A storm came suddenly, meteorites fell from the sky, Stormwind Strait was razed to the ground, Qiwuhai Yufeng died, the magic eye pirate group was born, the starfaller Violet, etc. news spread throughout the entire within a short period of time. The golden waterway, undercurrent surging for a while.

In recent years, the Golden Channel has been able to maintain stability. In addition to the role of the green field leading the navy, the Qiwu Sea is indispensable. It is precisely because of their existence that they have deterred those pirates like hyenas, and also because of their existence in some dangerous seas. Monsters can be cleaned up in time, otherwise the navy alone will not be too busy, but now one of the Qiwuhai Yufengzhe suddenly died, or was killed by people with no resistance, which broke the Qiwuhai in everyone’s eyes. The unmatched aura on the body gave birth to many people's minds that they shouldn't have, and even people in Qiwuhai were shaken in their hearts. After all, they became one of Qiwuhai, in addition to benefits, more It was because of the powerful strength displayed by the green field leader that they were regarded as a backer, but now the sudden fall of the wind guard made them feel a little uneasy.

Malin Fodor, the navy headquarters of the green field leader.

The flag fluttered and the flock of white seagulls flew in the sky, adding a sense of peace to the solemn naval headquarters. After several years of development, after receiving the official resource support from the green field collar, the size of the navy has expanded again and again. Expansion, now it has surpassed the Green Field Army in terms of basic soldiers and top combat capabilities.

The marshal’s office was scorching hot outside, but there was a refreshing coolness.

The whole person was trapped in the soft sofa, looking at the pictures projected by the projection phone bug, the blue pheasant squinted his eyes, the stars falling from the sky, the stormy strait destroyed by the tsunami, the rolling sea, the crooked moon ship ········

Da, a crisp finger sounded, the picture freezes, and a heroic female pirate with a wild beauty appeared in front of the green pheasant.

"Huh? Such eyes..."

Waves waved in the pure white pupils, looking at the female pirate in the picture, the green pheasant's indifferent expression finally changed.

"If you read it correctly, this should be the eye of reincarnation."

Kazed, the chill was permeating, the crystal clear ice immediately turned the office into an ice cave, and the green pheasant whispered softly as he looked at the magic eyes that looked like amethyst.

The reincarnation eye is not the magic eye of this world, it only appeared in this world because of Sean. Nowadays, although the basic branch bloodline of the reincarnation eye has been spread on a small scale in the new world, the reincarnation eye Only Sean still owns it.

"Where did this pair of reincarnation eyes come from?"

The thought in his mind turned, the green pheasant gathered the chill, and dialed the phone bug.

"Sasasumaru, you are on the Gold Coast right now?"

Seeing the cold face that appeared on the phone worm, the green pheasant asked.

Hearing this, the Sesei Maru on the other side of the phone gave a positive answer. After several years of training, his strength has officially entered the stage of Tier 6, and at the same time he also removed the word alternate and became As a veritable admiral, he seldom stayed at the naval headquarters, but for the sake of bettering himself, he basically wandered deep in the sea.

"Bachman the Wind Guardian is dead. The person who killed him was a female pirate named Violet. It is preliminary estimated that her power may have reached Tier 6. You go take a trip."

Although the green pheasant's voice was flat, but at this moment, Shisheng Maru still felt a little difference, but he didn't ask anything.

"To die or to live?"

Speaking indifferently, Shashengwan asked the green pheasant for advice.

"It's better to be alive. I'll let the Anbu pass on relevant information. You can also conscript Qiwuhai when necessary. After all, as earth snakes, they are more proficient than us in some places."

After pondering for a while, the green pheasant gave the answer.

Hearing this, Shashengwan nodded, and then hung up the phone worm.

"I don't know if it's what I think. If it is, the earl might be very interested."

Looking at the phone worm that hung up, the thoughts in the green pheasant's heart kept turning. As Sean’s Holmitz, the green pheasant knew very well about Sean’s affairs. I went there in person.

