Endless starry sky, natural **** country·Golden oak forest.

The sacred breath is permeating here, and the relatives of nature are here leisurely. At a certain moment, thunder suddenly sounded in the sky, that is the manifestation of the will of God.

Sitting high on the seat of God, overlooking the entire kingdom of God, there was silence for a while, and Sieggel got up from the seat of God. At this moment, there was a looming line of cause and effect entwined at his fingertips.

The invisible portal was formed, and Sieggel's figure disappeared in one step. At this moment, the divine radiance was exuding outwards, and the natural kingdom of God, which was as bright as the stars, suddenly dimmed, because this time Sieggel It's not that the incarnation leaves the kingdom of God, but the real body walks outside.

Om, the twisted place of the spiritual world, the invisible portal is formed, and the sacred brilliance flows, Sieggel’s true body walks out of it, and when he appears, a group of emerald-like emerald, dream-like butterflies cross the boundary, Coming from nothingness.

Butterflies gather, and the dark magic robe is shining with a little blue light. Ymir, who has been silent for a long time, quietly appeared here, and when he appeared, it became a bit noisy because of the arrival of the true **** of Sieggel. The spiritual world fell silent immediately.

Kazed, the space shattered, and the scorching breath escaped, Morrel's slightly fat figure walked out from it, entwined with terrifying blood.

He raised his head and glanced at Morrel who had officially met for the first time. A gloomy light flashed in Ymir's dark eyes, and he fell silent again.

Looking at Sieggel and Ymir who hadn't said a word, a helpless smile appeared on their faces. Morrel didn't say anything, standing by and waiting quietly.

After a while, a distorted spatial black hole quietly formed, and Xiao En's figure came out of it.

Looking across his eyes, looking at the three men, one old, one young, and one middle-aged, a subtle feeling rose in Xiao En's heart.

"Unexpectedly, I came the latest."

With a smile on his face, Sean spoke, breaking the silence of the place. At the same time, the endless bell appeared in his hand, and the vigorous bell rang, cutting off all prying eyes.

"What did the Lord of the Storm say?"

Without much greeting, he turned his gaze to Sieggel, and Sean went straight to the topic. This time Sieggel discovered the clue, and the plan was also drawn up by him. An important part of it involves the Lord of the Storm.

"He agreed. After all, his path is set now. It is even harder to change. He doesn't have too many choices. This time things seem to have no direct connection with him, but in fact they are closely related. He helps us. Helping myself."

The gentle smile that had been maintained disappeared. At this moment, Sieggel's old face was full of solemnity, or that he was like this from the moment he discovered the clue, which shows how much he attaches importance to this matter.

Hearing this, Xiao En nodded, and now that the Lord of the Storm agreed, then this time they have greater confidence in the success of their plan, after all, there is no need to allocate excess power.

After the ancient Jiaomen enshrined the gods, achieved medium divine power and killed the mother of the sea monsters, after the post-event replay and Siggle’s causal tracing, the ancient Jiaomen, the current sea **** and Attoria, The connection between the former sea gods is no longer a secret in the eyes of Xiao En and others.

And this time the line of cause and effect fluctuated violently. With the help of Eric, the owner of the reincarnation eye, Siggle accurately grasped part of the cause and effect of Attoria, which is now Woking.

The rules of causality are rooted in destiny. You can trace the past cause from the current cause, or speculate the future effect from the current cause. Eric’s reincarnation eye is extremely transformed, and becoming a myth-level magic eye is a cause that cannot be ignored. Its appearance led to Woking's decision to truly ascend to the seat of God, and these had been foreseen by Sieggel. This was an essential transformation of Woking, and it was also an opportunity for Sean and others.

Although Xiao En and others are not sure about the connection between the ancient Jiaomen and Woking, it can be seen from the fact that Woking handed over a complete ocean divine power to him, that the connection between them is bound to be not shallow. , In order to prevent the ancient Jiaomen from interfering with their hunting of Vol'jin, in order to prevent them from interfering with their hunting of Vol'jin, someone must be invited to hold him, and the Lord of the Storm is the best candidate.

