In the early morning, the golden sunlight was scattered, and the city of Greenfield began to become noisy again.

In the small garden, the morning dew has not yet completely dissipated. Xiao En and the old and the young are all enjoying the morning tea. The old man has white hair and white beard, kind eyebrows and kind eyes, and he has a feeling of warmth and jade after vicissitudes of life. He has silver hair and a handsome face. There are three red lines on both cheeks that look like scratches. Underneath the seemingly calm face hides the unparalleled arrogance. Unlike human beings, it is closer to the king of beasts. , Within the body of the noble son is a wild heart.

"It's very good. After coming to this world, it feels like a fish in water, without the shackles of the previous one."

After taking a sip of tea, with a hint of comfort on his face, Bodhi, who had just come from Doupo World to Boya World, spoke.

As one of Sean’s subordinates a long time ago, Subhuti has provided a lot of help for Sean’s management of the world of fighting spirit. This is indispensable. Before that, Sean promised to let him leave the world of fighting spirit and come to the world of Liberal Arts, seeking A further road, and now this promise is finally fulfilled.

"very good."

Compared to Subhuti, the Shishengwan, which has just arrived from the world of Inuyasha to the Great World of Boya, is much more concise and concise.

In the past, in order to establish the alien breeding base of the Third World of Warcraft Research Institute, the Inuyasha World was contained by Sean. In the process, Shisheng Maru also intersected with the branch forces of the Green Field in the Inuyasha World.

As the bloodline of Inuyasha's world great monster dog general, the talent of the pure-blooded monster is far better than his half-human and half-demon brother Inuyasha. Considering his talent, in the process of contact, Lu Ye The leading forces gave it a certain kind of guidance.

At the very beginning, he was disgusted with the forces of the green field collar, Shishengmaru. After all, he was a person of arrogance, and he would not be willing to succumb to others, but as the contact increased, I got it. There are more truths in this world. In the end, Shashengwan joined the green field collar and became a part of the green field collar.

The reason why he made this choice was nothing else, but just wanting to fight more powerful people and become stronger. He is an aloof and a pure person.

"So do you think about your plans afterwards?"

Putting down the teacup in his hand, Xiao En's eyes swept over the bodies of Subhuti and Sashengwan.

"I want to fight more powerful players."

A cold voice sounded, this time it was Sesho Maru who spoke first.

Hearing this, Xiao En nodded, looking at the evil spirit that was inadvertently revealed on Shashengwan.

"Since you want to fight, then go and join the navy. The position is an alternate general, and the code name is Silver Fox."

After pondering for a while, Sean gave the answer. At this time, the overall environment of the green field leader tends to be peaceful. Only the sea is still turbulent. Even if the navy suppresses it with all its strength, it will not be able to really maintain stability. Fighting occurs from time to time. , The surface of the golden route is golden, the middle layer is blood-colored, and the lower layer is white. The Sashiwan pill can escape from the world of Inuyasha with the power of Thunder Pond. Although with Sean’s help, it’s own. The strength has also surpassed the limit of the fifth order, touched the edge of the sixth order, and reached the top of the world of Inuyasha.

With his strength, both strength and qualifications are inadequate to serve as a general, but the general replacement is enough. After a few years of tempering, accumulating some merits, and furthering his strength, he can be promoted to a general.

Hearing this, Sesei Maru nodded in satisfaction.

After staying in Green Field City for a while, he also knew something about the situation in Green Field City. The Navy was indeed a good place for people like him.

"Then you?"

Averted his gaze from Sasheng Maru's body, Xiao En turned his gaze to Subhuti.

"Leave the earl's orders."

Looking at Sean, Subhuti is very easy-going and has no special requirements.

Hearing such an answer, Xiao En did not feel too surprised. After all, unlike the sharp-edged Sahoku Pill, Subhuti himself tends to be quiet, and he has also experienced years of polishing.

"Is that so? I happen to have a task for you here."

Thinking of the big changes that may be ushered in soon, Sean also needs to make preparations in advance.

"My pleasure, count."

Although he has only stayed for a month, Subhuti has fully integrated into this new world. Unlike the pseudo-sixth order of the Sasaemaru, although he is still only the fifth order in fighting spirit, he has reached the manifestation of the soul on the path of the soul. To the point, comparable to the sixth order.


