"What are you going to do next? Three little mice, do you want to beg me for mercy?"

With Lanhua pointed up, Ambrio Cot looked at the three Sean trio with a playful look, like a cat playing with mice.

"Has anyone told you that you are really sick?"

Lifting his head, with unabashed disgust in his black eyes, Sean stared quietly at Ambrio Kurt.

"Well~ you are looking for death."

The purple eyeshadow squinted his eyes slightly. Looking at Sean's figure, the murderous intent in Kurt's heart surged. Sean's eyes stung him. It has been a long time since no one dared to look at him with this kind of eyes.

"I wanted you to play for a while, since you want to die, then I will fulfill you."

Sen Leng's killing intent entangled, Kurt's figure immediately disappeared in place, six-style shave.

The world government was defeated more than 200 years ago, and what was left would naturally become the trophies of the victors. Among them, the six navy is one of them. Now the training method of the six navy has been spread in the sea, and many countries have mastered this. Super body surgery.

"It's almost there. Get me moving."

With a wrong footstep, avoiding Kurt’s fist, the power of the soul diffuses from Sean’s body. In the time he just spoke, Sean has used the power of the soul to hypnotize some of the soldiers who surrounded them. Now is the time to verify the results. NS.

"Ah, John, are you crazy? You even shot me."

As Sean's mind fluctuated, the soldiers surrounding him immediately became chaotic, and they started to kill each other.

Seeing this scene, a cold light flashed in Kurt's eyes.

"Are you a devil fruit capable person?"

As a general of the Monster Kingdom, Kurt naturally knows that there is a strange power called Devil Fruit in this world, and Sean is now behaving like a Devil Fruit capable person.

"you guess?"

With a smile outlined at the corner of his mouth, Sean once again avoided Kurt's attack.

"Whether it is or not, you will die for me."

Even at this time, it is obvious that Sean is not easy, but Kurt does not think that Sean will be his opponent. This is their fixed impression of the Dragonites over the past 200 years, and the Dragonites are synonymous with waste.

"Shemale Fist·Armed·Cat Cat Fist."

A bright light flashed in Yaoyi's eyes, and at this moment, the speed of Kurt's punches suddenly increased, leaving dense shadows of the fists in the air, covering all of Sean's evasive space.

As a general of the Shemale Kingdom, although Kurt can also use six navy styles, she is really good at **** boxing. This is his strongest killer move.

"How can it be?"

But the next moment Kurt could no longer conceal the shock in his heart, because under the shadow of his fist, Sean, who was like a catkin, completely avoided his attack.

"This is paper painting, no, simple paper painting can't be done to such a degree, you will still see color domineering."

Although he can only be armed with color, he does not know how to see color, but Kurt is still very aware of the domineering characteristics of color. It is just because of this that he is even more surprised, because he wants to learn how to see color, besides knowing how to exercise. In addition, a strong talent is needed. Compared with armed sex, the threshold of seeing and hearing **** is much higher.

"You guessed it, reward you to die."

Although Sean seldom fought back during the fight just now and spent most of his time avoiding, he unknowingly guided the battle towards the prison gate.

The prison gate is tall and heavy, and it is not easy to open and close. Although the soldiers on the wall have noticed something wrong with the appearance of Kurt and started to close the prison gate, there are still gaps left until now.

"everything is over."

Before the words were over, Sean's figure disappeared in the same place instantly, like a ghost like a charm. This is a new move developed by Sean combining the power of the mind and the six forms, named Mind Liberation·Shave·Instant Flash.

By suggesting to his own mind, his body can release the power beyond the limit in an instant, and the speed of shaving has reached an incredible level.

"Why, how can it be so fast?"

Sneezing, blood was flowing, Kurt firmly covered his neck with his hands, but unfortunately that didn't stop the loss of blood.

Boom, his body fell to the ground, Kurt's eyes were wide open, staring at the night sky blankly, with deep unwillingness and doubts, he did not stare at him.

"Let's go."

Shaking off the blood beads from his fingertips, Sean rushed out of the prison gate first, followed by Monka and Youde.

With the sudden death of Kurt, the other guard soldiers in the surrounding area appeared in a short trance, so that no one stopped the pace of Sean's trio, but even if they rushed to block it, they would not lose a life. Has any other effect.

Crunching, crunching, Xiao En and the three finally took a crucial step before the prison gate was closed. After this step, there was a brighter world.

"Huh, boss, we really came out."

Can't help but look back at the towering prison wall. At this moment, Youde still has an unreal feeling in his heart. You must know that at the moment Kurt found out he thought he was going to die. He didn't expect... ·····

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but glanced at Sean secretly, the boss was indeed a monster.

"Let's go, now is not the time to relax."

Keeping pace, sensing the excitement of the two Youde's moods, Sean reminded him that at this moment the harsh sirens had sounded through the night sky of Mary Joa, and I believed that reinforcements would come over soon.

Sean didn’t care about Kurt who was killed by him. From the moment Kurt appeared tonight, he was already a dead person in Sean’s heart. If it weren’t for finding out his specific strength, avoid One blow can't kill, and against the embarrassing situation of being entangled, Sean won't waste so much time with him~www.wuxiamtl.com~ After all, he is still weak now.

Hearing Sean’s reminder, Yode and Monka quickly followed. Compared to Yode’s joy of regaining freedom, Monka was extremely silent at this moment. In the previous battle, he killed the one he once released. The children who have been past have a kind of unspeakable complexity in their hearts, it seems that they have gained something and lost something.

And the moment the three of Sean stepped out of the prison door, a little scarlet shimmered in the mysterious space deep in the underground of Mary Gioia.

"Little Myers, will you be the new king in that prophecy? I look forward to it."

The whispered whispers echoed in the silent space, and the little scarlet went out quietly.

The sirens have been sounding for a long time. This is destined to be a restless night. Today, 200 years later, some Tianlong people have successfully escaped from this place of sin.

Soon, the Monster Kingdom was the most active. The three kingdoms responsible for guarding the Tianlongren launched a hunt for the three of Xiao En and issued a wanted order to the outside world.


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