Blubru, the phone bug rang, and a picture was projected. It was a battlefield on the sea, with a green field leading the navy on one side, and a group of marine creatures on the other.

"Marshal, that evil flood has appeared again."

A firm face appeared, and the speaker's words brought a touch of urgency.

"I see."

Before the words fell, the cold air escaped, and the figure of the green pheasant had disappeared.

In recent years, the Navy’s main tasks have been twofold. One is to maintain the stability of the golden waterway, and the other is to defend against aliens in the sea and develop resources in the sea. It is precisely because of this that the navy still retains its strength in today’s rapid growth. Seven Wuhai.

"Meteor Volcano."

The temperature rose sharply, the dark red color enveloped the sky, and the pungent sulfur smell permeated, like an erupting volcano. Piles of hot magma fell from the sky, and the target was the aliens on the sea.

With the aid of the mythical power of the devil fruit tree, coupled with his own talent and hard work, Monnes’s development of the rock berry fruit has reached a very high level over the years, completing the first awakening, and it is precisely because In this way, when the limit broke out, he could show a strength comparable to Tier VI.

Roar, the long roar of the dragon sounded, just as the Meteor Volcano was about to destroy the alien race on the sea, a sea monster like a snake like a dragon, covered in steel scale armor, and a dark golden single horned sea monster appeared in the sky , Swallowed all the magma in one bite.

Seeing such a scene, standing on the volcanic ship island, Monens squinted his eyes. Although he was very unwilling, he had to admit that he was not the opponent's opponent now.

"Aka Inu, last time you escaped by a fluke, this time you didn't have that good luck."

The sarcasm came out, and the phantom of the sea monster in the sky disappeared. A three-meter-tall man resembling a human with a steel whip-like tail behind him. The neck was covered with fine scales, and a pair of apricot and yellow vertical pupils appeared quietly. In the sky.

Hearing that, Monens’ eyes sank and didn’t say anything. At this time, the figure of the former mermaid princess Christine quietly appeared beside Monens. Although Christine is now one of the seven seas, it’s normal. Responsible for suppressing the waters near Pearl Bay, but because of her mermaid's special talent, the navy will sometimes call her out when fighting the sea clan. After all, her talent is particularly useful when dealing with the sea clan.

Seeing the figure in the sky, Kristen's gaze changed several times, and she seemed a little surprised, and slowly, a layer of frost appeared on her delicate face.

"Sure enough, it's you Green Scale, you traitor, I didn't expect you to become the dog of the Jiao Human Race."

His gaze was stern, although the alien body characteristics called green scales had undergone fundamental changes, but with his own racial talent, Christine still recognized his identity.

Green Scale was born in the Sea Snake Clan. The Sea Snake Clan is one of the sub-races of the Mermaid Clan. He himself is also one of the Tier 5 legends owned by the Mermaid Clan. He was once highly valued by the Mermaid Clan. Originally, Christine thought he had died in battle. ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ But he did not expect that not only was he alive, he also took refuge in the Jiao Terran, and used some unknown means to change his race, from the Sea Snake to the Jiao Terran, in a short period of time. The step has become the sixth step.

"Oh, it turned out to be our lovely Royal Highness Christine, but maybe it shouldn't be called anymore now, after all, the mermaid family has perished."

Xinghuang's pupils turned, his eyes fell on Christine, and there was an undisguised sneer on his green scaly face.

"In addition, now I am not a lowly sea snake clan green scale, but a noble water snake clan golden scale."

The smile narrowed, and a violent aura rose from the Jinlin's body and pressed towards the navy side. This is one of the natural talents of the Jiao Terran, similar to the dragon's dragon of the dragon clan.

"Can you die now?"

An illusory shadow of the magic flood was formed behind the golden scales, lying in the void. At this moment, the shadow of death enveloped the hearts of every navy.


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