In the dark night, the cold wind was blowing, and a dark shadow fell from the sky.

Without stopping, Sombra walked straight into the Rose Flower Manor. In the dark, after confirming Sombra's identity back and forth with a few pairs of eyes, he slowly retracted his gaze, but for these secret peeping, Sombra didn't realize it.

"grown ups."

A sharp voice sounded, and he walked into the living room and looked at Sean who was sitting there. The shadow knelt down on one knee with a very submissive attitude.

"How is it, is there any news?"

Hearing this, without raising his head, Sean asked casually, still concentrating on playing with the dark green little snake in his hand. This snake looks no different from a real snake, from appearance to expression, but it does It was an authentic plant. It was Sean who rewrote the plant's life design drawing and gave it some snake characteristics. It is a pity that the fake is fake after all, and the similarity is only the appearance.

After research, Sean found that the concept of the life design diagram is somewhat similar to the genetic engineering of the previous life. Their core points are related to the genetic material of life and touch the root of life, but the two concepts are more than the concept of the life design diagram. It is more complicated and grander, because its research objects include not only living substances but also non-living substances, and the descent factors derived from it include not only ordinary genetic materials but also extraordinary factors.

In the concept of life design, all life and non-life have their own life map, but some are hidden deeply, some are easier to find, some are very stubborn and difficult to change, and some are more inclusive. It has good plasticity, and the basic unit that constitutes these life maps is the lineage factor. In other words, each lineage factor carrying different information constitutes a life map of life or non-living matter.

"It's still a lot worse."

Looking at the dead snake in his hand, Sean’s dark eyes have dark light. The life map is the foundation of life, a fragile and sensitive thing. Even a slight change may cause the entire life map to collapse. And even if it is successfully rewritten, whether the rewritten descent factor can finally be expressed, whether it is dominant or recessive, is a question. Just like the snake vine in his hand, it was indeed rewritten by Sean. Atlas, but what it ultimately expresses is quite different from what Sean expected.

"My lord, the location of Derma 66 has been locked. They crossed the windless belt and returned to the North Sea two days ago."

He lowered his head and didn't pay attention to Sean's expression. Sombra answered Sean's previous question word by word.

Hearing this, Xiao En finally withdrew his attention from the snake vine and fell on the black shadow.

The black figure is tall, even if he is kneeling, he still looks nearly two meters away. The eagle-headed figure is surrounded by a pair of huge black wings.

"Fortunately for you this time, Iron Eagle."

"This is what I should do, my lord."

Still bowing his head, Iron Eagle's expression did not change in any way.

Seeing Tie Ying's performance, Xiao En's mouth was drawn with a smile, and it was not in vain that he spent so much time training, but the other party did not disappoint him.

Iron Eagle, a member of the Yin Beast, an ancient species of iron claw eagle with the ability of the animal family, powerful, comparable to the former world government’s lieutenant admiral, and the most powerful combat power of the Blackthorn Flower Chamber of Commerce except for Sean. Of course Before he became the Yin Beast, he had another identity that was Yadesson, the former president of the Blackthorn Flower Chamber of Commerce.

At the beginning, because Yaderson was a rare animal with ancient abilities, Xiao En did not directly kill him, but temporarily imprisoned him.

Later, after a year of physical and mental torture, the determined Yadsson was finally found a breakthrough in his mind by Sean, and then it took Sean another year to complete the process of spiritual suggestion, but now I see It is worth it to spend this time.

After completing the psychic hint, Yadesson himself has a more in-depth development of the devil fruit, so it only took half a year to complete the awakening of the devil fruit, and in the process his body was also induced by Sean Seeing and hearing color domineering.

Under the scientific training, the physical fitness has been continuously improved, with the two-color domineering, although the color is weaker, but with the awakened ancient demon fruit, the combat power of the iron eagle has reached the fourth level. Although it is relatively late, it is here. There is also a character in the sea, after all, abnormalities are a minority after all.

Of course, among the current Yin beasts, the Iron Eagle is also the only ancient species of the animal family, and the other four are just demon fruit capable people of the common animal family.

The reason for this phenomenon is that the number of devil fruits in ancient species is much smaller than that of ordinary species, and the value is generally high. Second, although the wild return method can speed up the development of animal devil fruits, the corresponding ability is also available. Face the impact of wildness and prevent yourself from losing control.

According to Sean’s observations, with the exception of a few special cases of animal devil fruits, the devil fruits of carnivorous species are generally heavier than those of vegetarian species. The devil fruits of ancient species are heavier than those of ordinary species, and the gap is still very large. Big, not a little bit, as for the Eudemons species Sean has not seen it yet.

Before, Sean had obtained a devil fruit in the shape of an ancient giant hoof. In order not to let this devil fruit go to waste, Sean carefully selected a subject with the best qualifications to eat it. As a result, After spending a lot of hard work on training, upon awakening, this capable person was directly defeated by the wild and turned into an irrational monster. To this day, he is still in prison by Sean.

"You continue to monitor the movement of Derma and report to me at any time."

After pondering for a while, Sean sent the Iron Hawk out again.

Although Djerma 66 is a kingdom, it does not have a fixed land, but is made up of giant snail houseboats.

Although Djerma 66 is the uncrowned king of the North Sea, they have rarely appeared in the North Sea in recent years, and more energy has been devoted to the great route. These years, Sean has been searching for the trail of Djerma 66 openly or secretly. , But it was not really accurate until today.

"Yes, my lord."

Hearing Xiao En's words, Tie Ying immediately agreed, and then got up and left the Rose Flower Manor. Soon a dark shadow rose up, merged into the deep night sky, and disappeared.

Seeing the domineering retreat, Sean thought about what to do next, looking at the direction where Iron Eagle left. After all, the current Derma 66 is not the Derma 66 of more than 200 years ago.


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