In the world of Yangshen, two years have passed, Hong Yi has already been lifted, and he has initially got rid of the restrictions of the Wuwen Hou Mansion. Yi is rooted in the army, has a great jade disc, a mythical species of the devil fruit in the form of a Buddha, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and he has also met Zen Yinsha.

In his mansion, looking at the pure rice paper on the desk like ice and snow, Hong Yi's eyes drifted away. The more he experienced, the more he saw, the more restless his heart was. It seems to be a flourishing age, but it is only a superficial situation. The people are still suffering. This suffering is not only material, but also spiritual. The strict and distorted etiquette has turned them into slaves from the root. In Hong Yi's opinion This kind of spiritual hardship is more terrifying than material hardship. If it cannot be resolved, these people will never be able to truly achieve prosperity.

"This is not the world I want, nor is it my ideal human race. Maybe I should do something."

Thousands of thoughts were tumbling in his mind, and the sparks of thinking were constantly colliding. After a long silence, Hong Yi took a pen and wrote a word on the paper, Yi.

"I want everyone to be like a dragon."

Lifting a pen to write, blessing the soul, Hong Yi looked up and said this sentence instinctively.

Booming and thunderbolt in the sky, at this moment, God seems to be witnessing something. At the same time, in the depths of Hong Yi’s soul, the road jade disc blooms with a hazy light, and the lines on it are at a terrifying speed. Breeds.


The Liberal Arts World, the Crown of Emerald, had been wiped away by Sean, and now it has restored its former appearance.

In the rose garden, the galaxy water rose swaying, always open and undefeated. In the depths of the garden, Xiao En was reading a special secret biography, and at this moment he suddenly felt something in his heart.

"Has it started?"

Communicating with the main body of Wujianzhimen and receiving the message from the jade disc of Dao Dao, Xiao En's expression turned dark.

Hong Yi issued a great aspiration for everyone to be like a dragon, and the world consciousness of the Great Thousand Worlds responded, and this also represented that the end of the Yangshen World Era officially opened.

"Grand ambition technique."

After receiving some information from the jade disc of Dao Dao, and found that it contained a strange secret technique, Xiao En whispered softly.

Dahong Yuan Shu is a special secret technique used by Hong Yi to comprehend many Taoist books and when he wrote the Book of Changes. In fact, it can be vaguely seen in many Taoist books in the world of Yangshen. The shadow of is just not so accurately refined, more often it is just a coincidence.

The function of grand aspiration is very simple, that is, to enable people who make aspirations to communicate with the world consciousness. Of course, in the process of making a grand aspiration, although the grand aspiration technique is important, it is not the most important. The most important thing is to send The people of the big ambition and the content of the big ambition.

Because the grand aspiration technique can only attract the attention of the world consciousness, it really determines whether the world consciousness will respond to the grand aspiration, or the key to investing lies in the people who make the grand aspiration and the content of the grand aspiration.

Only the kind of people with real potential and the ambition that can promote the development of the world can get the corresponding world consciousness, and these two points are not a problem for Hong Yi.

As the son of Epoch, Hong Yi has outstanding aptitude, and the future is basically determined to be a figure of the generation of Yang God. At this time, the Daqian Realm is dying, and only humanity is prosperous. Hong Yi's great aspiration that everyone is like a dragon is naturally a big one that conforms to the development of the world. The trend, being able to get the response of the world consciousness seems to be a smooth thing.

"The great ambition technique, a very peculiar secret technique, is practiced with the help of the power of the world, but this kind of secret technique is a tonic in the early stage, and a shackle in the later stage."

His eyes flickered, thinking that in the original trajectory, Hong Yi, the Yi Zi, had gained the power left by the Emperor Changsheng and the Taoists of Good Fortune, gathered the accumulation of an era, and his life span successfully exceeded the number of one yuan, but his essence still failed to surpass the sun god. , Climbing to the other shore, Xiao En knows that the key is the great aspiration he once issued. If the human race cannot realize that everyone is like a dragon in one day, he will not be able to truly reach the so-called other shore, even if his accumulation of I Ching is enough, this is The price of making big ambitions.

