Latest website: The evening arrived as scheduled. A temporary campsite has been set up by the clear lake. The bonfire lit by the black stone has dispelled the darkness and cold brought by the night, and the seductive smell of meat and laughter are intertwined here. .

Next to the largest bonfire in the center of the camp, there were three people sitting around, Shaun, Dorigong, and a red-haired girl about 17 or 18 years old.

The girl has bright eyes and white teeth, and her pupils are rare scarlet red, just like two precious flame gems, wearing the simplest and most common white robe, sitting by the campfire, her face is dull, her eyes are dull, like a delicate Doll.

Xiao En was unaware of the girl's abnormality, holding a quill pen, and writing the name of the first chapter on the leather paper made of sand lizard skin, Encounter of Destiny.

Although Doligon seemed to be concentrating on the barbecue, his eyes flashed over the red-haired girl from time to time.

"Earrings made of gilt gold, bracelets and ankles made of gilt gold, who is this girl? Is she a noble? And red hair is very rare in the kingdom of Thalia."

The thoughts in his heart were constantly changing. At this moment, even the aromatic barbecue could not attract Doligon's attention.

In the big world of yellow sand, gilt is generally admired by all countries, and it is believed that it is the gift of the **** of fire Griffindor and the **** of water Sichlar to mankind. As long as people with noble morals deserve to have it, that is to say, only nobles can have gilt. Gold, don't say that ordinary people wear gilt jewelry, even if they hide gilt privately, it is a capital crime to be sent to the gallows.

"Doligon, no matter how you go on, the meat will be mushy."

A slightly smiling voice sounded, and I don't know when Sean put down his quill.

Hearing this, Dorigon, who was still struggling with the identity of the red-haired girl in his heart, immediately recovered.

"Ah, sorry, my lord, I was distracted."

Seeing the grease dripping on the flames, and the skin of the roasted meat was slightly charred, Dorigon's expression suddenly changed.

"Don't be so nervous, Doligon, the roasted meat tastes just right now."

Not paying attention to Doligon's small mistake, Sean seemed very gentle.

Picking up a meat cutting knife shaped like an eagle's claws, Sean chose the fattest piece on a meat that looks like a leg of lamb but is much larger. It has a layer of grease on the surface, but it is grilled in the flames. At this time, it has turned into golden yellow, not greasy or firewood, it is the top grade of barbecue.

"Eat some, now your body is in urgent need of energy."

Cut off the grilled meat piece by piece and put them on a silver plate, and Sean handed them to the red-haired girl.

Hearing this, he turned his gaze to Sean, the red-haired girl's godless gaze seemed to have a wave of waves at this moment.

"Eat, you can live only by eating these things, and you can have a future."

Looking directly at the girl's godless eyes, Sean spoke again.

Staring at Sean, she was silent for a while, the girl withdrew her gaze, silently took the silver plate, and stuffed the barbecue into her mouth with her hand.

Constantly chewing, faster and faster, perhaps because the barbecue has brought new energy, or perhaps because of something to understand, the red-haired girl's anger is getting stronger and stronger, and it is no longer as lifeless as the original.

In a short while, a plate of barbecue was completely eaten by the red-haired girl, and there was no residue left. Seeing such a scene, the corners of Sean's mouth outlined a beautiful arc.

"Doligon, the meat of this calamity beast is far more delicious than ordinary meat, even if it looks like a big mouse."

Cut off a piece of the roasted browned barbecue and took a bite, Sean sighed.

"It's true, my lord."

Hearing what Shaun said, Dorigon immediately agreed, even if he has been busy with barbecue, he hasn't even tasted it yet.

Wow, the retching sounded. Just as Sean was talking with Doligon, the red-haired girl who had just finished a plate of barbecue suddenly vomited for some reason, and vomited all the meat she had eaten before.

Seeing such a scene, Dorigon was a little puzzled, but Sean still smiled.

"Do you want to eat more?"

When the girl finished vomiting, a thought turned to burn the residue clean, and Xiao En asked.

Hearing this, her right hand grabbed the collar of her chest, revealing the slender blood vessels. The red-haired girl did not speak, but quietly watched the barbecue on the campfire that looked like a leg of lamb. At this moment, the red-haired girl was godless. There was a complex look in the eyes, grief, helplessness, and regret.

There was no sound, Xiao En watched the red-haired girl quietly, and Dorigon stopped all his movements and sat there quietly, just like a transparent person.

Time passed, and I don’t know how long it had passed. The red-haired girl without a word picked up a knife to cut the meat by herself, cut a piece and ate a piece, not caring about the hot temperature at all, and then maybe it was too slow to eat like this. The red-haired girl directly gave up the meat cutter, and directly hugged the whole piece of barbecue with both hands, and ate it with big mouthfuls.

The barbecue was huge, and it was the hind legs of the calamity beast that looked like a mouse. Although the outside was well-ripe, the inside was actually raw and **** and bloody, but the red-haired girl didn't care about it.

Throwing up while eating, eating and vomiting, vomiting and eating, every time she vomited, the red-haired girl picked up the **** meat and gnawed at it. Seeing such a scene, Sean did not stop, just quietly Watching.

"Thank you for saving me, I will repay you."

Nibbled the last shreds of pork clean, raised her head and looked at Sean, the red-haired girl spoke for the first time.

Her voice was dry, as if her throat had been cut, coupled with the blood on her face at this time, and those cold eyes, it looked like an evil spirit from hell.

"How do you feel now?"

Looking directly at the girl's gaze, and ignoring the so-called reward, Xiao En asked.

"It feels good, full of strength, and I should be able to recover from the injury in a short time."

Her complexion was still cold, looking directly at Xiao En, the red-haired girl did not look away from her, as if she was proving her own strength.

"That's fine."

Reaching out Sean rubbed the red-haired girl's hair, just like an elder treats a junior.

Faced with this sudden movement of Sean, the red-haired girl was stunned, but the strange thing was that she did not feel disgusted, but felt a rare warmth that warmed her cold heart.

Under the night, by the bonfire, the shadows of Sean and the red-haired girl stretched very long, one with a smile and a warm atmosphere, the other with a dull complexion, but there was a trace of panic that could not be concealed in the pupils.

"Chapter One, The Arrangement of Destiny, the red-haired girl hides in the belly of the rat, and when the arrangement of fate comes to the front of the devil, she may have experienced a cruel battle and has been seriously injured, although it is the first time. Meeting, but facing the demon who saved her life, the girl’s cold heart filled with gratitude. She inexplicably felt that the man in front of her was trustworthy. After all, he saved her life. She hoped that she could be there. He gets warmth, and she also longs for him to guide her a bright path and get out of her confusion. Of course, whether this is a fate or a trick of bad luck is not yet known ------ written by a writer who is not free road."


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