Latest website: Time passed, and as the day when the new king officially came to the throne was getting closer, the entire Kingdom of Thalia became busy.

Cold Spring Palace, at the bottom of the lake, there is a secret room here.

Returning from the Three Wastes, Patra came here quietly.

"My lord, you are the master of desire, this time I will offer you the best sacrifice."

Kneeling on the ground, Patra silently prayed to a stone statue.

The statue is small, the same height as a human, and it is close to human in appearance. It has black hair and black eyes, a pair of bat-like fleshy wings behind it, and a pair of small curved horns on top of its head. The released red roses, with thorny branches and leaves, show a holy breath in the indulgence.

After praying, kissing the toes of the idol, and thinking of everything that was about to come, Patra's expression was a little dazed for a while, she thought of a night many years ago.

Patra, or the former Patra, was a very simple person. Although she was born in aristocracy, she was not influenced by the love concept of the aristocrats at that time. She is a pure person. Beautiful love exists, and she is also lucky. The people she likes also like her. Fortunately, this person is also the person her family wants her to marry. This person is Ismail Doyle, just like that. With the blessing of everyone, she married Ismail.

This marriage is indeed a political marriage, but Patra still feels very happy because she is sure that Ismail likes her, and she also likes Ismail, and at the same time she is married to love.

But beautiful things are often fragile porcelain. Soon after the marriage, Ismail died in the hands of his brother Jordan. What is more ironic is her family, and her friends persuaded her. Marry Yordan, marry her husband's brother, marry the murderer who killed her husband.

Patra naturally resisted such things, and even thought that she was dead, but she could not, she died, her family and her friends would suffer misfortunes, she could not abandon her parents, She can't abandon her brothers and sisters, she can't be too selfish, people live in the world, all freedom is relative, in addition to love, there are many other feelings, such as family affection.

Under heavy pressure from her family, Patra eventually married Yordan and became his queen, but that period was the most painful time Patra had in her life. Mai’s betrayal, hatred of her indisputability, hatred of Yordan who dominates her, under such circumstances, she seems to be living in purgatory every day, suffering from the torment of the soul, that is, at this time she met that The person who changed her life is the succubus king Elis from the **** world.

Of course, rather than encountering, it is better to say that her breath attracted the attention of Succubus King Elis. She was born pure and believes in beautiful love. After suffering, she was on the verge of degeneration. She looked like Succubus Elis. It is a delicious little dessert.

With the help of Elis, Patra split his personality and gave the name Patra to his second personality. His main consciousness was named Pamela, which means a new life.

Patra represents the dark and depraved side, while Pamela remains pure. After completing this division, Pamela’s pain in his heart is finally relieved, and as a fallen side, Patra no longer resists Jordan even took the initiative to please Jordan, of course, not only Jordan, some handsome aristocrats Patra didn’t mind giving them some sweetness, the craziest one was when Patra left the palace in disguise. , Incarnate as a prostitute, let the untouchables tarnish her noble body, in the process she gets a kind of revenge pleasure, a kind of indulgent comfort.

In this way, Patra or Pamela went further and further on the path of degeneration. Although they were two consciousnesses, they were never two independent consciousnesses. They were just a way of self-evasion. She gave Gave her a reason to indulge herself.

With the "help" of the devil, breaking away from the pain, and gaining a new life, Patra naturally paid the corresponding price. She became a slave of desire and served Elis as the master.

"My lord, your servant won't let you down."

Recovered, and got up, Patra's delicate makeup face showed a perfect smile, coquettish and holy. After completing this blood sacrifice, she will abandon her dirty skin and throw herself into the embrace of hell. A new-born succubus.

As for whether the plan will succeed this time, Patra is not worried. She has been preparing for this day for too long. With the identity of the king and queen as a cover, all the preparations for this blood sacrifice plan have been quietly completed, and all that is waiting is It's just an opportunity to start.


Outside the world of yellow sand, in the endless void, the fierce battle is still going on, the galaxy rolls back, and the space power that runs away like a big millstone obliterates everything.

"Damn, I have to persevere, as long as the blood sacrifice plan of the Yellow Sand World begins, I can escape, and even kill Cronus."

With eyes flashing, Elis tried his best to avoid Cronus's attack. Fortunately, although her frontal combat power was not strong, her life-saving ability was still very good, which made her under the attack of Cronus. Persevere till now.

The first discoverer of the Yellow Sand World is actually not the Voidwalker Casa but Elis. After discovering the Yellow Sand World, he is greedy for the benefits that the Yellow Sand World can bring. Elis is not willing to share it with others, but the Yellow Sand World Her own strength is not weak, and it is not something she, a demon lord who ranks low, can win alone. Under such circumstances, Elis decided to obtain the twelfth pillar of the twelve pillars of **** through sacrifice. The help of Asmodeus, the protector of the succubus and the lord of lust.

In the **** world, from the demon lord to the little demon, besides the normal way to become stronger, they all need to master another ability, which is sacrifice. As long as you sacrifice enough, you are completely possible. Getting everything you want, even becoming a new twelve-pillar demon **** is not entirely impossible, because the source of sacrifice in **** is the abyss consciousness.

Although it is said that after using the power of sacrifice to attract the lord of lust, most of the benefits of the yellow sand world will basically be occupied by the devil, but Elis will also receive a large gift, and it is entirely possible to take this one step further. In this regard, the credibility of the **** demon gods is still possible. This method is far safer and more efficient than cooperating with other demon lords. Moreover, the interests of the demon **** and the demon lords are also different, but Elis has no What I thought was that Voidwalker Casa had also accidentally discovered the existence of the Yellow Sand Faced with such a situation, Elis lied to the snake and cooperated with Casa’s plan to take the Yellow Sand World as the example. Bait, hunting Cronus, while still continuing his plan, but becoming more careful, as long as the plan is completed, get the blessing of the Lord of lust, even if it is time to be angered by Casa discovering the truth, Elis She was not afraid either, she had enough confidence to face Casa at that time.

Boom, the sky full of stars revolved, forming a beautiful star swirl, and Agri, the hellfire was involved, was directly wiped out under the torrent of space.

Melting, condensing, melting, recondensing, and so on. In the roar of unwillingness and despair, Agri, the twenty-fourth **** prince, completely lost his breath of life and died here. The other three **** princes Even rescue can't be done.

Seeing such a scene, whether it is the strongest Casa, the most cunning Bukmoor, or the weakest Elis, there is a shadow in the heart. The four people are not opponents when they join forces, and Agri is dead. After the loss, how long the remaining three can hold on, the hearts of the people fluctuate for a while.


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