Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 967: A great artist as a part-time casino owner

  Chapter 967 A great artist who is a part-time casino owner

  Since Olga’s entry into this [plane].

  He did not make any missionary actions.

  Not to recruit any subordinates.

  There are very few guys who have heard of his real name.

  His existence is like a ghost who only wants to eat, drink and have fun...


  The power of faith derived from [Fredos], at this moment, it is like the only ornament on the flat ground with brilliance.

  Even if the other party is actually very small, it still looks very eye-catching...

  And the [Power of Destiny] entangled in the opponent's body makes the [Power of Faith] more obvious, just like GPS positioning!

  It didn’t take much time.

  Only a trivial blink of an eye, Olga successfully found the opponent!

  Next, he followed the [Power of Faith] connection with himself, and saw each other clearly across the distant time and space.

  The guy who is sitting on the rock at this moment, as if thinking about the philosophy of life...

  ‘It turned out to be him...’

  ‘It seems that my heroic posture is really dazzling! ’

  ‘Although there is only a glimpse of the other party, they still can’t forget the other party for a long time...’

  ‘Damn it, I’ve been so calm and guarded, how come I have something good to come to my door...’

  Think of being separated from the depths.

  Even Olga himself was a little bit awkward.

  After all, according to his tacit understanding with [Lady Pain] of them.

  He can't do big things in this [plane], nor can he leave too much influence here.

  Or else.

  The opponent will directly expel him!


  Despite the existence of [Fredos], it is like a snack that is automatically handed to the mouth.

  But due to various factors.

  Orrauga is a bit uncomfortable.

  It also made him a little bit difficult...

  And just when he was caught in a little thinking.

  The movements he is doing on his hands are not slow in the slightest, and they still appear calm and orderly!

   Accompanied by the crashing of the dice.

  And, a series of dazzling actions that seem to be very bells and whistles!

  The dice cup in his hand was finally firmly buckled on the table after a pop.

   "Buy big or small?"

   Accompanied by his casual questioning.

  As a moment later.

  The crazy gamblers who have been waiting for it all around have also started to place bets.

  Put that symbol of your own bargaining chips on the options you like.

  Yes, out of a boring attitude.

  Oljuga is now engaged in gambling business at the bank...

  His gambling game, which originated from different time and space, went through the process of collecting its essence and removing the dross in advance, undoubtedly surpassed the development level of this time and space!

   allows many gamblers to broaden their horizons at the same time.


   also did not forget.

  I have to lose a bankruptcy!

   more or less.

   can be regarded as seeking benevolence and benevolence~

  In fact, compared to their so-called money, the other party’s crazy performance after losing the red eye, and the ultimate sense of despair after losing everything.

   is, it makes Olga even more fond...

  It's like some kind of fun!

  From this we can see that in this respect.

  The so-called gambling game is actually just a way for him to have fun...

  The money and profits at the gambling table are all irrelevant things.

  The crazy gamblers at the gaming table.

   is the main dish of Olga...

  And, unlike many casinos, they will come up with a variety of methods to kill people.

   Here in Olga, but there really is no fraud.

  The result of every gambling game, the answer is really resigned!

  Compared to other garbage casinos that like to engage in tricks, it is undoubtedly many times more honest...

  It can be said that I don’t care at all, whether I will lose money!

  Many casino owners are also quite envious, jealous and dissatisfied.

If you can.

  They naturally want to be so grand, but unfortunately, the capital is not enough...

  And those guys who run casinos, what are they?

  It is nothing more than a few industries.

   Gangsters, local snakes...

   Therefore, when facing competitors, in some cases, their coping style is inevitable, and there will be some small violence.

  Intimidation, intimidation... and other methods are nothing more than routine.

  As practitioners in the black industry, they will cut off their hands and feet at every turn to show warnings and demonstrate their authority!

under these circumstances.

  Orrauga is also forced to take out the handicraft that she likes better...

  Using a fruit-cutting knife, hundreds of gangsters have been cut out into living works of art with a sense of art.

  At that time.

  Among the guys who saw that kind of sight, not only the guards and unrelated passers-by were scared to pee.

  Even the local **** demons, they all feel that things are a little too hard to look directly at.

  Only the local [Legendary Lich] who passed by accidentally called Olga as an incomparable top expert. Holding Olga’s hand, he would go to apprenticeship!

  The other party declared in public that it was the most beautiful artwork he had ever seen in his life!

none of them!

   was shocked on the spot, his dry mind that had been forced to empty most of his emotions due to his transfer to [Lich].

   After many years, he once again felt the heartbeat that he hadn’t felt for many years!

  The feeling is absolutely shocking!

  Not even a second.

   relied on the strong visual impact and deeply moved him!

  He couldn’t help but immerse himself in the flawless arcs on the artworks, as well as the shocking master-level concepts, and the meticulously crafted nicks...

  After the fact.

   is precisely because of that reason.

  Many [Liches] and [Necromancers] who didn’t hear anything outside the window...

   was also unable to restrain their curiosity and came after hearing the news.


  There are many visitors who are skeptical before they see the authentic products with their own eyes.

  But when they saw Olga’s work in person.

  Result, without exception.

  All have given high praise to Olga’s artwork!

  He is not stingy with all kinds of compliments!

   have said that it is the ultimate art that mortals cannot appreciate!

   and made a 360-degree flattery to Olga!

  Planned to offer a high price on the spot, to purchase and private order business from Olga!

  So, what's right now.

  Oljuga is just a mediocre casino owner.

  But in fact, he is actually a well-known master of art, a top expert in the industry...

  In front of that kind of achievement.

  Casino owner, just an irrelevant identity...

  (End of this chapter)

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