Boom, as the Bloodhoof Island stepped out, the wind and waves that finally calmed down began to raging again. Under the guidance of Sean, Bloodhoof Island walked towards the direction of Greenfield Town step by step, although the movements were very slow. But every step of it is very large.

In the distance, for the rest of their lives, the voyeurs who were lucky enough to escape the catastrophe looked at this scene in silence. Although Bloodhoof Island looked a little weird at this time, it looked like a mountain giant in myths and legends. , Sleeping will stand up like a mountain, and moving will shake the mountain.

The abilities of the soul soul fruit after awakening may not be as destructive as the white beard shaking fruit after awakening, simple and crude, but it is even better in other aspects.

The white mist slowly breeds, and I don't know when it has covered the figure of Bloodhoof Island. From a distance, only a vaguely dark shadow can be seen.

After leaving the sea area where he was before, in order to avoid causing too much panic, Sean used the Tier 3 war wonder in his hand to create a layer of white fog, blocking the figure of Bloodhoof Island.

Across the sea and over the mountains, after a day and night of travel, under the guidance of Xiao En, Bloodhoof Island finally arrived in Luye Town.

In the early morning, Luye Town was still asleep, accompanied by the dim light, and the white mist unconsciously enveloped the small town.

The rumbling, the ground shaking, the sleepy town was suddenly awakened, and the dim light was driven away by the dots of light.

"What's going on? Is there an earthquake?"

"Run, leave the sheep alone."

The sudden shock awakened people from their sleep and plunged the quiet town into a panic. Fortunately, the official of Greenfield Town received Shaun’s notice in advance that all the police officers from the police station had taken to the street. Started to appease the crowd and maintain order. Under such circumstances, although Luye Town fell into a brief panic, it did not cause any major losses.

"The next step is the last step."

Looking at the lord's mansion close at hand, Xiao En's eyes flickered.

Given the soul of an island like Bloodhoof Island and driving it to walk for a day and a night, it is also a great burden for the current Sean, but although the body is very exhausted, Sean's heart is even more excited, and the soul is awakened. The ability after that did not disappoint him.

Shuo, the figure fell, and Sean appeared on the top of the hill in the botanical garden. He wanted to repeat the same trick to give the botanical garden a soul and integrate the botanical garden with Bloodhoof Island.

Lord's Mansion, Monens, Little Ram, Anais, and Balash stood in a row, quietly watching Sean's movements, their expressions were different, but they all showed the same shock.

"This kind of power really makes people..."

Looking at Shaun's figure, Blash's eyes flickered.

"The power of the baron is getting stronger, and I need to work harder."

The flame burned in his heart, and Monnes was silent as he watched Sean's figure.

As the current chief of cp0, Monnes’ main responsibility is to protect Sean’s safety, and now his power is far away from Sean, and he can’t play any protective role at all. This is undoubtedly a kind of protection for him. sorrow.

The rumbling, the ground shaking more and more violently, the two giants, one big and one small, got closer and closer. Eventually, Bloodhoof Island took the lead to stop and re-turn into an island, and then the Botanical Garden climbed up step by step. It is located on Bloodhoof Island. The deserted area in the east.

The dust settled, and as the smoke gradually dissipated, everything returned to calm. Seeing this scene, Sean breathed a sigh of relief.

In the early morning, the sun rose as usual. At this time, people discovered that a large mountain suddenly appeared behind the lord’s mansion at some unknown time. It is said that this is a mountain giant, and some people say that this is the lord who moved from deep in the forest.

In addition to various speculations, many people also think of the earthquake last night, and the topic of this topic has become even more hot for a while, so that it will be the town of Luye for a long time in the future. A very important conversation for people.

Faced with all speculations outside, Sean did not give an official explanation. There is no need for this, he still has important things to do.

Before, he had the idea of ​​establishing a large-scale ritual witch formation in Greenfield Town, and even reserved some nodes during the expansion of Greenfield Town. However, there are still many difficulties to be solved in order to achieve this idea. One of the most important issues is the supply of energy. Xiao En's original idea was to wait for the further recovery of magic power, and then use magic stones and extract free magic power to achieve it, but now the body of the emerald dragon allows him to find a new way out.

Emerald Crown, the new name after the fusion of the Botanical Garden and Bloodhoof Island, Sean is walking through here with two people, repairing the damage caused by the previous fusion, and planning a new magic route.

"Liddy and Norman, you two will fix it here."

Looking at a collapsed rock, Xiao En ordered.

"Yes, Baron."

Hearing Xiao En's instructions, the two young men, one tall and one short, who followed Xiao En's back immediately started to move.

Extraordinary power surges, earth and rocks are surging, and vegetation grows. Soon after this collapsed place, the natural scenery is restored and no longer looks like before.

Lidi, Norman, and Jack are both members of the first training camp, but their performance is not as good as that of Jack. They have not won the title of supernova, and neither Obtained the gift of the devil fruit But unlike others, Lidi and Norman not only possess good extraordinary qualifications, but also have good architectural knowledge, so they seized the opportunity and were taken by Xiao The gift was given to the Superman Shishi Fruit and the Superman Wood Fruit.

These two devil fruits were condensed by Sean using the devil fruit tree to extract substances, and both belonged to the dominant branch, possessing the ability to manipulate stones and plants.

Of course, the quality of these two demon fruits is actually not very high. Even if they can awaken Tier 4, it is already the limit. In addition, Lidi and Norman are not high in extraordinary ranks, only Tier 1, so they The combat effectiveness now is really limited.

However, after obtaining these two devil fruits, Sean’s first thought was not to use them in battle, so the two extraordinary beings, Lidi and Norman, neither joined the Yin Beast, nor became cp0, but became Consultant of the Ministry of Construction.

Now that Xiao En brings these two people with him, on the one hand, he needs their efforts, and on the other hand, he wants to train them. After all, the town of Green Field will expand further, and both of them will need their efforts.


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