The transparent bowstring was slowly pulled apart in Joey's hands, and if there was a dragon's roar on the Northern Light, the heavy pressure filled everyone's heart, making people breathless.

Water Dragonshang, a Tier 5 wonder, a wonder of the Medici family. Not only the bow arm is polished from the spine of a broken Taozhen dragon, but the three cat's eye gems inlaid on it are extremely rare. The magic gems are Frost, Return and Phantom Mist.

Faced with such a strange thing, even Eboo, who came from the Storm Church, couldn't help being amazed.

Kazed, the extraordinary power surged, the frost gem was shining, and the fine frost began to condense around Joey.

Halfway through the bow, a crystal clear arrow made of ice appeared in Joey's hands.

Huh, exhaled a cold breath, gathered extraordinary power, and pulled the longbow apart again, and Joey let go of the bowstring.

Om, the bowstring vibrated, and the Frost Arrow pierced the air instantly.

Boom, the sound of the sonic boom came, and the moisture in the air where the Frost Arrow passed was frozen, and all the fire crows on its way were frozen into ice.

The Frost Arrow flew, gleaming with a lonely blue light, and behind it was a passage made of frost.

Hey, before the arrow of frost arrived, the temperature in the air dropped a bit out of thin air.

"Is there still such a method?"

The flaming pupils reflected the faint blue light, and the high priest Pilt finally did not make a block, allowing this frosty arrow to shoot at the totem fire pillar one after another.

To the totem priests, the totem pole is their true root. Without the body, people will not necessarily die. Without the totem pole, people will definitely die. So Joey’s arrow is aimed at the totem pole instead of shooting it. Piert.

Silently, the Frost Arrow hit the totem pole accurately, and then the endless meaning of ice suddenly exploded.

Phew, the blue brilliance was shining, the sky began to snow, and in a flash, Gattuso seemed to have come from summer to winter.

Kazed, kazed, the cold ice sprang up, spreading toward the upper and lower ends of the totem pole at a rapid speed, and in a short while, the faint blue ice enveloped the entire totem pole.

Seen from a distance, the totem pillars of fire burning across the sky are covered by endless ice, and the scene is magnificent.

"How are you doing?"

Looking at the frozen totem pole, Cato Rhein cared about Pelt.

"Wang, I'm okay, but it's a bit cold."

The flame on his body went out, and at this moment, Pilt's face was a little pale, and a thin layer of frost condensed on his eyebrows, which looked as if they were white.

The extraordinary power surged, the flames rose, and the frost on his body was dispelled, Pilt let out a sigh of relief, but this was only temporary, and the deep cold that entangled him did not dissipate.

"Fortunately for you this time."

Seeing Pelt's expression, Cato Rhein's tone appeared very low.

"It's an honor to work for you, king."

An ugly smile was sketched on his face, and Pilt saluted Cato Rhein.

"Next, you have a good rest."

Hearing Cato Rhein's words, Peel nodded and stopped talking.

It is not easy to use Tier 4’s essence to play Tier 5’s power, not to mention that he has made several shots before. If it weren’t for saving power and waiting for the critical moment to make a shot, he would not let it go. The Frost Arrow hit the totem pole without blocking it.

Fortunately, the totem pole he inherited has been handed down for a long time, and the essence of the sacrifice of totem priests through the past generations has been extraordinary, able to withstand such an attack.

Phew, the breeze was blowing, and the fire crows all over the sky suddenly disappeared without a trace, leaving only a little spark falling from the sky above the large fleet.

"It seems to be resolved."

Looking at the icicles in the distance, Eboo's face was unabashedly surprised.

"No, not, at least not fundamentally resolved."

Looking into the distance and staring at a certain pair of eyes, Joey's expression did not lighten up because the fire crow dissipated.

"Do you want another arrow?"

With this thought in his mind, he looked at the longbow in his hand and then at the cracked palm of his left hand. Joey still gave up. The possibility of success is too small and the price is too high. It is neither cost-effective nor necessary. After all, this One was a joint operation.

The crisis of the Great Fleet was lifted, and everything quickly resumed operation, but at this time the Orcs and the Human Allied Forces were already tangled together. At this moment, the thousands of artillery pieces of the Great Fleet were already very limited.

Looking at the overall situation in the temporary headquarters, the look of the high-level coalition forces is not relaxed.

"Let the reserve team press on."

Looking at the front line being pushed forward by the orcs, the coalition commander Maz Kanilunka issued such an order. At this point in the war, most of the tactics have been useless, although it is clear that the current battlefield is for human soldiers. A meat grinder, but Maz Kanilunka still had to throw in a steady stream of soldiers, because only in this way could he ensure that the coalition forces would not be collapsed on the front battlefield in a short time.

"At the same time, the artillery troops were ordered to retreat and build new artillery positions in the rear."

After a moment of silence, Maz Kanilenko added an order, and upon hearing this, the clerk who was in charge of recording the order shook his hand.

The artillery positions planned by the coalition forces were impacted by the wolf cavalry and were not successfully constructed. Most of the artillery has not been transported. Now Maz Kanilenko wants to gather these artillery and rebuild an artillery position. The purpose is not. It goes without saying.

The clerk understood this order, and the officers in the command naturally understood it, but none of them stood up to oppose this order, because a soft-hearted person could not become a general. A creature like a soldier would even kill himself when he was so cruel.

On the frontal battlefield, as time went by, the battle became more and more bloody. Both humans and orcs had already been stunned. The most important thing was that the two sides dispatched more and more high-end combat power.

So far, the remaining three captains of the orc king's court have all shot, and the coalition has also dispatched four major generals.

However, although there is an advantage in number, the situation on the battlefield is not optimistic. The three ten thousand chiefs of the orcs joined forces to force the four major generals of the coalition forces to fight, occupying a more obvious advantage.

The reason for this situation is that, on the one hand, the orcs’ three marquees are indeed stronger than the four major generals of the coalition in terms of individual strength, and on the other hand, because the orcs’ three marquees have the banner of glory. The increase.

The Lionheart's Banner of Glory, although the appearance of this Tier 5 war wonder is not mighty, but it has a great impact on the battlefield, whether it is a regular battlefield or a high-end battlefield.

"Damn, it's not a way to go on like this."

Once again repulsed by the Orc Wanhu Iron Bull, blood was flowing from the corner of his mouth, and Bolt's face was a bit ugly. Although he was not long after entering Tier 4 and he was still an extraordinary person in the potion pathway, he was ultimately a high-end combat power among humans. , Has ever been treated like this?

In fact, it was not only Bolt at this moment, but the other three major generals of the coalition were not looking good. The four of them were beaten by three orcs. They were ashamed to say it, but this couldn't change their situation.


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