Acceptance of the Heavens Begins with the Devil Fruit Tree

Chapter 489: 8 Heavy Thunder Tribulation

Above the sea of ​​clouds and Tianzhu Mountain, a boy sat on a large rock with his eyes wide open, and there was a sea of ​​stars, which was changing all the time, with birth and death, and this sitting was ten years.

"The three sutras of the Dachan Temple in the past, present, and future seem to be based on time, but in fact it inherits the cause and effect, the cause of the past, the present, the future result. The past cannot be changed, the present can be grasped, and the future can still be traced."

"The most important part of the Taishang Dao Taishang Dan Sutra is the two chapters of the universe and the universe. The universe is the universe in all directions, and the universe has always been the universe. Based on time and space, it seeks to transcend time and space to obtain eternity, but time and space. It is one of the most powerful forces in the endless void. It is not easy to be detached, so there is too much forgiveness. It brings people close to the sky and incarnates the will of heaven, thus jumping out of the cage of time and space, and surpassing time and space."

The spark of wisdom is jumping. Ten years have passed, and some strange changes have gradually occurred in Sean's soul.

Compared with the three classics of the Great Zen Temple in the past, present, and future, Xiao En has a deeper understanding of the two chapters of the Taishang Dao, Yu and Zhou, because he once cut out a part of the soul and turned it into the world consciousness of the Ark World, which is the so-called world consciousness. Tian, ​​he knows the sky better than the average person, and understands too much forgiveness.

Of course, although it is highly compatible with the Taishangdan Sutra of Taishang Dao, Xiao En did not really follow this path, because the result of this path is to forget his emotions as a human being and become another. A creature, this is not what he wants.

In fact, whether it is Sean’s original method of cutting out the celestial body as the world consciousness of the Ark, or the way of being too savage, it is not true of being too ungrateful. At best, it can only be regarded as a little too ungrateful, or it is. Ruthlessly.

Too much forgotten emotions is not ruthless, forgiving to the public, to be forgotten, not to be moved by emotions, not to be disturbed by emotions, not to truly forget, but to look at the essence of things in a transcendent manner, and to all things in the world. The great love is a state of mind to get rid of all the shackles and get great freedom, but it is a pity that neither Sean nor Too Dao can achieve such a point. They can only get close to forgetfulness through benevolence and ruthlessness.

The thunder blasted, and the blue and white thunder light illuminated the top of the mountain. At this moment, Xiao En's spirit jumped out of his body and went straight into the thundercloud.

After ten years of enlightenment, even if he did not deliberately practice, Xiao En has reached the realm of ghosts and immortals on the path of cultivation.

In the great world of Yangshen, ghosts and immortals need to cross the calamity, which is divided into nine layers. Each calamity is a new world. The thought of one calamity generates yang, and a little yang and qi is obtained from pure yin. Since then, the essence has changed. There are no longer so many taboos. The thoughts of the two calamities give birth to arrogance, the thoughts of the three catastrophes are like electric arcs, and the thoughts of the four calamities give birth to a world. A small illusory world can evolve from one thought. The creation of the void, the thought reaches the number of one yuan, and it is called the creator. The eight calamities refine the soul into a god, which is called the primordial spirit.

Divine Soul entered the Thunder Sea, and the endless thunder and lightning rolled in, but Xiao En didn't care about it, and he rushed past without any hindrance in his pace.

There are nine layers of heaven in the Great Thousand Realm, corresponding to the nine layers of thunder.

"Sure enough."

After breaking through the sixth heaven, arriving at the seventh level, watching the thunder evolving from the thunder and rushing towards him, like a real life thunder spirit, Xiao En's eyes flickered.

The monks in the world of the sun **** use thunder to temper their soul essence, promote the soul from extreme yin to pure yang, and dominate the world. This is an incredible thing in itself, because it is difficult for the yin spirit to enter the sacred, although the thunder is the most sacred. It just reaches Yang, but it does not have the effect of refreshing the soul. The Thunder in the world of the Yang God can do this completely because these Thunder contain a little world consciousness power. The ascetics can swallow a little of the world every time they go through a heavy thunder catastrophe. Consciousness promotes the evolution of one's own spirits, although not much, the nature of world consciousness is extremely high, enough to induce the transformation of monks' spirits.

"The first six levels are still very weak, but the seventh level is already more obvious. No wonder the seventh calamity is a barrier. This is both a great crisis and a great fortune."

Seeing Lei Ling who was roaring with God's will, Xiao En's eyes flashed, his thoughts transformed, and an endless galaxy rushed down towards the surrounding Lei Ling.

