"You want to swallow me, I won't let you do it."

Perceiving the actions of Sean’s Devil Fruit Tree, the power exploded, and the old Devil Fruit Tree immediately launched the most ferocious counterattack. Unfortunately, although he is stronger than Sean’s Demon Fruit Tree both in essence and accumulation, he is not only Suffered severely and was suppressed by the door, he was unable to fight against Sean's Demon Fruit Tree.

"I'm not reconciled."

Feeling the source of his constant loss, the old Devil Fruit Tree's unwillingness and resentment broke out, but unfortunately this did not change his ending. At this moment, no one in this space can save him.

The only world consciousness with sufficient strength was also consumed by himself in previous confrontations, so that he was easily suppressed by the door at the moment the door came.

Time passed, and there was no change between day and night. I don’t know how long it took. The old devil fruit tree disappeared completely. It was replaced by a small devil fruit tree that was small but full of vitality.

The tree was full of purple flowers, blooming wantonly. At the moment when the old devil fruit tree completely dissipated, the whole world had undergone tremendous changes.

Booming, blood-colored thunder spreading in the void, bringing an aura of destruction, and a series of pitch-black spatial cracks quietly produced in the original space, and began to swallow everything.

"Essential space is actually disintegrating? Is this world dying?"

Feeling the sudden rise of destruction and death, Sean frowned.

"Is it because the old devil fruit tree itself is part of the original sea? Swallowing him means breaking the underlying structure of the original sea?"

The first time he encountered such a situation, Sean could only reversely deduce the possible reasons through the conclusions. At the same time, one after another devil fruit quietly condensed on Sean's devil fruit tree.

Seeing such a scene, Sean's brow furrowed even tighter.

There is no doubt that these devil fruits were condensed by the old devil fruit tree before, and now Sean’s devil fruit tree swallows the old devil fruit tree, and instead, he naturally owns the ownership of the devil fruit, but according to common sense, these demons The fruit shouldn't return at such a fast speed, unless those capable of eating these devil fruits are dying fast.

With a move in his heart, thinking of a certain possibility, let the door continue to suppress the Origin Sea, delaying the arrival of the destruction, Xiao En stepped out of the Origin Sea.

The world of One Piece is cloudless, and dense cracks in the sky are displayed, as if a piece of invisible huge mouth swallowing everything. At this moment, all lives are welcoming death.

The flesh rotted and gave off an indescribable odor. After falling into his body, Sean witnessed the demise of a city with his own eyes. With a population of nearly 100,000, he died in just ten minutes.

"This is the wailing of the world before it is dying."

Looking at the corpses that were as black as mud and entwined with a strong breath of death, Xiao En had a clear understanding in his heart. These lives have been in the world of One Piece, and they have grown up in the world of One Piece. They have a close connection with the world of One Piece. When the world enters When they died, these native world creatures were naturally involved. Unless someone can cut off their connection with the world, no one in One Piece World will be able to live this time.

"Compared to the physical body, the soul seems to be more relaxed, but the end result is the same."

Perceiving divergence, looking at the souls who are lingering in the city with deep resentment, Xiao En has more guesses in his heart.

The body is closely related to the world, and is absorbing the energy of the world all the time. The soul is born in the body and is separated from the world by a layer. Moreover, the soul is private and has far less communication with the world than the body. Although the bodies of all the creatures in the backlash had been decayed, the souls were still relatively intact.

Of course, this doesn’t actually make much sense, because when the world dies completely, everything in this world will return to nothingness, first living beings, then various substances, and finally souls. Nothing can be spared.

"Is this the death of a world? It seems I have to hurry up."

A gloomy light flashed through the azure blue pupils, and Xiao En's figure flashed and disappeared in place.

He can't save this world, let alone the people in this world, because the door has great restrictions on the containment of living creatures with clear intelligence, but he can rescue some valuable things, such as the corpse of the green pheasant, such as Hades. , Such as the island of the future kingdom.

The power of the door was mobilized. As Sean’s thoughts turned, more and more things appeared inside the door of the Infinite Door. Although the world was dying, after devouring the devil fruit tree and suppressing the world consciousness, Sean was at this moment. Is the master of this world.

It's a pity that Sean is not a real world consciousness after all, and his personality is not high enough to overlook the entire world. He can only use the power of the door to preemptively contain some of the more important things that have an impression of him.

"It's so fast."

Destruction spread in the world of One Piece like a plague. In just half an hour, all the creatures in the One Piece world were killed and wounded, and no one was spared, and then the great collapse of the world began.

The rules collapse, the mountains and the sea are turned upside down, the world is plunged into endless chaos, the island disappears out of thin air, the sea countercurrents to the sky, and then everything begins to turn into nothingness, just like a graffiti of a child's essay, used by dissatisfied people with an eraser I wiped it off easily.

At the same time as the external world was destroyed, there were corresponding changes in the origin space. The endless origin sea was drying up at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon changed from the ocean to a lake.

Seeing such a scene, his thoughts turned, and Xiao En began to guide the power of the door to take the initiative to extract the fundamental source of One Piece World.

The world enters death~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The first thing that changes is the sea of ​​origin. The dissipation of a large amount of origin is the destined ending. Sean is unable to change. The only thing he can do is to use the power of the door to actively extract the roots of this world. Source power, to prevent these precious fundamental source power from dissipating invisible. Of course, the result of this is that the death of this world will accelerate.

As time passed, feeling the increase of the fundamental source of power within the door, Sean's thoughts kept turning. At this moment, the world of One Piece was completely dark, with neither heaven nor earth nor upper and lower, but only a piece of nothingness and souls wandering in nothingness. .

"Try it, after all, the death of a world is rare."

Determined, Sean stopped the action of absorbing the fundamental source power, leaving the last bit of fundamental source power for the entire One Piece world. At this moment, the entire source space has collapsed, leaving only an ancient stone gate in the One Piece world. Standing in a piece of nothingness, resisting the invasion of destruction, leaving the world with the last gleam of life.

And under this stone gate, there is a shallow pool of source power, which is the pendulum clock of the remaining life in the world of One Piece. When these source powers completely disappear, the world will really die.

The latest release.

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