The rocky beach, the border of the New World near the inner wall, is now quite dangerous due to the large-scale outward migration of indigenous tribes.

"Hurry up, haven't you eaten?"

Swinging the thin-arm whip in her hand, Quinta drew fiercely towards a desperate slave.

Chih, the skin was open and fleshy, and the tortured body suffered such a heavy blow and fell to the ground. After a few convulsions, the slave soon lost his voice, and at this time the linen bag he was carrying also fell on the ground. , Revealing the contents inside, it is a snow-white crystal grain, like table salt, but occasionally there will be one or two pink sparkles in this piece of snow.

"It's really bad luck."

Seeing the junk stuff that was smashed to death with a whip, Quinta felt bored and walked up and kicked the corpse into the pile of rocks nearby.

And seeing such a scene, other people who are also responsible for the guards just saw a joke, no one cares, and no one accuses Quinta of being wrong. They are all members of the Blackrock tribe, and these slaves are The prey they harvested from other tribes is itself a consumable, and if you die, you die.

Phew, the breeze was blowing, when most of the people of the Blackrock tribe were focusing on this drama, a shadow flickered, and they slipped into the tightly guarded cave of the Blackrock tribe.

The ground is covered with yellow sand, endless, and two trees intertwined to form an irregular portal stand here.

The space fluctuates, and slaves come in and out here one by one.

Hey, a shadow broke away from the shadow of a slave and slipped behind a sand dune in an instant that no one noticed.

The black shadows spread, and a group of people appeared in this sea of ​​sand. They were the CP0 reserve players Jack, Welch, Wacker of Greenfield City, and the hound of the evil beast, Balash Montel.

"This place is the source of Blackstone Tribe's pink rose crystal salt?"

Looking at the obviously abnormal scene around them, at this moment the vigilance in the hearts of Jack and the four was raised to the extreme, and they never expected that the scene behind the mine controlled by the Blackrock tribe turned out to be such a scene.

"It should be, but I don't know if this is a maze or a fragment of the world."

Scanning the surrounding scene, Welch frowned.

Hearing this, the eyes of the other three people also flickered. Those who had received a good and extraordinary education had a certain understanding of the secret realm and world fragments, and the environment they were now in was somewhat similar to this.

"It doesn't matter whether it is a maze or a fragment of the world. The Blackrock Tribe has built a stable entry and exit channel here, and even the slaves can pass through smoothly. Just be careful, we don't have to worry about retreat."

He was three meters tall and piled up layers of fat. After observing for a while, it seemed that Jack of a Roshan spoke.

Hearing this, the other three nodded.

"It's really rare to have such a large lake in this sea of ​​sand."

After climbing on the sand dunes, his eyes turned into apricot-yellow pupils, and his gaze was far away. After seeing the sights in the distance, Wake Morris couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"It's salty, it should be a salt lake."

A wisp of moisture condensed from the dry air. After a taste, Welch gave the answer.

Hearing this, look at the slaves who came and went, Jack and others knew they should find the right place.

"Huh? It's very strange. You find that there are no people in the Blackstone tribe here, only slaves. They didn't even send overseers. It's a bit abnormal."

Observing it carefully for a while, Balash frowned.

Although mining salt mines is hard work, and the people of the Blackrock tribe are unwilling to do it, but in order to ensure efficiency, they should send someone to supervise the work, which makes Balash a little confused.

After Ram Montell was promoted to Tier 2, he tried to hunt the opponent, but failed. After that time, although he was not punished on the surface, he was sent to the border between the territory and the natives to perform a task. , Drifting away all year round.

In this regard, Balash knew well that this was the punishment Sean gave him. In the face of this situation, Balash did not resist, because for him, although such conditions are a bit more difficult, it is also It is very suitable for his growth. After this period of tempering, he has become stronger. This refers to not only strength, but also experience.

"There is something wrong, but we still have to go over and take a look."

After a moment of silence, Welch spoke again.

Hearing this, Balash nodded. Although a bit weird, since they have already arrived here, they still have to take a look, after all, this involves an important extraordinary resource.

Unlike Balash, the three Jacks, who are cp0, came out to experience this time. They walked with Balash purely because they took the task together.


The shadow expanded and spread on the sand. Now that he had made a decision in his heart, Balash naturally no longer hesitated, and instantly wrapped the four people with shadows.

All the way forward, under the cover of the shadows, the four of Balash quickly approached the salt lake.

In fact, if it is normal, Balash would not do this, because it is too conspicuous and easy to be spotted, but since there are no guards from the Blackrock tribe here, there are only some ordinary people slaves, then things can naturally be easier. .

Arriving at the lake, a distance from the place of the slave, the shadow dissipated, Welch exhaled a breath of coldness.

The mist is permeated, but when you look closely, there are tiny ice crystals. The light is psychedelic and quietly obscures the figure of the four Jacks. This is a first-order occult ice crystal illusion, which can distort the line of sight and hide the figure, but it can only When dealing with some ordinary people, it is easy to perceive something wrong with the keen perception of the extraordinary.

"They are waiting and they are also afraid."

Observing from a close distance, Jack and the four were aware of some details that they hadn't noticed before. At this moment, all the slaves were holding sacks quietly guarding the lake. They separated from each other and stared at the lake.

Shattered, the lake was surging, and the waves gradually rose. The smooth surface of the lake was broken at this moment. At the same time, all the slaves were agitated, excited and fearful at the same time.

Seeing such a scene and looking at each other, Jack and the four quietly walked away from the lake.

The lake retreated at a speed visible to the naked eye, and snow-white salt crystals appeared on the shore. Seeing this scene, without any hesitation, all the slaves quickly flew up and pulled the salt crystals into their pockets, as if a slow step would kill you. Same.

"It's soaking moisture, run away."

A panicked voice sounded. Upon hearing this, the slaves who concentrated on pulling the salt crystals saw the declining lake water surface, their inner fear immediately broke out. At this moment, they could no longer care about other things, and turned and ran. .


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