Windmill Village, the hometown of the second Pirate King Monch D. Luffy, after seeing nothing in Rogge Town, Sean went straight here.

This time, Sean came to the East China Sea alone because he wanted to take a look at the magical waters where two One Piece Kings had appeared one after another, and second, he wanted to find out some information about the ultimate island of Ravdrew.

As the most mysterious place in One Piece World, Sean speculates that that place may be related to the ancient kingdom that disappeared. After all, the people who boarded the island before and after are all from the D clan. Even Sean suspects that the place may involve the One Piece World. His deep secrets, maybe through there he can find clues about the origin of this world or the devil fruit tree.

Of course, these are just Sean's speculations, and the truth needs to be seen in person.

"If it weren't for my knowledge, who would have thought that the bones of the second One Pirate King were buried here."

Standing in front of a small mound of weeds, there was a faint sigh on Sean's face.

"But there doesn't seem to be what I want here, should I call it Luffy?"

With a light footstep, the grave soil cracked, and a palm-sized treasure chest made of special metal flew out from the ground and fell into Sean's hands.

Reaching out and squeezing and breaking the lock, Sean opened this little treasure chest.


Looking at the empty treasure chest, Sean raised his eyebrows.

Luffy’s tomb is very simple. There is no treasure in it. The only burial item is this treasure box. Looking at the special material of this box, Sean thought there was something precious in it. Otherwise, there is no need to use such a special one. My treasure chest was stored, but I didn't expect it to be empty.

"No, there used to be something in it, but it disappeared later. Was it taken away by someone?"

Doubts in his heart, further release of seeing, hearing and color, constantly communicating with the treasure chest in his hand, capturing the fragmentary information.

"Heh, I didn't expect it to be this thing."

After in-depth exploration, after capturing a certain scene, Xiao En retracted his domineering appearance, and a subtle smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

Naturally Burning Fruit, the thing that was once preserved in this treasure chest, after knowing that it was this fruit, Sean also roughly understood why Luffy, who didn't care about anything but food, specially created such a treasure chest. I also know why this fruit is missing.

Before and after burning the fruit more than 200 years ago, the two owners were Portcas d. Ace and Sabo. These two people have a deep bond with Luffy. Although they do not have the same blood, the three are Have the same friendship as brothers.

Before his death, Luffy collected the burning fruit, which was closely related to Ace and Sabo, as his funeral, and it was also a memorial to his two brothers.

It's just that the door of Wu Jian noticed this one day, and contained the burning fruit, and later fell into the hands of Xiao En, so now the treasure chest is empty.

"It's really a bit dramatic."

Looking at the empty treasure chest in his hand, Sean gently threw it back.

"Damn bastard, you grave thief."

Phew, the faint sound of breaking through the air remembered that a wooden stick smashed from behind Sean.

With a wrong footstep, he easily avoided the attack behind him, turned around and looked at the kid who had just shot himself, Xiao En frowned.

He did withdraw his domineering experience just now, but he shouldn't ignore the approach of a child, which is abnormal.

Looking closely at this eleven or twelve-year-old child, Sean has made a different discovery. This child is almost integrated with the surrounding environment when his breath is stable, as if he is a part of nature, if not It is almost hard to find out if you observe it on purpose.

"Boy, what's your name?"

Discovering this characteristic, Sean became somewhat interested in the child in front of him.

"Grave thief, it is unforgivable that you dare to steal my grandfather's grave."

Ignoring Sean's question, angry flames burned in his eyes. The child dragged a wooden stick, his body low, and rushed towards Sean at a speed like a galloping horse.

"It's not good."

Although the physical age is only sixteen, Sean's mental age is not that young. Looking at the child who attacks again is like seeing a wicked child.

With a flash of body shape, Sean suddenly appeared on the way the child was charging, then smiled at the child and slowly stretched out his finger.


The strength erupted, and the figure of the child came and went faster, and with the howling wind, it slammed into a big tree.

The big tree shook, and the leaves fell like rain.

"Oh, damn..."

Suffering severely, a big bag quickly bulged up on his forehead. The child still refused to give up, struggling to get up from the ground.

"Boy, you can tell me your name now."

Looking at the kid, Sean asked the previous question again.

"What about telling you? My name is Monkey D Ronan."

Using the big tree as a fulcrum, Monge d. Ronan got up from the ground, and at the same time a vibrant green light was flowing on his body, repairing his previous injuries.

Noting this scene, Sean's eyes narrowed.

Seen and heard divergent, Sean got the answer.

"Special Superman Series, Mumu Fruit."

"Anyone with the Devil Fruit Ability? The Fruit Ability seems to be well developed."

As Ronan recovered from his injury, Xiao En noticed that the vitality of the big tree next to him had dropped, and obviously he had extracted the vitality of that tree.

The injury quickly recovered. Looking at the tomb thief in front of him, Ronan once again clenched the stick in his hand, and he already knew how powerful the other party was.

Seeing this scene, Sean spoke again.

"There is nothing in your grandpa's tomb, only an empty box. I am not a tomb robber, but I am very interested in him, so take a look."

With that, Luffy's grave closed as soon as he stepped on it.

Seeing this scene, Ronan's anger in his eyes diminished a little, but his body was still tight.

"Monkey D. Ronan, let me introduce you formally. My name is Sean and I want to officially invite you to join my team."

Looking at Ronan, who was suspected of being of Luffy's blood, Xiao En had some different thoughts in his heart. Not to mention other things, Ronan's aptitude was very outstanding, and he was a little monster that hadn't grown up yet.

"Do you want me to be your subordinate?"

Ronan asked when he heard Sean's words.

"You can say that."

With a smile on his face, Sean did not deny Ronan's statement, because that was the fact.

"Then I choose to refuse I will never be your subordinate, because I am a man who wants to be the One Piece."

Hearing this, Sean laughed, but by no means ridiculed.

Although these words seem to be in the second grade, Sean can perceive the seriousness in Ronan's words. The most important thing is that the other party has the potential to achieve this goal.

"Really? That's a shame, but is there any reason to stop a man from running to the sea?"

Glancing at the depths of the forest, with a smile on his face, Sean disappeared into a golden light.

"Tomb Rogue Sean, one day I will defeat you."

Instinctively caught the direction Shaun was leaving, Ronan shouted loudly.

When he heard this, Sean did not respond. Ronan did have the potential to become a monster, but after all, it was just a small episode. Since he refused his solicitation, then there is nothing to care about.


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