Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 965: 【Breeding House】

  Chapter 965【Breeding House】

   Seems to realize something suddenly.

   But it seems that nothing has been realized.

   His eyes stared at the words that were constantly flowing.

  [Fredos Calgola]'s mind, an inexplicable feeling can't help but emerge.

  That is a very complicated sense of joy!

   comes from his instinct!

  Instinct, speaking silently, the content recorded in this scroll is of great benefit to oneself!

  He is more vaguely aware.

  In the deepest part of my mind, there is a kind of inexplicable information, which is sprouting rapidly...

  Subconsciously, he put more attention into the scroll!

   Just when he felt that he might be about to understand something...

   is also at this time.

  A sound that had not been concealed, passed straight into his ears, and was clearly captured by him.

  Next, after a simple calculation, the movement trajectory of that burst of sound.

  [Fredos] also immediately analyzed that it was the walking sound of other slaves.

  Moreover, the other party is coming here leisurely!

this moment.

  Without any hesitation or hesitation, in the efficiency that surprised even himself.

  He decisively, directly using both hands and feet, quickly digging up on the ground, intending to dig a hole and bury the shimmering scroll in his hand!

  That kind of scene, it looks like a stray dog ​​in embarrassment.

  Even the hard gravel mixed in the soil can't slow him down by a bit.


  During that quick excavation process.

  His palm, although it has long been callused due to years of work, and will not be easily damaged, but it is still bloodied by the sharp gravel!

His [psychic powers], which he naturally possessed as [Gith Yankees], also exerted an effect similar to [Silent Position] at this moment, killing all the movement made by his actions at this moment in the inside of the cave. , Did not let it pass out, attracting extra attention...


   Accompanied by the sound of footsteps closer and closer.

  A head that was scarred by looking at it was revealed.

   Outside the cave, he looked at the narrow cave where [Fredos] lived with disdain.

  And the owner of that head is a female [Jisyanki] standing obliquely on the side of the cave!

  Her dress is qualitatively different from [Fredos].

  Although she is still a bit tattered, what she wears is a simple armor made of metal and fur.

  Completely and almost unclothed [Fredos] does not have any comparability.

Moreover, the opponent's body is not as full of malnutrition as [Fredos], and he looks extremely powerful, with exaggerated muscles, just like those strong men who have specially trained their body beauty in a bodybuilding competition. ...


  The look in the opponent's eyes is very fierce and impatient.

  Looking at [Fredos]’s gaze, it felt like seeing a disgusting poop.

   is full of disgust!

  In this regard, [Fredos] will not be angry, but feel that the other party is extremely sad...


   is different from [Fredos], who is only affected by a little spiritual imprint and still maintains an independent consciousness.

  As the slave supervisor's opponent, the mind and the three views have been completely distorted and modified by the [spiritual suckers].

  [Race] and [Life and Death] have become irrelevant.

  For her.

  [Spirit sucker]’s will is the command of the true god!


  Although she seems to live much better than [Fredos], in fact, she is worse than [Fredos].

  Even the individual consciousness is almost gone...

  "[Fredos], your task today is to dig 80 dans of stone!"

  Based on the character and memory set in advance by the [Spirit Sucker], between the words, she is also full of imperative tone.

  But [Fredos] didn’t dare to show any dissatisfaction, he could only straighten his waist, and said with a complimentary smile:

"Yes, I understand!"

   "I must complete the task!"

  In response, the [Jis Yankee] also nodded slightly satisfied.

"very good."

   "I hope you can do that and don't let me down."

   "Otherwise, you can feel better..."

   While talking.

  She also stroked the thorny whip pinned to her waist.

The meaning of    is also self-evident.

   is full of threats.

  However, both she and the guy who is being threatened by her thinks this is just something they take for granted.

  No one thinks there is something wrong.

  However, just when she was about to turn around and leave.

   Suddenly, from the corner of her eye, she saw [Fredos]'s hands full of mud and blood with a startling glance.

  The figure that was about to leave was also naturally stagnated. She interrogated severely:

   "What's the situation with your hand?"

  Not frightened by her tone, [Fredos] replied respectfully without thinking:

   "I wanted to catch a shooter to eat, but I accidentally fell into the gravel area. Fortunately, I supported my body with the palm of my hand, otherwise I guess the whole body will be scarred..."

   Say it.

  He also kicked the **** food at his feet that had not been eaten...

  Faced with this answer.

After the woman [Gith Yankee] frowned slightly, she looked at [Fredos] with a little disbelief, but she didn't see any signs of guilty conscience, so she could only do it again. Speak harshly:

   "I will assume for the time being you are telling the truth."

   "If you let me know that you lied, you are ready to enter the [breeding house]..."

  After speaking, he left the cave entrance without looking back.

  And the so-called [breeding house].

  As the name suggests, it is a place where the slaves belonging to the [spiritual sucker] specialize in thriving.

  It’s just that it’s not a place to be chic and enjoyable.

  It is like a place for breeding pigs to pair up.

  All the slaves, once in there.

   will be interrupted with arms and any attacking organs to prevent them from killing the cubs.

  And for the rest of your life, your mind will be completely destroyed.

  Become a living corpse with only instinct.

  As for their cubs, naturally they will be sent to various places to be cultivated according to the taste of each [spirit sucker].

   Spend the rest of your life like a domestic animal.

  Perhaps, you will not get out of the cage until you die...

  Compared to them, the hard work [Fredos] is doing now is more or less hopeful.

  At the very least, I have a little freedom, so I don’t live like a domesticated animal...

  So, face her intimidation.

  [Fredos] also subconsciously felt cold all over the body.

  Clear in mind.

  I really want to be discovered by the other party.

  It's not just oneself who has to suffer.

  His heirs will also live better than death from now on...

  (End of this chapter)

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