"My lord, the intelligence department returned the latest news, and the sick tiger missed it."

In the study, watching Sean who was reading, Catwoman Catherine was reporting the latest information.

Hearing this, Sean raised his brows, feeling a little surprised, and put down the book in his hand.

"Faulted? What's the specific situation?"

"According to the news from the intelligence department, the sick tiger was about to catch Bakarun at that time, but at this moment a man of unknown origin suddenly appeared and easily defeated the sick tiger and took Bakarun away. The man was suspected. Those who are naturally capable of rustling fruit."

Hearing this, Xiao En's face showed an interesting smile.

"Interesting, really interesting, first the fruit was burned, and now another rustling fruit appeared. It seems that Alabastan is really an outstanding man."

By this time, Sean was really interested in this matter.

"How is the sick tiger now?"

Looking at Catwoman, Sean asked again.

"The sick tiger has lost contact with us now, but according to his life card, although he has suffered serious injuries, he is not life-threatening. He should be lost in the desert."

With her head down, Catwoman answered Sean's question.

"Is that so? I just want to go out for a walk, so let's go to Alabastan and see."

With a smile, Sean made a decision.

"Yes, my lord, I will arrange the boat right away."

"No, this time I can go alone. After I leave, you will be responsible for all the affairs of Black Raven Island. If there is any powerful enemy that cannot be solved, I can give it to Black Feather."

Just as he ordered, the golden light flickered, and Sean disappeared in the study.

Kuroba's resonance experiment was a great success, and Sean had nothing important to do on Black Raven Island in a short period of time. It is also a good choice to go out and find inspiration.

··················································· ···

Alabastan, a giant island, has a vast area and a population of over 10 million. It is one of the few most populous countries in the One Piece world. It's a pity that the environment here is really bad, and the people live in poverty.

The **** flower market, the port city of Alabastan, is also the first stop for foreigners to land in Alabastan.

Leaving from the merchant ship on board, watching the Kung Fu manatee competing against people on the beach, walking on the exotic streets, Xiao En seemed very relaxed.

"It's really unpalatable."

After taking a bite of the jujube cake in his hand, feeling the rough taste, Xiao En frowned slightly, and threw it to the beggar on the side of the road, which quickly caused a rush.

Alabastan has a typical desert climate, with more droughts and less rain throughout the year. Although the country has a large area, the arable area is very limited, and Jujube is their main crop.

Elaeagnus sylvestris has strong resistance to drought and wind and sand. The roots can go deep into the ground for nearly ten meters, and only a small amount of water is needed to survive. The dried jujube noodles made of dried jujube noodles can not only satisfy your hunger, but also are extremely storage-resistant. It won’t be damaged if you put it there for two or three years without any special treatment. Even because of this characteristic, it still appears in Alabastan. An extremely weird phenomenon, that is, at some point, the jujube cake can also be used as currency.

Of course, the jujube cake is good, but for Sean, except for the insignificant sweetness, it is really nothing to praise. The taste is rough. It is no different from eating in the mouth and chewing on a handful of sand. It is hard to swallow. .

"Life in this place is really hard."

Walking around in the street, this was Sean's first impression of Alabastan.

As a port city, the **** flower market is a relatively prosperous city in Alabastan. There are many merchants here. The wealth that flows every day is actually not a lot. It is a pity that not only the wealth belongs to a very small number of people, but most of these people are still People from other countries.

Although Alabastan has a desert climate with few arable land and underdeveloped agriculture, it needs to import food from other countries every year, but the minerals here are very rich. As long as it is developed, it will be Jinshan Yinshan, but the strange thing is that it is currently Seventy percent of the mineral veins discovered by Bastan belonged to the forces of other countries, one percent belonged to the royal family of Alabastan, and only the remaining 20 percent belonged to the people of Alabastan.

Such an unreasonable ore vein ownership situation has led to many native Albanians who need to sell cheap labor to dig ore on the ground in Alabastan in exchange for meager rewards from the hands of people from other countries to make ends meet.

Under such circumstances, Alabastan, a populous country, has become one of the many poor countries in the One Piece world, and this situation has been going on for nearly two hundred years, and it has been so long that many people in Alabastan. Already used to it.

The founder of the Kingdom of Alabastan was the Nafirutali family. They were once a member of the Twenty Draconian families, but after the establishment of the world government, they did not move to the Holy Land Mary Gioia like other Draconian families. To live, but voluntarily gave up the rights of the Tianlong people and created Alabastan.

In the world war more than two hundred years ago, the Nafirutali family, the former Celestial Dragon family, led the Kingdom of Alabastan and stood in the camp of the revolutionary army with a clear-cut stand, contributing to the victory of the revolution. A contribution that cannot be ignored. According to statistics, at the most intense moment of the war, Alabastan once formed an army of up to one million to go to the battlefield. It can be said that the banner of revolutionary victory was once dyed red by the blood of the Alabastanians.

But it is a pity that after the victory of the revolution, Alabastan, who made a major contribution, did not get corresponding returns.

After the victory of the war, when the interests began to be divided, Alabastan was targeted by other forces, and the reason was that the Nafirutali family was a dragon. Although this reason is now a little absurd, after all, Nafirutali The family not only abandoned the identity of the Tianlong people long ago. Their performance in the war was enough to explain everything, but they were recognized by many people at that time. On the one hand, people at the time generally held hatred for the Tianlong people and could not wait. On the one hand, it is because of profit. One less person who divides the cake, others can naturally divide more.

The most weird thing is that shortly after this incident was over, the palace of Alabastan was attacked by a group of pirates. In that attack, not only the palace of Alabastan was burned to death, but the palace of Alabastan was burned to death. The Firutali family was also slaughtered.

Under normal circumstances, the slaughter of the royal family of a big country by the pirates will inevitably cause an uproar in the world~www.wuxiamtl.com~ But at that time, it seemed that an invisible hand was secretly manipulating everything, and the influence of this event was always Confined to Alabastan, only the one piece king Lu Fei at the time came back from the New World himself, trying to find the murderer and avenge his friends, but it was a pity that those pirates who did not know their identity would have been there for a long time. I went, and in the end, I couldn't stop it. After all, One Piece was only a person and not a god.

The aftermath subsided with an unimaginable speed, and the governor of Alabastan, Nijati Barker, quickly took over the rights of the royal family and became the new king of Alabastan with the support of a group of people.

Of course, in order to show his loyalty, Nijati Barker did not change the name of the country after he took office. He still used the title of Alabastan, but from then on, the royal family of Alabastan changed from Nafirutali. Become Nijiati.

Soon after he took the throne, Nijati Barker used urgently needed supplies to carry out post-war reconstruction as an excuse, and reached cooperation with many countries to sell the ownership and development rights of domestic minerals, that is, the people of Alabastan from this time. Started a poor life for 200 years.


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