The light and shadow were distorted, that is, at this moment, Alice appeared in the small garden with a cold air.

Although trying to restrain herself, at this moment, Yalisi still has uncontrollable excitement on her face. Over the years, she is responsible for the connection between the green field collar and the ancestor of good and evil, wandering and exploring in the spiritual world all the year round. , This time after receiving news from Sean, she immediately shuttled back from the spirit world, and even appeared directly in the small garden, quite taboo, because Sean told her that he had found and resurrected her brother Welch. Methods.

"Release Welch's soul."

After taking a look at Alice and realizing the excitement in her heart, Sean didn't say much.

Upon hearing this, Alice immediately used the power of the psychic witch to release Welch’s soul. At the same time, a green vine emerged from the ground and grew continuously, finally revealing Welch’s Dead body.

Since Welch's death, his body has been preserved by Sean using natural witchcraft. After so many years, his complexion is still ruddy and looks like a living person.

"Sashengwan, I'll leave it to you next."

With words, Sean turned his gaze to Sashengwan.

Hearing this, without saying a word, Sesho Maru got up from his seat and walked in front of Welch step by step.

Om, invisible power blooms, and a brand-new space is formed, isolating the inside and the outside.

"Cut off the connection between you and him."

His complexion was cold, and Shashengwan spoke up.

Hearing this, he hesitated, glanced at Sean, and gritted her teeth, Alice took the initiative to cut off the connection between herself and Welch.

After losing the shelter of Alice, the spirit world immediately caught Welch's existence. The invisible suction was born, and he was dragged into the spirit world, but there was a barrier of space, and this kind of suction weakened a lot. It was at this moment that Sesho Maru pulled out the sharp blade pinned to his waist.

The blade is long and narrow, single-edged, and has a jagged pattern. It does not mean killing, but reveals a rare peace. This is a very famous weapon in the world of Inuyasha.

In the world of Inuyasha, the Great Monster Dog General once used his own teeth to create three weapons, which are the natural tooth that represents redemption, the cloud teeth that represent killing, and the broken iron teeth that represent guardianship.

These three weapons are divided according to the Boya Great World. Both Natural Tooth and Cong Yunya barely meet the standards of Tier 6 Wonders, while Iron Fragmentation is Tier 5, but although initially the weakest, Iron Fragmentation possesses The strongest growth.

"The dead spirits retreat, and the creatures return."

The color of the pupil became silvery white, and the faint blue and lonely brilliance circulated on Tianshengfang's knife, and Shashengwan swiped it down.

The invisible death was cut off, the suction from the spirit world temporarily disappeared, and was shrouded in blue brilliance, Welch's soul sank into his long-lost body.

Returning to the sheath, without paying attention to the excited Alice, Sesho Maru returned to her original seat.

Seeing such a scene, Xiao En nodded with satisfaction. In addition to possessing the Tianshengfang, which represents the sky blade of redemption, Shashengwan is also the owner of the fruits of the sixth-order surgery.

Generally speaking, the owner of the fruit of surgery needs to be proficient in medical skills, but after the transformation, from the fifth to the sixth, it is more difficult to awaken it, and only those who truly understand the compassion of life can let it. Awakening.

In the end, after screening, Sean gave the fruits of the operation to Shishengwan. Tianshengfang, the sharp blade that represents redemption, has the ability to bring people back to life in the world of Inuyasha, but only those who truly have compassion can wield this knife, Shishengwan. Although the appearance is indifferent, there is still the purest softness in the heart, which surpasses most people.

Of course, Sashengwan can complete the miracle of reviving in the Liberal Arts In addition to the special sixth-order wonder of Tianshengfang and the ability to operate the fruit, the main reason is that Alice has preserved it. Welch's soul did not let him fall into the spiritual world, otherwise the Sesho Maru would be powerless.

Plops, plops, a slow and powerful heartbeat sounded, Welch opened his eyes under the watchful eyes of a few people, and he came back to life.

"Thank you Earl, thank you Master Sasang Maru."

Soothing the excited Alice, Welch knelt in front of Sean. Although he was already dead, as the guardian of Alice, he was able to keep his consciousness sober. It was only these years that he gradually became chaotic. stand up.

"Thank you, Master, and thank you, Master Sashengwan."

Seeing Welch's movements, Alice also reacted and knelt in front of Sean.

Suddenly a burst of joy rippled in the small garden.


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