Acceptance of the Heavens Begins with the Devil Fruit Tree

Chapter 281: Inflammation of the Dead Plague

Hearing, accompanied by an unpleasant cry, the dark clouds covering the sky began to roll, rushing towards Black Feather, completely submerging Black Feather's body.

The crow feathers fluttered, and as time passed, there seemed to be a goose feather heavy snow falling in the sky, but it was only black, that is, at this moment a powerful pressure began to permeate the sky.

"Is it done?"

Feeling this powerful momentum, Xiao En narrowed his eyes as he watched the fading clouds in the sky.

The wings vibrated, and the remaining dark clouds were dispersed, that is, at this moment, the black feather who had completed the resonance showed his body.

The first-born has three eyes, the blood is shining, and it seems like a real thing. The wingspan is nearly 100 meters, and the dark feathers are burning with unknown black inflammation. Under the wings, two claws are born again, which looks like a coincidence under the wings from a distance. To the arm, at this moment, Black Feather looked extremely like those phantom beasts that shouldn't exist in this world.

Gua, a powerful aura broke out, engulfing the overlord's domineering aura, stirring the surrounding wind and clouds, making the originally dim sky clear.

The sun was shining, and the sky was blue. Looking at the figure blatantly under the sky, countless people on Blackthorn Island held their breath. They knew that from today onwards, the top combat power of the Blackthorn Flower Chamber of Commerce has once again increased by one, but it is not. Man is a crow.

Phew, his wings converged, and Kuroba lowered his figure.

Crunching, crunching, and groaning bones, Kuroba's body shape began to change after reaching the ground.

Heiyan burned, and Heiyu's huge body was enveloped. After three breaths, a humanoid creature walked out of it.

The height of three meters, the crow head, the crow feet, the wings are closed, the two claws on it act as arms, the whole body is covered by black crow feathers, and black flames surround it, which looks like a weird mask from a distance. Humans in crow feather coats.

Black Feather is not an ordinary crow. It has been trained by Sean since its birth. In addition to possessing near-human intelligence, it also has powerful physical skills. In order to cooperate with the transformation, life return is its key ability to master. As far as this single ability is concerned, no one in the Blackthorn Flower Chamber of Commerce can match it except Sean. Under such circumstances, after dissipating part of his power, Kuroba has successfully transformed into a human form.

"Master, Kuroba has succeeded."

When he walked in front of Sean, Kuroba knelt on one knee.

Seeing this look of Black Feather, the corner of Sean’s mouth outlines a nice arc. At this moment, although Black Feather seems to be a person, the power of the fruit of resonance is like an invisible silk thread, with blood as a link. Connecting the entire group of black crows and black feathers together, so that black feathers can draw strength from the black crows at all times.

In other words, as long as the black feather does not release the power of the resonance fruit, it can always maintain this form and maintain this power. Of course, the price of doing so is that the black crows almost permanently lose a strength and become weak. , But this is not without a solution, as long as a lot of materials are invested, the black crows can be restored through the simplest food supplements.

"Let's go, go to the laboratory to check your body first."

Looking at Black Feather's figure and observing its changes, Xiao En's eyes became more and more joyful. There is no doubt that this experiment was successful, but the specific results need to be carefully checked.

"Yes, master."

Looking at Xiao En's back, Kuroba immediately followed, and one person and one crow quickly walked into the laboratory.

"It's a magical power."

After half a day of various tests, looking at the final summary report, Xiao En's face was unabashedly surprised.

Before the resonance, the five-time modified Kuroba has a tyrannical physique, but at best it is a lieutenant general level. Although there are not many but not many animals in the world of One Piece, the large-scale sea kings and terrestrial creatures are also excluded. There are also quite a few, especially on those ancient islands. After the resonance, with the support of the entire crow flock, Kuroba's body seems to have been reshaped by a powerful force, and he has reached the level of generals in one fell swoop. With a peculiar power, to a certain extent, the current Black Feather is a living phantom beast species.

"The flame of death plague is really an interesting force."

Seeing the black flames burning on a small green tree that was ejected by the black feather's curved fingers, Xiao En's eyes narrowed.

The black flame is cold, without the slightest temperature. It seems to be burning, but it is actually a kind of spread. Although its appearance is very like a flame, it has nothing to do with the flame itself. It is an alternative energy.

Covered by flames, unique power penetrated into the body of the plant, and wonderful changes began to occur.

The emerald green leaves began to lose their luster, and irregular rusty spots appeared on the stems and leaves of plants quickly like rashes. After a while, the whole plant lost its vitality, as if it had been corroded by rust.

"Is it rust this time? It's different from the previous one."

Looking at the dead plants, Sean thoughtfully.

Rust is a relatively common plant disease. This disease can cause the leaves of plants to wither, but it is not enough to kill the plant. After the burning of the deadly plague, this very common disease occurs in a very short period of time. Just killed a plant that looked very healthy.

"The inflammation of the dead plague cannot directly confer the target disease, it can only induce and amplify it."

After studying carefully for a while and comparing with previous experiments, Sean came to the conclusion that most of the symptoms caused by black inflammation burning similar healthy plants are not the same every time, and as long as one plant shows a more obvious disease, After the black inflammation burns, this disease will be rapidly amplified. From this perspective, black inflammation just induces and amplifies the original symptoms of these plants, so that these seemingly ordinary diseases can be directly killed. Dead plants, there is no doubt that this is the nature of Black Feather's unique power Death Plague Flame.

Although this kind of power looks inconspicuous, it is actually very scary, especially in the world of One Piece, because the extraordinary roads in the world of One Piece are incomplete, and the transformation of life cannot be realized. The body is still an ordinary person in essence, and as long as it is an ordinary person, it is inevitable to escape the torture of illness.

In the world of One Piece, physical exercises are the most basic no matter which path you take. In this process, while people gain powerful strength, they are actually constantly squeezing the body's potential, leaving hidden dangers. , Only when young and strong, this hidden danger is suppressed by a strong body, usually only when the person is old and weak, and the deadly plague can speed up and speed up this process.

It can be said that as long as Kuroba has enough opportunities, it can kill a strong man with a cold. Although this sounds a little funny, it is completely possible.

"Kuroyu, you really gave me a surprise, and it seems that this is not your Seeing Kuroyu standing next to him, Sean is more satisfied.

The power of the black feather comes from the black crow flock, and is closely related to the black crow flock. The stronger the overall power of the black crow flock, the stronger the black feather power will be. Now the number of black crow flocks is only 100,000. In addition to the black feathers, there are only five black crows that have undergone three transformations and are comparable to naval colonels. If the number of black crows further increases, reaching a million base, the basic quality will be increased by two more. At this level, Kuroba might not be the next miracle.

Of course, the premise of all this is that the power of Black Feather itself crosses a ladder again, and the fruit of resonance is truly awakened, otherwise even if the black crows reach the standard, Black Feather will not be able to carry such power.

"Kuroba, can you become the next miracle?"

Looking at Kuroba, the thoughts in Sean's heart turned.

It has to be said that after getting rid of the shackles of distance, the fruit of resonance has the possibility of becoming the second miraculous fruit after the fruit of luck.


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