Roar, the roar shook the sky, but it was hard to hide the sorrow, this is the unwillingness of the beast to come to the end of life.

The golden light was shining, and the blood was swaying. At the moment when Kaido's dragon body was about to enter the sea, Xiao En turned into a golden light and cut off its head.

The corpse separated, reaching out and grabbing the dragon head that was bigger than his whole person, and Xiao En consolidated his body again.

The giant snail houseboat, observing the room, watching such a scene, although he had expected it, Vinsmok Dale still could not hide his shock. After all, No. 0 is the only one that Vinsmok uses the troll **** as a template for so many years. A test product that was close to success, its strength was absolutely top-notch in the sea, and it had even collided with those top powerhouses before, but he did not expect to die in his own base camp today.

Looking far away, feeling the terrifying aura slowly rising from the giant snail houseboat, Sean's eyes narrowed.

"Is this the real troll god? It's really scary, and this breath is vaguely similar to this thing, is it really Kaido?"

Looking at the dragon head in his hand, and then at the giant snail houseboat, Xiao En's face was contemplative.

"Forget it, the goal has been achieved, it is not the time yet."

Seeing, hearing and perceiving the terrifying aura that was gradually waking up from sleep, Xiao En turned and left with the head of the dragon.

"Father, just let him go like this?"

In the observation room, looking at Sean, who turned to leave with the head of No. 0, Dale couldn't help but ask. The other party not only stole the important confidential information of their family, but also killed No. 0, just like this. It is really unwilling to go.

"Otherwise? The other party is a person with the shining fruit ability. If we don't contain the strong people of the same level, our other methods will be difficult to work against such people."

Compared to Dale, Mill was much calmer.

"I'm back to the research room."

After being silent for a while, Dale turned and left here. She knew that what Milburn said was not wrong. With Sean’s general alternate strength, the Vinsmok family currently has only the big brother Vinsmok in addition to the troll gods. Gal can deal with it, but now one of the two "people" has a problem, and the other is not in the North Sea at all. As a member of the Vinsmok family, as a member of the hegemonic power on the sea, she has not experienced it for a long time. This feeling of powerlessness is gone.

"Aren't those with the shining fruit ability? The Vinsmok family's things are not so easy to handle."

Although his performance in front of Dale is calm and calm, how could Milburn really not care? What is lost is the research results of the Vinsmoke family for hundreds of years and generations, only the current Vince The Mok family is really in a very embarrassing position.

Dale only knew that there was a problem with the family’s trump card, the Troll God, but did not know how much the problem was. The elders of the Vinsmok family got the body of a dead monster more than 200 years ago. They found that the monster was still powerful even after it died. Not even decayed, this discovery shocked the Vinsmoke family at the time, because they saw the possibility of immortality.

Resources are consumed like flowing water. Decades have passed and a generation of time has been consumed. The Vinsmok family still has not found out the secret that the monster’s body is not bad, but the Chinese Smok family is not completely without gain in this process. They discovered a way to manipulate monsters, and it was at this time that the Vinsmoke family launched a top-secret project, code-named the Troll God.

After spending nearly ten years and combining the efforts of two generations, the Troll God Project was a great success. By implanting artificial intelligence, the Vinsmok family successfully turned the monster’s corpse into a terrifying biological weapon. Since then, the Vinsmok family has jumped up, not only becoming the uncrowned king of the North Sea, but also juxtaposed with several other forces, becoming one of the overlords of this sea.

The troll gods are not only powerful in combat, but their flesh is not bad. They don’t age and die like normal strong men. Therefore, it may not be the strongest in the overlord-level power to be the Chinese Smok family, but it is definitely the safest. , Has been prosperous for more than 100 years, and few forces are willing to engage in evil with them.

However, Cheng Ye Troll God, Defeat Ye Troll God, when the Troll God is normal, the Vinsmok family is naturally as stable as Mount Tai. shake.

"It is incredible that a brand new will was born from a corpse that has been dead for more than 200 years."

In the observation room, the picture on the big screen did not know when the switching was completed, it was a piece of ice and snow.

Raising his head, Milburn frowned, looking at the monster firmly bound by chains in the icy world.

The picture changed, and at a certain moment the monster opened his eyes.

The eyes are red, the color of blood, but not fierce, but extremely cold.

Looking at each other in the air, although his eyes did not change, it was still as cold as a machine, but the corner of the monster's mouth gently evoked a subtle arc.

Seeing this scene, Milburn's face became more gloomy.

"Inject No. 1 liquid nitrogen immediately."

Phew, the cold air rose, following the order of Milburn, a large amount of liquid nitrogen was poured into that mysterious space, and the monster's figure was quickly frozen by the blue ice.

Since discovering that a new will was born in the body of the troll god, the Vinsmok family has been looking for ways to eradicate or control this new will, but the effect has not been obvious so far. Not only has the new will not been eradicated, Being controlled, on the contrary, it has become stronger and more mature.

It is precisely because of this that even if Sean stole the scientific research results of several generations of the Vinsmok family, even if Sean killed the Troll God No. 0, an important experimental product of the Vinsmock family, there was no truth in Milburn. Release this monster.

Because he was afraid that this release would make the will in the monster's body grow again, and he would soon lay a hidden danger for breaking away from the control of the Vinsmok family.

As a scientist, even if this probability is not does not want to gamble, as the owner of Vinsmok, even if this probability is not high, Milburn does not dare to go. Gamble, because once this monster gets out of control, it is likely that the Vinsmok family will be dealt with immediately, and the Vinsmock family is likely to face annihilation at that time.

"The progress must be speeded up. Even if it can't kill the new born will, it must find a solution to it completely before it gets out of trouble."

As the thoughts in his mind turned, Milburn's face showed a cruel look.

In the face of this crisis, the Vinsmoke family came up with three plans and three plans were carried out at the same time. The first plan is naturally to eradicate or control the newly generated will of the troll god. This is the best solution, but this The plan has not gone well so far. The second plan is to find a way to completely kill the troll god. If it is not available, then it will be destroyed. The premise of this plan is that the first plan fails completely, and the third One plan is to cultivate a new general-level combat power, whether it is to deal with the danger of loss of control that may come, or to maintain the position of the Vinsmok family on the sea, at this time the Vinsmok family needs one. The new general strength, this is also the real reason why Vinsmok Gal is not in the North Sea now, he is the executor of this plan selected.


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