Weakness pervades the hearts of everyone. As the top personal power in the current world, this feeling has been brought to others by them for a long time, but now they have tasted it themselves.

   "Try to stay away from here and wait."

   At this moment, Holkins' voice was extremely low, with an indescribable heaviness. In the face of this strange group of flesh and blood, even his combined witchcraft killer's spear was of no avail.

   Others naturally had no objection to Holkins's suggestion. Only Tamil seemed unwilling to do so, but in the end he loosened his right hand holding the hilt of the sword.

   Puff, puff, the sound of the heartbeat is getting louder, and the rhythm is getting faster and faster, at a certain moment it seems to have reached a limit, the heartbeat is silent, and then the legs and hands are stretched out of the flesh, if that is the case.

   flesh and blood change, vaguely presenting a human form, and on the head he just grew out of, a face appears from time to time.

   "That's Barbarossa!"

  Although he opened up some distance, Holkins could still see clearly. At this moment, the face of this monster has a lot of similarities with the portrait left by Barbarossa.

   "It really seems to be Barbarossa."

   Everyone came to explore the treasures of Barbarossa. Naturally, they collected a lot of information about Barbarossa. Among them, there is naturally a portrait of him.

   "Is he really going to be resurrected? This is really a miracle."

As a member of the royal family, Asim knows that since ancient times the resurrection ritual has been chased by many people, whether evil or not, including Sutilt, and now he sees such a ritual appearing in front of him, even if he is in danger. Circumstances, there is still a fire in his heart. Of course, although there are many ideas in his heart, Asim has not acted, he is not a lunatic.

   The flesh and blood squirmed and shrank, and a giant about ten meters in length formally took shape, his face changed, sometimes it was Barbarossa, but another strange face, but more often it was shapeless and frightening.

   "Suppress me."

   The vigorous, domineering voice came out, like a roar from a distant age, and then an azure aura that came from nowhere was filled, and the giant's changing face was finally fixed, and it was Barbarossa.

   "He is resurrected."

   From a distance, watching this scene, Misjak's voice was extremely dry, and everyone else was silent, and everything said at this moment was pale and weak.

   The stench of blood spread all over the sea, and the mighty breath of life was like the rising sun. At this moment, Barbarossa was like a god.

   "I finally came alive."

   Maybe just waking up from a deep sleep, Barbarossa still has some disadvantages when he speaks.

Recalling the memory, this is the first thing Barbarossa did after waking up. Although his soul had been silent a long time ago, due to ritual reasons, the Black Throne was his body and the extension of his will, so he relied on him The present person can fully retrieve the memory of this period of time.

   "Well, did these little bugs wake me up? It seems that the blood that I secretly left at the beginning is still severed, but it doesn't matter, as long as I wake up, these wastes will die if they die."

After initially entering the fourth-order transcendent, Barbarossa knew that the road ahead was broken, but he was unwilling to close his eyes and wait for death. What he wanted was not a momentary dominance, what he wanted was eternal supremacy, and he was confident that he should have been This is such a person, because he is an existence blessed by the world. When he was very young, he received the legendary divine tool, Atok, the scepter of the sea god. Just like the heroes in biographical novels, he is destined to lead an era. Then lift up the throne.

   In order to realize his ambition, at the most glorious moment, Barbarossa gave up the pursuit of power and continued to explore the ruins with the help of the Seagod Scepter. In the end, he finally found a feasible resurrection ritual.

In order to complete the ceremony, Barbarossa almost exhausted all his wealth and built the Black Throne, but it was all worth it. When everything was ready, Barbarossa drove the Black Throne with a large number of sacrifices. He came to Shipwreck Bay, the cemetery he chose, and then committed suicide, waiting for his resurrection, and waiting for his new era.

As an ambitious person, a simple resurrection cannot satisfy Barbarossa’s demands. With the help of the sea god’s scepter, he combines the resurrection ritual with his potion promotion ritual. At the same time he is resurrected, he has to improve his own. Person.

In fact, to a certain extent, Barbarossa is indeed an existence favored by the world. His life has been given many opportunities that ordinary people cannot expect. The most important of them is naturally the divine instrument Poseidon’s Scepter. Outside is a complete potion sequence including the matching potions, and it is precisely because of this that Barbarossa can become a Tier 4 transcendent in the era of near extinction.

The most complete potion sequence currently known in the Boya Great World is also at the fifth order, but the slave master sequence or the Black Throne sequence obtained by Barbarossa not only has the sixth-order black king potion, but also about the seventh-order Conjecture of the Black Throne~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Of course, according to the heritage Barbarossa knows that this Tier 6 potion is only an experimental product and is not stable. Therefore, in order to confirm the reliability of the potion, Barbarossa also uses the Sea God’s Scepter And the power of the ceremony was appraised, and finally a reliable result was obtained.

Under such circumstances, Barbarossa took the Black Throne Sequence 5 and Sequence 6 potions one after another before committing suicide, using rituals and the power of time to digest these two potions, and the results now prove that he is not a lunatic. Is a genius.

Of course, in this process, it was not without accidents. Of course, in order to prevent him from being unable to wake up naturally, Barbarossa specially left his bloodline secretly, and left them with a chart and guardian power, in order to be in the magic tide. The revival of the future awakened myself, but I didn't expect that this bloodline would eventually be destroyed.

After clarifying the turbulence in the sea of ​​consciousness, Barbarossa's hollow eyes looked at the place where Sean and his party were. This was the price he paid for using Poseidon’s Scepter many times, unless he really advanced the theoretical sequence of the Seven Black Thrones. , Otherwise he would never be able to get his eyes back, but at his stage of personality, whether the eyes have no meaning anymore.

  Huh, obviously there are no eyeballs, but Barbarossa's gaze seems to be the same. The pressed Sean and others can't breathe a little. This is a gap in the life level.

In the life level, the fifth level is a hurdle, the fifth level and below are ordinary lives, the fifth level is the legendary life, the sixth level is the similar god, the seventh level and above are the myths, and now it is just the ordinary life’s Sean, etc. What people face is a real godlike life.

   The body was trembling, and the soul was wailing. Even if it was just a glance at Sean and others, it was a bit unbearable. This was an irreparable gap between ordinary life and god-like life.


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