Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 982: Fully automatic rationalization

   Chapter 982 Fully automatic rationalization

  [The King of Ghost Sucking Monsters] Soon after he appeared on the stage with the help of his human body.

  In a distant world.

"do you died……"

  At the moment [Fredos] died violently.

  Oljuga has a sense immediately!

   However, as the opponent's only immediate boss, his face looked rather calm, as if he had already expected it.

  After taking a casual glance at the position of [Fredos] in the world, there is no sense of multi-management.

  I didn’t care about the believers who were being slaughtered...

  Because, the deaths and injuries of the believers are nothing but trivial things to him, a nonsense guy...

   as an existence that straddles time and space.

  In that boundless space and time.

  'S subordinates, there are countless subordinates who are entering permanent death at all times.

  In front of that number, [Fredos] That little manpower is just like a joke, not even a fraction...


  As early as many years ago, Olga had given [Fredos] the opportunity to kill the enemy in advance!

  Whether it is [Bloodbath] or [Killing], as long as it is strengthened to a certain degree.

  So even if he does not have extra time to grow, he may not have the opportunity to kill the [King of Ghost Sucking].

  Among them, the simplest plan to break the game is that after [Fredos] integrates a part of the tribe, it directly launches a targeted massacre on the rest who are unwilling to submit...

  And more than ten years.

   is also completely enough for him to use the ability of [killing] to forcibly pile up his inherent power to [Demi-God Level]!

  Next, all he needs to do is to stimulate his other ability-[Bloodbath] when he is fighting the [Spirit Absorb Empire], so that his strength can be temporarily superimposed on the existing basis...

  So, it is not an illusion to single-kill the [King of Soul Sucking Monsters] in the Myriad Army!

  So, in this case.

  [Fredos]’s death and defeat are at best explained.

  He is not capable enough, or he is not cruel enough, these two facts.

after all.

  Even if he doesn’t take the nourishment of the same kind of [killing] on the spot, after the spirit sucker army arrives in the area, the ending will only develop in a worse direction...

  It can only be said that most intelligent creatures will inevitably have some compassion after all...

   "However, no matter what, as my first believer in time and space, you still played the role you should have, successfully passing on my name..."

   "So, more or less, you still deserve a little gift..."

  When Olga said these words slowly.

  Beside him.

  A ray of golden light flashed by.

  【Fredos】The illusory figure slowly appeared beside him.

   nothing but.

  The appearance of the opponent now fits his identity as a defeated man, and he looks quite embarrassed.

  Not only was one arm broken, but dozens of holes were punched in his chest.

  Various organs, very eye-catching!

  And that head, even when a part of the top of the head was cut off, it was completely different, and it looked terrifying...

  More like ghosts than ghosts!

  As for, [Fredos] why is this weird look.

  The reason is also very simple.

  When the opponent is dead, they are indeed in this shape.

   Therefore, the remaining soul also manifested into this appearance.

  It is a good explanation, why the evil ghosts in the ghost film are all ugly.

  There is no other reason.

   Died badly enough!

  And after successfully showing up.

  [Fredos], who was still immersed in the desperate battle, had no time to react.

  Even, the feeling that death is approaching still lingers in the depths of his soul.

   makes him a little unable to be on his own...

  Until a while later.

  His nerves, which had been strained to the limit due to the battle, slowly relaxed, and slowly digested the words that Olga had said before.

  I saw, he knelt down on the ground respectfully, praying with a pious expression:

  "The subordinates dare not ask for your reward. As long as you can agree with what I have done, it is the greatest honor for the subordinates."

  As a genuine fanatic.

   in his eyes.

  The recognition by his servants was far more tangible than the so-called reward, and it also made him feel more satisfied.

  Prayers for him.


  Oljuga nodded without change, and answered casually:

   "Then naturally there is no problem."

   "After all, although you didn't make things perfect, you really didn't make any big mistakes."

   "However, the rewards that should be given are still indispensable."

   "The [God Kingdom] that I just created does not happen to have any cadre-level personnel, so you can go in and fill up the number..."

  Say it.

   Olga’s body slowly shed a gleam of bright golden light, which merged into [Fredos]’s body of consciousness.

this moment.

  The strands of golden light resemble the silk thread of spring silkworms.

  From inside to outside, extending from inside [Fredos].

  Layer after layer, wrapping him in the deepest part.

  Some mysterious power.

   is like a panacea, slowly transforming him deeply.

  Fixed his broken and broken consciousness bit by bit.


  A large amount of power gathered in his body.

  Formed a mysterious rune in it, forcibly pushing the life form of [Fredos] to another form!

  A form called [Higher-Order Holy Spirit] in this time and space!

  At this point, except for not leaving the shrouded area of ​​[God Kingdom] very well.

  His strength has already skipped a lot of processes and reached the level of [Demi-God]!

  In the true sense, joined the strongest echelon under [God]!

  Even the country demons known as [Demon Lord] may not be his opponents!

   and feel the sudden expansion of my own strength hundreds of times.

  【Fredos】, besides being delighted, it is also a bit daunting.

  No one.

  This huge and extremely powerful force came too quickly.

  Just like online recharge!

  Minutes of effort, it will be directly accounted for, just like a false dream bubble...

  Finally, after holding back for a long time.

  I don’t know what to say as well [Fredos], but I can only say:

   "Thank you for your love, your subordinates will definitely complete every task you give!"

  At the same time, because of this force, it is too easy and quick.

  Inevitably, some small doubts appeared in his mind.

  ‘Since it’s so simple, it can give me strength...’

  ‘Then, why didn’t Mianxia give a gift when the [Spirit Absorb Empire] invaded, and let me wait to resist the opponent...’

  ‘It’s impossible, only after that cruel test, I, who have been tempered, will be eligible to be granted strength...’

  Think of this.

  In his early years, he proposed the concept of [trial].

   also couldn't help but reappeared in the depths of his mind.

  ‘It seems that my original guess is still a bit too conservative. ’

The duration and difficulty of   ‘[Trial] are far beyond my original imagination! ’

  ‘With such power and calculation, I really deserve to be my lord...’

  In silence.

  With the help of fully automated brains, [Fredos] also straightened out a clear task line for himself.

  Forcibly, the actions of Olga were automatically rationalized...

  (End of this chapter)

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