"This is the power of God. I finally mastered this power again. I want to resurrect all the people in the Kingdom of Dragon."

The tone of voice went from low to high, at this moment Begapunk's sanity was completely in madness, and a pair of pitch-black eyes were imperceptibly stained with a faint purple meaning.

Wow, the turbid water was born out of thin air and enveloped the entire space. As Vegapunk’s words fell, countless shadows appeared in the turbid water, struggling and roaring, as if they were about to crawl out of the river.

"These people are from the Dragon Kingdom."

The sudden change brought the battle to an abrupt end. At this moment, the Kaido trio were all guarding Vegapunk's side, and the Uranus four also joined Sean.

Looking at the struggling soul phantoms in the river, Uranus, who has all the memories of Begapunk, could not hide the shock in his heart, he recognized the identity of these soul phantoms.

At the same time, Begapunk's aura became stronger and stronger, faintly crossing a certain boundary,

The figure was elevated and the flesh and blood melted. At this moment, Begapunk's figure had undergone a huge change. The flesh and blood of the whole body disappeared, leaving only a dark skeleton with weird lines on it, revealing Cold and dead, but the strange thing is that under such circumstances, the breath of Begapunk's life not only did not disappear, but became stronger and stronger, reaching an incredible point, but at this time an abnormality occurred.

"No, what's going on? My power"

The tyrannical power exploded, distorting the void, and the vigorous breath of Begapunk's life fell off the building at this moment, as if he was about to step into death. At the same time, the purple meaning in his eyes became more and more intense, blooming in the darkness. Light.

"I'm not reconciled, I'm not reconciled."

Accompanied by a stern roar, Begapunk’s vitality suddenly disappeared, and the light in his eyes dimmed, and the smile, black beard, and Kaido around him also disappeared. They are all the fruits of Begapunk. The creation of abilities is controlled by Vegapunk, and once Vegapunk dies, they will disappear with it.

Watching this scene quietly, Xiao En took out the burned fruit that had been prepared a long time ago, bit it down, and found what he was looking for.

"I smell the same kind of breath in you, but it's weird."

A cold, hoarse voice echoed in the silent space. At this moment, a faint but pure purple was born in the empty eye sockets of Begapunk, like two clusters of small flames, and at the same time a pitch-black, apple-shaped The devil fruit appeared and was eaten by Begapunk. This is the fruit of eternal silence, or the fruit of death.

"Should I call you Begapunk or should I call you the Devil Fruit Tree?"

Feeling the power surging in his body, and looking at the "Vegapunk" in front of him, Sean's mood was particularly calm. The moment he watched Bergapunk eating the fruit of the soul, he expected what was in front of him. One scene.

Perhaps Begapunk had always thought he was resisting the erosion of the devil fruit tree, but he did not know that he himself had actually been living in the shadow of the devil fruit tree, from the first suicide, to later revenge against the devil fruit tree. , And then to the final resurrection of the dragon kingdom, although everyone is guided by the situation, the reason why Vegapunk made such a choice is actually affected by the devil fruit tree.

That's it. In the silence, the devil fruit tree pushed Begapunk to the path he wanted him to take, a path of no return. The real fruit of eternal silence was as early as the time of the original plan of the dragon kingdom to create gods. Has been born, the moment Begapunk ate all the devil fruits that constituted the life design of the God of Eternal Silence, his death was doomed.

The last thing left is the indestructible soul that has been backlashed and scattered, and the body that has completed the deification and is enough to carry the consciousness of the demon fruit tree.

"You are really different."

Looking at Sean, the purple fire in the eyes of the Devil Fruit Tree became brighter.

The black matter is constantly being born and flowing, and the momentum of the devil fruit tree is getting stronger and stronger, and his consciousness is gathering all the power. At this moment, from a distance, the body of the devil fruit tree’s black skeleton frame seems to be covered with a belt. A black cloak with a hood, that is the concentration of strength.

More than a thousand years ago, the plan to create a **** in the Kingdom of the Dragon was successful, and the devil fruit tree shook, causing natural disasters to bury the entire Kingdom of the Dragon, and personally beheaded the body of Vegapunk, leaving only an immortal mass. The soul, that is, at this time he had new ideas, the idea of ​​getting rid of the shackles, so he guided Vegapunk step by step and let him start the God plan again.

"Although it is very strange, I am pretty sure that you have the same aura as mine. It seems that as long as I swallow you, I can make up for my own shortcomings and complete the promotion faster."

After the power was gathered, the space was completely transformed, the ground flooded with yellow springs, the sky was black frost, and the cold murderous intent from the body of the devil fruit tree enveloped Xiao En's body.

"Really? I think so too."

The flames were lingering, wings grew on his back, golden feathers grew from flesh and blood, and the bones of the fingers were elongated, giving birth to a jade-yellow cuticle. At this moment, Xiao En's body was also deformed, or deified.

"I prefer light to darkness."

There was a flame burning in the pure gold eyes, locking the figure of the devil fruit tree, and Xiao En's voice became extremely low at this moment.

As the voice fell, terrifying power erupted in his body, and a golden sun was born from the void, shining light and expelling darkness.

For a time, two different forces collided and pulled, and the environment of the entire space changed again. The place where Sean was located was light, and the place where the devil fruit tree was located was darkness.


Feeling the power revealing from Sean, the killing intent revealed by the Devil Fruit Tree became even more intense.

"Die me."

The words of the Devil Fruit Tree fell, and Monka, Kuroba, Norris, and Uranus who stood beside Sean suddenly attacked Sean together~www.wuxiamtl.com~ One shot was a killer move, and there was no half-point left at all. hand.

"Did you manipulate them through the Devil Fruit? But what's the point?"

The golden light bloomed, and the figures of Mengka and others melted like ice and snow, leaving no traces. Looking at this scene, Xiao En's expression remained unmoved.

"It seems that your heart is also black. They are all your loyal subordinates."

Seeing this scene, the Devil Fruit Tree smiled, not half disappointed. This was originally just a small attempt or a small prank. From the beginning, he did not expect a few small ants to hurt the elephant, Shaun.

"What a bad trick."

Looking at Begapunk calmly, the golden flames on Sean's body became more intense. At this moment, the two of them did not seem to fight, but the fact is that the fight between the two of them has not stopped since the beginning, and the two sides have started. The power of the domain is really biting each other fiercely.

The latest release.

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