On the fourth day of Sean’s arrival in Memphis, under the cover of the dark night, five heavily armed pirate ships flying the Black Crow flag quietly dropped anchor on an uninhabited island.

   Ominous, the ship of the pirate baron Liske Holder.

   "Boss, are we really going to help the Montell family deal with the ghost pirates? The ghost hand guy is not good."

   After taking a sip of wine, Da Jinya looked at Lisk and said with a grin.

   Hearing this, Resick glanced at Da Jin Ya, but didn't pay much attention to it. Da Jin Ya is just such a character.

   Of course he knew that not only Da Jinya had doubts about this issue, but the other bosses were the same, but they were afraid of making taboos and didn't say it.

   "I know you have all doubts in your heart, but you have to believe that the black crow never makes a loss-making business, and all the efforts will be worthwhile."

   Liske's tone is erratic, with an indescribable mystery.

   Seeing that his subordinates were still puzzled, a smile appeared on the corner of Lisk's mouth.

   "You don't need to be too nervous to deal with the evil pirates this time. We probably only need to go through a cutscene. The Montel family is far stronger than you think."

   At the end, Liske's voice sank.

Because of his own talent, his perception of breath far exceeds that of ordinary transcendents. It is precisely because of this that he will finally compromise when he is in the small manor and once again increase his own bargaining chips in exchange for the Montell family. friendship.

   With his extraordinary perception, when he was in the small manor, he clearly felt that there were two terrifying auras locking him away, and as long as he had any changes, he would suffer a thunder strike.

   Although he didn't see the master of these two terrifying auras, he knew that both of them should be fourth-order transcendents.

   With two extraordinary Tier 4 transcendents, even if the fleet has no advantage and the geographical position has no advantage, the Montell family will still win. The problem is only the length of time and the size of the price.

   "This is a battle whose results are already destined."

   Finally, he said something that made his subordinates scratching his head. Liske left the cabin alone, and it was time for him to read.

   On the fifth day of Sean’s arrival in Memphis, three three-masted sailboats flying the Golden Oak flag of the Montre family set sail from the port of Memphis.

   City Hall, the highest point of Memphis.

   Overlooking the entire Memphis, Asim Bansain’s eyes drifted far away, as if he had seen the harbor lined with sails.

   "Little Montell is leaving?"

   "Yes, count."

   "Are there any special people in it?"

   "No, it was those people who just called some entourage."

   "Well, let's see what this little Montel's hole card is. To be honest, I'm really curious."

   Upon hearing Asim's words, the secretary hesitated for a moment, and then said:

   "My Lord Earl, someone sent a ship to keep up with Sir Sean's fleet, do we send someone to follow and see the result."

   "No need, some people always live and live without knowing how to live or die. Really being a Tier 4 transcendent inhuman is just a joke?"

   Withdrawing his gaze, Asim glanced at his secretary.

   "Let's do this, you let the intelligence room send a few people who are good at trace recovery to follow those people away to see if you can get some useful information."

   After thinking for a while, I was really curious about Sean's response, and Asim spoke again.


   The three three-masted sailing boats on the sea chopped the waves, with full sails, and were moving fast.

   The three three-masted sailboats that Sean mobilized this time were all armed merchant ships. Although they were not comparable to warships in firepower, they were much stronger than ordinary pirate ships.

   Xianxing number, temporary flagship.

   "Sir, a tail followed."

   Looking at Sean standing on the deck and looking out at the sea, the captain came behind him and said in a low voice.

   "Don't worry about them for now, wait a little further away from Monfitos."

   Without looking back, Xiao En said casually, this is just a trivial matter, not worth remembering. Since he can't see the form clearly, just stay away and solve it.

   At night, the evening breeze is breezy, and the waves are bursting, but it is a comfortable sight, but at this moment the old hound Bonnard's face is heavy.

   The wreckage of the ship entering the sight is faintly visible, and the blazing flames are reflected in the sea.

   Bonnard, the old hunting dog, belongs to the Menfitos Intelligence Room. He is proficient in traceology, experienced and good at discovering the truth from the subtleties.

   As the flying shears approached the wreckage, after careful observation, Bonnard came to his own conclusion.

There were two people who shot, one should be the Tier 4 transcendent of the Montell family, and the two dismembered ships should be his handwriting. The traces left are the same as the previous information. He can send out unknown secret skills of flying and slashing. Another one should be good at manipulating flames. The burning ship is his masterpiece. It is likely to be Sean's pet, the flame flying dragon.

   "Old hound, shall we catch up?"

   On the flying shears, Bonnard’s colleague is not as proficient in traceology as Bonnard, but he can clearly know how dangerous it is to continue tracking.

   "Continue to chase, but we have to slow down."

   gritted his teeth, Bonnard said.

In fact, everyone on the flying shears at this time knows that it is unrealistic to stop tracking at this moment~www.wuxiamtl.com~ They have no choice at all, but how to chase, whether they can catch up in the end is another matter. Fan said.

   At the same time, on the other side, on the unnamed deserted island, Sean’s fleet and Lisk’s Black Crow Pirates have joined together.

   After a brief integration, in order to reduce the risk of being discovered, under the cover of night, guided by the Black Crow Pirates, eight sailing ships set anchor and left the deserted island.

   woo woo, the inexplicable sound of the horn sounded, and the wind condensed out of thin air, rustling the sails.

   "Full sail, turn the rudder right."

   "Full sail, turn the rudder right."

   The shouts and shouts sounded one after another, and the sails were fully opened. Under the sudden gust of wind, the fleet sailed toward the endless sea like an arrow from the string.

On   , looking at the palm-sized silver horn in Liske's hand, a strange color flashed in Sean's eyes.

   "War wonders, I have to say, Mr. Risch, you gave me a surprise."

   "This is nothing, it's just a third-order strange thing."

   handed the horn to Sean, Liske shook his head and said.

   "Can I know its name?"

   "The horn of the wind."

"Good name."

   played with the horn of the wind for a while, and Sean returned it to Lisk.

The horn of the squally wind can set off squalls. Although the wind power is not high enough and too scattered, the actual lethality is insufficient, but in the era of sailing warships, such a strange thing is indeed a complete treasure on the sea. The war strange thing is worthy of its name. With the advent of the age of ironclad ships, this strange thing will probably become an ordinary third-order strange thing, no longer the name of a war strange thing.

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