The residence of the Three Queens, the training ground, a teaching session is underway.

"It's too slow, Semiya."

Hey, a golden light bloomed, and Semiya who was in the middle of the air was lifted out and hit the ground heavily.

Phew, the scarlet flame spread. Under such an attack, Semiya walked out of the flame intact.

"Teacher, come again."

Her pretty face was full of fortitude, and there was no half of frustration. With her gorgeous red wings spread, Semiya rose into the air again.

Seeing Semiya like this, Sean nodded in satisfaction. If the previous Sean only used Semiya as a chess piece, then he decided to hand over the animal department, mythical species, and the fruit of the undead. When Mia, he really regarded Semia as his student, at least he would not give up her easily, and would teach her something truly valuable.

Semiya has a natural and powerful bloodline, and what restricts her is her weak body and soul. The Phoenix fruit can make up for this shortcoming. Even in order to quickly grow Semiya's soul, Sean also took out some courage. Under such circumstances, Semiya's strength is improving rapidly. It was only three changes before, and now it has four changes, and has even begun to climb to the fifth change.

For other bloodlines in the Yellow Sand World, the transformation of their bloodlines is to dig deeper into the power of the bloodlines time and time again, each time it takes a lot of time and energy, but for Semia, she does not need to carry it. When digging with a hoe, her bloodline power is there, just bend down to pick it up, and the speed is naturally much faster than other extraordinary people.

Bang bang bang, falling again and again, rising again and again, the mythical species, the undead demon fruit, gave Semia an incredible recovery ability, giving her the money to squander, but she can persist in such a **** Semiya’s own perseverance played a vital role in training in the style of training. After all, even if the injury can be recovered by the ability of the fruit, the pain of multiple serious injuries, or even near death, is enough to crush most people. Nerves.

And while Sean used the identity of the Three Queens Teacher to constantly contact the real secrets of the world and cultivate Semiya, in another place, a war that unexpectedly broke out.

Sol City, as a well-known mining city in Thalia, has a relatively developed economy and a large population. It is precisely because of this that the nobles of the royal capital rushed to want it after the traces of the black church were found in this place. Take this errand, because there is oil and water to scrape.

Of course, this lucrative errand finally fell to Carman Clio because of the preference of the king, Jordan.

At night, the moon in Saul City was as bright as ever, but it was not enough but it was stained with a little scarlet.

Dense plumes of smoke rose into the sky, and red flames spread throughout this mining city. The city of Sol tonight is not peaceful.

"Kill, kill these evil dogs."

"Kill the nobles and divide the property."

"We are the true patrons of the gods, and those so-called nobles are just thieves who have stolen the mighty power of the gods."

The roar of anger echoed in every corner of Thor City. Under the leadership of the black cultists, more and more miners joined the ranks of resisting the nobles. Of course, there are just how many thugs fishing in troubled waters. No one knows anymore.

Faced with the impact of the huge absenteeism team, the army of Sol City performed very poorly. Of course, the main reason for this situation is that they have lost the command of the superior commander and cannot cooperate effectively, and those who guided the miners Many of the black cultists have mastered extraordinary powers through the blood treasure.

In the Lord’s Mansion, most of the magnificent buildings have collapsed. Kaman Clio’s sturdy body has fallen to the ground, and his favorite yellow beard has also been dyed red with blood. He died, with unwillingness and regret. This time on the gold-fishing trip.

In fact, after getting this good job, Kaman's only idea was how to make a good profit. As for the black church, he didn't care at all.

The black church is the remnant of the two major churches in the church era. It did cause considerable losses to various countries. However, after so many years of unanimous suppression by the seven countries, the black church is no longer a climate, and there are only some remnants hiding in the dark. Among them, like a mouse in the gutter, shivering and panicking all day long.

Kaman has already thought about it. When it comes time to search at will, if you can find the real black cultists, it is naturally good. If you can't find out, create some black cultists to come out for business, and even use this method to check several fornication gangs. The religious chamber of commerce contributes to the stability of the kingdom.

It's a pity that he didn't expect that just such a random search, he really found the black cultists, and not one, but a group.

The main business of Sol City is minerals. The terrain here is complex and there are mines everywhere. Most of the population are miners. You must know that in Thalia or the entire world of sands, miners are not a good profession. Mines can really eat people. Under such circumstances, the city of Thor will naturally become a fertile soil for the growth of black churches.

"Divine Envoy, all the nobles have been killed. This is the wealth collected from their mansion, including artifacts and various extraordinary resources."

Walking out of the ruined wall, passing by Kaman’s body, a man wearing a black religious robe with flame lines on his sleeves and gray hair. It looked like a 60-70-year-old old man walked in front of a dark shadow and fell on his knees. , In an almost pious posture, he held an aqua-blue box in his hand to the black shadow.

"Garza, you are dying."

He lowered his gaze, there were no waves in his ice-blue eyes, as he watched Garza's increasingly older face, Sombra said.

"It is an honor for me to return to the embrace of the Lord."

With a smile on his face, Garza didn't have the slightest fear when talking about his own life and death, as if he was talking about other people.

Hearing this, Sombra didn't say anything. He took the aqua-blue box and disappeared quietly. Her palms were as white as jade, and they looked like people rather than sand races.

Without getting up, even if the shadow had disappeared, Garza still knelt on the ground, as if kneeling down to his god.

"Garza, is it worth it?"

A deep voice sounded, and a middle-aged man who was also wearing a black teaching gown with a water ripple pattern on his cuff quietly came to Garza's side.

"It's worth it, Deen."

Standing up, looking at an old friend who was the same age as him, Garza gave an affirmative answer.

The extraordinary power of the Black Church comes from the blood treasure, which is the so-called divine weapon. When the blood treasure is obtained, ordinary people will also have similar extraordinary characteristics, but their essence will not change. They often use their own blood to feed their own blood when they need it. Bao, the more you use, the greater the loss, and the ultimate loss is their lifespan.

"You should know that that person is not a divine envoy at even she is probably not a person in our world."

Seeing his old friend, Deen couldn't help but persuade him.

Although the upper level of the black church has the same extraordinary power as the nobles with the help of blood treasures, their life span is far from comparable to that of the nobles. Coupled with the characteristics of the blood treasures that cannot be passed on stably, these two together make them interact with the nobles. The two churches were at an absolute disadvantage in the struggle, and even the two churches were defeated by the nobles. In addition to the fact that both sides were fighting with each other, they were both defeated. The most important reason was that the most important blood treasure of the two churches lost control at that time. People.

Dern didn't want his friend to be fascinated by the illusion, and to follow the old path that many church members would follow.

"Dern, true and false are not important. The church now needs hope, and she can bring us hope."

Looking at his old friend, at this moment, the eyes of Garza, the old and old pope of the black church, exudes an extraordinarily bright light.


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