In the early hours of the morning, the sky was not bright yet, neat steps sounded in the quiet street, and the army entered the city.

Now that he had made up his mind, Iruka would naturally not be soft. After getting Sean's permission, he directly drew part of the army in the name of acting.

As the army entered the city, various traffic arteries were quickly blocked, and the silence of the town was quickly broken by the harsh gunfire.

"Who are you? What are you doing?"

Opening the door that was about to be knocked out, the people who came would yell at him, but after seeing the big soldiers in neat military uniforms holding cold firearms, he unconsciously lowered his voice.

"I tell you, don't mess around. This is the residence of the logistics officer Zigui Frey. You big soldiers are careful not to eat."

Perhaps the backing behind gave him courage. At this moment, his voice became louder again, and he looked at the soldiers outside the door with a contemptuous look. He is the servant of Lord Zgui Frey, but at this moment The answer to him at the moment was indeed a dark butt.

Ah, with a scream, the servant of Zigui Frey was immediately smashed with blood on his face.

This early morning is destined to be an uneasy early morning. What happened to the logistics officer Zigui Frei’s mansion also happened in other places. In this early morning, Lvyezhen was only the middle-level and grass-roots managers who were arrested. As many as thirty, this does not count the businessmen. Of course, in addition to these arrested people, there are also some people who are not in Greenfield Town, and this part of the people is handled by Anbu.

The sky was bright, and the chaos brought about in the early morning had not yet completely subsided, so the street looked more deserted than before. At this time, a woman wearing a black robe and leading a white horse walked into Luye Town. Looked at the city carefully.

"This is the emerald capital? I'm finally here."

Going forward without rush, obviously there is nothing good to see on the street, but this woman looks at it very carefully, as if she wants to write everything down.

"This place is much worse than I expected, but it's right to think about it. After all, the city in the clouds has not yet risen. This is just a small town. It should be called Luye now."

Although she noticed that the atmosphere was a bit strange, the woman still spent the whole morning strolling all the streets in Luye Town, even if she knew that her behavior would attract some people’s attention, she didn’t care. , After all, this is her goal in itself.

In the afternoon, kitten coffee.

"Miss, is it convenient for me to sit here?"

Hearing this, the woman smiled slightly on the face hidden under the hood, and she knew that the person she was waiting for had finally arrived.

"Of course, please sit down, sir."

Hearing this, he opened the seat and sat down slowly, the magic lizard Fuerte looked at the woman in front of him with a scrutinizing gaze, as if he wanted to see her through.

"Sir, your behavior is not a gentleman."

Gently stirring the coffee in the cup, the woman said in a soft voice.

"Oh? I'm sorry, ma'am, this is my professional habit, I hope it didn't offend you."

As he said, the magic lizard withdrew his gaze.

"Professional habits? Is the sir a policeman? I shouldn't break the law, right."

With a smile, the woman made a small joke.

"I am not a policeman, and the young lady did not break the law, but can I get to know the young lady?"

"Naturally, I never reject making friends. My name is Skylar Dallaire. I am glad to meet you."

Raising his head and looking at the phantom lizard, a bright smile appeared on the woman's face, as if the sun broke through the darkness.

Seeing this woman's pretty face and gray eyes, Fuerte couldn't help but stunned, it was a kind of heart touch.

"Skela Dallaire, a nice name, nice to meet you, my name is Fuerte."

With that said, Forte reached out to Skylar Dallaire.

After the courteous handshake, the relationship between the two suddenly seemed to change from a stranger to a friend, and the atmosphere suddenly became harmonious.

"Then as a friend, Miss Skylar, please allow me to take the liberty to ask a question. Are you extraordinary?"

When he said this, Fuerte's eyes fixed on Skylar, his eyes sharpened.

"Of course, I am indeed an extraordinary person. Shouldn't Mr. Fort know this?"

With that said, Skylar took a sip of the coffee in his hand.

And hearing such an answer, Fuerte's face also showed a smile, since the other party is willing to admit that it is a good thing.

At such a sensitive time as today, an extraordinary person who did not deliberately conceal his identity wandered back and forth in the town of Greenfield, which naturally attracted the attention of the official of Greenfield.

The current phantom lizard has completed the leap from Tier 2 to Tier 3. He was not in his turn for such a thing, but now the extraordinary power in the town of Luye is tense, and most of the members of the Yin Beast have been transferred to the secret realm of Shipwreck Bay. , Coupled with the talent gathering plan that the Lord’s Mansion has just issued to various departments, so after thinking about it, the phantom lizard appeared here in person. After all, according to the report, this woman is not just a first-order transcendent. By.

"I do know, but I still have to ask, so now I officially introduce myself, I am a member of the official transcendence department of Greenfield Town Yin Beast, code-named Phantom Lizard."

Hearing the words Yin Beast, Skylar didn't express anything on the surface, but the gray pupils hidden under the hood contracted for a moment.

"Oh, I don't know what happened to you? It's impossible to really come to make friends with me, right?"

Without showing his face, Skylar continued to speak.

"It's only one aspect of making friends. The main purpose of my coming here is to know what Miss Skylar is doing in Greenfield?"

I didn’t care about the little thorn in Skylar’s ​​ The magic lizard stated the true purpose of his trip. After all, as transcendents, many people have a natural aversion to official forces. It was decided that in the past, transcendents were closely monitored by many official forces.

"What do you want to do? The main reason is to come here to find some extraordinary resources. After all, this place has many powerful extraordinary people."

Putting down the coffee in his hand and looking at Fuerte, Skylar spoke.

Hearing this answer, Fuerte had an idea in his mind.

"Then Miss Skylar, are you a lone traveler? Do you have any power of belonging?"

"I am a lone traveler."

With a calm complexion, Skylar answered Volt's question as if she was undergoing an interrogation and went through the same process, but at this moment, there were waves in her heart.


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