Buzzing, the buzzing sound of the air quietly echoed in the wilderness. A silver-gray train hundreds of meters long, like a steel python, crossed the wilderness and whizzed from afar. This is the latest release by the First Mechanical Research Institute of the Emerald Principality. The maglev train has applied part of the magic pattern knowledge, and it is considered a half extraordinary creation.

Compared with the original steam train, the maglev train is much better in terms of speed and riding experience. At present, the Emerald Principality has an idea for a comprehensive upgrade of railway traffic.

"Hello, dear passengers and friends, we will arrive at the Luye East Station in front of you. Please prepare for getting off the train in advance. Get off the train through the back door. Don't be crowded."

The sleeping phone worm quietly woke up, and a gentle and nice female voice came from it, echoing in the train box, washing away the fatigue of the passengers from the long journey.

"Master Earl, is this the Emerald City, Greenfield City?"

About to arrive at the station, the howling maglev train began to slow down. Looking at the tall buildings in the distance, in an elegantly decorated carriage, a middle-aged man in academic costume could not hide his excitement.

Hearing this, looking at the distant city with no end in sight, Asim Banshin’s expression was a bit complicated. A few years ago, he represented Her Majesty the Queen once in Greenfield City, but that time he was By boat, this time it was by train. The time between the two was obviously not too long, but now the city of Greenfield was different from what he remembered.

The Kingdom of Sutilt sent a team of agricultural experts to the Principality of Emerald for further study. Asim Bansaien is the person in charge. Although Asim does not study agriculture himself, he knows jade the best in the Kingdom of Sutilt. People from the Principality, and also have friendships with many powerful figures in the Emerald Principality, including Sean, and his own strength has also been restored, and he has further become a fifth-tier glorious knight. Under such circumstances, he It is indeed a more suitable person in charge.

"It's really different."

"The building here is so tall."

As the appearance of the city became clearer and clearer, in this exclusive carriage, more and more people in Sutilt’s training team issued their own surprises. They are all outstanding in the new agricultural aspect of the Sutilt kingdom. The characters are of different backgrounds and ages. There are gray-haired elders and vigorous young people. They are no strangers to metropolises. Their hometown, the rose flower city, Karpas, is one of the metropolises in the Old World. , But the Emerald City·Lvye completely broke their inherent image. Compared with it, Karpas seems not to be a big city.

"This is the Emerald City·Green Field. Let's tidy up your appearance. This time we represent the Kingdom of Sutilt."

Recovering from the meditation, Asim said, looking at the excitement on the faces of many people.

Hearing these words, a few people who were a little gagged immediately woke up, with an awkward look on their faces. They now look like a countryman entering the city. It is nothing to lose your face, but it is nothing to lose Suttilt. The kingdom's face is not good.

When the train arrived at the station, under the leadership of Asim, he meticulously took care of his own instruments, and the training team of twenty-four Sutilt came out of the train.

"Welcome to the Emerald Duchy, Count Asim, I am Martins, the diplomat in charge of receiving you."

When Asim, wearing a decent dark suit, got out of the train, Martins, who had been waiting there for the Emerald Principality, immediately greeted him with a bright smile on his face.

The status of Earl Asim is quite special. He is not only a member of the royal family of the Kingdom of Sutilt, but also has friendship with many powerful figures in the Emerald Principality. For him, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Emerald Principality still values ​​him a lot.

"It turned out to be you, my old friend."

There was a smile on his solemn face immediately, and he stepped forward quickly, spreading his arms, and Asim and Martins hugged each other.

Asim is no stranger to Martins. He is one of the three undersecretaries of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Emerald Principality. He was once the diplomatic ambassador to the Kingdom of Surtilt. There is still some friendship between the two, and it is precisely because of this. , The Ministry of Foreign Affairs made Martins responsible for receiving Asim.

"I'm so happy to see you."

Loosing his arms, separating, and looking at Martins, Asim expressed his joy.

"Me too, count."

"The journey has been exhausting. I have already booked a room for you at the Four Seasons Hotel. Let me take a break and go to the welcome party prepared by the Principality for you in the evening."

After a simple greeting, Martins took Asim and his party away from the VIP channel.

Get in the special car greeted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and shuttle through the streets of Greenfield City, watching the surrounding bustling scene, watching the bustling people around, listening to their laughter, Asim's face is dark, and his golden eyes are full of broken golden eyes. Deep.

Luye is a very beautiful city. There are towering buildings here, but they are not cold. You can see pleasing green everywhere, especially all kinds of oak. This is very rare at this point in time, but the most What made Asim felt was the smiles on the faces of ordinary people. Such things have become a luxury in such an era.

"I hope that Greenfield City has not disappointed you, count."

Sitting across from Asim, looking at Asim who was lost in thought looking out the window, Martins spoke.

Hearing this, Asim withdrew his gaze from the window, and Asim let out a sigh.

"Natural disasters have brought suffering to the entire world, but it has polished the emerald duchy, turning it from a rough stone into a real jade, which is more dazzling and dazzling."

Looking directly at Martins, Asim confided his own voice. Now the situation of the entire Old World can be described with intense heat. In contrast, the Emerald Principality in the New World is completely a paradise outside the world, if not He would have thought that the natural disasters here had become a thing of the past.

Hearing this, his eyes met Asim and he put down the red wine glass in his hand, and Martins' expression became awe-inspiring.

"Count, it was not the natural disaster that polished the Emerald Principality, but the Emerald Principality contained the natural disasters under the shroud of His Majesty's glory."

Hearing this, his eyes met, and he felt Martins' unquestionable firmness, and Asim was silent.

"May the glory of Your Majesty Sean grow brighter and never fade."

After a moment of silence, Asim raised the wine glass in his hand.

Seeing such a scene, Martins once again showed a hearty smile, raised his glass, and touched Asim.

The slightly sour liquor ran across his throat, and the elegant aroma lingered between his lips and teeth. Through the car window looking up at the palace of the king looming in the sea of ​​clouds, Asim had mixed feelings in his heart.

"Will Your Majesty Sean take time to meet us this time?"

There were waves in the broken golden pupils, and Asim asked such words.

Hearing this, Martins's expression changed slightly.

With the same smile, Martins shook his head after putting down the wine glass in his hand.

"I am not clear about this matter. After all, I should not be involved in your majesty's itinerary. However, according to the order issued by the consul, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is solely responsible for the reception of the training team this time, and the ultimate person in charge is Subhuti. Pope, after all, Pope Subhuti is the real expert in agriculture."

Knowing what Asim was thinking, Martins gave this answer.

Hearing this, Asim was clear in his heart, but this is normal. Compared with the king in the traditional sense, that one pays more attention to the progress on his own extraordinary path.


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