"So it seems that there is a problem with the world consciousness of the Great Thousand Realms."

Collecting all the information, Xiao En thought of another question. The world of the sun **** has the Great Tribulation of the Era. At the end of the Era, everything will return to chaos, including the Great Thousand Realm.

Under normal circumstances, when the Great Thousand Realm is destroyed, the world consciousness of the Great Thousand Realm will naturally be destroyed with it. Even after the end, the Great Thousand Realm will be reopened, and the newly born world will be different from the previous Great Thousand Realm. The great aspiration is sent to the world consciousness of the Great Thousand Realm. The world consciousness of the Great Thousand Realm is his investor or creditor. If the world consciousness of the Great Thousand Realm really dies, then the debts of people will disappear, and the great aspiration issued will naturally not be used. Repaid, but the fact is not the case. In the years to come, the Yizi will still be bound by the great ambition.

"I don't know what is hidden in this, but as Hong Yi continues to grow stronger, Dadao Jade Die will eventually gain a clear insight into all this."

As his thoughts turned, Xiao En put the matter of the world of the sun **** once again, and re-read the secrets in his hand. He couldn't get involved in the matter of the world of the sun **** now.

"Black Blood Beast", the incomplete seventh-order secret, has a shadow of a wizard secret, but it is not a real wizard secret, more like the oldest blood secret, because its core content is only one. It is the blood, including the transplantation of the blood, the purification of the blood, the swallowing of different blood, the mixing of a variety of blood to break the original limit of the blood, and many other mystical knowledge. The concept it expounds is that the blood is supreme. It can become extremely powerful, just like those overbearing monsters born in the First Era. Even if the bloodline is shackled later, it is almost impossible to break through the seventh step by the bloodline power alone, but it can also be broken by a mixture of multiple bloodlines. This limit, and this kind of mixed creation of the power of multiple bloodlines is called the beast of black blood.

In the occult, silver often represents purity, while black represents chaos. The core heritage of the blood of pure silver, "Black Blood Beast", is to break the limit through the power of chaos, but in the blood of pure silver, there is only Andre. One person has mastered the core knowledge of "Black Blood Beast", and others have only obtained a small part, so they can only transplant one kind of blood, and Andre can use the original red dragon blood to fuse later The bloodline of the Son of the Sun is weak and strong, and it becomes a sixth-order alternative.

"This secret story is really on the road of impropriety."

After reading through the secret biography, and having a general understanding of "Black Blood Beasts", Sean let out a sigh. Although the transcendents on that path are closer to the inhumans as they go up, this kind of inhumans It often refers to the transformation of the transcendent’s life and the rise in the essence of the human body to form a more perfect form, while the inhumans of the black blood beasts are truly inhumans. People who practice this secret secret are really not humans. Let The essence of oneself has changed from a man to a beast.

In fact, at the point of, he is not so much a Tier 6 bloodliner, not to mention that he is a weird dragon species transformed into a human form.

"Although this secret biography is not suitable for use as a core heritage, it is good to be used as a supplement, especially since the knowledge about bloodline is exactly what I need, and it can help me perfect the previous life design diagram and bloodline factors. theory."

His eyes flickered, his mental power was let go, and a splendid sea of ​​stars enveloped the rose garden, and Sean began to study the knowledge in "Black Blood Beasts".

In the liberal arts world, even in many worlds, blood is an important carrier of life information, especially those powerful transcendent creatures, and the core of "Black Blood Beast" is actually the use of blood. Information radiates, rewrites the original life information of the transcendent, and then completely rewrites the life design of the transcendent, turning him from a human into a beast, so there are many theories about the essence of blood in "Black Blood Beast", as well as the modulation of blood These things are what Sean needs. With these things, Sean will be able to further improve his life design and bloodline factor theory, and by the way push the original fifth-order witchcraft life tablet to the sixth-order.


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