Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 969: [Blood Bathing] and [Carnage]

  Chapter 969 [Blood Bathing] and [Killing]

  It can be done to death.

  Make it into a one-off sale.

  If you can't do it, or if it's hard to do it, then give up your intention to choke it.

   Turn to conclude a deal with it, and there is a long flow of water.

  If the opponent refuses, there is no need to struggle, change the goal and continue, don’t hang on a tree.

   is not an opponent at all, so try not to make contact until you are sure to protect yourself.

   Seeking good fortune and avoiding evil.

  This is the habit of Olga’s childhood.

  Even if there are times, I get sick, and I like to have nothing to do.

  The targets he was looking for were also guys who couldn't help him.

  In general, he is a guy who likes soft persimmons, and he will pinch him to death when he catches the opportunity.

  So, in this situation right now.

  [Fredos]'s existence, although it is still valuable, it is not worth offending [Ms. Pain].

after all.

  The [original pain] on the opponent’s body is, by comparison, a product of greater value.

  In front of that main goal.

  [Fredos] and even the entire [Gith Yankees] are just small gifts.

  However, now that there has been [Ms. Pain]'s answer.


  Naturally, there is no need for him to refuse the benefits that are presented to him.

  So, the next moment, with his thoughts.

  His consciousness.

   just follows the positioning of the [Power of Faith] and heads away.

  That is a speed beyond common sense.

  Almost impossible to be captured!

  In less than a second.

  The golden light condensed by consciousness penetrates the boundless time and space, crosses the barriers of different [worlds], and arrives in front of [Fredos]!

  When the opponent was caught off guard, it pierced his head straight, reaching the deepest part of his heart!

  The content contained therein.

  There is nothing else, there is just a sentence and a little gift.

  "From now on, I will be your lord, and I will be the [Blood King]..."

  As a good boss who always considers believers' mentality.

  Although the other party is a running dog with its own dry food.

  Orrauga did not despise the other party either.

  In terms of name.

  For this important reason, the [Jis Yankees] where [Fredos] is located advocate violence and combat.

   Therefore, Olga did not use any weird names.

  For example: [God of pleasure], [God of machinery], [Crimson Savior]... things that don’t have a very good style.

  After hearing his brief words.

this moment.

   Accompanied by ecstasy emotions.

  It was a very simple situation, but [Fredos] made up a lot of things for the automatic brain.

  My **** has been watching himself, all of this is a test given by him...what...

   thus directly produced the effect of moving oneself.

  I perform another round of brainwashing hypnosis on myself.


  Because of the time when Olga’s will came.

  [Fredos] is filling in the background story of Olga.

  For example: As the [God] of [Gith Yankee], what kind of abilities and personality should the opponent have...

  And just to make up for it, Olga must be good at fighting [God of War] in this link.


  The appearance of Olga at that moment, in the mind of [Fredos], undoubtedly tacitly acquiesced in his own guess!

  Don't even think about it.

  He directly regarded [Fredos] as the [God of War], and he was convinced...

  As for these insignificant things, as a brain-filled person, Orrhoja also doesn't care at all.

  In other words, he doesn't care at all. These believers define him as the type of [God] and [Demon].

  Because, anyway.

  He basically has those abilities.

  It can be said that no matter what [God], he can seamlessly link and come up with corresponding abilities and characteristics.

  It doesn’t even matter to be the so-called [God of Light] or [God of Heaven]...

  After all, in some time and space, he does indeed have a group of believers who advocate truth, goodness and beauty...

  Perhaps, it sounds like those [powers] seem to have nothing to do with his nature.

  But this.

  He didn't care at all.

  As a super life body that transcends common sense in the true sense.

  How can his strength and standpoint be something a group of mortals can locate?

  [Salvation] and [Destroying the World], it sounds like two opposites.

   But for him, it's just a matter of determining his mood.

   is not a major event at all, it is as casual as walking with the left foot first or the right foot first.


   is not just limited to the inner time and space of [Crimson Heaven], those [worlds] created by his relatives.

  Even in many time and space.

  Orrauga also still has the identity of [Creation God].

  Although, many times.

  Those so-called [world], he just left it boring, he didn’t care about it at all...

  And now.

  After absorbing the golden light.

  [Fredos], who admitted to being recognized by [True God], also doubled his confidence, and had the confidence to overthrow the entire [Spirit Absorber Empire]!

  That kind of feeling, it's almost as if a street boy just wants to start a business, just when he is a little uncertain.

  Suddenly, the president made a remote phone call and bluntly said that the young man is doing well!

  It's hard to say what the other people's mentality is, but [Fredos] he immediately felt that his destiny was added, and the advantage was so big that it was against the sky!

  In a trance.

  He seems to have seen that he has successfully revived the entire [Gis Yankees]...

  Oh, that's not right, you have to add the [Jiszerei people] who are close relatives.

  At that time, the divided [Guisians] will surely reunite!

  Unceremoniously, the important task of rejuvenating the entire [Guise people] has been implemented on him.

  And under the rule and management of the great [Blood King], the [Ghis people] tribe with faith will also be greater than ever!

  That kind of feeling.

  No doubt, very stable!

   A sense of accomplishment and honor, full of dignity.

  Next, it was also at this time that the gift given by Olga also completed the transformation of his foundation.

   accompanied by a special feeling.

  A piece of information.

   automatically appeared in his mind without warning!

  【Bloodbath: In the battle, every time you cause a certain degree of damage to the enemy, your own strength will be enhanced to a certain extent, until the end of the battle, the maximum is twenty times your own inherent strength. 】

  【Killing: By holding a special ceremony, choose a target as your prey. After the selection is successful, you only need to successfully kill it by any means within a limited time, and you can permanently obtain a part of the opponent's power. 】

  This is a gift from Olga.

   is also his reward for his first horse in the current time and space.

  (End of this chapter)

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