From a standpoint, the current Emerald Principality and the Storm Church are natural allies, and the interests of the Lord of the Storm are temporarily consistent with those of Sean and others. It is their common to curb the development of the ancient Jiaomen and prevent him from ascending to the powerful divine power. Appeal.

"Then go."

After confirming the most important thing, there was no further delay, and the time and space were distorted, and the four members of Sean disappeared.

The Black Abyss, a forbidden place in the Old World, was once the place where the **** army confronted the wizarding civilization when the Hell World invaded the Liberal World for the second time. Rumor has it that more than one battle of Tier 7 and above broke out here. There is a shadow of the eighth-order shot.

After the war ended, the wizards cleaned up the mess, and sealed the ones that could be cleaned up, and then sealed the vast space, and finally formed the current black abyss.

"Who would have thought that a **** would hide in a black abyss full of filth, but here it is indeed possible to cut off the prying eyes of other beings."

The twisted time and space covered the surroundings, and the endless bell hung above the head, isolating everything. Xiao En and the four came to a small valley with beautiful mountains and clear waters, which was one of the entrances to the Black Abyss.

Crossing the barrier, ignoring the ban, the invisible space swayed with fine ripples, and the four of Xiao En stepped into the black abyss.

The dark red setting sun hangs on the horizon, the flesh and blood spread over the earth, the filthy river rushes freely, the flames of sin fall from the sky, and the howling echoes in the ears, here is a purgatory on earth.

"It is rumored that there have been eight levels of fights here, and now it seems that it is not illusory."

Stretching out his palm from the dislocation space and time, letting go of the protection, and truly feeling the aura in the black abyss, Sean let out a sigh. At this moment, his palms have grown dazzling red hairs, full of Unknown.

Although he deliberately dissipated the protective power, his body was still in essence, but even so, he was still polluted. This shows how strong the twisting power here is, and this has been eliminated after a long time. It can be seen that the pollution power that existed here before the long years is so powerful that it is by no means comparable to the seventh-order. In all likelihood, it is the trace left by the eighth-order existence. Even if it is deliberately processed, it still fails to erase flat.

Seeing such a scene, the hearts of the Morrel three were also a little shaken.

Withdrawing his palm, the strength surged, the red hair immediately withered, and Sean's palm returned to its original appearance.

"I have heard them mention in my exchanges with several gods. The formation of Black Abyss seems to have a lot to do with the first pillar demon **** in hell."

Looking at this distorted world and pondering for a while, Sieggel spoke. The news itself has no clear evidence, but it seems that it is not groundless.

"There is very little information about the demon **** of the first pillar of hell. I only learned from the gods of the starry sky that he is called the Lord of Defilement. Of course, he is also called the vice-prince of hell, the darkness of the abyss. The other specific information is gone."

Withdrawing his gaze, Sieggel continued to talk.

Hearing this, Sean frowned. The twelve pillars of hell, from the second pillar to the twelve pillars, there are more or less rumors, but the first pillar is different. The message left is very different. Less, at least when he was in the world of truth, Sean didn’t see any relevant information in the Eternal High Tower. He didn’t even have the name of a god, as if it was a taboo. Of course, there is a big factor in it. It was because his status was too low at that time~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Vice-Prince of Hell, the dark side of the abyss, such a title is not something that can bear any existence. "

Dim light flashed through the azure blue pupils, and Xiao En vaguely seemed to see a vague shadow.

Om, perception is cut off, confirmation is not an illusion, and Sean's expression has undergone a subtle change.

"This feeling······"

His eyes flickered, and Sean had some guesses in his heart.

"There is no need to think about the matter of the first pillar demon **** for the time being. Although there is still a certain amount of time before the timing of Sieggel's confirmation, the black abyss is a distorted place with a lot of chaos in the space, and we also need to do it in advance. Some preparations."

There was a sense of lowness in the voice, and Sean made a decision.

Hearing that, realizing something, Sieggel nodded and said nothing more.


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