At noon, the sun was warm, and it was another bright day.

In Lvye Town, Little Garden, Sean is enjoying lunch leisurely.

"Gurea, this tiger prawn tastes good, let them send some more in the future."

"Okay, Master."

Tiger lobster is a kind of lobster. It is famous for a pair of big lobsters. It can pinch off a person's arm with great strength. Therefore, it is called tiger lobster by fishermen. Although this kind of prawn lives in shallow seas, It is usually only found in places with dense reefs, so it is extremely difficult to capture. However, due to its chewy texture, sweet taste, and the effect of boosting the spirit, it is very popular among the upper class. There are not a few fishermen who have lost their lives by catching tiger prawns. After all, tiger prawns are fierce, and fishermen who are ordinary underwater are not their opponents. Fortunately, there is a murloc village under Sean’s hands, for them to catch tiger prawns. Although troublesome, it is not dangerous.

Cut off a piece of shrimp meat again and sent it to the import. Feeling the sensation of the shrimp bouncing in his mouth, Sean nodded. This thing can really be eaten, but Sean doesn't care much about its little nourishing effect.

Sean is in a very good mood these days, and even after tasting the food, he feels that it is much more delicious. Although the large amount of power has disappeared, but at this moment, it is in his abdomen, and there is more between his kidneys. A mysterious place, this place is called the aperture in the Gu world, and within the aperture, there is a solitary existence that resembles an oil lamp, the light is on and off, as if breathing, that is the spark of wisdom.

After spending 999 source power points, Sean exchanged the long-awaited Wisdom Gu. With the power of a door, Sean easily refined the Wisdom Gu, and naturally opened the aperture without the Hope Gu. Ninety percent of the qualifications are Grade A, but troubles also follow.

The extraordinary way of the Gu world focuses on the three steps of Gu cultivation, use, and refining. This step of refining Xiao En does not need to consider for the time being, but the cultivation and use are necessary.

Wisdom Gu is Rank Six Immortal Gu, and its ranks are analogous to the Sixth-Rank God of the Bo Ya Great World. It is not an easy task to raise it. Fortunately, after the Immortal Gu has eaten a full one time, it usually does not need to be fed for a short time. Shaun Nei doesn’t have to worry about this, otherwise it may be really troublesome, and the use of Wisdom Gu in this step must be motivated by the immortal element. At present, Shaun doesn’t have such a thing, but Shaun has already Have some ideas.

Before ascending to the immortal in the Gu world, the realm of a Gu master was based on the pregnancies of the aperture and the accumulation of true essence. After he personally embarked on the path of a Gu master, Xiao En understood that the so-called saving of true essence was actually to save the world. The process of taming vitality, branding oneself, and further purifying is not complicated. As long as there are corresponding resources or talents, it can make rapid progress in a short period of time. At least it was like this before ascending to immortality. Of course, the realm in the Gu world is the realm. , Combat power is combat power, you are nothing without Gu, even Gu Immortal is the same.

Under such circumstances, Xiao En estimated that the so-called Xian Yuan is actually a highly pure product of Heaven and Earth Yuan Qi, and Heaven and Earth Yuan Qi has another name in the Bo Ya Great World, which is magic.

There are highly pure magical products in the Liberal World, and there are more than one kind, the most common of which is magic crystals, which are naturally occurring, generally produced in magic stone veins, and there are also gods condensed. The divine power crystals and the sage stones created by alchemists are all similar items. In fact, all kinds of powerful beings in the Liberal World are more or less capable of condensing this highly pure energy crystal.

Although it is said that both magic crystals and other products are very rare in the current environment, at least there is a direction for Sean. He has notified the ghost island to pay special attention to the magic crystal, although the probability of finding it is not It’s not high, but it’s also a way out. In addition, Sean’s hand itself has a large piece of magic crystal-like product. In time, this baby skeleton is no longer a pure white bone but a product of highly pure magic power. It’s just that when there are other options, Sean is unwilling to move this skeleton, because in the current town of Greenfield The blood of the knight produced by this skeleton is already a very important transcendent material, especially today when the blood of the third-order knight has taken shape.

Although it was a lot of trouble after spending a lot of money in exchange for Wisdom Gu, Xiao En had expected it, and was not disappointed. After all, as long as he could use Wisdom Gu, many of his previous ideas could be realized.

After eating lunch happily, he took a sip of red wine, and Sean was going to read a book for a while, that is when the sky changed.

The sun disappeared, and at this moment the whole world was darkened, whether it was the New World or the Old World.

"Have you come so soon?"

Looking up at the sky, Sean's blue eyes were extremely deep at this moment.

The stars are shining, and the world comes from day to night. At this moment, both ordinary people and extraordinary people are looking up at this piece of sky. Some people are confused and don't know what is happening. Cheering for the advent of the new era, some people meditate, thinking about the way forward.

In the town of Luye, the botanical garden, the branches and leaves of the devil fruit were spreading, and countless roots rose from the ground, piercing into the void, absorbing the magic power that fell from the sky, and Sean did not know when he had already arrived here.

The second demonic wave came. It came without warning, and it was caught off guard. However, it is meaningless to think about the reason at this It is the most correct choice to seize the opportunity to improve yourself.

There is no doubt that the Gu world has reached a very high level in the use of Gu, but in the human body’s own energy absorption and use, the Gu world is far less than the Boya World, with a large environment with high tides of magic. , With the help of the devil fruit tree, and highly efficient meditation, the true essence in Sean's Kong Aperture is accumulating and transforming at an incredible speed.

Time passed, about two hours later, the stars in the sky suddenly brightened, and then the stars fell like rain, a sudden but unprecedented grand meteor shower appeared before the eyes of life all over the world.

Meteor shower across the sky, brilliant and colorful but short-lived, disappearing into the night in just a few moments, and as the meteor shower disappears, the night seems to be cut open, and the light soon shines through, golden. , It's extraordinarily dazzling.

Everything is back to normal, the golden sun is still hanging on the horizon, just an hour like a dream, and life will continue after waking up from the dream. This is the thinking of most people or their situation, and other than that. There is a small group of people who know that the world will look different after today.


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