?"

In the laboratory, watching the five sense organs in the cultivation chamber gradually collapse and eventually become a clone of rotten flesh, Sean let out a soft sigh.

This clone was cultivated using his own flesh and blood as a template. Although it cannot be 100% consistent with his body, the life design of this clone is indeed the closest to his. In this case, Sean Using the little thirsty bat as a template, he reshaped his own life design drawing, shattered his own life design drawing in the process of growing up, and divided it into tiny clusters of descent factors, and the result was the life design drawing of the clone. It collapsed, from a person to a pushover, tried hundreds of times, without exception.

"Turning the complete life design into tiny clusters of descent factors for splicing does greatly increase the compatibility of the life design, but it also makes the original solid life design lose a lot of necessary support and become extremely fragile. Under such circumstances, the collapse of the life design diagram seems to be a smooth event. On the contrary, the existence of the little blood-thirsty bat is more like a miracle by chance, an existence that cannot be replicated."

Cutting the rotten meat apart, observing his scattered plans of life, the thoughts in Sean's heart kept turning.

"Since it collapsed because of lack of support, can I artificially create some support?"

Thinking divergent, Sean sorted out the results of the failed experiment while thinking about the next possibility.

In Sean’s life design drawing theory, the life design drawing is the information resource library of all life forms. Whether a life form is tall or short, whether it is beautiful or ugly, is determined by it, even the extraordinary power. The manifestation is also determined by the life design. The reason why those monsters are born to use extraordinary power is because their life design includes the blood factor of this extraordinary power.

Of course, the life design drawing is not static. The life design drawing contains a lot of ancestry factors, and the information it contains is an astronomical number. There are also contradictory information, such as body height and body shortness, but the ultimate physical performance of life The information presented is actually only a small part of the life design drawing, and most of the remaining are turned into gray, but this part of the gray may also be re-lit due to some influences of the day after tomorrow.

A very thin person may become fat after overeating for a long time. Although the structure of the life design diagram is very strong on the whole, there will be some differences in specific parts, especially in the same position. Expressions in different directions, of course, are different from person to person. They are also thin. Some thin people have a loose structure between the two lineage factors of thinness and fatness. Once they overeating, they will immediately let both of them. The position has changed, from a thin person to a fat person, and some thin people have a strong structure between the two lineage factors of thinness and fatness, and they will not get fat no matter how they eat.

In addition to this change in which the original information is re-expressed, there is another change in the life design drawing, which is an additive change, which is to add information that is not originally available to the life design drawing by some means. , The most representative of which is the extraordinary way of human beings.

Human beings originally did not possess extraordinary powers, but only because they embarked on the extraordinary path, they mastered the extraordinary power step by step. In Sean’s view, the so-called extraordinary path is actually a change in the design of human life. Every time Promotion and each life transformation are adding extraordinary information to the design of one's own life, and also making the design of one's life more perfect, and eventually cross the limit to become a golden human comparable to gods.

"If the design of human life is a whole, the descent factor is an important part of the whole, and there is some substance between them, or fixed, this substance is both a kind of restraint on the descent factor. , It is also a kind of protection for the descent factor. It is precisely because of their existence that the human life design is firm. Every descent factor exists where it should be. I might call this kind of substance. Living matter."

"Under normal circumstances, life matter exists in a solid form. Only in this way can it maintain the stability of the life design. My previous brutal division directly destroyed this material and made the life design irreversible. The collapse of the body, then can I refine this substance so that it will change from the all-round fixation of the descent factor to the bridge fixation. Is it more convenient for me to adjust the design of life? From this perspective Looking at the life matter filling the life design drawing of the little blood thirsty bat, it also suffered devastating damage due to some factors, but by chance, these remaining life matter just formed a bridge and stabilized the life design of the little blood thirsty bat. picture."

The theory is further improved, and Sean has a new view on the strange state of the little blood thirsty bat.

"Or maybe I can change the state of living matter through some method, changing it from solid to liquid, so that I can easily adjust the life design? It's just that the stability of the life design will appear in this way. Question, but if the speed is fast enough, the adjustment is completed quickly, and then the living matter is changed from solid to liquid, it seems to be possible to maintain stability."

When thinking was let go, the sparks of wisdom collided, and the sky and stars quietly emerged unconsciously, covering the entire laboratory, and Xiao En thought of a certain possibility.

In the past, through the use of the fifth-order witchcraft life tablet, Sean could actually change his life design to a certain extent, but this change is actually the first kind of change, that is, expressing his own life. He has hidden information, but what he wants now is the second kind of change. There is still an essential difference between the two.

"The black-blooded beast is a creation of the fusion of many bloodlines. This involves the fusion and splicing of multiple life designs. There may be the answer I want."

With the idea of ​​~www.wuxiamtl.com~ with the help of Xinghaiming's ideas, Sean immediately saw many things that he hadn't seen before. Sometimes the same knowledge can be viewed from a different angle to get completely different results. .

The myth of the Black Blood Beast believes that every bloodline has a spiritual existence, and each of them is a living monster, but they are asleep under normal conditions, and only after they meet each other Will wake up, and then fight wildly, and eventually either lose or lose, or you will die.

Under this concept, when the transcendents of the black blood beasts truly fuse multiple bloodlines, they will perform a blood burning ritual to amplify the instinctive rejection between different bloodlines, because only after such catharsis of these types Different bloodlines will truly merge. As the saying goes, it will not break or stand. Only after it is truly broken can it be reshaped.

"The blood burning ritual is what I need. This ritual is very dangerous, but I only need to intercept some of the concepts. After all, I don't need to really merge multiple bloodlines."

Bright blue pupils showed bright light. After discovering the mystery of the blood burning ceremony, a vague idea quietly formed in Sean's heart.


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