Time is always passing by inadvertently. A few months later, the A.D. calendar went from 1520 to 1521.

At the beginning of January, the members of the first Supernova training camp officially graduated, with 967 candidates, 285 candidates, and 51 qualified candidates. The elimination rate is unexpectedly high, but it is normal to think about it, because Greenfield Town proposed the supernova plan. The original intention is to select the extraordinary, so it is natural to choose the best.

In the Lord’s Mansion, Sean, who rarely shows up, received the three supernovas of the first training camp, Jack from Damai Village, Greenfield Town, Vac Morris from the Fallen Family Morris, and Civilian Wei from Memphitos Elci.

"Jack, you are the first place in this training camp. I will give you two choices. First, you can get the devil fruit in the form of the legendary animal species Phantom dragon, and second, you can get the superman fat fruit. Choose one. "

   Hearing this, he was 2 meters tall and he became stronger after a year of training. Jack, who was standing there like a wall, couldn't help but touched his bald head, as if he was a little at a loss.

   "Lord Lord, I don't know which of these two fruits is better. I wonder if you can help me choose?"

   Jack's voice is very strong and sincere from the heart.

   Hearing this, Sean's eyes narrowed slightly.

   "Then Superman is a fatty fruit."

The voice of    fell, and a devil fruit that looked like a fragrant pear, full of apricot yellow and glowing with oil, appeared in Xiao En's hand.

Being able to stand out from the training camp of nearly 300 people, the Jack trio are naturally unique. Among them, Wacker Morris is a nobleman and is the most basic of the trio. Welch is flexible in mind, learns quickly, and has a sense of combat. Strong, and Jack, who was born in the grass roots, can suppress these two strong opponents and become the number one in the training camp. It depends on nothing but eating.

   Before entering the training camp, his family was poor and the conditions were hard. It was a burden for Jack to be able to eat. After entering the training camp, he had enough food and nutrition, and being able to eat became Jack's biggest advantage.

   For the transcendent, especially the transcendent on the physical side, being able to eat is a powerful and practical talent. Eating more often means that the body grows faster and better, and this is true.

In the training camp, Jack’s foundation is no better than Wacker Morris, and his fighting wisdom can’t keep up with Welch. But in the battle, he can suppress these two people because he is stronger and more defensive. Overpower people.

   In fact, it is precisely because of knowing Jack's talent that Sean will give him the second choice instead of directly giving him the devil fruit in the form of the legendary animal species Phantom dragon.

In the world of One Piece, the superhuman devil fruit is a kind of devil fruit with a large difference between the upper limit and the lower limit. The terrible lower limit is high and the lower limit is pitiful, and it has high requirements for the owner's talent. The same superman devil fruit may be in One person’s hands are waste and another person’s hands are treasures, and in Sean’s view, combined with Jack’s talent, fatty fruits may bloom with strange brilliance.

   took the fatty fruit from Sean, a bright color flashed through Jack's brown eyes, and then directly opened his mouth and swallowed the devil fruit.

"how do you feel?"

   Looking at Jack whose expression was a little ugly, Sean asked. At the same time, both Wacker Morris and Welch focused on Jack.

   During the year of training camp, they have seen the power of the devil fruit and heard many rumors, but today it is the first time to see the real thing, and they are quite curious and eager for this power.

   "Oh, it tastes a bit strange, but it's amazing. I think I can eat more in the future."

   Feeling some kind of magical change in his body, Jack's deep voice was mixed with a touch of surprise.

   "Really? I hope you can make this devil fruit bloom differently in the future."

  Speaking, Shaun turned his attention to Wacker Morris and Welch.

"There are two devil fruits here, the legendary animal type ghost dragon form and the superhuman cold fruit. You can choose one, but no matter which one you choose, you will owe merit points, but the number is different. , Because these two fruits, no matter which one, surpassed the reward you originally deserved."

Hearing this, both Wacker Morris and Welch showed unconcealable smiles on their faces. Originally, they thought they would get much worse results than Jack. After all, they are not the first, but now It seems that there is a surprise. As for the fact that it is owing a sum of merit rather than a major event, a person can only eat one devil fruit, naturally the stronger the better.

   "Wak Morris, you choose first."

   Ignoring the gratification in their hearts, Sean continued to speak.

If it weren’t for the chaotic situation now, the town of Greenfield needs powerful transcendents. If both of them have good aptitudes, Sean would never come up with these two demon fruits, let alone let them make up for their merits. , To know that the first and second and third rewards should have widened the gap.

  Wak and Welch didn't know why their Devil Fruit was so good, but this did not hinder their choice.

   "Lord Lord, I choose the form of the Legendary Species of Animal Type Phantom Dragon."

Without hesitation, Wacker Morris directly chose the animal legendary ghost dragon form among the two devil fruits. As the inheritor of the little nobleman, the power of the real dragon has been carved into his bones. .

Hearing this answer, Sean was not surprised, Welch was slightly disappointed, but soon adjusted, although he also envied the strength of the real dragon, but the cold fruit is not bad, after all, he is third. .

After eating the devil fruit, Vack Morris and Welch had some changes on their bodies. Among them, Wack was the most obvious. Not only did they grow green scales, their eyes became vertical pupils, and Wei Erqi's changes were much more subtle, but his whole body exuded uncomfortable coldness, and his inadvertent breath evolved into hoarfrost.

Looking at the performance of the two, Sean knew that this was a manifestation of their inadequate control of the Devil Fruit, and would soon converge. Feeling the power surging in the body, both Wacker and Welch’s faces showed their own expressions. Inner smile.

  Wak is because the devil fruit in the form of the ghost dragon is as strong as he thought, and Welch is because the strength of the cold fruit exceeds his expectations.

   Aside, Jack looked at the performance of the two with honest smiles. Although the devil fruits of the two seem to be very powerful, he is not jealous. He can feel that he has a high degree of compatibility with the fatty fruits.

   In fact, in addition to talents and talents in the development of Devil Fruit, the fit between the eater and Devil Fruit is also a very important part.

Although the degree of fit is a bit illusory, it does exist. Some people even say that their temperament is naturally compatible with a certain devil fruit. As long as this kind of person eats the right devil fruit, the development speed will far exceed that of ordinary people, and they are often able to walk. To the point of awakening, this is exactly the case with Jack and Fatty Fruit.


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