The galaxy is vast, and I don’t know where it started or where it ends. The stars of the week and the sky rotate and obliterate everything. Once Lei Ling is involved, it will soon be wiped out and become nourished by thunderous energy. Sean's psychic thoughts.

Da Zhou Tianxing Star Dou Jing, or Xinghai Ming thought, this is based on the three classics of the past, present, future and the two chapters of universe and universe, combined with spiritual martial arts, wizardry ideas, plus the secret of "Infinite" A secret method created by part of the concept of "It is not as mysterious as the three classics of the past, present, and future by touching the rules of cause and effect, nor is it as grandiose as the two chapters of the universe and the universe, which transcend time and space. It is based on the way of space. Pay attention to space to contain everything, and eventually reach the point where the stars come and go, but the emptiness lasts forever.

After swallowing the thunder's essence, the thoughts derive, a total of 129,600 pieces, which is the number of one yuan. After reaching this point, Xiao En naturally felt a sense of consummation.

Thoughts turned into stars, Zhou Tian's star battle spread out, occupying the seventh heaven, Xiao En easily passed the seventh calamity, and achieved the realm of the creator.

"You can continue."

After a short pause, the star sea revolves and evolves endlessly. Carrying this piece of star sea, Sean decisively rushes into the eighth heaven.

Under normal circumstances, ascetics in the world of the Yang God will have a period of weakness every time they pass through a lot of calamity, but Sean’s soul is too deep, and the Great Zhou Tianxing Doujing absorbs some of the characteristics of the Amitabha Sutra in the past, the same He is good at recovery, so Sean still has plenty of stamina even after crossing the seven thunder tribulations.

Om, the heavens are as powerful as hell. Compared to the seventh heaven, the eighth heaven is even more terrifying. Here, the world consciousness is no longer hidden. It is almost semi-manifested. If you want to survive this heavy calamity, you need to be positive. Resist the impact of world consciousness.

Rumble, facing the eighth thunder tribulation, Sean was uncomfortable. Under the bombardment of thunder, the star sea evolved from his soul collapsed in pieces, and thoughts continued to explode.

"This kind of pressure, maybe you can try it."

Turning his consciousness, thinking of a certain possibility, Xiao En began to continuously revolve the Great Zhou Tianxingjing.

Stars come and go, Jie Lei continues to destroy, and Sean continues to spawn. At a certain moment, a strange balance has been reached between the two. Since then, although the stars in the sea of ​​stars continue to rise and fall, the total number has not changed. It seems that this is eternity, and in this process a strange force and Sean's spirit are entangled with each other, gradually merging, and will not be able to each other.

"This feeling really did it."

Time did not know how long it had passed, the thunder disappeared, and Sean’s thoughts grew, bright as stars, reflected in the void, and got the number of one yuan, linked together, perfect, and without knowing it, Sean passed the eighth thunder tribulation achievement. The primordial spirit of the Great Zhou Tianxing Dou.

"Yes, it's the realm, the spiritual realm."

Consciousness arose, and the sea of ​​stars fluctuated. It was no longer as disorderly as before. Instead, it continued to operate according to certain rules. At this moment, Sean saw all kinds of futures.

"After smelting the domineering power of seeing and hearing, my Great Zhou Tianxing Star Dou Yuanshen actually gave birth to a power in a similar field, touching the rules of insight? No, it should be said that seeing and hearing is just an introduction. My Great Zhou Tianxing Doujing also intercepted Some of the concepts of the Future Wushengjing and Zhouzipian have the ability to calculate."

"Then what should this field be called? The field of insight, or the field of omniscience?"

Let go of your Xinghai has changed drastically and deduced all kinds of possibilities. For a while, Sean couldn’t help but indulge in it. I have to say that the feeling that seems to be able to see through everything, and even push the future, is really too letting. People are addicted.

There are many types of rules in the endless void. In addition to the most basic rules, there are also many little-known rules. Insight is one of them. As far as Sean knows, this kind of rule has only ever been in the liberal arts world. The **** of knowledge has been touched by holding the divine power, but it is a pity that this **** has fallen.

"It's time to leave."

Departed from the obsession, gathered Xinghai, glanced at the ninth heaven, Xiao En didn't rush up, turned and left directly, the soul returned to the body.

Xiao En is very clear about his own situation. His Great Zhou Tianxing Doujing is not yet complete. After eight consecutive thunder tribulations, the soul has been damaged. Now there is only one possibility for the ninth thunder tribulation, and that is failure.

Under such circumstances, it is better to give up and wait for the next thunder.


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