Gattuso, the orcs are still reveling, igniting the city with blood and fire, but the difference from the previous ones is that the faces of the orcs are not pretty.

In the hearts of the orcs, the temple is the abode of the gods in the world. It is a sacred pure land and a place that cannot be desecrated. Today, someone broke into the temple and destroyed the idols. This is a blasphemy against the gods and even more contempt for the orcs. The key is that this person even escaped after doing all this, and escaped intact. This is simply an inexhaustible shame for all orcs.

Although there seems to be no change on the whole, the elite troops of the orcs have been mobilized, and Gattuso has been rigorously investigated, and the strong among the orcs have joined this place except for those who have to sit in and out. During the big search, if this blasphemous despicable person is not killed, the humiliation on them is difficult to wash away. Even if they dig three feet in the ground, they will definitely catch Xiao En, but it is a pity that they have not found Xiao so far. There was no trace of En's trace, as if Sean had disappeared out of thin air.

Lily Street, Gattuso was once a very bustling street. Most of the people living here are middle-class families, but these are all in the past. Now it is in a mess. There is no more prosperous scene, and there are people calling for help from time to time. And the excited roar of the orcs sounded.

"Sir, did you save me?"

A shriveled voice sounded, and a pair of silver-gray pupils slowly opened, silent and apathetic, like a desert that had lost all its moisture.

"Sir, did you save me?"

Looking at the figure in the emerald robes in front of him, a mechanical voice sounded again.

"That's it."

Lowering his eyes and looking at the blood-stained little boy about eight or nine years old, half lying on the ground, Xiao En replied.

After getting rid of Baroque’s entanglement and leaving the temple, although Sean knew that the orcs would search for himself, he did not rush to leave Gattuso. With his current ability, as long as he does not kill himself, those orcs are very It was difficult to catch him, and while wandering in the city, Sean stumbled upon the little boy and was very interested, so he appeared here.


Hearing Sean's answer, the hot flames burned fiercely in the boy's dead pupils. At this moment, he looked at Sean's figure as if looking at the last light in the dark. It was hope and faith.

"What's your name?"

"My name is Ram, and my mother likes to call me a little pillow, but it's a pity that my mother is dead."

As he said, Little Ram's voice was a little deep, but there were no tears in his eyes. It seemed that there were too many tears before, so that now he has lost the ability to cry.

"You can follow me from now on."

Illusive palms stroked Little Ram’s head, and Sean’s blue eyes were deep. At this moment, his eyes did not fall on Little Ram’s body, but fell behind Little Ram’s empty body. , There were a pair of gray eyes staring at him.

"Is it really possible? Sir."

Looking up and looking at Sean, Little Ram clenched his palms unconsciously, appearing cautiously, like a drowning man who had caught the last straw.


Sketching out a gentle smile, and looking at Little Ram's eyes, Sean gave an affirmative answer.

"Thank you sir, I will definitely repay you in the future."

Although his voice was immature, little Ram's face was full of seriousness, as if he was using his life to make the most solemn oath.

When he heard this, Sean didn't speak, but smiled.

"Sir, what should I call you?"

"You can call me Mr., or you can call me Baron or Sean."

"Okay, sir."

Turning around, Sean left this **** house.

Looking at Xiao En’s back, and looking back at the ground, Little Ram hesitated a little, and quickly stood up to follow Xiao En’s steps. Although he was already cut and bruised, there was no pain on his face. , As if those **** wounds were fake, he stared at Xiao En's back closely, he didn't even dare to blink his eyes, for fear that Xiao En would disappear in the next moment, but that was what he wanted to pursue in the second half of his life. Shine.

The blood in the courtyard stained the ground, and the corpses lay stumblingly. There were humans and orcs. There were two and a half human bodies. A man and a woman should be the parents of Little Ram. The man’s head has been broken, and you can’t see it. With a clear face, the woman had a big hole in her abdomen, her eyes widened with inevitable panic and a trace of unexpected toughness, and under her body there was a corpse of a four or five little girl, but it was already Only half left.

Except for the two and a half human corpses, the rest belonged to the orcs. There were six in total. Their deaths were very strange, with unconcealable fear on their faces, as if they had suffered before death. Great torture.

Most of their limbs are twisted abnormally, as if they were broken, and some of their necks were opened and bloody, not as if they were injured by a sharp weapon, but as if they were bitten by a person's teeth.

The ground was surging, and the vegetation grew. After Little Ram left the courtyard, all the corpses in the courtyard were buried by the vegetation, and then bright flowers bloomed quickly. Who would have thought that when he saw this situation, he was unarmed and had not left. Did the little human boy on the road of transcendence kill six orcs who were vicious in the eyes of ordinary people?

Although the orcs in the courtyard were all killed by Little Ram himself, Sean said that it was not a lie to save him. It was Sean who arrived in time to solve the orcs who came after hearing the news and cover up the movement here, otherwise Little Ram will undoubtedly die.

Of course, if it wasn't for Little Ram's own special talents, Sean wouldn't care about him. In this situation, he wouldn't let himself bring a useless oil bottle.

Although Little Ram is still very small, the potential in his body is visible to the naked eye. As long as he is given time, he can grow up quickly. After all, he has the special ability to devour alien souls.

However, although the soul is, the enhancement is the flesh. This was carefully checked by Sean. It is precisely because of this that the bruised little Ram can still move freely at this time. Because he had swallowed the souls of six orcs before, and his physique had been transformed. Although he was still a child, his physique had surpassed that of ordinary adult men.

The invisible spatial power fluctuations enveloped Sean and Little Ram. Sean walked unhurriedly, turning a blind eye to the orcs around him. Although the little Ram who followed him was very nervous, even a little scared. , But the pace at his feet did not stop, just covering his mouth and nose with a pair of small hands, as if he was afraid of disturbing these orcs by making a sound.

And the green-skinned beasts were still carnival, searching for beautiful accessories, butchering fresh food, and had no response to the two living people of Sean and Little Ram who passed by them, one large, one small, and one small.

The space gauze, the secret technique, slightly disturbs the space, forming an invisible gauze around the periphery, which can distort the perception of the outside world, whether it is sight or smell. It has no protective effect, and the perceptive extraordinary person may see through With this layer of gauze, Sean was walking openly on the street with Little Ram relying on this secret technique at this time.


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