Woo, woo, woo, the whistle sounded, and accompanied by the gray-black plume of smoke rising, the twelve-knot steam train departed from the railway station in Pólia.

The red wine in the glass swayed in layers, with slight bumps, and the steam train was getting faster and faster, gradually throwing away the scenery on both sides.

After two days of rest in Polia Bay, Sean chose to leave, what Polia City should see, what he could see, he had seen almost the same in the past two days, and it would make no sense to stay.

In order to be able to see more things, this time Sean chose to take the steam train to Yorkshire.

As a novelty, although the train appeared several years earlier than the automobile, it still shows a state of barbaric growth so far. The ride experience is very poor and the space is crowded. Many carriages do not even have seats. Crowded is a normal state. Of course, these refer to ordinary carriages.

As a nobleman, Sean is naturally privileged. In Sutilt, every train has a special noble carriage. If you want to enter this carriage, it is not enough to have money. You must have noble status. OK, and Sean is not only a baron himself, but also the first heir to the Montell family, he is naturally qualified.

"Baron Sean, here I only welcome you on behalf of all the members of the k35 train."

In the exclusive box, a meticulous man in a straight military uniform and a badge, who took care of himself, bowed deeply to Xiao En.

"Train Captain Fair, you are too polite, and I will trouble you for the rest of the journey."

Faced with the train conductor who came to say hello, Sean's attitude was very gentle, showing the qualities that a nobleman should have.

"It's an honor for me to serve you."

With a solemn look, Fair expressed his heartfelt thoughts. Although Sean was very kind, Fair did not forget about it.

In response, Sean did not speak, smiled and nodded.

Seeing this, Fair retired consciously.

"The conductor, is that Baron Sean the first heir to the Montell family? Not only is he handsome, he is also very approachable."

As soon as he left Sean's box, the flight attendant who was next to Fair couldn't help but speak.

Upon hearing this, a sneer was drawn at the corner of Fair's mouth, full of sarcasm.

"Don't think too much about you, such a big person is not something you can cling to."

After finishing speaking, Ignoring the somewhat beautiful flight attendant, Fair walked straight to the car control room. The arrival of Sean was stressful and troublesome for him. If possible, he really hoped that Sean could change to another train. By his age, he has long lost the naive idea of ​​clinging to a powerful and powerful person. No matter how good he is, it’s good that others can give him a smiley face, because this is what he should do, but if it makes others dissatisfied, The consequences would be serious. You might not lose your life, but you might not be able to keep your job. For him now, stability is everything.

Seeing Fair's back, wearing a uniform, the flight attendant with an s-shaped figure also converged on his previous nymphomaniac expression, and walked away quickly.

In the carriage, sitting on the sofa, reading a book and sipping red wine, Sean passed the time, while Gulea knelt beside him, massaging his shoulders.

Although the overall situation of the train ride is not optimistic, Sean alone occupies a whole carriage, said to be a carriage, but in fact it is more like a mobile room, although the layout inside is not the top level, but It's pretty good, with leather sofas, soft beds, black velvet carpets, iced wine coolers, coffee machines and more.

From high above, watching the train going away, a man wearing a navy blue hood and robe with short silver-gray hair frowned.

"Bishop Ivigli, according to the latest news, the first heir to the Montell family, Sean Montell, is now on the K35 train. Are we going to change our plan?"

A little hesitation appeared on the face of the man with short silver-gray hair.

Hearing this, another person standing next to the silver-haired man raised his eyebrows. This person has a big bald head and a height of two meters. Although he is also wearing a similar navy blue hooded robe, his explosive muscles also hide it. Unstoppable, naturally revealed a fierce aura.

"Sean Montell? The eldest son of the Montell family, shouldn't he be in the New World? How come here to join in the fun."

Speaking of Montel, Ivegri's face is not pretty.

"Bishop, Sean Monteel has only recently returned to the Old World. This time it should be a coincidence."

"Hmph, then even if he is out of luck, the plan will be executed as usual."

With a storm in his eyes, Ivy Gree made a decision without hesitation.

"Bishop, if you do this, in case..."

Although I know that Ivy Gree has always had no affection for the nobles, the silver-haired man wants to persuade him again. After all, Montell, who has been passed down for thousands of years, is not just talking about it. If this time Sean is really out in this action. The problem, these directly responsible persons may not escape the relationship, although they are not afraid, but it is also very troublesome.

"Priest Hannah, the glory of our Lord cannot be tarnished."

Turning around, staring at the silver-haired man, Ivy Gree's momentum became more and more violent.

"I see, Bishop."

Ivegri gave even such a reason. Although Hannah had thoughts of entanglement in his heart, he couldn't speak any more. After all, the true spirit of the church was supreme, and everything had to make concessions for this.

"Let's go."

Seeing Hanna succumb, Ivigli showed an undisguised smile on his rugged face.

The wind surging, his tall body disappeared.

"Hey, may the storm protect you."

Looking at the train with only a black line left in his vision, he sighed, and Hanna's figure quickly disappeared.

At the same time, in the carriage, Monnes came to Sean.

"The Baron~www.wuxiamtl.com~ things seem to be wrong, Black Fang said that it had vaguely smelled some disgusting breath before."

When he said this, Monnes looked a little bit hesitant, because he took his contracted mount Heifang to investigate carefully on the k35 train, and found no more abnormalities.

Hearing this, Sean cast his eyes on the miniature dog squatting on Monnes's shoulder.

After being reduced in size, it was only the size of a fist. His whole body was pitch-black, and his fur was shiny and shiny. Only two spots of redness appeared on his eyes. It looked like a small-waisted dog.

"You are a good hellhound, but the blood is not pure enough."

Feeling the scorching heat radiating from the black tooth, Sean recognized the blood source of the black tooth. It was the legendary beast hellhound, but it was not pure blood. Of course, even this black tooth was not low in rank. It has reached the fourth order, and it matches the current Monnes.

Hearing this, Monnes understood that Black Fang's perception had not gone wrong before.


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