Mountainside, Hayes introduced the surrounding plants to Sean and Iluka while walking.

   "Lord Lord, the main planting part of the mountainside of the botanical garden is medicinal herbs. Among them, hempgrass for anesthesia and hollow flowers for hemostatic powder are the most numerous."

   Hearing the words, Xiao En nodded. It is normal to grow herbs in the botanical garden. These herbs can not only be equipped with some commonly used potions, but some are also used as accessories for potions.

   Listening to Hayes’ introduction, after walking around the mountainside, Xiao En and his party gradually approached the top of the mountain.

   "Lord, the top of the mountain is in front of you."

   Looking at the top of the mountain in front of him, Hayes stopped and stopped walking.

   Seeing this scene, Iluka turned to Sean and said:

   "Lord, outsiders can't step on the top of the mountain. The mountain is guarded by bitter thorn vines. Once outsiders enter, they will be attacked."

   "Well, in this case, Iruka, you go in with me, Hayes will go back."

   The blue pupils swept across, and Sean had already seen the bitter thorn vine hidden among the vegetation. Sean still knows this kind of vine very well. It is a first-order supernatural plant cultivated by the Montell family with a special method. Although it is not very useful, it is good to use it to look at the home nursing home.

   Spirituality surged, sketching out a simple rune, touching the bitter thorn vine, Sean took Iruka and walked up.

Looking at the backs of Sean and Iluka, Hayes’ aqua-blue pupils showed a trace of desire. After three years of working for the Montell family, she no longer knew nothing about transcendence, but it was a pity that she was a It is not easy for civilians to cross this threshold, but it is not without hope, at least she is a big step ahead of most civilians.

The top of the hill of    Botanical Garden is very flat. In addition to the land reserved for planting extraordinary plants, the Montell family also built a two-story wooden cabin on it.

   "My lord, the hillside where the botanical garden is located is where the magic node is located, and the top of the mountain is where the concentration of magic power is the highest. Build a small house over there, which has complete experimental equipment, a lounge and a study room, but the conditions are a bit simpler."

   Hearing this, Sean glanced at the wooden hut but did not walk over. Instead, he walked towards the middle of the top of the mountain, where there was a stream of spring water.

  The spring water is not big, it is like a well, and there are ditches around it to guide the spring water out to irrigate the plants on the mountainside and foot of the mountain.

Spiritual divergence, I felt the magic of the surroundings. Sean stood still before the spring water. With this naturally occurring spring water, he wanted to save a lot of trouble. Looking at the solemn expression of Sean, Iruka was conscious of it. Stand quietly on the side.

   Turned the storage ring with his left hand-a gift from nature, a big tree appeared in front of Sean, it was the extraordinary plant golden oak.

The golden oak tree is three meters high, with pale golden leaves, gray-brown trunks, and luxuriant branches. As soon as it appeared, its roots seemed to come alive, drilling into the soil one after another. Even the rocks could not stop them. Easy to penetrate.

   One minute later, the rooting was completed, and the golden oak returned to calm. The spring water happened to be covered by it under the body, and there was a taproot stuck in it, absorbing water to the heart's content.

   Seeing the golden oak calm down, Sean immediately took out a bottle of pale golden potion from the storage ring.

The active potion, the unique potion of the Montel family, uses the top leaves of golden oak as the main material, which has a very good effect on the growth of extraordinary plants. The bottle in Shaun’s hand is made of third-order golden oak leaves. Class active potions are very precious.

   stepped forward and poured the active potion into the spring water, and the original clear spring water was suddenly stained with a faint golden color.

   Hula, absorbing the active spring water, the golden oak shook for a while, and the leaves that had been slightly dim due to transplantation became bright again. After seeing this scene, Sean, who was still a little worried, immediately relaxed. The third-order golden oak is extremely precious, especially in this era. There is no room for loss, so he chose to waste a bottle of third-order active potion.

   "Sir Iluka, in the next three days, I will sort out the magic trajectory, and use the golden oak as the core to activate the ritual witch formation in the natural realm. Could you please tell me to go down to the Botanical Garden and close the garden for three days."

   "Your wish, Lord Lord."

   Without asking much, Iluka hurriedly left the botanical garden.

   Without paying much attention to the leaving Iruka, Sean began to let go of his spirituality, with the golden oak as the core, affecting the magical power around him. This process is not difficult, but it is a waste of time.

   Two days later, a golden-green halo spread out with the golden oak as the core, and it gradually disappeared until the foot of the mountain.

Feeling the faint natural aura around him, a smile appeared on Sean’s pale face. Although it was an intermittent spiritual adjustment, the two consecutive days did exhaust him. Fortunately, it was all worthwhile. .

  The ritual witch formation takes shape in the natural realm, and the entire botanical garden is shrouded in it. The natural breath grows and the sacred breath is revealed. For a time, the plants spread their branches and leaves, and the pests flee quickly.

   "Huh, first-order spirituality is still too weak."

   Standing on the top of the mountain, feeling the changes in the botanical garden, Xiao En's mouth was drawn with a smile. With the blessing of the natural realm of the ritual witch formation, he can let the devil fruit tree that is the cornerstone of his witchcraft take root here.

  As the cornerstone of witchcraft, the devil fruit tree can transform between virtual and real. When it is virtual, it can be parasitic in Sean's body, and when it is real, it can take root in the outside world.

Sudden, rustling, like the sound of a poisonous snake slipping through the grass, eleven twisted tree roots quietly emerged from Sean’s back They twisted like living creatures, and finally took root in the mud. For weird.

  The shadow of the tree is three meters high, and the whole body is dark and the leaves are oval, as if carved from obsidian, but it has a low-key gorgeousness.

   Maybe it was because the land was not fertile enough. After landing, the roots of the demon fruit tree twisted again, just like the tentacles of an octopus, causing its body to move a distance to the side again, approaching the golden oak.

   The devil fruit tree was separated, and Xiao En's face couldn't help whitening, but he quickly recovered and a lightness appeared.

   Although the devil fruit tree in his body will bring him an increase in combat power, it will also bring him a spiritual burden. It is not appropriate to maintain it for a long time, and it is not suitable for the growth of the devil fruit tree.

Looking up at the cornerstone of his witchcraft, Sean fell into silence. After a year of growth, the devil fruit tree has grown from a seed to a three-meter-high tree. The growth rate is not slow, but Sean Still dissatisfied, because the characteristics of this demon fruit tree have not been revealed so far.

"The Secret of Nature" is a special secret for wizards. Although it is difficult to get started, it has many benefits. The most obvious is that the selected witchcraft cornerstone will bring special increases for wizards. For example, a practice "The Secret of Nature" The wizards who use the Hellfire Tree as the cornerstone will get the increase in fire attributes, and this increase will continue to increase with the growth of the Hellfire Tree. Bring any additional gains.

   "I don't know when the magic wave will appear, the devil fruit tree is a baptism after all, but it is much slower to accumulate by itself."

   Silently whispered, Shaun’s blue pupils burst out with a gloomy brilliance.


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